On November 15 2012 12:39 funkie wrote: Luxae, you're so fucking strong. Super jealous.
Super sets of: Pull Ups (8reps), Dips(10reps) and Hanging Leg Raise(15reps) x 4(sets).
Little to no rest between exercises and max 1min rest between sets (was taxing as fuck).
Front Squat: 3x5 100kg
Snatched 25kg for the first time ever. Focusing on technique. I got this shit! :D
Stay strong you all.
Today, funkie crossfitted.
Got my routine nailed down, at least until new years. Hopefully it puts me at my goals, and I can re evaluate where I need to go after that. Excited to start it tomorrow after exams.
First deadlift day in a month. Old max @ 135 kg was 9 reps new pr is 12 reps. Lower back feels pretty good. Also managed to close my new CoC 1,5 twice with both hands.
Had 270kg in also, but didnt have enough strength with me this time. So ill test on 270kg later on! Stay strong people!
That is so strong man! I really need to step my game up to try and keep up with you!
I finally did Good kroc rows with the 200lbs dumbbell. I was happy with that. Feels good to row more than 1x BW with one hand.
Thanks man, try 2x warm up sets 2sets with 5 reps. and 3reps til failure You will be increasing your strength there.
I'd never noticed, but is this how you structure most of your exercises?
It's what I'm doing for squats right now and I like it a lot, and it's something I've done with deadlifts before (taking the idea from jamie lewis @ chaos & pain.)
Had 270kg in also, but didnt have enough strength with me this time. So ill test on 270kg later on! Stay strong people!
That is so strong man! I really need to step my game up to try and keep up with you!
I finally did Good kroc rows with the 200lbs dumbbell. I was happy with that. Feels good to row more than 1x BW with one hand.
Thanks man, try 2x warm up sets 2sets with 5 reps. and 3reps til failure You will be increasing your strength there.
I'd never noticed, but is this how you structure most of your exercises?
It's what I'm doing for squats right now and I like it a lot, and it's something I've done with deadlifts before (taking the idea from jamie lewis @ chaos & pain.)
At the bench,squat and the deadlifts I do normally 1-2warm up sets, 2 heavier sets and then ill take 1-2 pretty much maxing the weights, in a good day I do 2-3 really heavy sets But to increase a lot of power it helps with that I wrote before
On November 15 2012 00:37 FFGenerations wrote: today:
7 hour mission to an open gym & back including a 15 minute walk, two 1hr20 bus journeys and a 30 minute standing wait
ohp 50kg 5-5-5-5-5 vegeta style, 40kg 10-8 with a slightly wider grip pclean 3 crap reps at 60kg before i bailed chinup fail lat pulldowns 5-7 sets dumbell grip hold fail
was supposed to be a quick session so i can get back and do a college assignment very pleased with ohp, my shoulders are really looking different lately (tho a lot of that is fat, i need to weigh myself soon!)
Why rape your wrists with dat dere form whilst you're at it. I think a lot of people like making up exercises to obscure their mediocrity. If you just Military Press, you know for a fact that untill you're pretty well over Bodyweight you're a lightweight. With the one handed half wit press you have no window of comparison.
In other news, feeling good about the 200kg pull that's coming up in two weeks.
Was gunna try for 285 but some guy was doing like 10 sets of squats (literally) so I did 5x10x225 deadlifts first and leg raises, so I didn't go for it this month. Still was happy since it was the first time doing it in a while.
45lb Chin-ups 3x5 aw yeah. Feeling pretty BA 120lb OHP 5,1,2 75lb Kroc rows 3x8
OHP is such a funny lift. Struggle for each 5 of the first set. Barely get 1 on the second set. Get 2 reps without a problem 3rd set, then hold the bar just above my head for 6-7 seconds. Feels good to move past the big plate in chin-ups though :D
On November 17 2012 09:11 mordek wrote: 45lb Chin-ups 3x5 aw yeah. Feeling pretty BA 120lb OHP 5,1,2 75lb Kroc rows 3x8
OHP is such a funny lift. Struggle for each 5 of the first set. Barely get 1 on the second set. Get 2 reps without a problem 3rd set, then hold the bar just above my head for 6-7 seconds. Feels good to move past the big plate in chin-ups though :D
probably coz you just knackered your arms doing chinups... i always do OHP first and chinups last. but then my chinups are always incredibly shit :|
also if i am dropping reps so quickly like 5-2-2 then i just drop the weight immediately. the whole point of going to the gym is to have a good workout, and i wont do that if im wasting on shitty 3- or 2-rep sets.
sometimes your endurance at higher weight is just shot, but if you drop it a bit you can still do a ton of reps&sets that are gonna work your body way better than a handful of shitty reps. example: 50kg 5-2, 45kg 5-5-5-5-5 <- a solid workout, way better than getting upset with a 5-2-3 and calling it a day without really doing anything useful just because you cant do what you "should" have been doing.
my mindset is never* "i *should* be doing *this* today" anymore. instead its "im going to work my muscles decently with whatever degree of weight & reps i'm able to do today - besides, doing 7 reps at 40kg or 3 reps at 50kg ? theyre both giving you a decent, useful workout either way"
*well, obviously you use this more as a last resort, stops you getting frustrated and reminds you to have a good workout rather than quit in a tizzy after a 5-2-2
On November 17 2012 09:11 mordek wrote: 45lb Chin-ups 3x5 aw yeah. Feeling pretty BA 120lb OHP 5,1,2 75lb Kroc rows 3x8
OHP is such a funny lift. Struggle for each 5 of the first set. Barely get 1 on the second set. Get 2 reps without a problem 3rd set, then hold the bar just above my head for 6-7 seconds. Feels good to move past the big plate in chin-ups though :D
probably coz you just knackered your arms doing chinups... i always do OHP first and chinups last. but then my chinups are always incredibly shit :|
also if i am dropping reps so quickly like 5-2-2 then i just drop the weight immediately. the whole point of going to the gym is to have a good workout, and i wont do that if im wasting on shitty 3- or 2-rep sets.
sometimes your endurance at higher weight is just shot, but if you drop it a bit you can still do a ton of reps&sets that are gonna work your body way better than a handful of shitty reps. example: 50kg 5-2, 45kg 5-5-5-5-5 <- a solid workout, way better than getting upset with a 5-2-3 and calling it a day without really doing anything useful just because you cant do what you "should" have been doing.
my mindset is never* "i *should* be doing *this* today" anymore. instead its "im going to work my muscles decently with whatever degree of weight & reps i'm able to do today - besides, doing 7 reps at 40kg or 3 reps at 50kg ? theyre both giving you a decent, useful workout either way"
*well, obviously you use this more as a last resort, stops you getting frustrated and reminds you to have a good workout rather than quit in a tizzy after a 5-2-2
i should go back to sleep instead of ranting lol
Well I finally got 115 3x5 on Monday so I had to give 120 a go I also don't change my routine much so Monday was chin-ups 3x5 at 42.5lb supersetted with my OHP. I think it's just he lift
On November 17 2012 12:35 funkie wrote: Back Squat: 20kg (empty bar), 60kg, 100kg, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 165kg x 1
125kg, 130, 135, 140, 145kg x 3 100kg x 1 x 10
Some bicep curls
Hanging leg raise: 15-15-15-15
Clean and jerk: 60kg x 2, 65kg x 2, 70kg x 2, 75kg, 80kg, 85kg, 90kg, 95kg (PR)
10 Dips just cause I didn't give a fuck anymore.
Awesome. Off to get shitfaced.
Why do you clean and jerk so little in relation to your back squat? I clean and jerk the same as you but my back squat max is 40kg less than yours. Technique? Low bar? Just wondering