On July 28 2012 00:33 APurpleCow wrote: I weighed 180, cut for a few months down to 165, took me a while since it was my first real cut and I wasn't entirely sure how to do it at first.
Started bulking and took creatine for the first time three weeks ago. Just weighed myself, I'm up 20 pounds at 185. Been lifting six days a week.
Am I eating too much...?
What are your goals? What does lifting six days a week look like for you? I mean if you are putting on muscle and gained 20 lbs 3 weeks I'd be jealous...
Just trying to gain strength. Did smolov+5/3/1BBB for OHP and bench on two of the three off days.
Definitely wasn't 20 pounds of muscle. I know that's beyond impossible.
Haven't really noticed much of a difference in appearance, but I didn't take a picture before I started and I think I was in the 13% body fat range, just before abs start to appear, where it's hard to notice a small gain in body fat levels.
How much water weight could creatine put on?
I'll try to keep close track of how much I eat today.
On July 28 2012 00:33 APurpleCow wrote: I weighed 180, cut for a few months down to 165, took me a while since it was my first real cut and I wasn't entirely sure how to do it at first.
Started bulking and took creatine for the first time three weeks ago. Just weighed myself, I'm up 20 pounds at 185. Been lifting six days a week.
Am I eating too much...?
What are your goals? What does lifting six days a week look like for you? I mean if you are putting on muscle and gained 20 lbs 3 weeks I'd be jealous...
Just trying to gain strength. Did smolov+5/3/1BBB for OHP and bench on two of the three off days.
Definitely wasn't 20 pounds of muscle. I know that's beyond impossible.
Haven't really noticed much of a difference in appearance, but I didn't take a picture before I started and I think I was in the 13% body fat range, just before abs start to appear, where it's hard to notice a small gain in body fat levels.
How much water weight could creatine put on?
I'll try to keep close track of how much I eat today.
If you're bulking and your lifts are going up steady sounds like it's working as intended? If you don't like the appearance after adding twenty pounds probably a diet thing.
Can I just say, if you don't know how to actively tighten your core, learn how to do it and then do it in between every rep of your squats. Seriously, everyone always says tighten your core, but I never figured out how to do it until the physio explained it to me. Today's squats (137.5kg 3x5) were the squats with the best technique I've had in months and it felt great. It was fucking hard, but I never felt like I'd fall forward, the only question was if my legs had the strength to move me up and down.
Question about 5RM - 1RM correlation: My squat 5RM is 325, 1RM is 375. My DL 5RM is 395, 1RM is 430. What accounts for the larger absolute difference (50 lbs vs. 35 lbs) between the squat RMs and the deadlift RMs? If anything, shouldn't the difference in RMs be greater for my deadlift?
Daaaaaayum GoTunk! Congrats man, you are a beastly man.
Today: morning - worked on my jerk since it sucks. and klokov press 45kg 8,6,5 afternoon - squat singles up to 145kg, missed 150kg. triples 105 115 120 125. speed 95kg 2x5. chin ups BW 6,5,5,5,5,5
Very nice raw lift Gotunk. I was wondering why you went down from your 202.5kg PR, but I just looked at that video and I see it was with a belt, so that's a pretty big increase.
Beef Stew cans from my local grocery store are my favorite staple go-to lunch/dinner/fuckitbreakfast item ever. 600cals 30g fat, 30g protein, 51g carbs NOMNOMNOMNOM DELICIOUS EAT EVERYTHING AFLWKN
And i'm going to.buy a pair of shoes in the next week. if these come out cheaper than the adds i'm going to have a tough choice.... but the adidas ARE my school colors!
@Apurplecow yeah, you're probably eating too much. give it five pounds for the sodium/carb increase coming off a cut, and MAX five pounds from creatine and you're still gaining three pounds a week, which is ridiculous without foods. cut back unless you want to have to cut again. i've used creatine three separate times and.never gained more than 5lbs.
On July 28 2012 00:33 APurpleCow wrote: I weighed 180, cut for a few months down to 165, took me a while since it was my first real cut and I wasn't entirely sure how to do it at first.
Started bulking and took creatine for the first time three weeks ago. Just weighed myself, I'm up 20 pounds at 185. Been lifting six days a week.
Am I eating too much...?
It's normal to jump up a lot in weight when transitioning from a diet to a bulk. Most if it will be water, especially since you are taking creatine. It's very hard to say if you are eating too much with just one datapoint. IMO, you should count what you are actually eating and monitor your bodyweight now regularly since it should have stabilized more.
On July 28 2012 00:33 APurpleCow wrote: I weighed 180, cut for a few months down to 165, took me a while since it was my first real cut and I wasn't entirely sure how to do it at first.
Started bulking and took creatine for the first time three weeks ago. Just weighed myself, I'm up 20 pounds at 185. Been lifting six days a week.
Am I eating too much...?
What are your goals? What does lifting six days a week look like for you? I mean if you are putting on muscle and gained 20 lbs 3 weeks I'd be jealous...
Just trying to gain strength. Did smolov+5/3/1BBB for OHP and bench on two of the three off days.
Definitely wasn't 20 pounds of muscle. I know that's beyond impossible.
Haven't really noticed much of a difference in appearance, but I didn't take a picture before I started and I think I was in the 13% body fat range, just before abs start to appear, where it's hard to notice a small gain in body fat levels.
How much water weight could creatine put on?
I'll try to keep close track of how much I eat today.
If your cut was low carb, and your bulk is moderate-high carb, the combination of that change plus the creatine can actually be a pretty wicked amount(glycogen restoration will add weight on it's own, then it also increases the amount of water retained, which the creatine then does more of). People who do harsh cuts to make weight in certain competitions can easily be 10+lbs over that weight the next day, let alone 3 weeks later.
FUUUCK gym is closed after 18:00 on saturday. Was planning on going yesterday but had to work a 13 hour shift. Then when I finally managed to drag my lazy ass off the computer gym was closed, FUCK ME.
Gonna start owning shit up again, eating enough and doing my recovery work. I think I'll switch back to a harder program aswell, can anybody give me recommendations? ATM I'm on 5/3/1 with BBB assesory work. I wanna add mass and strength, with an emphasis on strength.
On July 28 2012 06:39 Daigomi wrote: Can I just say, if you don't know how to actively tighten your core, learn how to do it and then do it in between every rep of your squats. Seriously, everyone always says tighten your core, but I never figured out how to do it until the physio explained it to me. Today's squats (137.5kg 3x5) were the squats with the best technique I've had in months and it felt great. It was fucking hard, but I never felt like I'd fall forward, the only question was if my legs had the strength to move me up and down.
wanna elaborate a little?
pulling your shoulder-blades together like hardcore really helps too. in the past i was just pulling them together a bit and getting under. but either my mobility got a bit better or i pulled tighter and its a big help.
On July 28 2012 06:39 Daigomi wrote: Can I just say, if you don't know how to actively tighten your core, learn how to do it and then do it in between every rep of your squats. Seriously, everyone always says tighten your core, but I never figured out how to do it until the physio explained it to me. Today's squats (137.5kg 3x5) were the squats with the best technique I've had in months and it felt great. It was fucking hard, but I never felt like I'd fall forward, the only question was if my legs had the strength to move me up and down.
wanna elaborate a little?
pulling your shoulder-blades together like hardcore really helps too. in the past i was just pulling them together a bit and getting under. but either my mobility got a bit better or i pulled tighter and its a big help.
I'm not sure if I can explain this properly, but this is how the physio explained it to me.
If you place your fingers on your hip bones, move them 2cm towards your belly button and 2-3cm towards your toes, your fingers should be one one of your core muscles (not sure which one, maybe someone can clarify?). Push down lightly. When you try to push your belly button towards your back (don't suck it in, it shoudln't really move just tighten), you'll feel the muscles under your fingers flex which means your core muscles are tightened.
I had to exercise that until I could keep them tight for 10 seconds while breathing normally. Now in between each rep with squats, I push my belly button back to tighten those muscles. As a result, everything just feels much more stable. I uploaded a video a week back of 125kg 3x5 squats, and by the fourth and fifth reps, I was starting to lean forward a bit. With my core tightened yesterday, I squatted 137.5kg 3x5 and never felt close to leaning forward. Everything just went up and down the way it was supposed to. I almost got stuck under the bar because my legs were failing at the end of the third set, but my back stayed tight.
On July 28 2012 08:34 MeShiet wrote: Hooly shit GoTunk! Epic fight against that forward lean. Did you always squat without a belt?
I always squat raw, unless I'm practicing for a meeting. When I add the wraps I add the belt as I'm squatting more weight on my back.
@Daigomi the 202.5 was belt+wraps, they add like 20kg together. I did regress a bit after it, but now I'm stronger than before and 1kg lighter.
Looking foward to train 6x a week and gain even more muscle and get even leaner
You know I fucking hate you, don't you?
So proud of you hitting that 190kg at 77kg lol. You're 1kg heavier than me, but you lift 30kg more than me . I can probably do, 170kg x 1, but still, holy shit bro, congrats!
Yesterday's workout:
Front Squat: 60kg, 80kg, 90kg, 100kg, 110kg, 120kg, 130kg 95kg, 100kg, 105kg, 110kg, 120kg, x 3 70kg x 2 x 5
Snatch: a stupid amount of singles with the bar only. 30kg x 3 x 2 40kg x 2 x 2 (this is where form fucked up lol).
Did some snatch grip presses too.
Bench press: 60kg x 3 x 10
I'm pumped for squatting on monday again, I have a new goal now. Squat 190kg x 1 by the end of the year, have a video of it, and make GoTunk and my coach decaf proud.
And i'm going to.buy a pair of shoes in the next week. if these come out cheaper than the adds i'm going to have a tough choice.... but the adidas ARE my school colors!
They look cool from far away, but after seeing the picture. I think they look like they used to be a pair of white shoes until someone with a yellow highlighter and a lot of time got through them. Also, the only place I saw that's selling them says they're going for $219.00.