On June 28 2012 13:42 GoTuNk! wrote: Getting ready for smolov. Purchased a foam roller, but the best fish oil pills I can find have 600 EPA+DHA. is it ok to get them and pop 5 pills a day? (Thats recomended dosage right?)
As someone who absolutely hates high volume, I'm always curious when people decide to run one of the extremely high volume programs. Are you running Smolov because you're stuck or trying to peak for a meet? I really can't imagine someone going through it just for the fun of it.
I need to gain weight and its just so time efficient its ridic. Last time was 20kg in 3 weeks and 4 days; if I can get 15kg I'll be damn happy now. Traditional power cycles deliver like 10kg every 8 weeks or something.
Did you end up retaining all/most of that gain following the cycle? I'm asking because the other Smolov related experiences all seemed to indicate a drop in the lift numbers after they peaked with the cycle.
I don't understand how the number would then drop.
The way I understood it is that Smolov tends to "peak" you for a certain time period, after which you get some sort of drop in your lift due to fatigue or the return to a much lower volume of training.
Depending on your size, if you don't put at least 2 pounds of leg muscles doing smolov you are doing something wrong. Today going for 147.5x5x3. If I can do that, I'll use 175kg as my 1RM for smolov. Yeah I lost some of the progress cause I did the full thing plus I stopped squatting a month+cut 2kg. I wont make any of those mistakes, actually I'm sure if I switch to something that involves working up to a heavy single I weel keep making progress :p. Will still cut again though :p
Jeez i gotta get my shit together before extreme starts smashing my PRs!! I've got to re-up my deadlift once i have time to recover (2 weeks perhaps?) and i'm pushing my back squat everyday. I smashed 198 and went for 202 twice but missed it real close both times :-/ Are you doing low bar or high bar?
I am doing high bar, havent really tested out low bar yet. I havent been really worked on my squats for so long either, about 3 weeks from now I think.
Yeah bottom will be heaviest, the force needed to raise it will vary with Sinϑ, where ϑ is the angle between tyre and floor.
Also, you went from 170kg to 200kg in like a week?! Are you on steroids? Haha, impressive gain.
Haha, no I am not on roids/juice. Alot of people here in this town thinks I do it, but I dont like roids at all so this is all natural. Been working hard without belt the 2 first weeks, and this week I've tryed belt first time and did 200kg
Was bored with not having any doms lately so i spent an extra hour on the gym trying my best to beat the shit out of my legs. Didn't work i think. The second I hit the showers I always feel like I had more to give. Damnit.
Jeez i gotta get my shit together before extreme starts smashing my PRs!! I've got to re-up my deadlift once i have time to recover (2 weeks perhaps?) and i'm pushing my back squat everyday. I smashed 198 and went for 202 twice but missed it real close both times :-/ Are you doing low bar or high bar?
I am doing high bar, havent really tested out low bar yet. I havent been really worked on my squats for so long either, about 3 weeks from now I think.
Yeah bottom will be heaviest, the force needed to raise it will vary with Sinϑ, where ϑ is the angle between tyre and floor.
Also, you went from 170kg to 200kg in like a week?! Are you on steroids? Haha, impressive gain.
Haha, no I am not on roids/juice. Alot of people here in this town thinks I do it, but I dont like roids at all so this is all natural. Been working hard without belt the 2 first weeks, and this week I've tryed belt first time and did 200kg
Nice, that's really strong.
Make sure you post a video sometime when you squat above 200kg, then you'll be top 5. You've gone up weight really quick, might not even be that long till you beat Anabolicqt who is #1 at the moment with 225kg.
On June 28 2012 12:17 decafchicken wrote: funkie if you're doing triples at the same as your daily 1RM then you're not going high enough on the 1 rep
Todays workouts 1x60 minute massage :D although i think my hips and shoulders would need a solid weeks worth of massage to get the kinks out
What was this like?
I've wanted a proper massage but thought that it would be awkward with a bloke and I'd get a boner with a woman. I assume you just get naked and lie down, otherwise they couldn't do glutes I guess.
Haha most massage therapist are women, especially if youre a guy you'll pretty much always get a girl unless you request a male. It's not that awkward, but yeah you get naked and get under the sheets, massage therapist comes in and turns on music and starts rubbing you down in oil and massaging out everything. It feels fucking awesome. As long as your mind doesnt drift too much you should be just like "wow this is awesome" and not even worried about popping an awkward boner. I havent gotten one, but i can imagine if i was like 17 just having a raging hardon rofl
I have no clue what I'm doing but when I'm sat down I massage my own quads and it's awesome. I might look into getting one. I've gotten my girlfriend to do try a few times but it's not as easy as you'd think.
Make sure you post a video sometime when you squat above 200kg, then you'll be top 5. You've gone up weight really quick, might not even be that long till you beat Anabolicqt who is #1 at the moment with 225kg.
Today was test day for Smolov, to know u are in shape to do it u are supposed to squat 85%x5x3 of the 1rm u are using. Aced it, cant wait to start. Squat felt more solid than it has in a long time. Got fish oil, vit D and creatine for the next 3 weeks. Too bad can't find where to buy a foam roaller. Is it possible to make one myself? I have 2 hard exams left, one each week. Cant wait to complete everything oo.
Today's workout (thanks to decaf for the coaching, also 60cm of subway stuff is thx).
Back Squat: 60kg, 80kg, 90kg, 100kg, 110kg, 120kg, 130kg, 140kg, 150kg 120kg, 125kg, 130kg, 135kg, 140kg x 3 100kg x 2 x 5 (felt easy as fuck this workout, couldn't believe it I need some soreness.
Holy fuck I'm embarrassed, I was headbanging to some music while I stepped under the bar in the squat rack, smashed the back of my head into the bar, sooooo glad I work out alone
Today's workout (thanks to decaf for the coaching, also 60cm of subway stuff is thx).
Back Squat: 60kg, 80kg, 90kg, 100kg, 110kg, 120kg, 130kg, 140kg, 150kg 120kg, 125kg, 130kg, 135kg, 140kg x 3 100kg x 2 x 5 (felt easy as fuck this workout, couldn't believe it I need some soreness.
On June 30 2012 02:25 GoTuNk! wrote: Depending on your size, if you don't put at least 2 pounds of leg muscles doing smolov you are doing something wrong. Today going for 147.5x5x3. If I can do that, I'll use 175kg as my 1RM for smolov. Yeah I lost some of the progress cause I did the full thing plus I stopped squatting a month+cut 2kg. I wont make any of those mistakes, actually I'm sure if I switch to something that involves working up to a heavy single I weel keep making progress :p. Will still cut again though :p
Something like what decaf and funkie are doing right now?
Work up to a max single (actually fail the rep). Reset to 70-75%% of single and work up in triples, 5-10 lb jumps. Do not go to a miss. 2-3 back off sets focused on speed after triples
That about right? Sounds like a good time IMO.
On June 30 2012 07:12 shawster wrote: man i just realized something. most of my jeans/pants don't fit anymore.
this is a proud moment for me, but an expensive one as well... guess that's what gaining 27~ pounds in 3 1/2 months is gonna do
Not fitting in the waist or the leg? When I gained my first ~25 lbs, my waist didn't move at all. It's slowly gone up around an inch since then (over the next 30 pounds) but it's still holding constant enough to keep the same pants. The killer thing is when your glutes/quads become too big to fit in pants legs, because then it's not just a matter of buying new pants in a different size, you have to figure out a whole new cut/style/whatever.
On June 30 2012 02:25 GoTuNk! wrote: Depending on your size, if you don't put at least 2 pounds of leg muscles doing smolov you are doing something wrong. Today going for 147.5x5x3. If I can do that, I'll use 175kg as my 1RM for smolov. Yeah I lost some of the progress cause I did the full thing plus I stopped squatting a month+cut 2kg. I wont make any of those mistakes, actually I'm sure if I switch to something that involves working up to a heavy single I weel keep making progress :p. Will still cut again though :p
Something like what decaf and funkie are doing right now?
Work up to a max single (actually fail the rep). Reset to 70-75%% of single and work up in triples, 5-10 lb jumps. Do not go to a miss. 2-3 back off sets focused on speed after triples
That about right? Sounds like a good time IMO.
It actually is pretty damn fun to do this workout. I, however, don't go into a "miss". I don't like that feeling of miss, so I try to put as much weight as I can, and always go for the rep, always. A miss is not admisible .
I think in the program the jumps are in kg and not in lbs. Not sure tho, might have to double check with decaf.
Other than that, yes, it's pretty fun, and it's intense as hell by the time you do the 2-3 backoff sets, your legs will have this burning feeling ;o.
On June 30 2012 07:12 shawster wrote: man i just realized something. most of my jeans/pants don't fit anymore.
this is a proud moment for me, but an expensive one as well... guess that's what gaining 27~ pounds in 3 1/2 months is gonna do
Not fitting in the waist or the leg? When I gained my first ~25 lbs, my waist didn't move at all. It's slowly gone up around an inch since then (over the next 30 pounds) but it's still holding constant enough to keep the same pants. The killer thing is when your glutes/quads become too big to fit in pants legs, because then it's not just a matter of buying new pants in a different size, you have to figure out a whole new cut/style/whatever.
both. i've found that buying new pants that my waist went up 2-3 inches. but the jeans that fit my waist are all skinny jeans now. like they hug my thighs reallly tight. i can still wear but it's damn uncomfortable. i gotta get a new style and new pants haha
On June 30 2012 07:12 shawster wrote: man i just realized something. most of my jeans/pants don't fit anymore.
this is a proud moment for me, but an expensive one as well... guess that's what gaining 27~ pounds in 3 1/2 months is gonna do
Not fitting in the waist or the leg? When I gained my first ~25 lbs, my waist didn't move at all. It's slowly gone up around an inch since then (over the next 30 pounds) but it's still holding constant enough to keep the same pants. The killer thing is when your glutes/quads become too big to fit in pants legs, because then it's not just a matter of buying new pants in a different size, you have to figure out a whole new cut/style/whatever.
Aye, during my cut I lost alot of junk around my waist but my quads and my calves got much bigger. Have to struggle to get jeans down when I take a shit. It's great.