Been struggling to keep my left knee good when squatting heavy and today I tweaked it. We'll see how it pulls up tomorrow. At the very least I'm going to be deloading and just hammering form over and over before upping the weight again. At worst I'll take a couple of weeks off, and come at the lift again with fresh eyes.
Bench was good. Gone backwards a bit because I've been ill. Deadlift was heavy, didn't have the bar close enough, so I'll watch that next time and hopefully get out the 5 reps.
Worked out in the morning due to scheduling stuff. Despite taking a while to warm up I still made a 3x5 PR Pull-ups 40lb 3x5 Bench 160lb 3x5 after deload And I did my first L-sit pull-up x2. I think I'll start working these too
Back Squat: 20kg (empty bar), 60kg, 100kg, 110kg, 120kg, 130kg, 140kg, 150kg, 165kg 125kg, 130kg, 135kg, 140kg, 145kg x 3 100kg x 1 x 10
C&J: 60kg x 2, 65kg x 2, 70kg x 2, 75kg x1, 80kg x 1
I can't wait to snatch again today, had a guy who did Oly Lifts when he was younger, he taught me snatch technique and is always there to check on my form. Life's been good these past few days .
On November 14 2012 22:13 mordek wrote: Worked out in the morning due to scheduling stuff. Despite taking a while to warm up I still made a 3x5 PR Pull-ups 40lb 3x5 Bench 160lb 3x5 after deload And I did my first L-sit pull-up x2. I think I'll start working these too
Those are murdering on the core. it's incredible hard, but once you get the "hang" of it, it starts to get really challenging too.
Fuck me, fucking army has potentially ruined my PRs. They just assassinated the top Hamas commander in the Gaza strip, so there a pretty big fucking chance that they'll be firing rockets during the night, which means my sleep is going to be fucked.
I'm debating whether I should take my chances and wait for tomorrow, or to just go tonight and see if I can make it work.
7 hour mission to an open gym & back including a 15 minute walk, two 1hr20 bus journeys and a 30 minute standing wait
ohp 50kg 5-5-5-5-5 vegeta style, 40kg 10-8 with a slightly wider grip pclean 3 crap reps at 60kg before i bailed chinup fail lat pulldowns 5-7 sets dumbell grip hold fail
was supposed to be a quick session so i can get back and do a college assignment very pleased with ohp, my shoulders are really looking different lately (tho a lot of that is fat, i need to weigh myself soon!)
On November 15 2012 00:30 Luxae wrote: Fuck me, fucking army has potentially ruined my PRs. They just assassinated the top Hamas commander in the Gaza strip, so there a pretty big fucking chance that they'll be firing rockets during the night, which means my sleep is going to be fucked.
I'm debating whether I should take my chances and wait for tomorrow, or to just go tonight and see if I can make it work.
On November 15 2012 00:30 Luxae wrote: Fuck me, fucking army has potentially ruined my PRs. They just assassinated the top Hamas commander in the Gaza strip, so there a pretty big fucking chance that they'll be firing rockets during the night, which means my sleep is going to be fucked.
I'm debating whether I should take my chances and wait for tomorrow, or to just go tonight and see if I can make it work.
On November 15 2012 00:30 Luxae wrote: Fuck me, fucking army has potentially ruined my PRs. They just assassinated the top Hamas commander in the Gaza strip, so there a pretty big fucking chance that they'll be firing rockets during the night, which means my sleep is going to be fucked.
I'm debating whether I should take my chances and wait for tomorrow, or to just go tonight and see if I can make it work.
Rockets being fired, worried about PR's.
Like a mu'fuckin BOSS.
fuck yeh. tl health and fitness represent. #madRespect
On November 15 2012 00:30 Luxae wrote: Fuck me, fucking army has potentially ruined my PRs. They just assassinated the top Hamas commander in the Gaza strip, so there a pretty big fucking chance that they'll be firing rockets during the night, which means my sleep is going to be fucked.
I'm debating whether I should take my chances and wait for tomorrow, or to just go tonight and see if I can make it work.
Hahaha fucking excellent. Luxae is going to end the war and then unite the world under lifting.
lol, much appreciated guys. I ended up taking a few caffeine pills and hitting the gym. Had to dodge a few rockets on the way back though lol.
Squat 1x3 60, 95, 115, 135, 1x1 155, 170, 185kg PR, 1x2 170kg PR - Lost tension in the bottom on the heavy set but still managed to get it done. Pretty confident about 190kg next week, considering it should happen under much better circumstances. BP 1x5 55, 65, 1x3 80, 1x2 92.5 (paused reps), 1x1F 107.5kg, 1x1 100kg, 1x3 80 (paused reps) - I'll try that again next week, might have just failed because of the lack of proper recovery for this one. Shrugs 1x5 60, 100, 140, 1x3 160, 180, 2x3 140 - mixed grip wasn't strong enough for 200kg, though that might have been because of the Deadlift yesterday. Everything but the 180kg was normal grip.
Edit: Just realized 185kg is 405lbs. a 400lbs + squat has been a goal of mine every since I started training, so that's pretty big for me!
squat and bench session last night. Box squats (in kg's) 140*6, 160*6, 180*4, 190*1.5 (bailed out on second rep), 170*6, 140*6, 100*10. Was really stoked - I've watched some of the suggested youtube vids from this thread. Tweaked my form and have been working more on my core too. Current 1RM is 200kg but I think I could manage 210, maybe even 220 if I was firing on all cylinders.
Rocking new technique on bench too - again thanks to advice from guys in this thread. 60*8, 100*6, 100*6, 100*6, 60*10 - still getting used to the wider grip and a more structured setup before the lift. But it's going well and has totally taken pressure off my shoulders.
Seeing my PT to get a new programme sorted. Keen to increase training tempo as we head into summer!
I finished the program I was following, gonna do things more loosely at least for a while. Pendlay wrote some articles about programming in his blog and he basically just tells you to snatch, clean and jerk and squat haha. It's a good read.
Worked up to 60kg snatch for 4 singles. It was different, I felt that "swoosh" you feel when you pull under the bar quickly. I normally feel it on and off during attempts but today it was really consistent. Worked up to 85kg C&J for 3 singles. 3 sets of 70kg clean+2 hang clean below knee+jerk. FS 90kg 2x5 95kg 4x
I'm really confident about hitting 100kg C&J before the end of the year. gogogo funkie mode
On November 15 2012 05:58 Donkeys wrote: I finished the program I was following, gonna do things more loosely at least for a while. Pendlay wrote some articles about programming in his blog and he basically just tells you to snatch, clean and jerk and squat haha. It's a good read.
Worked up to 60kg snatch for 4 singles. It was different, I felt that "swoosh" you feel when you pull under the bar quickly. I normally feel it on and off during attempts but today it was really consistent. Worked up to 85kg C&J for 3 singles. 3 sets of 70kg clean+2 hang clean below knee+jerk. FS 90kg 2x5 95kg 4x
I'm really confident about hitting 100kg C&J before the end of the year. gogogo funkie mode
I just read about those yesterday on, but I hadn't checked them out - just bookmarked to read later. good to know it's worth reading, gives me something to look forward to after I finish my exams T_T