On August 12 2016 06:04 Raidern wrote: hey decaf what's your training schedule like? rugby/lifting, how often etc, how much do you sleep, study, these things if you dont mind answering obv
I work a regular job, approx 8am-5pm. I usually lift a few times a week during lunch for ~40 minutes. During rugby season I'll usually lift for a couple hours after work mon/wed and then i have rugby on tues/thurs. I occasionally get a workout in on tues or thurs before rugby as well. Rugby games are on saturdays, if I don't have a game I'll get a lift in. Sleep 6-8 hours a night, probably eat about 3-4000 calories a day.
Finally power cleaned 225/100 kg. And by power cleaned I mean "got mad and pulled it to about chest level then almost lost it by falling over backwards on the catch because the bar was moving faster than I expected"
On August 25 2016 23:59 decafchicken wrote: For the most part the fans don't care and realize 99% of lifters at the elite level are doping. IDK why the IWF is on such a tear lately.
What will happen to the records? do they get backtracked?
I think I would be more surprised to hear that an elite athlete (in any sport, not just a litter) was actually NOT on something than to hear that one failed a drug test.
On August 25 2016 23:59 decafchicken wrote: For the most part the fans don't care and realize 99% of lifters at the elite level are doping. IDK why the IWF is on such a tear lately.
What will happen to the records? do they get backtracked?
A friend of a friend (both female) came to work on my gym as a secretary on thursdays. She sent a voice message to my friend saying I have an incredible butt.
Been watching what I've been eating for a little over a month, combined with the Andy Dwyer diet of not drinking beer for a month* and I'm down 10 pounds, so I got that goin for me, which is nice.
i've been lifting all summer (more or less the starting strength basics, with a 2 day split, and now going MTu/ThF) and stuffing myself at every meal + eating random snacks, even junk food, but didn't gain any weight... 5'10 and 125 pounds soaking wet. I had some fitness goals but haven't been able to hit them really D:
rip being allergic to dairy, egg, nuts, fish, shellfish
I saw legitimate abs in the mirror for the first time today since tlhf 2010 probably. When in doubt just do 2 hours of sprinting 3x a week and lifting 3x a week and definition will come lol
On August 25 2016 23:59 decafchicken wrote: For the most part the fans don't care and realize 99% of lifters at the elite level are doping. IDK why the IWF is on such a tear lately.
i think there are always people who think X way and care about X thing differently to others. and if there is a living to be made there then people will make it. (and thats not mentioning the people who get "caught up" in a career, or the people who are purposely in it for the money). its always important to remember that out of 1000 people, some of them will adamantly believe the exact opposite thing to you
i've been smoking since TI, diet hasn't been too bad tho, gonna clean myself up again today
main meal has been chopped lettuce and tomatoes (stored in a big box) (tnx igne its amazing) with brown pickle, yellow pickle and pickled beetroot (don't need sauce/oil if you have pickle on everything, tho fucks knows what pickle is) with microwaved potatoes and eggs/pork/chicken
notably i whittled down my portions so i'm having more reasonably sized portions rather than over-indulging every meal like its my job. def starting to lose fat (long way to go)
I'm going to run a little bit as an experiment to see if that helps weight loss. I actually don't expect too much, but I hope it will get me into shape enough to play full games of basketball.