The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 174
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57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
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United States405 Posts
I had two games today where people literally didn't know how to play. One where I firstpick Riven for top and was looking to pick up an easy win because she's just so stronk at my elo, sadly our last pick autolocks Singed when we need an AD Carry. Singed literally had one ONE ranked win to his name, and he predictably fed...bad. I still ended up with most cs and a 7/3/5 k/d/a. Another game happens where I pick Trist to roll bot lane, even get a Sona support which is great, I'm up against Cait and Sora so it should be a lane that I end up winning by scaling into lategame, oddly enough our last pick locks Rammus as a lane champ vs solo top WW and much to our suprise takes bot lane with me and Sona, leaving WW top to freefarm. He said that because I went b after our invade he thought that he'd go bot because I wasn't going to be there. Once he fed Cait good and stronk we finally convinced him to go back top where he fed WW and proceded to be completely useless. I asked him if he'd ever played before, he said he was level 30 so yes. Another player with literally 1 ranked win on my team. I don't understand this shit, do people seriously get to level 30 on just bot games and then somehow manage to play in the 1350 elo range? How does this happen? On another note, the Tribunal and the threat of banning is laughable, no one I know has even gotten a warning, there is no feedback on weather or not players that you report have action taken against them, and reporting is an after the fact thing anyways, there is no way to prevent players from trolling/griefing. I'd rather have a popup where you agree to, at the risk of losing your account, play as a team/not verbally harass/tryhard that you have to agree to before doing ranked at the very least, that way if someone fucks with your team at least they have on paper that they agreed not to and should have action taken against them. Finally, again, fuck matchamking. It feels like every game I win I'm carrying 3 dead weights and one decent player, 3 of the four other roles feed a storm and we basically walk the razor's edge of losing if I die to victory, or I die and we lose because bad. | ||
Australia966 Posts
I stun the trist thinking shit she could jump him and kill him then shatter to scare her off. Graves then turns around, this is with a full health raka and I'm at about 3/4, quickdraws in and buckshots the trist he predictably trist gets healed and she half healing things him and ults him he explodes. Well it isn't that bad tried to make a play and it didn't go that great w/e. ''TARIC WTF!?'' Graves then proceeds to explain how I'm getting zoned by the soraka ignoring the fact that they are sitting so far back that graves is winning the cs by about 40. | ||
United States5710 Posts
Don't fucking ever queue for ranked after 3am. The level of players you get on your team significantly goes downhill and it's pure troll/ people afking on purpose at the 8min mark. Just lost 2 games in a row because someone gave up at 8min into the game and made us 4v5 for the remainder of our pitiful game. Oh you're 1550 and one win away from breaking your all time high? Heres 2 4v5's hope you have fun. Let's throw in an enemy team who calls you bad the entire time too and won't report the afk because they are assholes and gloat about their 4v5 win. Have fun going back under 1500 and going on a losing streak now because Riot never gives you anything but streaks when playing ranked. | ||
Finland951 Posts
me: y we took drake for it (and were pushing mid when i wrote) Teemo: sacrifice me for drake? Thats so retard teemo: idiot me: :i | ||
France45622 Posts
Ashe facechecking when I ping 3 people coming to her. Ashe never there in fights, because she stays too much behind, or she rushes in front and gets annihilated. We lost a 5v4. 4 people running top, I ping, we see them, we have a ward and they even stopped to destroy it. Ashe facechecks, Alistar and Ahri die with her too. That Mundo moron didn't even bother coming from mid to follow the enemies and pincer them with me. They got a free baron. I destroyed Riven in lane as Pantheon. She was alone top, they had 3 people to defend, we were 5 with Ahri's charm and Ashe's arrow to engage. NOP! Mundo rushes top, Ashe sees a naked tower bot and rushes alone there, Ali and Ahri get lost in enemy jungle. Mundo farms top while Riven goes back, Ashe gets caught by Noc+Kog, Ahri and Ali die stupidly right after. WHAT. THE. FUCK. How can you be so bad? How can you not even listen to anything? Fucking morons plague the game and don't even know how to finish a 5v4 with a sizable lead. Well yeah, lose that Elo so that I never get queued with morons like you again, but for God's sake at least try when I'm on your team. Fuck this. I'm even less bad at ad carry than that Ashe. I played Mundo 3 times PvP and I was doing better than this idiot. For this one, dude picks Ryze against Ahri, gets help from our jungler Maokai, feeds anyway, loses lane, tower, and Ahri ganks all over, 4v2 bot and stuff like that. | ||
United States183 Posts
Probably won't get banned for it either -.- Oh to have the power to instantly ban someone at your will.... | ||
Canada10660 Posts
Our Lulu-Ashe botlane just got rolled by ADSion-Taric. I knew it was gonna be a long game when I look at the five minute mark and Ashe 12 CS to Sion's 8. Like wtf, how... I had both Sion/Taric zoned solo until I could no longer out trade them both, but our Ashe has apparently never last hit before in her entire life. Eventually, their lane sustain started to be greater than my damage and things started to go downhill really really fast. Around the ten minute mark, my 28 farm Ashe says "You're right, lets attack them!" (which I assume is from me telling him that Ashe had a solid 50 range advantage and unless he flashes Sion/Taric couldn't do shit, especially since I had brush control) and proceeds to miss her arrow, then flashes in to towerdive to get double stunned and killed by their 51 farm Sion. Was weird, she went from never autoattack them once to going balls deep with the flick of a switch and then she just like started dying over and over and over and over again. I thought before this game it was impossible to die in a Lulu lane, but god damn I guess I was wrong... not even Lulu's retarded kit can fix stupid. How the hell do these kids get to 1500 ELO? For the love of god I hope he was trolling, or playing on a friends account, or got hacked by some baddie. Like, I just... wow. I'm pretty sure I farmed better in my first game of DotA when I was like 12. | ||
Australia2725 Posts
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little fancy
Germany2504 Posts
Tristana calling for Soraka support, random 5th pick stupidly follows and picks Soraka. Me: "Soraka Trist ist not a good combination" Trist: "stfu i main ad i know what im talking about" (5th pick locks in) *loading screen* Trist has this super shitty super cheap -10% overall damage FB Trist skin -> FAIL INCOMING *game begins* Trist goes all in at lvl 2 / 4 / 6 always dying without even getting the refrag since Soraka can't contribute any burst damage like Ali / Sona could, heck, even Taric would have done the job. Trist: "wtf is this shit noob jungler never gank me afk" BURN IN HELL YOU DUMB IGNORANT FUCK! Why is it that people always think they know everything and are the best and wouldn't take any advice EVER even if it's well explained... Game2: Player 2: "gonna counter vlad mid with talon need tanky/ap top" Me: "Kennen Swain Jax Galio good choices for top" Player 4: "AP TANK NAUTILUS IT IS" *instalocks* Player 4: "so strong have high win ratio we be fine" *game begins* Nautlius gets ganked twice in 10 minutes getting killed both times. Me: "Naut you been back now 4 times maybe get a ward" Nautilus: "no need for ward im 1400 ELO i play safe" *dies two more times to easily preventable Udyr ganks* Me: "still no need for a ward?" Nautilus: "... unlucky usually i can escape easily and im 1400 ELO" Me: " even if u were 2k ELO i would still be laughing at you for that sentence" Udyr /all: "lol ur Nautilus so stupid ima feed myself off of him" Announcement: *Nautlius has bought Sight Ward* However, didn't matter anymore, enemy top way too fed and Talon mid "countered" Vlad and only fed him 5 kills ("vlad op cant do shit ffs he cheat"). I sometimes wonder how people like that can be 1st pick and even win half of their games... back to ranked 5x5 now can't stand inferior human bainlessness anymore right now. | ||
United States7684 Posts
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United States20254 Posts
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Vietnam10817 Posts
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United States817 Posts
holyshithowdopeoplelivewiththemselvesplayingsoloqIfeeltheneedtocleansemybodyinacidgougemyeyesoutwitharustyspoonjoinamonasteryandtakeanoathofsilenceuntilidie | ||
little fancy
Germany2504 Posts
"GG EASY NOOBS" - 3/11/13 Anivia. | ||
United States7684 Posts
On April 23 2012 17:39 valheru wrote: taric graves v sora trist graves is at about 1/2-1/3 trist at about 1/2 -2/3 after a fight which he jumped into like a twat. I stun the trist thinking shit she could jump him and kill him then shatter to scare her off. Graves then turns around, this is with a full health raka and I'm at about 3/4, quickdraws in and buckshots the trist he predictably trist gets healed and she half healing things him and ults him he explodes. Well it isn't that bad tried to make a play and it didn't go that great w/e. ''TARIC WTF!?'' Graves then proceeds to explain how I'm getting zoned by the soraka ignoring the fact that they are sitting so far back that graves is winning the cs by about 40. On April 25 2012 01:36 little fancy wrote: Game1: Tristana calling for Soraka support, random 5th pick stupidly follows and picks Soraka. Me: "Soraka Trist ist not a good combination" Trist: "stfu i main ad i know what im talking about" (5th pick locks in) *loading screen* Trist has this super shitty super cheap -10% overall damage FB Trist skin -> FAIL INCOMING *game begins* Trist goes all in at lvl 2 / 4 / 6 always dying without even getting the refrag since Soraka can't contribute any burst damage like Ali / Sona could, heck, even Taric would have done the job. Trist: "wtf is this shit noob jungler never gank me afk" I thought this was a funny juxtaposition of posts. | ||
France45622 Posts
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57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
That is all. | ||
Australia966 Posts
On April 25 2012 06:35 Jerubaal wrote: I thought this was a funny juxtaposition of posts. Yeah I remember seeing that in the loading screen thinking this is meant to be really bad combo for them isn't it? EDIT: Oh god it happened again. I pick nunu support tell them nunu support, go to get a drink gone less than a minute. In that time teemo was picked for top against a garen... so then I'm stuck with a teemo ad carry -.-. The hecarim then says ''Nunu I hope your building AP'' I say ''I have one reliable damage spell that scales with ap, I'm going support'' "Ok you noob we loose'' DAFUQ?! | ||
United States1471 Posts
i honestly have been playing much better lately and dont have much to qq about. one thing that occured to me recently is that the games where you have a feeder/leaver stick out as extremely frustrating, you remember them. the games where the feeder/leaver is on the other team barely register a blip. the other night i played 3 games and in all 3 the other team had the feeder/leaver on their team. im just saying it probably evens out in the long run. it seems like for every 10 games i play i carry 5 of them, get carried in 1, but lose 2 to my teammates being noob (ive noticed at low elo's sometimes i lose game at champ select because my teammates have no clue about which champs are good against which, or they TRYND TOP OR FEED), lose 1 due to my own mistakes, and lose 1 due to a feeder/leaver on my team. this makes grinding elo very slow and occasionally extremely frustrating. | ||
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