ap roamers: ahri, annie, sion, morgana
ganking junglers: lee sin, riven, nocturne, alistar, maokai, udyr
Forum Index > The Shopkeeper′s Inn |
United States10531 Posts
April 19 2012 16:09 GMT
ap roamers: ahri, annie, sion, morgana ganking junglers: lee sin, riven, nocturne, alistar, maokai, udyr | ||
Netherlands2569 Posts
April 19 2012 16:23 GMT
On April 19 2012 16:31 Gaslo wrote: Oh and that Fizz brings me to another point. I have maybe seen 1 Fizz, that had decent cs in my games. I know his skills arent exactly made to the laning phase, but it would make it a bit easier for all of us, if you even had half of the other guys creeps. :# Fizz free week gives me horrors, i had 4 fizzes in a row where none of them had 100 cs by 25 min. I call it the kassadin syndrome. Basically all mid ap assassins with non-range AA. Either fed on enemy team or 20cs at 20min on your team. | ||
United States885 Posts
April 19 2012 17:29 GMT
at level 1 BEFORE MINIONS HAVE SPAWNED kog gets into a fight in the bushes with garen and manages to almost die, I have to burn flash to jump in and save his dumb ass, he backs... and then when he returns he runs straight into the bushes, again almost getting spun down by garen. so the game goes on, we're losing top, mid keeps screaming at me after he dies "SORAKA WHERE ULT?" i dunno lol how about you let me know somehow that you need it other than dying, maybe a ping or something? at any rate, we fall way behind, kog doesn't know how to farm at all (GDI KOG FREE WEEK), we get aced and I try to surrender... and we don't even though we're down 20 kills and have no towers. Other team gets baron, and one inhib, and then just camps us for kills, not bothering with getting our nexus. at this point i'm mad as hell, try to surrender again, STILL 3-2. and then kog says the most idiotic thing possible. "we can still win this" wat. wat. FUCKING WAT. this guy. I try to explain that they have baron, they have 20 more kills, there's literally nothing we can do (can't push or we'll just die, we basically can only defend nexus towers, and we can't even do that well) "just finish your builds, we can win!" some people need to never play this game. I don't know who the other moron was who didn't vote to surrender, but gdi whyyyyyyyyy I wanted to requeue after we had clearly lost but no we had to drag it out 15 more minutes | ||
United States17077 Posts
April 19 2012 18:43 GMT
First item Wits End. 2nd item Warmogs, which he finished at 35 mins. Gets both of our Baron's stolen by an enemy Ezreal ult. How2beuncarriable. | ||
Germany1008 Posts
April 19 2012 18:54 GMT
Just played the most epic game ever, our zigg was afk the whole game. I played Nasus and 1v2ed 2 guys top lane and did pretty good, at all our team did no bad job. The game went for over an hour, it was by far my longest game, eventually we loose, i have a score like 20/30/30 and then when i wanna see the score screen... nothing... and the game is not listed in the recently played games... Fuck eu server ._. Why does this happen just at such an epic game? | ||
Germany947 Posts
April 19 2012 18:59 GMT
over 20k waiting list is not nice | ||
United States10531 Posts
April 19 2012 19:36 GMT
-Double ranged AD bot, their Graves gets half the farm of me(Sivir) because he has a Ashe for support. Ashe goes roams mid and top at level 6 and somehow helps the lane snowball even after I told my team she would roam the map. GG -Heimdinger mid against Leblanc, whos supposed to hard counter him but she held back the fact that she had played less than 3 games of Leblanc total. Pantheon top and our last pick counterpicks himself with GP. GG -GAREN mid against Ahri and she somehow loses because of "lag." And we have a jungle Fiora against a Shyvana. You don't have to be a expert to know that Fiora is a slow jungler and Shyvana just counterjungled the crap out of her until she was 5 levels higher at one point. GG | ||
57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
April 19 2012 19:56 GMT
Fucking morons. | ||
little fancy
Germany2504 Posts
April 19 2012 21:18 GMT
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Finland8662 Posts
April 19 2012 22:50 GMT
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Canada1628 Posts
April 20 2012 00:08 GMT
Managed to tank 10 ranked games in a row and now I'm sitting at 950. | ||
France45622 Posts
April 20 2012 02:14 GMT
Get the advantage, force him off whenever he's oom,harass him. See botlane pushed to their tower because picking Blitz to go with MF after they had Soraka+Graves was such a good idea, have to ult to help them. Get 2 assists. Have to cover because they managed to die anyway. Get killed when they come back because they force you to fight as soon as they arrive, and will visibly die if you don't stay there. Go back top to a freefarming GP that is now a level and some cs ahead of you, with substantiable tower damage, because you spent almost 2 minutes down there. Have Riven hand over blue buff to GP during that time because your jungler is a first day buy Hecarim that instalocked him and visibly can't play him: dies to wolves on his second clear, uses his ult to gank GP, pushing him toward his tower, doesn't use wriggles, etc. Have GP kill you by some streak of luck, flashing in the bushes with less than 15hp and minions trying to attack him, thanks to his blue buff and one level ahead. Have jungle and mid come see you since your own jungler can't apply any pressure and your mid is forced to babysit bot instead. See GP outfarm you in cs and levels. Sigh heavily as bot lane died again, despite you ulting to them and sacrificing your tower in the process. People are such idiots down there. And they whine all game long, MF was some russian dude thay facechecked, ran right back in everytime I saved him by taunting his pursuers (knowing I'd die because GP's passive + fed Graves), refused to group up with us and tried to 1v1 people he contributed to feed. Hecarim fachecking, trying to initiate w/o us, wasting his ult on a single kill then wanting to initiate a 4v4. People generally not understanding that hey, when there's Katarina on the opposing team you don't split up nor stupidly chase people in their jungle. That was painful. People are morons. I guess next time I won't ult and let that lane die to make sure I at least win mine. Dumb people. | ||
Canada6208 Posts
April 20 2012 03:38 GMT
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United States368 Posts
April 20 2012 08:49 GMT
On April 20 2012 04:36 MooMooMugi wrote: I don't know whats wrong today but I've been losing to the most GIMMICKY or strangest team comps ever. I shouldn't even be losing these but my team somehow can't handle it. -Double ranged AD bot, their Graves gets half the farm of me(Sivir) because he has a Ashe for support. Ashe goes roams mid and top at level 6 and somehow helps the lane snowball even after I told my team she would roam the map. GG -Heimdinger mid against Leblanc, whos supposed to hard counter him but she held back the fact that she had played less than 3 games of Leblanc total. Pantheon top and our last pick counterpicks himself with GP. GG -GAREN mid against Ahri and she somehow loses because of "lag." And we have a jungle Fiora against a Shyvana. You don't have to be a expert to know that Fiora is a slow jungler and Shyvana just counterjungled the crap out of her until she was 5 levels higher at one point. GG Sounds like me, I somehow enter gamethrow mode whenever I'm playing vs a comp that is just absolutely awful, I just win my lane then go full derp and suicide doing dumb things. | ||
New Zealand4445 Posts
April 20 2012 14:12 GMT
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United States97 Posts
April 20 2012 15:52 GMT
No. 35 minutes into the game, and he's building a last whisper. No phantom dancer. Just a last whisper. Now, this would be fine, but after a fight at blue where their jungler blew smite trying to steal it and ashe missed her arrow, everyone on the team is saying we need to baron NOW. So we all get over there, we're all in position, but Graves refuses to come, saying only "we have no oracle" as we're all pinging baron furiously. At this point, I just don't give a shit. They OBVIOUSLY don't want to win the game, so I just wander around the map, warding, getting caught, and dying because I just don't give a fuck anymore. And we lose. Because phantom-dancer-as-a-last-item-only Graves just didn't want to take a free baron. And he tells us all he's the best player on the team because I fed him several kills in lane, the gold from which he used to buy everything but a phantom dancer. | ||
United States6151 Posts
April 20 2012 17:31 GMT
Meanwhile, our free week Kog'Maw gets a double kill bottom and I start thinking "oh man this might be a good game!" Nope. They have a jungle Fiora who proceeds to babysit bottom lane and I have a team of unending stupidity. I murder Sion in lane two more times and I'm literally almost 100 CS ahead at this point. I decide to go help out bottom lane. My team engages before I get there into a 3v5 and they all predictably die without getting a kill. Fiora is at 7/0/0 now. "Hey guys, Fiora is getting fed, buy a thornmail" So I gank their Ziggs mid as revenge for him trying to gank me with Sion top and I eat him alive, and I'm up to 4/0/0 and 100 CS ahead in my lane still because Sion is back bottom lane helping feed Fiora. "Enemy Triple Kill" Fiora is 10/0/0 "Guys PLEASE buy a Thornmail" "stfu noob I don't need thornmail" Lets fast-forward a little: We're at the point where our Kog'Maw is 4/16/10 and literally dies to Fiora in three hits in teamfights. Their Graves is getting pretty fed as well and their scores look something like 24/4/9 9/3/20 "Guys, seriously, get a Thornmail" "omg ur so annoying im playing ad carry why would i get armor?" Fastforward again: I've persuaded our Volibear and Hecarim to buy thornmails and we're starting to win teamfights. Fiora has gotten down to: 32/12/12 Graves 13/9/27 Kog'Maw is up to like 4/22/14 "Kog, please buy a fucking thornmail" "Yeah Kog, seriously" "It's how we're catching back up" Their team is so pants on head retarded that the Ziggs now has three Deathcaps, their Warwick has gone AFK for the past 10 minutes, and Sion is never around for teamfights. However, we can't win yet because our AD Carry dies in two swipes of Fiora's fully fed Double Bloodthirster, Double IE, Phantom Dancer build and he has like 20 armor. "stfu guys u dont kno how to AD Carry" says the Kog'Maw with 57 CS at the 45 minute mark. I finally get to the point where I'm so tanky that Fiora/Graves can't kill me without killing themselves and manage to take them out in a teamfight where we push for the win (while Kog'Maw is soloing Dragon) Postgame Lobby: gg gg ggwp bg ww afk Kog'Maw: My team feeder noobs. Olaf uninstall. No idea how to protect AD Carry. Report plz Some people are so stupid it makes me actually want to tear my hair out in frustration. | ||
United States17077 Posts
April 20 2012 18:39 GMT
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United States13684 Posts
April 20 2012 18:42 GMT
On April 21 2012 03:39 HazMat wrote: ...thornmail ya I was gonna try to say something. | ||
United States10531 Posts
April 20 2012 18:43 GMT
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