or maybe you should just drop the volume a bit. or is there a special reason you work up to a heavy single, then drop the weight, start from pretty low again and work up to a heavy triple? instead you could just do a few heavy triples after your single maybe? I'm no expert in programming but it just seems like a waste of energy to me.
Lifted after work because I didn't get home from softball until like 11 the night before. Got my squat up to 245 3x5 (was supposed to go for 290 3 weeks ago-ish before break) Went directly to ultimate. Legs felt like rubber and couldn't jump for the first half hour lol XD. Don't think i'll do that again. Feels good to be back on the train though. Moved up on OHP too!
Also, looking into programs to help vertical... tired of watching smaller people sky me
On June 28 2012 12:17 decafchicken wrote: funkie if you're doing triples at the same as your daily 1RM then you're not going high enough on the 1 rep
Todays workouts 1x60 minute massage :D although i think my hips and shoulders would need a solid weeks worth of massage to get the kinks out
What was this like?
I've wanted a proper massage but thought that it would be awkward with a bloke and I'd get a boner with a woman. I assume you just get naked and lie down, otherwise they couldn't do glutes I guess.
C&J singles 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80 Clean singles 85, 85, 88, 88, pulled 90 4 times and couldn't get under it today
rows 5x 65kg 3x 78kg 8x 66kg
Going to the beach tomorrow for 3 days, Ill do nothing but lay down, soak in the pool/sea and drink Starting my cut on monday, gonna try to lose 6kg. I'm still not sure how to do it, both IF and anabolic diet caught my eye but I'm undecided. Gonna just start by not eating so fucking much haha. See you monday TLH&F!
Steel ones cost about twice as much, I looked but couldn't afford.
25 minutes away on the train from me is a proper strongman gym, I only found out recently. I won't go to it for every workout because it's £30 a month or £5 a day, and another £5 for the train. My uni gym is 2 minutes away and cost £120 for the whole year. Still, I'll go probably twice a month.
It has a bunch of stuff like you said (farmers, yoke, frame, tyres, logs) and atlas stones up to 240kg! Apparently only two people have picked up the 240kg stone.
Only thing is their tyres are between 400-500kg. I'm not so sure if I can flip that, it sounds like a lot, but I've never flipped one before.
Yes its true the steel ones are not cheap, but I do know a guy who may will make it to me If u want to train and became an strongman, you gotta workout as a strongman atleast once a week Yea the atlas stones are sick :DD To train with tyres, you have to take max reps in 1min it works for me pretty well, but it is so hard man
Damn, i just had 170kg as max in squat for a week ago. Now I've tryed with belt, damn I did my main goal for this year 200kg :D 5x 100kg 5x 140kg 1x 170kg 1x 180kg 1x 200kg fuck yes! :DD
Damn, i am looking for sort of the same equip. But in steel and gonna fix some stones, farmers, yoke and I do have a tyre on 400kg.
Did 9flips in 50secs with 400kg tyre
Steel ones cost about twice as much, I looked but couldn't afford.
25 minutes away on the train from me is a proper strongman gym, I only found out recently. I won't go to it for every workout because it's £30 a month or £5 a day, and another £5 for the train. My uni gym is 2 minutes away and cost £120 for the whole year. Still, I'll go probably twice a month.
It has a bunch of stuff like you said (farmers, yoke, frame, tyres, logs) and atlas stones up to 240kg! Apparently only two people have picked up the 240kg stone.
Only thing is their tyres are between 400-500kg. I'm not so sure if I can flip that, it sounds like a lot, but I've never flipped one before.
4-500kg tyres are alot easier to flip than it sounds actually, you'll probably be surprised if you try it
On June 28 2012 13:42 GoTuNk! wrote: Getting ready for smolov. Purchased a foam roller, but the best fish oil pills I can find have 600 EPA+DHA. is it ok to get them and pop 5 pills a day? (Thats recomended dosage right?)
As someone who absolutely hates high volume, I'm always curious when people decide to run one of the extremely high volume programs. Are you running Smolov because you're stuck or trying to peak for a meet? I really can't imagine someone going through it just for the fun of it.
I need to gain weight and its just so time efficient its ridic. Last time was 20kg in 3 weeks and 4 days; if I can get 15kg I'll be damn happy now. Traditional power cycles deliver like 10kg every 8 weeks or something.
4-500kg tyres are alot easier to flip than it sounds actually, you'll probably be surprised if you try it
Yea exactly, sounds heavy but the truth is that its now that really hard. It could be heavy tho, if u dont have any deadlift in there. From the begining is the hardest part imo.
Interesting videos on how the food industry got so big. I just watched the first episode. Seems like mainstream is finally attacking sugar consumption instead of fat.
edit: I just realized I can't watch those links. Only for ppl in UK.
4-500kg tyres are alot easier to flip than it sounds actually, you'll probably be surprised if you try it
Yea exactly, sounds heavy but the truth is that its now that really hard. It could be heavy tho, if u dont have any deadlift in there. From the begining is the hardest part imo.
Yeah bottom will be heaviest, the force needed to raise it will vary with Sinϑ, where ϑ is the angle between tyre and floor.
Also, you went from 170kg to 200kg in like a week?! Are you on steroids? Haha, impressive gain.
4-500kg tyres are alot easier to flip than it sounds actually, you'll probably be surprised if you try it
Yea exactly, sounds heavy but the truth is that its now that really hard. It could be heavy tho, if u dont have any deadlift in there. From the begining is the hardest part imo.
Yeah bottom will be heaviest, the force needed to raise it will vary with Sinϑ, where ϑ is the angle between tyre and floor.
Also, you went from 170kg to 200kg in like a week?! Are you on steroids? Haha, impressive gain.
On June 28 2012 13:42 GoTuNk! wrote: Getting ready for smolov. Purchased a foam roller, but the best fish oil pills I can find have 600 EPA+DHA. is it ok to get them and pop 5 pills a day? (Thats recomended dosage right?)
As someone who absolutely hates high volume, I'm always curious when people decide to run one of the extremely high volume programs. Are you running Smolov because you're stuck or trying to peak for a meet? I really can't imagine someone going through it just for the fun of it.
I need to gain weight and its just so time efficient its ridic. Last time was 20kg in 3 weeks and 4 days; if I can get 15kg I'll be damn happy now. Traditional power cycles deliver like 10kg every 8 weeks or something.
Did you end up retaining all/most of that gain following the cycle? I'm asking because the other Smolov related experiences all seemed to indicate a drop in the lift numbers after they peaked with the cycle.
On June 28 2012 13:42 GoTuNk! wrote: Getting ready for smolov. Purchased a foam roller, but the best fish oil pills I can find have 600 EPA+DHA. is it ok to get them and pop 5 pills a day? (Thats recomended dosage right?)
As someone who absolutely hates high volume, I'm always curious when people decide to run one of the extremely high volume programs. Are you running Smolov because you're stuck or trying to peak for a meet? I really can't imagine someone going through it just for the fun of it.
I need to gain weight and its just so time efficient its ridic. Last time was 20kg in 3 weeks and 4 days; if I can get 15kg I'll be damn happy now. Traditional power cycles deliver like 10kg every 8 weeks or something.
Did you end up retaining all/most of that gain following the cycle? I'm asking because the other Smolov related experiences all seemed to indicate a drop in the lift numbers after they peaked with the cycle.
I don't understand how the number would then drop.
On June 28 2012 13:42 GoTuNk! wrote: Getting ready for smolov. Purchased a foam roller, but the best fish oil pills I can find have 600 EPA+DHA. is it ok to get them and pop 5 pills a day? (Thats recomended dosage right?)
As someone who absolutely hates high volume, I'm always curious when people decide to run one of the extremely high volume programs. Are you running Smolov because you're stuck or trying to peak for a meet? I really can't imagine someone going through it just for the fun of it.
I need to gain weight and its just so time efficient its ridic. Last time was 20kg in 3 weeks and 4 days; if I can get 15kg I'll be damn happy now. Traditional power cycles deliver like 10kg every 8 weeks or something.
Did you end up retaining all/most of that gain following the cycle? I'm asking because the other Smolov related experiences all seemed to indicate a drop in the lift numbers after they peaked with the cycle.
I don't understand how the number would then drop.
Typically when someone comes off smolov, they're worn out on squatting and they want to focus on DL, or bench, or anything else in the entire world. If you stop squatting, obviously your numbers are going to drop, especially if your numbers are super pumped up from how you've been squatting before.
I had to take a 2 week break from lifting after I hit my PR in smolov, and another week from squatting. So even though I gained ~30 lbs on my 1rm at the end of the the cycle, after my three weeks off I was down ~15 pounds from that. Following those weeks, I focused more heavily on DL, and squatted less often (going to a daily max ~2x/week) so while I maintained my lift, it never went back up.
4-500kg tyres are alot easier to flip than it sounds actually, you'll probably be surprised if you try it
Yea exactly, sounds heavy but the truth is that its now that really hard. It could be heavy tho, if u dont have any deadlift in there. From the begining is the hardest part imo.
Yeah bottom will be heaviest, the force needed to raise it will vary with Sinϑ, where ϑ is the angle between tyre and floor.
Also, you went from 170kg to 200kg in like a week?! Are you on steroids? Haha, impressive gain.
He put on a magical belt I think.
Yeah, really impressive. I could understand if you've never really used belt/wraps before and put them on, it might be worth 10-15kg... but 30? WOW.
On June 28 2012 16:46 phyre112 wrote: Workout today:
drunk-girl-carry-homes 2x14 blocks (2 girls, 14 blocks from the bar, took two trips.) drunk-girl-massages 1x25 minutes (not worth it)
As far as drinking though... I was out for a 21st birthday party, and I honestly feel like alcohol's not even worth drinking any more. I built up a solid tolerance level BEFORE I started lifting, when I was 135 pounds. I've put on 55 pounds since then, and still gaining, and I have to drink half a damn fifth to get buzzing. Going to the bars, I'll drop 30-40 bucks and still be good to drive... It's ridiculous the things that I could afford to do if I were to stop drinking once or twice a week like I am now. I would have my lifting shoes in three weeks, I would have money to change all my chicken to beef/steak, I could save up for a new PC twice as fast as I already am... I already don't do beer (don't like it, and it fucks with me because I don't have any other gluten in my diet) and although I love me some bourbon... It wouldn't be that hard to cut out. I'll be hosting plenty of parties this year, and if I can't be comfortable, sober, in my own home... there's seriously something wrong with me. Perhaps the Saranac Lake tournament with my team will be pretty much a "last hurrah" as far as drinking goes. Decaf, you in?
haha i know what you mean, its obnoxious how much liquor it takes to get me drink. used to hate beer but drank so much of it with rugby i've grown quite fond of it. Though it takes forever to get drunk off of so i usually just end up drinking a fifth and then switching to beer. But yeah its nice not spending ~20/night like i was at school, but then again now i usually spend more than that when i do go out once a week (highest so far was 120 + 50 at my cousins wedding weekend) lol
But no, in my experience you will NOT be able to handle being sober at a party in your house lol. Too loud + too much ridiculous shit (if you guys party like we do) to be sober lol. But i am CONFIRMED KILL on saranac...get ready to get your ass kicked and then drank under the table ^_^ (boss is letting me take three days off rofl i only work here 12 weeks total and i've already taken 1.5 days off)
On June 28 2012 21:29 AoN.DimSum wrote: damn everybody is getting strong!
i switched up my program and started back squatting and front squating every day. I'm hoping to hit 180 back squat by the end of the summer.
Decaf i have been trying more volume in front squats(3-5 reps) and it is helping me keep my upper back from caving in. Im probably going to stick with higher reps for now to see if i can get my triples up.
Yeah the triples are helping me a lot. My back isn't caving till i'm cleaning 145+ and this is after doing my squat workout.
P.S. Coming to pendlays open lift thing next weekend?? I sent in my sign up...eek! Gonna try to open 125 and 145 and go for 135/155 (130/150 current PRs)
On June 28 2012 21:56 Zafrumi wrote: or maybe you should just drop the volume a bit. or is there a special reason you work up to a heavy single, then drop the weight, start from pretty low again and work up to a heavy triple? instead you could just do a few heavy triples after your single maybe? I'm no expert in programming but it just seems like a waste of energy to me.
The heavy triples is where the gains come from baby. And funkie is doing it wrong so dont look at those numbers lol, It should only be ~5 heavy singles give or take and then 3-5 triples. the 2x5 at ~50% isn't really a concern. So in total theres only 14-20 reps at a real working weight.
On June 28 2012 12:17 decafchicken wrote: funkie if you're doing triples at the same as your daily 1RM then you're not going high enough on the 1 rep
Todays workouts 1x60 minute massage :D although i think my hips and shoulders would need a solid weeks worth of massage to get the kinks out
What was this like?
I've wanted a proper massage but thought that it would be awkward with a bloke and I'd get a boner with a woman. I assume you just get naked and lie down, otherwise they couldn't do glutes I guess.
Haha most massage therapist are women, especially if youre a guy you'll pretty much always get a girl unless you request a male. It's not that awkward, but yeah you get naked and get under the sheets, massage therapist comes in and turns on music and starts rubbing you down in oil and massaging out everything. It feels fucking awesome. As long as your mind doesnt drift too much you should be just like "wow this is awesome" and not even worried about popping an awkward boner. I havent gotten one, but i can imagine if i was like 17 just having a raging hardon rofl
Steel ones cost about twice as much, I looked but couldn't afford.
25 minutes away on the train from me is a proper strongman gym, I only found out recently. I won't go to it for every workout because it's £30 a month or £5 a day, and another £5 for the train. My uni gym is 2 minutes away and cost £120 for the whole year. Still, I'll go probably twice a month.
It has a bunch of stuff like you said (farmers, yoke, frame, tyres, logs) and atlas stones up to 240kg! Apparently only two people have picked up the 240kg stone.
Only thing is their tyres are between 400-500kg. I'm not so sure if I can flip that, it sounds like a lot, but I've never flipped one before.
Yes its true the steel ones are not cheap, but I do know a guy who may will make it to me If u want to train and became an strongman, you gotta workout as a strongman atleast once a week Yea the atlas stones are sick :DD To train with tyres, you have to take max reps in 1min it works for me pretty well, but it is so hard man
Damn, i just had 170kg as max in squat for a week ago. Now I've tryed with belt, damn I did my main goal for this year 200kg :D 5x 100kg 5x 140kg 1x 170kg 1x 180kg 1x 200kg fuck yes! :DD
Jeez i gotta get my shit together before extreme starts smashing my PRs!! I've got to re-up my deadlift once i have time to recover (2 weeks perhaps?) and i'm pushing my back squat everyday. I smashed 198 and went for 202 twice but missed it real close both times :-/ Are you doing low bar or high bar?
On June 28 2012 13:42 GoTuNk! wrote: Getting ready for smolov. Purchased a foam roller, but the best fish oil pills I can find have 600 EPA+DHA. is it ok to get them and pop 5 pills a day? (Thats recomended dosage right?)
As someone who absolutely hates high volume, I'm always curious when people decide to run one of the extremely high volume programs. Are you running Smolov because you're stuck or trying to peak for a meet? I really can't imagine someone going through it just for the fun of it.
I need to gain weight and its just so time efficient its ridic. Last time was 20kg in 3 weeks and 4 days; if I can get 15kg I'll be damn happy now. Traditional power cycles deliver like 10kg every 8 weeks or something.
Did you end up retaining all/most of that gain following the cycle? I'm asking because the other Smolov related experiences all seemed to indicate a drop in the lift numbers after they peaked with the cycle.
I don't understand how the number would then drop.
The way I understood it is that Smolov tends to "peak" you for a certain time period, after which you get some sort of drop in your lift due to fatigue or the return to a much lower volume of training.
Well, 90% sure it's a dislocated rib now. Can't catch a break, these sports are going to kill my lifting progress this summer. Bench went well today though, steady progress towards 100kg 3x5!