On March 24 2012 05:18 funkie wrote: Well I'm confused,
do I do like, 3-4 warmup sets, and then 5x5 with heavy weight? ;o that could be even more taxing that SS :o.
I need halpz
Since you're mentioning SS now, I'm assuming you're referring to the beginner SL again? I am confused as well
If you are referring to just Stronglifts 5x5, then yes, you do your normal warm-up sets and then you do 5 sets on your work weight. It's definitely more taxing (and time consuming) than SS, which is why I changed to SS after a few months.
It's freaking confusing, I downloaded the spreadsheet but fuck, it's lbs
my life sucks right, will decide what to do on the weekend, dunno if I'll do SL then. ;p.
Any recommendations, I want to hear it all, bastardized programs or w/e!
Edit: I did SS for like a year, then Advanced Novice for like 6-7months.
On March 24 2012 05:18 funkie wrote: Well I'm confused,
do I do like, 3-4 warmup sets, and then 5x5 with heavy weight? ;o that could be even more taxing that SS :o.
I need halpz
Edit: on a better note, I think I'm going to study this more, before I go into it, last session of current workout today then.
gogo me.
on madcow no, the work sets usually start at 50% of max weight
A 5x5 = 50% 62.5% 75% 87.5% 100% my monday squats were 145 1x5 | 185 1x5 | 225 x15 | 265 x15 | 305 1x5 for deadlift/press 4x5 just drop the first set of five and on light squats do the 3rd set twice.
fwiw I love madcow. I started in dec and so far I'm up 40lbs on squat 5rm (was at same weight 6 weeks ago, but then I got oly shoes and reset again), bench 5rm is up 25lbs, deadlift 5rm is up 80lbs, and clean 1rm is up 60lbs. Considering I spent all of december doing the deload to start madcow and lost two weeks of training in january due to shit eating I'm pretty happy with the results so far.
On March 24 2012 05:18 funkie wrote: Well I'm confused,
do I do like, 3-4 warmup sets, and then 5x5 with heavy weight? ;o that could be even more taxing that SS :o.
I need halpz
Since you're mentioning SS now, I'm assuming you're referring to the beginner SL again? I am confused as well
If you are referring to just Stronglifts 5x5, then yes, you do your normal warm-up sets and then you do 5 sets on your work weight. It's definitely more taxing (and time consuming) than SS, which is why I changed to SS after a few months.
It's freaking confusing, I downloaded the spreadsheet but fuck, it's lbs
my life sucks right, will decide what to do on the weekend, dunno if I'll do SL then. ;p.
Any recommendations, I want to hear it all, bastardized programs or w/e!
Edit: I did SS for like a year, then Advanced Novice for like 6-7months.
The spreadsheet has a tick box for kg. Either that or use this:
On March 24 2012 05:18 funkie wrote: Well I'm confused,
do I do like, 3-4 warmup sets, and then 5x5 with heavy weight? ;o that could be even more taxing that SS :o.
I need halpz
Since you're mentioning SS now, I'm assuming you're referring to the beginner SL again? I am confused as well
If you are referring to just Stronglifts 5x5, then yes, you do your normal warm-up sets and then you do 5 sets on your work weight. It's definitely more taxing (and time consuming) than SS, which is why I changed to SS after a few months.
It's freaking confusing, I downloaded the spreadsheet but fuck, it's lbs
my life sucks right, will decide what to do on the weekend, dunno if I'll do SL then. ;p.
Any recommendations, I want to hear it all, bastardized programs or w/e!
Edit: I did SS for like a year, then Advanced Novice for like 6-7months.
Telling us what you are doing now and why you'd like to change would probably help :p
My current program is a horribly bastardized SS/RPT hybrid:
Session A: Dips 3x5 (bench replacement because of wrist tendinitis) Squat (RPT, 4RM, then 5R on 10% less for two sets) - e.g. 120kg x 4, 105kg x 5 + 5 Pull-ups 3x5
Session B: Squat (RPT, 4RM, then 5R on 10% less for two sets) - e.g. 120kg x 4, 105kg x 5 + 5 Press (RPT, 4RM, then 5R on 10% less for two sets) - e.g. 55kg x4, 50kg x 5 + 5 Deadlift 1x5 Chin-ups 3x5
Basically, I started out with SS with chin-ups in place of power cleans. Then I added pull-ups to the deadlift session since that session is a bit shorter and has only one upper body exercise. Also, I wanted to do pull-ups. Later on, I swapped chin-ups and pull-ups around (chin-ups to Session B, pull-ups to Session A), since bench was raping my arms leading to terrible chin-up progression, while shoulder press was raping my back and shoulders, leading to poor pull-up progression. More recently I hurt my wrist with bench, so I've now swapped bench out for dips until my wrist heals. I've also been having issues with recovery on my cuts, so I've changed squats and press to RPT rather than 3x5.
I think that covers my program. I'm fairly happy with it at the moment as I've been seeing good progression in the bodyweight and RPT (squat/overhead) exercises. That said, dips aren't yet as intensive as bench used to be, so my Session A is feeling a bit easy at the moment.
I'm not sure if any of this will be useful for you, but there you have it
Came so close to PRing my snatch today. Worked up to 112 and was snatching like shit so i went back down to 80 and worked up slowly...probably did 20 more reps by the time i hit 126 but then couldn't hit 128 or 130 to save my life Bench 3x5 @ 195 lb. Probably start going up by 5 lbs now
On March 24 2012 08:24 decafchicken wrote: Came so close to PRing my snatch today. Worked up to 112 and was snatching like shit so i went back down to 80 and worked up slowly...probably did 20 more reps by the time i hit 126 but then couldn't hit 128 or 130 to save my life Bench 3x5 @ 195 lb. Probably start going up by 5 lbs now
Why do you talk about your snatches in kg and your benches on pound? -.-
On March 24 2012 08:24 decafchicken wrote: Came so close to PRing my snatch today. Worked up to 112 and was snatching like shit so i went back down to 80 and worked up slowly...probably did 20 more reps by the time i hit 126 but then couldn't hit 128 or 130 to save my life Bench 3x5 @ 195 lb. Probably start going up by 5 lbs now
Why do you talk about your snatches in kg and your benches on pound? -.-
Haha cause the oly bumper plates are in kg and all the other weights are in pounds. Silly america.
On March 24 2012 02:12 Advocado wrote: Has anyone bought or can recommend a pullup/Chinup bar ? I don't really like the one in my gym and it's near the cables, so doing negatives with 10 people trying to do cables is annoying.
Very cheap and very positive reception altogether. Though you need better screw anchors & screws than the ones it comes with, nearly everyone complains only about those.
(Note that I don't own this bar, it is just the bar I am going to buy when I will move to a flat where I have the necessary space).
Hmm I would prefer not to screw shit into my walls since its a rented apartment. Also not sure the walls can handle it very well.
I wish there was an easy way to find a good gym Is there an online database of some kind? That would be too easy, right? Jesus fuck. I do have 1 or 2 promising "leads" now and I have to do the footwork sometime next week to check them out. At least that means I get a free day pass to each so I can start DOING SOMETHING.
On March 24 2012 02:12 Advocado wrote: Has anyone bought or can recommend a pullup/Chinup bar ? I don't really like the one in my gym and it's near the cables, so doing negatives with 10 people trying to do cables is annoying.
Very cheap and very positive reception altogether. Though you need better screw anchors & screws than the ones it comes with, nearly everyone complains only about those.
(Note that I don't own this bar, it is just the bar I am going to buy when I will move to a flat where I have the necessary space).
Hmm I would prefer not to screw shit into my walls since its a rented apartment. Also not sure the walls can handle it very well.
I can only say that in no way I would ever use a portable or telescope bar, it will just break down under my weight eventually and I will fall down. Maybe when you are a leightweight that is of no concern. Either way, cannot help you there.
Squat: 315lbs: 5-4-0 (felt like throwing up after the second set and couldn't even get myself to do the third) OHP: 105lbs: 5-3-3 DL: 205lbs: 5 (felt so shitty by this point that I decided to just do 2/3 the weight)
Then I went back to my car, tried to take my shoes off. Cramped my right calf, tried to save it with my left foot and promptly cramped my left calf as well. A minute of shrieking ensued, lol.
On March 24 2012 14:39 thedeadhaji wrote: Pretty epic day...
Squat: 315lbs: 5-4-0 (felt like throwing up after the second set and couldn't even get myself to do the third) OHP: 105lbs: 5-3-3 DL: 205lbs: 5 (felt so shitty by this point that I decided to just do 2/3 the weight)
Then I went back to my car, tried to take my shoes off. Cramped my right calf, tried to save it with my left foot and promptly cramped my left calf as well. A minute of shrieking ensued, lol.
That hurts just to think about, why feeling so bad?
On March 24 2012 16:02 thedeadhaji wrote: No idea, probably allergies...
I got cramps in both calves simultaneously receiving head (standing up). I sort of (read: totally) kneed her in the face and then rolled around the floor. Cramps suck.
Can't wait to be back in my place & gym in the netherlands btw, though I made some good progress this week aswell.
On March 24 2012 13:19 MajinMojo wrote: I wish there was an easy way to find a good gym Is there an online database of some kind? That would be too easy, right? Jesus fuck. I do have 1 or 2 promising "leads" now and I have to do the footwork sometime next week to check them out. At least that means I get a free day pass to each so I can start DOING SOMETHING.
On March 24 2012 14:39 thedeadhaji wrote: Then I went back to my car, tried to take my shoes off. Cramped my right calf, tried to save it with my left foot and promptly cramped my left calf as well. A minute of shrieking ensued, lol.
looool goddamn dealing with socks/shoes can be hard work sometimes
On March 24 2012 14:39 thedeadhaji wrote: Then I went back to my car, tried to take my shoes off. Cramped my right calf, tried to save it with my left foot and promptly cramped my left calf as well. A minute of shrieking ensued, lol.
looool goddamn dealing with socks/shoes can be hard work sometimes
Ugh I hate that shit... Ever have it happen in the middle of the night, waking you up? I have. I thought I was being attacked by spirits.
How do you teach someone who can't do a bodyweight squat to do a squat? His adductors are really inflexible so his knees travel forward instead of outwards, this prolly isnt the main problem tho.
He can do squats just fine if he can hold onto a rack or a door or something. Not really sure what to do. I have him stretching every day pretty thoroughly.