![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/BcJRb.jpg)
so.. mumu is gonna jungle.. then last guy picks... warwick? and mumu tells him to support. but ww doesn't have cv and doesn't reply. so mumu says "hey ww you jungle" and picks cv saying he will support. then at the last second ww takes cv. then both of them refuse to try to jungle, and they both go bot so I have to go somewhere else. I go top with GP against trynd, and we first blood him. Then I end up roaming/jungling and go like 14-2 keeping us in the game.. but eventually we were too far behind they would just dive me and my team couldn't protect me.
The fuckn warwick's items man.. I guess he sold his kage's pick but jeeeesus christ what a game T.T
also after we fb tryn, gp proceeds to somehow go 0-6 against him in lane. wtf is that? I'd think that GP would be fine against trynd if anything.
oh yeah, and pretty much neither of them actually used cv the entire game
dude, it seriously looks to me like the problem that game is the GP who got shit on when you left the lane and the Akali who built tank and din't even earn a full 1K more than either player in the mumu + WW bot lane.
do u think I should have stayed in lane?
I really didn't expect him to die over and over, which fucking sucked I guess he was terrible. I left because I wanted more goldz and I didn't wanna have to share with him.
I guess I figured if he was actually competent it would be better for both of us xp/gold wise.
On November 14 2011 16:53 WaveofShadow wrote:Show nested quote +On November 14 2011 16:24 NeoIllusions wrote: Are these rl friends or something? I'd avoid playing with friends like that, hurr hurr. Doesn't even sound fun playing with people who make the same mistakes and never improve. Yeah they are--- they're friends I've been playing with for years. I don't know I have this reputation for being a dick in competitive games though because I try to point out mistakes that people are making and give advice/make calls/tell people what to do and clearly no one is as competitive as I am 'cause they (and a couple other friends I have) hate it. I am in no way perfect myself but honestly I need to start playing with people who have the same mindset I do about these things or at least start playing arranged 5s with a real team before I go fucking nuts. I know when I make mistakes (pretty often) and I deserve to be called out on those too, just no one I play with will do that.
Use an alt account to play with them so you don't give a fuck about what happens.
On November 15 2011 03:50 travis wrote: do u think I should have stayed in lane?
I really didn't expect him to die over and over, which fucking sucked I guess he was terrible. I left because I wanted more goldz and I didn't wanna have to share with him. you probably should have. Cait doesn't really have a strong roaming presence, but is abusive in lane. If you're already a leg up in a 2v1, you can basically 100% take Trynd out of the game if you just stay there. Now, I'm not really sure if that's completely the right play because by then, mumu or WW should be fine to just jungle like a boss and GP, if he just takes a fucking EC, will dump on Trynd, but if bot lane is still derping around and refusing to jungle, you're better off staying in lane and just roaming with your lantern once you push trynd onto tower to jack up jungle camps.
Just had a game where we outfarmed the other team, had complete dragon control, and Teemo and Jax say we "can't beat the other team in a team fight because we have a Shaco." Meanwhile, as Lux, I'm facepalming myself because we have an Ashe who is quite good and we've won every single teamfight that we've all been there, Jax and Teemo are just suiciding into 1v3s and other retarded crap.
To make matters worse I stole a dragon with my laser and that also resulted in us getting two kills. I was not in a single team fight where we lost without some dumdum on the other side of the map. We lost when Teemo and Jax split push the side lanes, while all 5 of them are mid and 3 of us die, and then they killed the Nexus before I can respawn and kill them off. Sigh.
I swear this game is trying to screw me over...
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/5gi0N.png)
It seems like every game is like this. LoL is fun because it is alot more casual but SC2 is also fun because you don't need to rely on anyone.
Either way, I will continue to carry noobs no matter how hard I try to avoid it.
The whole game was back and forth until sion left, then brand followed. We tried to kill baron but we got ganged and lost. It was fun 3 hitting caitlyn while it lasted.
Getting two leaves due to two power outages makes me sad.
Won game, two towers killed, Ryze out-cs'd mid, 10-2 score, jungle Eve level 4 while everyone else is 10+. They feed Xin. They focus Eve instead of contributing members every teamfight. Neither Warwick, nor GP, nor Ryze built tanky (wit's end nashor's tooth core on Ryze). Every single teamfight, disperse and let your AP carry alone to get dived, focused and one-shot'd, then wonder why you killed Eve and got ace'd.
Don't bother not focusing tanks with 200+ res/def when xin built glass cannon. 50 minutes of my time wasted for what should have been an easy victory. Morons.
How exactly does one lose a lane after the jungler (me) gives you a 3 kill lead? And what must be going through your head when you open doran's blade against a renekton as wukong?
i can never fucking win as lee sin because my team is always god awful and herpderps so hard despite me holding their hand and dominating the lane phase.
Get 3 dragons and 3 barons still lose because no1 tanky except amumu and every team fight amumu either gets picked off out of position or does a garbage ult resulting in no towers near inhib pushed.
Getting so sick of playing with friends... 90% of the time they play AD/AP I end up having to support/tank, we usually lose coz they prefer getting kills then getting a win. When I do Play AD/AP carry, we either end up with a less then ideal team comp or sometimes a tank would be picked but what good is the tank when he always ends up farming instead of being in a teamfight.
Try to teach them... never listen. Its 400+ games I've played with them yet to see a single ward brought aside from the occasional ward from wriggles. Im sure I brought more oracles (even when I don't count games as a support) then they do green wards (pink wards and oracles don't exist even if enemy carry is stealth). Even my lvl 12 friends knows to buy wards.
Rammus starts blue, no biggie.
Goes straight to enemy mini golems. Must be warded because mid and top leave. Everyone pings a million times. He gets ganked and killed, gives blue to enemy mid. Rages and afks at 3 minutes.
Fuckin' hate this game sometimes.
edit; SAME RAMMUS oh god
In team select a guy calls AP. So we lock sona and vayne. Jungler picks and locks in and then we get a Riven who locked in. AP guy picks Shaco....
My team is Vayne, Riven, Xin (jungle), AP Shaco, Me Sona. Enemy team has no jungle, and Shaco proceeds to spend all game in the enemy jungle, leaving Riven top, Vayne mid. Leaves me vs Urgot Ashe bot. I lose the tower and feed 2 kills to Urgot. Vayne went mid vs. an AP Janna and lost her lane. Luckily the idiots on the enemy 2v1 top lane think they can dive riven when she's six and they're 4 under her tower because if it were not for her super duper hard carry we would have lost hard. Sad when Sona has to 2v1 and ends up with more cs then a mid Vayne.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/7HQrT.jpg)
I tried to carry versus quad Plat team but double AD lane 2 heavy. At least I proved SYDTKO shouldn't be jungling on a professional team considering how badly I beat him.
I am fucking cursed. 3 games
first game talon xerath bot lane (yea awesome-sauce right there) talon goes 0-7 Xerath 0-5. Blame the jungler OFC OFC OFC.
After the game I wait 5 minutes, go into queue. Same 2 guys on my team. .Same fucking morons. again 0-4, 2-8
Wait 1 hour. Get in queue again and they are nowere to be found. YAY. Summoner 2 has left. And there they are again. FUCK ME.
Really sick of friends concept in LoL they think its dota where you can get matched with ppl much worst then them so they can freely do whatever they want even with limited skill on their side.
Sorry, was posting when raging and while game was going and didn't look look at what I wrote.
Its more then a few games now my friend picks a jungle AD champ but refuses to jungle because he doesn't wanna get smite (he rather not get smite and go exhaust/flash or ghost). So what happens is he will lane till he gets madred and then he will start jungling and or ganking. I tell him doing this will leave the person in the now 1v2 lane in a bad position but he continues to do it.
And then just picking and locking without thinking how the team might work (3 AD's that lack aoe)
On November 16 2011 07:00 R11 wrote: wth man not take jungle coz u can just lane with me until u get a madred because u dont want smite as summoner. I tell them u screw the guy 1v2ing after (me) and they dont give a fuck. Choose all AD team and locks my lord
![[image loading]](http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ll0hnbABC81qh5qfgo1_500.gif)
oh my god what is he even trying to say
Zilean, Morgana, Brand, Garen, Twtich enemy team. The entire team comp was designed to keep Twitch alive and have him buttfuck us. 15 mintues in, they just started roaming. You can't kill a Twitch who has a Garen shield, Zil ult, and Black Shield, apparently, and his damage output is fuck all.
garen's shield is so good on twitch it's true
On November 16 2011 14:47 gtrsrs wrote: garen's shield is so good on twitch it's true I like to think he means Garen acting as a human shield?