I always buy wards and keep my lane safe but when i don't have the money, there are always no wards at all on the map. No matter what i play, i'm always the only one to ward. It's cutting into the money i should use for better items instead of having to buy 1-2 wards every time i have to go back.
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Deleted User 101379
4849 Posts
I always buy wards and keep my lane safe but when i don't have the money, there are always no wards at all on the map. No matter what i play, i'm always the only one to ward. It's cutting into the money i should use for better items instead of having to buy 1-2 wards every time i have to go back. | ||
United States10531 Posts
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United States20254 Posts
On April 20 2012 02:29 SilverJohnny wrote: So, I queue up for a game last night, no one is picking support so I grab soraka, go bot with kog. at level 1 BEFORE MINIONS HAVE SPAWNED kog gets into a fight in the bushes with garen and manages to almost die, I have to burn flash to jump in and save his dumb ass, he backs... and then when he returns he runs straight into the bushes, again almost getting spun down by garen. so the game goes on, we're losing top, mid keeps screaming at me after he dies "SORAKA WHERE ULT?" i dunno lol how about you let me know somehow that you need it other than dying, maybe a ping or something? at any rate, we fall way behind, kog doesn't know how to farm at all (GDI KOG FREE WEEK), we get aced and I try to surrender... and we don't even though we're down 20 kills and have no towers. Other team gets baron, and one inhib, and then just camps us for kills, not bothering with getting our nexus. at this point i'm mad as hell, try to surrender again, STILL 3-2. and then kog says the most idiotic thing possible. "we can still win this" wat. wat. FUCKING WAT. this guy. I try to explain that they have baron, they have 20 more kills, there's literally nothing we can do (can't push or we'll just die, we basically can only defend nexus towers, and we can't even do that well) "just finish your builds, we can win!" some people need to never play this game. I don't know who the other moron was who didn't vote to surrender, but gdi whyyyyyyyyy I wanted to requeue after we had clearly lost but no we had to drag it out 15 more minutes I had a game like this. The only ranked game I lost today (out of 6) was when I was Leona and people went to mid to protect vs invade. Well ZIggs runs into their entire team and has to flash out while Corki just runs through their team as if he moved to a place then left his keyboard....1st blood. Then blames team for not saying anything as you know he did it literally just as ZIggs flashed OUT he is going in. | ||
United States1892 Posts
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United States17077 Posts
I FP Lee Sin Go to Task Manager to end Skype because you can't close it. Turn off LoL client instead because I'm so used to turning off this shit so that I can restart it. GG 10 Elo + a free win because I finally got to pick Lee Sin. | ||
United States4223 Posts
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United States20254 Posts
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Canada213 Posts
When I play top/bot usually I can win the lane but more than half the time I feel like I need to completely snowball out of control to offset another lane's poor performance. Starting to really consider calling mid everygame just so I don't have to deal with random ppl calling and failling hard. | ||
United States2300 Posts
Got level 4, ganked Lux mid successfully, then went top and got Tryndamere. 4-0 at about 4:45. Catch their Mundo counterjungling and kill him too. I'm now 5-0 at about 6:00 and almost have zerks+GRB already finished. Somehow every lane starts losing. I warded the bot of mid lane but mid and top didn't buy their own wards. Our free week Viktor mid feeds Lux like 5 kills in the next 5 minutes AFTER she bought mejai's and now she's scary as shit. Our Jax top goes full retard and gets baited into towerdiving Tryndamere twice, and then starts getting zoned off of creeps. Our botlane pushes to tower all day like bosses, and keeps wondering why they die to tribrush ganks when they ward river. I manage to get Soraka once under tower with Ult+towerdive, but mid and top tower eventually go down with both of them down at least 40 cs (I try to gank a number of times but they don't follow up and the enemy laners are pretty strong, so I can't keep chasing them under tower). At about 21:00 we contest the second dragon, Viktor goes to farm mid right as the fight starts, and vayne dies without ever trying to use Q or do anything to position or get away. I double kill their Cait/Soraka and manage to flash over the wall to our blue entrance to get away, but everyone else dies. My score at 21:30: 9-0-0. Team's score at 21:30: 9-21 Our Viktor in all chat when we surrender: Fuck Kayle troll pick who jungles Kayle please report noob. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU | ||
Deleted User 101379
4849 Posts
On April 22 2012 01:00 R11 wrote: Keep dropping in ELO. Lost 4 games just today where it's always someone calling middle and performs badly. I think today my jungle/mid died at least 20 times in 4 games. The only 1 game our jungler was good mid rage quits. When I play top/bot usually I can win the lane but more than half the time I feel like I need to completely snowball out of control to offset another lane's poor performance. Starting to really consider calling mid everygame just so I don't have to deal with random ppl calling and failling hard. What makes you think they then won't start failing on your old lane? Man, sometimes i feel so sorry for some of the opponents players. One game today was extremely 1-sided but 2 of the opponents actually tried stuff to come back (push lanes, snipe dragon, etc)... but their Sion was just "report [insert playername]" all the time, eventhough at 30 minutes he was still at 60 cs. I focussed him all game because he was so annoying -.- | ||
57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
T_T | ||
India1783 Posts
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United States10531 Posts
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United States7572 Posts
Orianna takes turret death mid "wtf" "Skarner" "why dont you gank mid' "or bot or something" "everyone pushed and you do nothing" The game time? 5:13. holy shit | ||
United States10531 Posts
Kogmaw is left free farm and hits 400 minions with IE, PD, QSS, G.A, Zerkers, BT, supported by Soraka heal/locket of the iron solari/aegis/ZILEAN REVIVE. Late game Kog'Maw with 3 lives is so terror.. | ||
Sexico5880 Posts
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57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
I did well against her in the early level, but cheap ass nidalee instawins her lane at 6 and there was nothing I could do to stop her from chasing me down and killing me every time. | ||
United States7572 Posts
How do you lose top lane after I gank THREE TIMES and give you THREE kills. The enemy jungler never even came top. I have played top, and I cannot even begin to fathom how you could start dying after being up in lane 3-0 with Irelia. | ||
United States10531 Posts
4-0 mid as Ahri vs Veigar, been destroying him in lane with a little help from Nocturne even when their Soraka has been roaming mid to help Veigar against me. Top is also winning 2-0, bot is a stale farm fest 0/0 for both sides. Score right now is 6-0 In rolls in minute 25 of gametime, I'm in happily farming a little past my turret and incomes a shiny Ashe arrow from god knows where. I try to dodge the arrow with my dash but Veigar flash stuns me in place and kills me. They get a uncontested baron and start pushing every lane. Team derps and starts feeding them by going in 1 by 1 constantly. They push down the nexus a few minutes later and we lose with the score 6-6 To put icing on the cake, the 0/1/0 Janna who did nothing to contribute to the game at all has the audacity to blame the game on me, which of course was my fault for getting arrowed for barely extending and deciding the whole game. | ||
United States1553 Posts
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