On April 18 2012 13:11 HazMat wrote: Anyone here ever play with chuntinsum? Never met a worse player, no idea how he stays at around 1800.
wait till you play with me baby.
how to win game.
so sad. Win bot ashe+alistar vs vayne lux. hard. double cs+ 2kills hard.
Meanwhile, top ad sion ( ) feeds rumble. dies every 3 minutes and thinks he's doing everything right, insulting people who tell him to just farm instead of trying to kill his lane.
Mid, veigar vs cassio. Veigar does ok, lane is even in spite of veigar not getting blues.
Jungler.. malphite. I've yet to see a jungle malphite do better than this one. At 0/8/7 thats quite a feat. ( ) No help for mid, or to dive bot, no warmogs or any damned tank items in general, tries to help top only AFTER hes lost so bad it doesnt even matter if he's vs 1 or 2.
Now, after getting this far ahead bot in 12-15min, alistar decides to go help other lanes. And not even come by to drop a ward. I'm 6 items at the time, still some way off an IE to give me inventory slots. Can't really 1v2 a kill lane, can't 1v3 anything for certain. So, alistar roams and gets himself killed all around the map while vayne and i have a farm standoff bot. 25 min in, people decide it might be fun coming bot again. That includes rumble. Harass people down, towerdive, kill lux+vayne with malph and alistar, get fucked by rumble ult coming up the lane, repeat. add random veigar for flavour.
Really feel this would have been very winnable with veigar vs double ap if alistar just stayed bot and helped me win the lane as hard as rumble won top instead of leaving me alone with not even vision. I asked, he didnt even answer.
Daily dose of QQ: we first pick Morgana, enemy picks Olaf. Our 2nd pick instalocks Sion without thinking, 3rd picks Viktor, doesn't lock, realize, picks a jungler. Sion then whines that Morgana didn't say she'd go mid (4 times isn't enough I guess). And refuses to listen to us. Proceeds to feed. I warded against Shaco, too, and pinged for it. But Vayne eats free harass (because hey his support is Soraka, don't mind the 20s cd, I'll heal it all for him prob), stays while low HP, gets killed repeatedly for it, and I make bad plays since I die trying to save him instead of fleeing a lost cause. He tries to trade against Blitz-Cait when Cait started dblade. Only need a bit of poke, we'd wear them off eventually, but noooo. Sigh.
2nd QQ-worthy game: I convince Shyvana to go jungle instead of top, as it's Olaf against her. Our top agrees, and proceeds to pick... Fizz. Wat. He somehow manages to not need, tho Olaf has free farm at that point and several kills. Then when teamfighs come, people split up and die to Morde's shield, farmed Olaf's excellent 1v1, Trundle's kite and pillar kit and Leona's cc. I warn them about it, it becomes a little better, but Olaf is fed now. They uselessly burn cc on him, don't try to dodge axes so that they can kite him, and generally get trashed. I ask Sivir to concentrate on kiting (he's got a lot of MR and HP but no armor) and Anivia to keep her wll for him. Anivia misses walls, Sivir goes in sometimes and immediatly gets slowed/cc'd by someone then jumped by Olaf, Morde drops to 200 hp then nobody hits him until incidental AoE and my Alistar combo finally off cd finish him, but not before he dealt 1k+ damage to each of the survivors. Real focus there. And finally, between people thinking they can 1v1 Olaf, Anivia not walling him and people getting caught stupidly despite warnings, Olaf just gets to press R and right-click people until they win. Sigh. So frustrating. :/ Next time I ask for top, pick Panth, and show them how you deal with Olaf. And I'm duoing with a 1350 Elo dude so I'm last pick and they're all supposed to be better than me...
TWICE IN A ROW. FUCKING- Too tired. Really.
I need to stop playing with my... less experienced friends. One of them is just really new (level 8), so I can forgive a certain amount of bad play. At least he plays AD and tries to follow my advice. But combined with the other one (level 16), who I'm pretty sure is actively trying to drive me insane, I just might end up strangling somebody. Lately he's been playing TF, claiming he's been doing pretty well, but until yesterday he had no idea how his W worked and didn't put a single point into it until he had no other choice. I have no clue how he had any success whatsoever.
Game 1 he's TF against Xerath mid. I tell him to go boots first so he can avoid xerath's abilities, he says "nah, I don't do enough damage" and goes amp tome + pots. Flash forward about 5 minutes, and Xerath hits him with a Q and brings him to a sliver of health while I'm nearby (I'm jungle WW). I tell him to go back while I cover the lane, he starts b'ing right next to the tower. I quickly tell him to back up more because Xerath can still reach him, he just stands there continuing to teleport. One W->Q later and he's a corpse. His explanation? "I couldn't make it, I didn't have boots". I say from this point on he's forbidden from having a solo lane.
Game 2 the picks work out in a way that I have to let him go mid again, he's TF against Talon. Thirty minutes later, and Talon is 27/4. It doesn't matter how much armor I build when his ult takes about 3/4ths of my team's life.
Game 3: "I'm going tank Leblanc".
Under 1600. Holy crap. I just can't play properly when I have so much studying to do, but doing the studying would mean I don't play at all which can't be good for my skills either. God damnit.
I'm so bad I want to uninstall sometimes and the LoL community doesn't really help when everytime I make even the slightest mistake I am verbally harassed for the next 30 minutes
which makes me upset and play worse ugh this community is so fucking trash
The audacity of some people.......really you're going to call me out for losing my lane when you lost your lane even more, and to add to that every other lane lost and the jungler has no clue what hes doing? The bads in this ELO are fucking amazing
On April 19 2012 07:58 DoctorHelvetica wrote: I'm so bad I want to uninstall sometimes and the LoL community doesn't really help when everytime I make even the slightest mistake I am verbally harassed for the next 30 minutes
which makes me upset and play worse ugh this community is so fucking trash
/ignore = best, just block and enjoy non-hateful gaming
On April 19 2012 08:24 CeriseCherries wrote:Show nested quote +On April 19 2012 07:58 DoctorHelvetica wrote: I'm so bad I want to uninstall sometimes and the LoL community doesn't really help when everytime I make even the slightest mistake I am verbally harassed for the next 30 minutes
which makes me upset and play worse ugh this community is so fucking trash /ignore = best, just block and enjoy non-hateful gaming makes me tilt more because then i wonder what they're saying to me
On April 19 2012 08:26 DoctorHelvetica wrote:Show nested quote +On April 19 2012 08:24 CeriseCherries wrote:On April 19 2012 07:58 DoctorHelvetica wrote: I'm so bad I want to uninstall sometimes and the LoL community doesn't really help when everytime I make even the slightest mistake I am verbally harassed for the next 30 minutes
which makes me upset and play worse ugh this community is so fucking trash /ignore = best, just block and enjoy non-hateful gaming makes me tilt more because then i wonder what they're saying to me
Every time I get behind by 3 or 4 in my K/D ratio, I just start pushing a lane that's being ignored by the other team. That, or jungle for a while. These are a great way to catch back up and help your team more when you eventually return to engaging in fights.
Most important aspect of this decision: You get easy minion kills which gives gold and good XP, plus you help push back the lane for your team.
The trick is to play safe if you are pushing a lane onto their side. Most of the time, the other team will completely ignore you and just send a single champion to counteract your push. If you notice a good portion of their team missing, just recall back before they gank you. That allows you to spend all the gold you just earned, plus it made their champions chase after you for nothing.
Playing passively can sometimes be more effective than continuing to engage in fights.
On April 19 2012 08:42 TheToaster wrote:Show nested quote +On April 19 2012 08:26 DoctorHelvetica wrote:On April 19 2012 08:24 CeriseCherries wrote:On April 19 2012 07:58 DoctorHelvetica wrote: I'm so bad I want to uninstall sometimes and the LoL community doesn't really help when everytime I make even the slightest mistake I am verbally harassed for the next 30 minutes
which makes me upset and play worse ugh this community is so fucking trash /ignore = best, just block and enjoy non-hateful gaming makes me tilt more because then i wonder what they're saying to me Every time I get behind by 3 or 4 in my K/D ratio, I just start pushing a lane that's being ignored by the other team. That, or jungle for a while. These are a great way to catch back up and help your team more when you eventually return to engaging in fights. Most important aspect of this decision: You get easy minion kills which gives gold and good XP, plus you help push back the lane for your team. The trick is to play safe if you are pushing a lane onto their side. Most of the time, the other team will completely ignore you and just send a single champion to counteract your push. If you notice a good portion of their team missing, just recall back before they gank you. That allows you to spend all the gold you just earned, plus it made their champions chase after you for nothing. Playing passively can sometimes be more effective than continuing to engage in fights. last game i was in top lane was insulting me and telling me to get out of my jungle and camp top because their jungler was camping top and i asked him can i get red first and he just went off on me and told me to uninstall
i went top and he told me to GTFO top so i went to get wraiths, he pushed all the way up to tower and died to hecarim then blamed it on me for "derping around in the jungle and never going top"
queued up a normal, all 4 other players immediately instalock support champs, and all 4 have promote/smite as their summoners.
yeah, i'll dodge that one.
Was 1306 Elo at a point. Lost a bit. Then I ate some ragequitters/upset dudes that would rather type while standing in front of the full enemy team rather than play. Dropped to about 1240. Not a biggie, I thought, I'll just carry my way back to 1300, that'll give me something to aim for.
Then my ISP decides to shit on me. It's been like that for more than a week, 0 problems, then suddenly for an hour or more it decides to crash every 3-4 minutes, with ~10 minutes downtime in between. Doesn't help that for 6-7 of this "leaves" that I received, all but one were games where we had a massive advantage, or who were even basically won should it remain a 5v5 (as I managed to get fed for example), and instead I ate -10 Elo in the face. Now I'm back to 1199. Sub-1200. Where I started when I had a loss streak at the end of my accelerated Elo matches.
Between the griefers and that ordeal my goddamn ISP is putting me through, I'm not even sure that I have the will to play anymore. There's no fun in having to deal with those people and not even be able to enjoy some light-hearted game with the threat of a random crash looming on you.
Pick 5 decides he doesn't want to play support. He picks Teemo and goes top with Nasus. They both push and feed the fuck out of Hecarim while I'm forced to 1v2 bot Ashe vs Ezreal/Raka.
Ont he plus side, the other team said my entire team sucked except me. =\
fuck riot's patience! needed another week before the patch
Anyone hear a slight snapping sound?
I think it was my back... game too hard :[
On April 19 2012 08:57 BlasiuS wrote: queued up a normal, all 4 other players immediately instalock support champs, and all 4 have promote/smite as their summoners.
yeah, i'll dodge that one.
You fell for their trap; they obviously had a friend who just came online and didn't want to have to wait 5mins after they dodged
Bleh. Olaf vs Riven top, get FB on riven, then get 1 for 1 when nocturne comes to gank. I am up 15cs.
We have a small jungle engagement while riven farms, nothing happens, i return to lane with something like 15creeps pushing to my tower and i have little mana. I see Riven running through river to mid, and ping him frantically. Start pushing lane as fast as i can. Nocturne comes top and i kill him. Somehow our whole team dies at THEIR bottom turret in 4v4 where riven takes quadra + double buff. We get zero kills aside for me diving Noct.
I am 3-1 Riven is 5-2 with double buff. He comes to lane, and kills me once in the next 10 minutes. "FUCK YOU OLAF FOR FEEDING RIVEN" "Y OLAF, WHY DID YOU FEED RIVEN" "FFS CANT WIN WITH THIS OLAF" "LOL RIVEN 6 KILLS GAME OVER FOLKS"
I am like Wut? Of course i could of done things better, maybe follow him, and leave noct to take my tower? Maybe push faster? idk. But still, cant escape the fact that the guy i was laning against was turning into an unstoppable force so it has to be partly my fault. It was just funny that all other lanes lost as well but still it was ALL my fault that we were losing. And the biggest crier was our mid Fizz, who had 70 cs the whole game, and went something like 2/8. Blah.
Oh, and that riven had no balls, he took another quadra when he was superfar ahead, that left him at 75% hp, i had approximately the same hp, and was sure i would lose 1v1, but decided i would give him the penta, he did not want it, and just ran away until i killed him. :I¨
Oh and that Fizz brings me to another point. I have maybe seen 1 Fizz, that had decent cs in my games. I know his skills arent exactly made to the laning phase, but it would make it a bit easier for all of us, if you even had half of the other guys creeps. :# Fizz free week gives me horrors, i had 4 fizzes in a row where none of them had 100 cs by 25 min.
Finally got below 1k elo after 5 losses in a row.
every game had at least 1 hardcore feeder and/or an AFK.
How am I gonna get myself out?
On April 19 2012 17:35 Pulselol wrote: Finally got below 1k elo after 5 losses in a row.
every game had at least 1 hardcore feeder and/or an AFK.
How am I gonna get myself out? Put on the carry pants, and carry teams.