On April 14 2012 00:33 FFGenerations wrote: i was wondering , since someone in this thread mentioned it, if it would be better to do push press instead of ohp, to isolate the shoulders with a heavier weight and to relieve the triceps that are already worked from bench .
what i read though seemed to indicate that opposite is true - that delts are activated at the start of the lift and triceps at the top, so ohp is actually better for shoulders..
I don't know which is better, but I do Push presses, as heavy as I can stand for 3 sets of 4-6 reps and I love it. I also do some incline bench and some strict pressing with dumbbells occasionally but I can't push anything over 90 lbs (my 1rm bench is 185) in a completely horizontal direction or my shoulder just about explodes.
need to read to the end of thread iirc its only one guy claiming it , i didnt have time to spend hours devling down google search. well i did but i spent like 4 hours youtubing martial arts instead
need to read to the end of thread iirc its only one guy claiming it , i didnt have time to spend hours devling down google search. well i did but i spent like 4 hours youtubing martial arts instead
That's always fun to do. Especially when you watch crazy high end demonstrations and sparring. Sometimes I wonder where the wires are.
High end TKD sparring and demos are awesome motivational vids.
On April 14 2012 02:06 FFGenerations wrote: well i was looking a) what the dif martial arts actually entail b) what is nearby to my location
there is aikido, mma, boxing, various kung fus, mad grav (or whatever) and tkd near to me
i might try the mad grav or aikido at some point, since they seem purely technical and not showy, and iirc i work during the mad grav timetable.
the mma and boxing are interesting but im not strong enough to bother yet. will reassess in a few months..
the kung fu/ninjitsu/tkd etc ones seem more showy/noncombat so i wouldnt enjoy them as much
i wish i didnt have to go to work, it would be cool to just do this shit 24/7
Krav maga, I assume you mean? That's Israeli, crazy shit. Every martial art seems to have both showy and functional sides, you'd do better seeing what the individual schools offer than going based off youtube vids.
Saying that it seems too showy without seeing what the school really offers in terms of practical stuff is like saying a modern army is a crap fighting force because you watched them in a parade, and those dress uniforms are just way impractical.
Bear in mind, this is purely my no-real-experience-yet 2 cents, but if you want practical, you should probably pick something with your build and athleticism in mind. If you want something for stylistic reasons, you should obviously just pick that.
Don't get me wrong, krav maga in particular from my understanding is a VERY practical sort of martial art. Just don't sell the others short without more research unless that just fits what you want to do. Me personally, I want the structure and athleticism of TKD, and it fits my build better than a lot of other ones.
yeah, i should have stressed that i was also getting that kinda info by reading the local schools websites too. the aikido place setup seems pretty serious and focused, which is attractive
i think mma/muay thai/bbj are a good middle ground where there are rules and regulations set up so that its a very high contact sport and there isn't too much showy bs. You can practice it like you practice a sport, you can spar with it, you can even participate in sanctioned fights with it. Its probably useful in most normal street fights where somebody isnt trying to fucking stab you with a knife or shoot you with a gun.
Whereas krav is about fucking up your opponent as fast and efficiently as possible with eye gouges, nut kicking etc. things that I wouldn't even consider using if I were to get into some random bar fight. There isn't any sparring in krav, there are no sanctioned fights using krav afaik, even in real world situations where you're held up with a knife or gun I'm pretty sure the best option is always just to comply with their demands and give them your money or w/e.
I think I'm going to go to some TKD in the fall maybe. Have a friend who is in to it and the instructor is a nice guy. Supposedly a multi state champion in Indiana and a two-time world champion.
Bought 3kg of chains so i can make smaller increases to my lifts (smallest plates at my gym are 2.5kg). yeeee. did squat 108kg 4x9 bench 88kg 3x5
Also, non workout related, today I saw a 21 year old woman at the hospital, she has guillian-barre syndrome and is six months pregnant. It was craaaazy. I've seen 4 GBS patients in 2 weeks. Learning lots.
First weightlifting competition for me tomorrow, I'm only starting to feel the restlessness now.
Checklist of things to do:
- pack water and snacks - make sure I have my singlet and shoes - pack tape just in case - grind down calluses - stretch and roll out tight muscles - sleep like a log - POST A TOTAL!!!
Been training for 4 months now with the aim of competing, the day has finally come. HERE WE GOOOO!!
On April 14 2012 12:17 MeShiet wrote: First weightlifting competition for me tomorrow, I'm only starting to feel the restlessness now.
Checklist of things to do:
- pack water and snacks - make sure I have my singlet and shoes - pack tape just in case - grind down calluses - stretch and roll out tight muscles - sleep like a log - POST A TOTAL!!!
Been training for 4 months now with the aim of competing, the day has finally come. HERE WE GOOOO!!
On April 14 2012 12:17 MeShiet wrote: First weightlifting competition for me tomorrow, I'm only starting to feel the restlessness now.
Checklist of things to do:
- pack water and snacks - make sure I have my singlet and shoes - pack tape just in case - grind down calluses - stretch and roll out tight muscles - sleep like a log - POST A TOTAL!!!
Been training for 4 months now with the aim of competing, the day has finally come. HERE WE GOOOO!!
On April 14 2012 12:17 MeShiet wrote: First weightlifting competition for me tomorrow, I'm only starting to feel the restlessness now.
Checklist of things to do:
- pack water and snacks - make sure I have my singlet and shoes - pack tape just in case - grind down calluses - stretch and roll out tight muscles - sleep like a log - POST A TOTAL!!!
Been training for 4 months now with the aim of competing, the day has finally come. HERE WE GOOOO!!