On April 16 2012 06:38 Morfildur wrote: Yay for playing with reallife colleagues...
1:24 after 12 minutes. 3 of our turrets down, only kill by me (solo top olaf vs lulu&udyr), after that i mostly didn't pay attention to my teammates dying but we went up top 10:50 or so, with 8 kills by me and 2 by towers and it was the second time i ever played olaf and maybe ~5 times i ever played a melee champ so i didn't play very good myself... Surrender at 20 fails 2/3. Surrender at 25 fails 2/3. Surrender at 30 fails 2/3. Then i give up trying to surrender.
Did i mention that i have to see those teammates tomorrow at work? *grrr*
Postgame chat: Colleague 1: I think we did quite well, i almost got a kill
Then, after explaining that you are not supposed to push the lane immedatly to not get ganked and stuff:
Colleague 2: oh, but bots always push Me: Yes, but you can do anything and win against bots Colleague 2: oh Colleague 2: I sometimes lose hard against bots
Will a judge send me to prison if i punch them tomorrow?
Yep. Strange as it may seem, not eveyone starts good at videogames. Not justification for punching them. Now, you can write a passive-aggressive letter though and leave it on their desk anonymously.
For my QQ: Screw Soraka. Again. That's all.
On April 16 2012 06:38 Morfildur wrote: Yay for playing with reallife colleagues...
1:24 after 12 minutes. 3 of our turrets down, only kill by me (solo top olaf vs lulu&udyr), after that i mostly didn't pay attention to my teammates dying but we went up top 10:50 or so, with 8 kills by me and 2 by towers and it was the second time i ever played olaf and maybe ~5 times i ever played a melee champ so i didn't play very good myself... Surrender at 20 fails 2/3. Surrender at 25 fails 2/3. Surrender at 30 fails 2/3. Then i give up trying to surrender.
Did i mention that i have to see those teammates tomorrow at work? *grrr*
Postgame chat: Colleague 1: I think we did quite well, i almost got a kill
Then, after explaining that you are not supposed to push the lane immedatly to not get ganked and stuff:
Colleague 2: oh, but bots always push Me: Yes, but you can do anything and win against bots Colleague 2: oh Colleague 2: I sometimes lose hard against bots
Will a judge send me to prison if i punch them tomorrow?
when i first started playing i assumed you were supposed to just take the towers as fast as possible
I am now down 100 ELO
last game I was Cho with warmogs randuins FON wits atma, over 5k health, last teamfight we all jumped them in baron pit, I was focused down first and my team didnt get a single kill
I feel bad for queue dodging but it's really fun. Like there's this guy that plays against 500 elo's on stream right? It's like he's going to the kindergardeners in school and trading pokemon cards with them. But even playing people 100 elo below you doesn't feel fair.
Feel like queue dodgers should be banned. Hypocritical. I dodge games where there's troll, no jungler, two junglers, no ad carry.
Lost a stupid game. Dunked vladimir hardcore once already so I was ahead, and went triple dorans to seal the deal. Friendly xinzhao decides to come top to gank. I can't quite 100 to zero without ignite, so I combo him low, with xinzhao in the bush. Xin zhao does NOTHING while I"m comboing. Didn't even come out of the bush. We end up trying to dive vlad with 50 hp and it fails because he has flash and Talon roamed top. End up feeding vlad the double and predictably losing the lane from there.
i am so tired of retards will someone please duo with me even though im at like 1200 and help me get better
when i jungle my lanes don't help
when i lane jungler comes in when im low health and oom to feed their top when i was doing fine so i get outleveled and zoned
On April 16 2012 17:20 DoctorHelvetica wrote: i am so tired of retards will someone please duo with me even though im at like 1200 and help me get better
when i jungle my lanes don't help
when i lane jungler comes in when im low health and oom to feed their top when i was doing fine so i get outleveled and zoned
You can add me. I am Aerensianic. I am a 1200 player too Tonight it was just a frustrating night of treading water went from 1230 to 1200 in like 14 games lol a couple of losses in a row then win/loss/win/loss over and over.
T_t. Stupid weekends with stupid little kids who cant play for shit.
Never play ranked on the weekend if you're <1700 in my opinion, thats where the majority of the pubescent population lies I've noticed
My god, leveling to thirty is a pain.
I've had three Ashe's disconnect after given first blood to the enemy team, two Shens that refused to use their ults to save me, and my teams have never called MIA despite my reminding them over and over to do so.
I'm losing all motivation to play this game, and I only have six levels left to go.
I think I'm stuck in hell whenever I play a game. I do top, mid, or jungle perfectly, and the other lanes just throw the game.
Playing with friends or some TL'ers from LiquidParty is your best bet for a decent casual normal game. Solo Q'ing normals is the mistake I made when I was low level such as yourself and is the reason why my win/lose rate is not as high as it should be :p
On April 17 2012 05:12 MooMooMugi wrote: Playing with friends or some TL'ers from LiquidParty is your best bet for a decent casual normal game. Solo Q'ing normals is the mistake I made when I was low level such as yourself and is the reason why my win/lose rate is not as high as it should be :p
there's no one who says anything on NA LiquidParty... like you have intermittent conversation by mistake
afkparty qq
On April 17 2012 05:12 MooMooMugi wrote: Playing with friends or some TL'ers from LiquidParty is your best bet for a decent casual normal game. Solo Q'ing normals is the mistake I made when I was low level such as yourself and is the reason why my win/lose rate is not as high as it should be :p
Can't say anything about Liquid Party chat members on NA, but for me as an EUW player the only source of decent players that make for good games sometimes (besides friends) are those in the Gentlemen's club chat (and even there you still have a bunch of really nice but also really bad players).
I already qqed a lot about this issue in this thread but it is what it is: playing without a full premade of well known players / friends using Team speak or similar is almost always going to be a game of (much) lower quality than playing as 5.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/gqpXO.png) Typical day at liquidparty NA
Ok, so I was jungle Olaf vs Shyvanna, so I asked top to check red, but he totally ignored me, and answered nothing. Then it obviously got stolen, and it put me in an extremely awkward situation, where I got to their red at the same time as Shyv, couldn't finish her because their mid came, and then it snowballed, and I was 2 lvls lower than Shyvanna(her being 8 when I got 6).
I then told people on my team that I would farm a bit to get back in levels, before to re-gank, as I was really underlvl, and right away, Graves started to insult in-game, saying I suck, and what not.
Post-game chat was really a work of art, though : + Show Spoiler + MrSwisher: olaf is straight retard MrSwisher: only reason we lost Killnow: not the only reason Killnow: your wu sucked dick MrSwisher: lurked? MrSwisher: go touch more kids you pedo Dazzlar117: nah counter jungled olaf to hard lurked: hahahaha MrSwisher: ahaha MrSwisher: lurked MrSwisher: where you get that name MrSwisher: haha lurked: lol MrSwisher: omg MrSwisher: Name makes game lurked: haha lurked: you're amazing lurked: I guess you're insecure RL lurked: so you gotta insult ppl on LoL chat lurked: but don't worry, I love you. MrSwisher: ohh really MrSwisher: you are so butthurt lurked: you,re the butthurt here lurked: i'm laughing my ass off lurked: with friend on vent lurked: seriously MrSwisher: OK MAN HAVE A GREAT TIME lurked: you are quite a phenomenon MrSwisher: THANKS FOR INSULTING ME lurked: ??? when did that happen? I never did. MrSwisher: I LOVE YOU lurked: hahaha lurked: <3<3<3<3 MrSwisher: get some self respect MrSwisher: haha lurked: hahaha lurked: dude
Also, 29minutes game = 145 cs graves, but he was really an amazing, amazing player, with no flaws, and it was 100% the jungler's fault we lost the game. -_-
Fucking fuckity trash shit ISP that can maintain a healthy connection for more than a fucking week without some screw-up for at least an entire evening, get lost friggin' company, I have no problem at all for the whole evening and as soon as I enter a game I dc 4 minutes in and only manage to come back 25 minutes later, with a lowered Elo and a leave at my belt. FUCKING TRASH ISP, goddamnit, that's not even an acceptable uptime! One evening out of seven ! And I had an interesting team comp and an easy lane for me to enjoy, damnit. Way to ruin the mood and make me angry before I go to sleep. Fuck this.
In a draft pick match, I was the last in my team to pick. I get asked by the captain what role and champion I'd prefer playing. I say I'd prefer ad bot, and I'd prefer cait. He bans cait.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/xBprB.png)
I don't even care that we won (mainly because it took 55mins) but that was the 'ad' carry I had to support.
Also mundo built 4 warmogs and farmed top and jungle all game. We took our first tower at 35mins. They took theirs at 30mins.
Was pretty close to bashing my head against the wall.
welcome to kogmaw free week