Can you guys check my form? The angle is not the best because I had to rest my mobile against some wall so the camera would capture me. Too introverted to ask someone in the gym I've never talked to to do this.
deadlift (pr)
squat (2kg shy of pr, only 2 reps because I wasn't even "supposed" to squat yesterday, just wanted to record the video). Surprised at how easy it seemed compared to the 2 months ago (I had to reset Squat due to annoying pain in my glute)
I think on deadlifts I could use my hamstrings more? Like I noticed that I barely bend my legs on the negative movement. Also I'm not sure whether or not I'm rounding my lower back.
Nothing caught my attention in the squat, but that's because I have a terrible eye.
DL: it looks like you're lifting your ass up before the bar leaves the ground so you're almost doing a Romanian deadlift. Keep your butt down and try to maintain your back angle until the bar clears your knees. Squat: it's hard to tell much from that angle. Maybe try a slightly angled video next time.
DL: What infinity said. Also, you seem to not be locking out properly at the top. Make sure you straighten everything once you get to the top. From the video it looks like your chest is still leaning forward.
Squat: Second rep it looks like your chest falls forward a bit at the bottom of the rep, i.e. you reach the point where you should start moving up and then your chest moves down a bit more while your ass stays still. Not massive and not very clear from this angle, but that's what it looks like to me.
I just came back from squatting 135kg 3x5. Only two sessions of 3x5 left to go before I'm back to RPT. Hopefully I don't die before then :p Also did 170kg deadlift with a focus on keeping my back from rounding. Got two reps done but they absolutely exhausted me.
On July 24 2012 04:41 Risen wrote: Happy birthday Eshlow. Want to take this opportunity to thank everyone here for being so damn awesome and inspiring me to start lifting. Took a waitress (I left my number on the back of a receipt lolol check my TL blog if you want details or whatever) out on a date and to see TDKR and it was sick awesome. She was holding my upper arms the entire time I was like yeeeeee (Even though I haven't done anything other than bench/OHP/pullups/dips). Ahhhhhhhh... I'm turning into a social butterfly or some shit. Or a dragon. Social dragons are cooler than butterflies right? :D
Btw, just quoting this to have everyone read RIsen's blog. The guy is a fucking boss. LIKE A BOSS.
Thanks guys. I'll put emphasis on fixing the deadlift and record a better squat video. I wish I had someone else in my gym who deadlifts often
In brazil we call the deadlift -> "levantamento terra", which is something like "earth lift", where "earth" obviously plays the role of "dead". One of the instructors in my gym saw me when I was setting up and asked me if I was going to "earth squat" ..... ........
On July 24 2012 04:41 Risen wrote: Happy birthday Eshlow. Want to take this opportunity to thank everyone here for being so damn awesome and inspiring me to start lifting. Took a waitress (I left my number on the back of a receipt lolol check my TL blog if you want details or whatever) out on a date and to see TDKR and it was sick awesome. She was holding my upper arms the entire time I was like yeeeeee (Even though I haven't done anything other than bench/OHP/pullups/dips). Ahhhhhhhh... I'm turning into a social butterfly or some shit. Or a dragon. Social dragons are cooler than butterflies right? :D
Btw, just quoting this to have everyone read RIsen's blog. The guy is a fucking boss. LIKE A BOSS.
On July 26 2012 00:04 Raidern wrote: Thanks guys. I'll put emphasis on fixing the deadlift and record a better squat video. I wish I had someone else in my gym who deadlifts often
In brazil we call the deadlift -> "levantamento terra", which is something like "earth lift", where "earth" obviously plays the role of "dead". One of the instructors in my gym saw me when I was setting up and asked me if I was going to "earth squat" ..... ........
what is the cause of rising hips in a deadlift? is it a flexibility, form, or strength issue? i know i do it on my heavy sets, and a lot of people do it. i'm assuming it's because of weak legs/glutes?
On July 26 2012 07:40 shawster wrote: what is the cause of rising hips in a deadlift? is it a flexibility, form, or strength issue?
Form and strength. If you look at the second rep, he actually doesn't raise his hips much there. That's because they start in the correct position. As such, he could probably fix his deadlift by just going through Rippetoe's video on the deadlift and fixing his form a bit. On the other hand, when your back muscles aren't strong enough to keep your back tight, your legs straighten without the bar being lifted, causing your hips to rise (and your back to round). That's a strength problem.
EDIT: Actually, I'm not sure now if it's the back muscles or leg muscles that cause your hips to raise. I've looked at my reps where my back rounded, and my hips don't really raise.
On July 25 2012 05:03 Froadac wrote: Physical therapy mostly stretching atm. Sort of frustrating that they are so conservative tho.
Frustrating, sure, but I wouldn't get too down about it. I'd say a slightly longer recovery time with a more conservative approach is the preferable alternative to something more aggressive, and therefore risky. You've got years ahead of you to go all beastmode on us, young blood! There's no rush when your health is at stake.
Last night was the toughest (mentally) workout I've experienced in a long time. Only got about five hours' sleep the previous night, and I'm one of those people with a LOW tolerance to sleep deprivation. Wasn't feeling 100% by any means, but decided to go for it anyways, not wanting to deal with the regret and shame I always feel from skipping a workout.
3x5 squat @ 325 lbs: I did this last week with very little difficulty, but grinding through the same sets at the same weight this week was incredibly hard. On each set, felt totally gassed after the second rep, and had to fight a mental battle trying to convince myself that I had three more in me. Spent what felt like HOURS straining against my sticking point on the last few reps. I think I freaked out a family over by the dumbells with my screams of desperation
5/4/3 bench press @ 215 lbs: numbers are just a guess, because my spotters sucked, lol. The last guy was yanking the bar if I slowed down at all on the way up. So annoying. I'll have to give this another try tomorrow.
1x5 deadlift @ 395 lbs: managed to get all the reps, but rounding in my low back was ridiculous. Felt so weak, like I couldn't resist the rounding at all. Thinking of going for a 1RM tomorrow to redeem myself, lol.
Overall, even though I literally wanted to die by the end of the workout to make the pain stop, I'm proud of having pushed myself through it and proving to myself a certain level of mental toughness. This workout dedicated to the following quote:
"Indeed, the essence of strength does not lie in the muscles, but in thought, just as the strength of a locomotive is found in the steam, rather than the wheels." -Maxick
On July 25 2012 05:03 Froadac wrote: Physical therapy mostly stretching atm. Sort of frustrating that they are so conservative tho.
Frustrating, sure, but I wouldn't get too down about it. I'd say a slightly longer recovery time with a more conservative approach is the preferable alternative to something more aggressive, and therefore risky. You've got years ahead of you to go all beastmode on us, young blood! There's no rush when your health is at stake.
Last night was the toughest (mentally) workout I've experienced in a long time. Only got about five hours' sleep the previous night, and I'm one of those people with a LOW tolerance to sleep deprivation. Wasn't feeling 100% by any means, but decided to go for it anyways, not wanting to deal with the regret and shame I always feel from skipping a workout.
3x5 squat @ 325 lbs: I did this last week with very little difficulty, but grinding through the same sets at the same weight this week was incredibly hard. On each set, felt totally gassed after the second rep, and had to fight a mental battle trying to convince myself that I had three more in me. Spent what felt like HOURS straining against my sticking point on the last few reps. I think I freaked out a family over by the dumbells with my screams of desperation
5/4/3 bench press @ 215 lbs: numbers are just a guess, because my spotters sucked, lol. The last guy was yanking the bar if I slowed down at all on the way up. So annoying. I'll have to give this another try tomorrow.
1x5 deadlift @ 395 lbs: managed to get all the reps, but rounding in my low back was ridiculous. Felt so weak, like I couldn't resist the rounding at all. Thinking of going for a 1RM tomorrow to redeem myself, lol.
Overall, even though I literally wanted to die by the end of the workout to make the pain stop, I'm proud of having pushed myself through it and proving to myself a certain level of mental toughness. This workout dedicated to the following quote:
"Indeed, the essence of strength does not lie in the muscles, but in thought, just as the strength of a locomotive is found in the steam, rather than the wheels." -Maxick
Very nice session. Your squats sound exactly like my squats today. First rep is tough but I can do it, second set the bar starts slowing down. From the thrd rep on I get stuck in my sticking point and I grunt like a cheap prostitute with each rep. After three reps of pain, I'm done with my first set
Also, if your back is rounding on your 5RM, is doing a 1RM a good idea? :p
fuck you skinny dumb fucks who have "6 packs" and think they're the shit because they do so. I'd take anyone of all of your fucking kind on a one on one and tear your shit up without breaking a sweat.
good day at the gym:
Front Squat: 20kg, 50kg, 80kg, 90kg, 100kg, 110kg, 120kg, 130kg 90kg, 95kg, 100kg, 105kg, 115kg 80kg x 2 x 5
Bench press: 75kg x 3 x 5 Chinups: 3x8 1x10 @ 77kg BW
Tried snatching with the bar and it feels somewhat weird, I think I just have to get used to, it's fun as hell too. I'll get a video up soon and check on form before I add any weight to the bar.
fuck you skinny dumb fucks who have "6 packs" and think they're the shit because they do so. I'd take anyone of all of your fucking kind on a one on one and tear your shit up without breaking a sweat.
For a long time, I was that kid. I was a runner, and I was unhealthily thin, but i thought I was in awesome shape because I could run forever (longest run I ever did was 18 miles in ~2 hours iirc). When I found this thread, I thought I would be awesome at lifting after only a little while. Turns out that years later, (will be two years in exactly one month) I'm barely better than "mediocre" but at least I'm aware of how far I have to go, and I've found something I really love doing.
Even if they think they're the shit, all you have to do is laugh to yourself, because they don't know how wrong they are.
fuck you skinny dumb fucks who have "6 packs" and think they're the shit because they do so. I'd take anyone of all of your fucking kind on a one on one and tear your shit up without breaking a sweat.
Tried snatching with the bar and it feels somewhat weird, I think I just have to get used to, it's fun as hell too. I'll get a video up soon and check on form before I add any weight to the bar.
If it makes you feel any better, I was one of those guys who used to think having a 6 pack was awesome. Too bad I weighed in at a whopping 59kg at 175cm. Now I know better and actually can't stand the fact that I can still see my ribs.
As for snatching, definitely get some videos asap. I've learned the hard way that the longer you go on developing bad habits, the harder it'll be to fix them down the road. Also, if you haven't fallen on your ass yet, you're missing out.