Why do i bother...
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57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
Why do i bother... | ||
1560 Posts
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United States10531 Posts
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United States280 Posts
On April 25 2012 11:34 scarper65 wrote: What is so hard about last hitting? I might start playing DOTA 2 for this single reason: In DOTA 2, you can continually spam clicks on a minion and reset your attack animation. So whenever you stop spamming clicks is when your attack actually goes off. A simple way to solve the stupidness of LoL, where you have to randomly move your champion around to prevent them from attacking too early. | ||
Canada752 Posts
On April 25 2012 14:44 TheToaster wrote: I might start playing DOTA 2 for this single reason: In DOTA 2, you can continually spam clicks on a minion and reset your attack animation. So whenever you stop spamming clicks is when your attack actually goes off. A simple way to solve the stupidness of LoL, where you have to randomly move your champion around to prevent them from attacking too early. Or hit the S button. | ||
Australia2470 Posts
So sick of retards waiting until last pick then dodging, so I have to sit through another 5mins of picks/bans. Should be 10mins first dodge to discourage people from dodging because they didn't get the champ they want. | ||
Australia2725 Posts
On April 25 2012 14:44 TheToaster wrote: I might start playing DOTA 2 for this single reason: In DOTA 2, you can continually spam clicks on a minion and reset your attack animation. So whenever you stop spamming clicks is when your attack actually goes off. A simple way to solve the stupidness of LoL, where you have to randomly move your champion around to prevent them from attacking too early. You can just press 's'. The point of randomly moving is to dodge skillshots not to avoid hitting minions. As much as I love blitz support its getting beyond annoying. If you miss the important hook then you're a noob. If you land the hook then its your opponents who are noob for not dodging it. Someone is getting trashtalked on either side every single hook, no-one can just accept hits and misses. | ||
United States1892 Posts
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United States97 Posts
On April 25 2012 15:54 TheLink wrote: You can just press 's'. The point of randomly moving is to dodge skillshots not to avoid hitting minions. As much as I love blitz support its getting beyond annoying. If you miss the important hook then you're a noob. If you land the hook then its your opponents who are noob for not dodging it. Someone is getting trashtalked on either side every single hook, no-one can just accept hits and misses. I think the point of randomly moving (at least for me) is to not be completely bored. I need SOMETHING to do while I'm playing a game, and after playing Starcraft, hitting a minion, pressing s, and waiting for the next minion while watching the minimap just isn't enough things for me to do. | ||
United States954 Posts
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Finland951 Posts
On April 26 2012 02:04 ishboh wrote: ive noticed that sometimes pressing s only once does not necessarily stop me from attacking minions. i don't know why, but it's a bit irritating Yeah i have noticed the same thing. Learned pretty fast when i wriggle stole blue when it refused to stop, lol. ![]() | ||
United States1935 Posts
He then says bluntly, "ahri mid" "Im mid" Well well well WELL after we had all decided I was going mid with ryze to fuck with their veigar. I was even locked into ryze at this point. He then picks ahri, saying "fuck you, I want ahri" "I don't care, fuck you all" I dodged. T.T | ||
Poland234 Posts
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France45622 Posts
![]() Well, next time I'll make them rage and carry, I guess. Rammus no capable of using his kit to gank, nor even trying, Cho feeding Nidalee because he pushed w/o wards, Morde 5-10 because they dicked around in the end, died 5-6 times to gank and pushing w/o wards again when he comes back, then 2 times engaging 1v4 and surrounded. Next game: first pick Karthus, immediatly countered by LB. Then our 2nd pick takes Panth... with tp. Oh well, another loss. Edit: well, it was finally the fault of our Yi and Karthus, we had a good lead early on but Yi got caught constantly, preventing us from fighting and taking objectives. Then their full crit GP with IE/Tri/Exec went up and 3 shot people. Since their was no teamwork with Karthus chasing people instead of trying to get as many as possible in his AoE, Yi getting caught... I was basically zoned as Graves (he's really good at killing but when you can get 3-shot by a dude with 1.8 AS you feel the lack of range >>). I feel kind of bad for my support; He played good and zoned the enemy duo by himself after a bit of conjoint harass, and I really feel like he deserved to win. GP wasn't good, and his build was too glass-cannony to be viable. It was two of our team playing quite badly, and he's enduring for them. | ||
Canada10660 Posts
I just played a game where this guy picked Tryndamere into Teemo (lol) and just died literally 8 times in lane. How is that even possible? Just use the mouse and click away. Sure you might get behind, but as it turns out you get far less behind if you go back than if you die and come back. FFS man, playing solo Normal games is frustrating. You never get anything besides last pick support, and all your teammates suck. The game I just finished I was the most farmed player in the game just by having three GP10's on Lulu. I won, and it still not even fun... | ||
United States4223 Posts
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United States19573 Posts
On April 26 2012 02:04 ishboh wrote: ive noticed that sometimes pressing s only once does not necessarily stop me from attacking minions. i don't know why, but it's a bit irritating Its called double tap. Good for killing zombies and last hitting. | ||
United States10531 Posts
On April 26 2012 05:46 cLutZ wrote: Its called double tap. Good for killing zombies and last hitting. Zombieland quote, props to you sir | ||
little fancy
Germany2504 Posts
Me: "ppl we need to group they beat us lategame need to use our advantage" *wukong stays solo top afk farming we lose drake* Me: "ok now group we can still beat them we are much stronger right now" *wukong still not giving a shit farms top and starts getting picked 1v5 2 times* Me: "wukong pls join us in fights we will lose otherwise they get strong now" WUkong: "stop spamming the chat" Me: "if u would listen i wouldnt have to repeat myself 10x" Wukong: "ok ignore" --> WTF?! Well, we end up losing the game after two 4v5 fights past 40 minutes. Wukong: "bg noob team report them all". He actually wasn't bad regarding his individual skill but sucked as a team player.No wonder why he is still 1300ish after 500 ranked games. | ||
United States1238 Posts
wiffs every since arrow. I get denied plat. 1800-1900 bracket real terror | ||
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