Had to lift at a crossfit today but still had a good lift, hit 275/315 with close misses at 285/325. Six days out from competition. Some guys little daughter came over and told me I did good it was adorable lol. Been lifting with the mindset that there is no bar and it's helping my technique a lot.
Jesus Christ easy lift gotunk. I'll try to beat it on Monday or next week after the American open.
On November 25 2012 00:11 ShadeR wrote: On the quest for 3 plates. Pulling 2 and a half.
Gloves and hat. Ban IMO. Jk nice lift, you'll hit three in no time.
OHP day today. Scheduled to save a few reps in the tank so I was thinking of doing my rep record minus 2 reps @ 60kg. I barely managed to perform the planned reps. Shit felt really heavy for some reason. Been like this with all the lifts the entire week.
After that I did: pullups, 4x4 rope pull ups, fat bar shrugs, rear delt flies, dips, arm-work
wed bench 80kg 6-5-5 dead 100kg 5-5-5 pulldowns, curl, holds, 5kg delt raise
fri dead tired, cop-out session (stayed up all night fucking around) ohp 40kg 10-10-10 pulldowns, curls, 5kg delt raise (left shoulder fucked up could barely manage the 5kg & ohp)
this coming monday...! : bench is supposed to be at least 80kg 6-6-6 deadlift 110+ shoulder hopefully healed (will find out by doing delt raises). i was trying to heal my shoulder by lying "over" whenever i wanted to lie on my side (instead of lying "on" it) it but it looks like that wasnt working - have to completely lie on my back 100% of the time now annnnnnnnd finally start squatting again (will probably start with the bar or like 40kg and with totally different aka correct technique even if it means i cant do jack shit weight-wise or depth-wise)
Feeling strong as fuck lately. Gonna bump up my calories by about 500 for the last 9 days, not have sex/masturbate for the two days leading up to it and then pop a pre-workout. After that, it's 200kg deadlift time. Can't believe I've almost progressed 160kg on my deadlift in less than 18 months. Many thanks to all.
But ofcourse I'm gonna pull that motherfucker. I have a tendency to channel my anger really well under pressure, so it should be okay. 190 3 weeks ago felt pretty easy.
Squat triples, 155-225lbs making 10 lb jumps each set, then 3x5 @ 185lbs Seated OHP 95x5 105x5 105x3 95x3 85x5 Shrugs 135,185,205,225,245 x5 then 3x5 @ 265 with straps Tricep Extensions 4x20 @ 50 lbs
was going to do standing ohp - after 39 squats, I was too tired, so I did them seated. When I got up to do shrugs my legs were still shaking, and they're so pumped right now that they aren't fitting my pants. It was probably too much in hindsight, but I felt really good, so I did it anyway. Had a hell of a time stabilizing the OHP. I could have put 105 up in the air for three sets of five, but I couldn't keep it in the air while I took a breath in between reps and almost dropped it on my head. Will go back to standing next time, and that should resolve itself.
Read something at the end of a recent chaos and pain article about leg/glute/erector imbalances pulling the squat to one side. Took a video and, sure enough I drift heavily to my left leg on heavy squats - my right SI is the shitty one. Goign to work on correcting that, see if it strengthens the area.
Shrugs and tricep extensions just for "why the hell not". I am going to hurt all over tomorrow.
On November 26 2012 12:23 phyre112 wrote: Read something at the end of a recent chaos and pain article about leg/glute/erector imbalances pulling the squat to one side. Took a video and, sure enough I drift heavily to my left leg on heavy squats - my right SI is the shitty one. Goign to work on correcting that, see if it strengthens the area.
Yep, I noticed the exact same thing for my squat. Let me know what you plan on doing to correct it.
Too long of a break from the gym, excited to go after work
Squat day. felt like superman today. 7 reps @ 120 kg new pr. then 5x5 @ 100kg then 3 unassisted natural GHR. then 10x3 assisted GHRs calves, wendlers ab circuit and then back raises
On November 26 2012 12:23 phyre112 wrote: Read something at the end of a recent chaos and pain article about leg/glute/erector imbalances pulling the squat to one side. Took a video and, sure enough I drift heavily to my left leg on heavy squats - my right SI is the shitty one. Goign to work on correcting that, see if it strengthens the area.
Yep, I noticed the exact same thing for my squat. Let me know what you plan on doing to correct it.
Too long of a break from the gym, excited to go after work
Just going to copy the paragraph from chaos and pain here -
chaosanpain.blogspot.com : If your squat is stuck, have someone look at it from the front or back, rather than the side. Nearly every time I’ve seen someone with a squat that is truly stuck, it’s the result of one thing- their weight is improperly distributed between their legs. You can see this from the front because their ass will gravitate toward one side or the other. There’s a very simple way to fix this- make a conscious effort to force your ass to the other side as you squat. It will feel incredibly unnatural at first, but if you feel like you’re forcing your ass so far to the other side that you’re in danger of falling over like a drunk chick at the aforementioned spear bar, your ass is probably dead center. Keep working that for a couple of weeks and then have someone recheck it. Within a month, your squat will be up and you won’t have to worry about your weight distribution again. This is usually a problem with new trainees and people who’ve had a lower back or lower body injury.
On November 26 2012 12:23 phyre112 wrote: Read something at the end of a recent chaos and pain article about leg/glute/erector imbalances pulling the squat to one side. Took a video and, sure enough I drift heavily to my left leg on heavy squats - my right SI is the shitty one. Goign to work on correcting that, see if it strengthens the area.
Yep, I noticed the exact same thing for my squat. Let me know what you plan on doing to correct it.
Too long of a break from the gym, excited to go after work
Just going to copy the paragraph from chaos and pain here -
chaosanpain.blogspot.com : If your squat is stuck, have someone look at it from the front or back, rather than the side. Nearly every time I’ve seen someone with a squat that is truly stuck, it’s the result of one thing- their weight is improperly distributed between their legs. You can see this from the front because their ass will gravitate toward one side or the other. There’s a very simple way to fix this- make a conscious effort to force your ass to the other side as you squat. It will feel incredibly unnatural at first, but if you feel like you’re forcing your ass so far to the other side that you’re in danger of falling over like a drunk chick at the aforementioned spear bar, your ass is probably dead center. Keep working that for a couple of weeks and then have someone recheck it. Within a month, your squat will be up and you won’t have to worry about your weight distribution again. This is usually a problem with new trainees and people who’ve had a lower back or lower body injury.
Hmm so continue squatting just make a conscious effort to make it dead center. If this does the trick I will be in your debt!
I've been focusing on pushing my knees out a lot more as i descend and it's been helping a lot. Been able to use my inter thighs a lot more to create more torque when i bounce out of the bottom. I guess this applies more to olympic style squatting though.
On November 27 2012 02:22 decafchicken wrote: I've been focusing on pushing my knees out a lot more as i descend and it's been helping a lot. Been able to use my inter thighs a lot more to create more torque when i bounce out of the bottom. I guess this applies more to olympic style squatting though.
It just helps everyone who is trying to squat more
It seems I may have finally injured myself. My right knee has been aching all week, pretty much when ever I sit for too long and in the morning after I wake up. I can't really see a doctor about it any time soon, so I'm hoping narrowing my stance and bringing my toes more forward in the squat will elevate some of the pressure off the area.
Hi people, havent been squatting for a while about 2-2.5 months... Got 220kg today, and I did work on my form but u guys can check it out. This is me from todays squat 200kg:
I know I am using knee-wraps, but I did already like 30reps before i maxed tt.
On November 28 2012 07:46 extr3me wrote: Hi people, havent been squatting for a while about 2-2.5 months... Got 220kg today, and I did work on my form but u guys can check it out. This is me from todays squat 200kg:
On November 27 2012 20:09 Luxae wrote: Today: Squat 1x3 60, 95, 115, 125, 3x2 140kg - shoulder width stance. Press 1x3 45, 55, 1x1 70, 1x2 65, 1x3 60kg Sumo DL 1x3 60, 1x2 100, 1x1 130, 160kg Curls with EZ curl bar 1x8 bar+22.5, 3x5 bar + 32.5kg Power Shrugs 1x3 60, 100, 140, 160, 2x3 185kg
It seems I may have finally injured myself. My right knee has been aching all week, pretty much when ever I sit for too long and in the morning after I wake up. I can't really see a doctor about it any time soon, so I'm hoping narrowing my stance and bringing my toes more forward in the squat will elevate some of the pressure off the area.
as a constantly injured individual i'd have to chime in with some advice. stop squatting if it hurts or change something so it doesn't hurt. i swear i've had like 4 different overuse injuries in the past 7 months.
i know it sounds intuitive, don't do what hurts etc but if you are as stubborn as I am that advice really can go far...