I dropped under 1000 ELO today.
My last 3 games, all as AD Ez:
Game 1: CS is not enough I get beat in lane early 1-3. Tell my support and jungler I'm just farming for the next 10 minutes, and do so. 150 cs later, I proceed to go up to 8-5 as we start teamfighting. Then Lux and skarner start fighting, and we lose 2 teamfights. I go back to farming. I'm at 250 cs 25 minutes in. My team tells me to come fight with team. I do, they engage horribly and don't focus, and I go back to farming. As my team yells at me to fight with them, I keep farming, with the occasional Backdoor (netting 4 towers downed over the course of the game, 2 solos). Without their AD carry, they don't engage, and thus don't die. I get to 400 CS in 35 minutes. I'm 8-6-5, with a Trinity, IE, Zerkers, BT, PD, BT. I come back to the teamfight, push, get a triple kill, we take all 3 inhibs. My team doesn't go b. Everyone is at 20% hp, but they try to focus the nexus towers. I reluctantly stay with the team, not wanting to get bitched at again. The enemy team pops up.
All of us die.
The enemy team defends, then pushes us. We engage, and Skarner ults the wrong person. As our Morde runs away, I get jumped and die. 11-8.
As they keep pushing, similar things happen. Lux misses her snare. I die 3 more times while fighting in our base, only netting one kill. My thirster stacks are gone , though I have changed my boots into another PD. The enemy team hasn't heard of armor.
End up dying a fourth time right as they kill our nexus, to end 12-12-11 with 416 cs. Fun stat: I dealt half a million damage that game. I get reported for refusing to work with the team.
Game 2: Tilting I'm on tilt after the last game, and open 1-4, while my support goes 0-3. Great. Farming didn't seem to work last game (in my tilting mind at least), so I just roam and engage all fucking game. Seems to work. End up 5-5 before they push, endgame 5-8. Not much to say here. I was tilting, and made mistakes. Roam Ez is pretty strong once he gets level 9 though.
Game 3: 12-4 to 12-11 My team: Riven, Lux, Ezreal(me), Soraka, Jungle Sion Their team: AP Warwick, Ryze, Twitch, Lulu, Shyvana
I started the game with a FB double kill. Then went 4-0 in 4 minutes. Then 6-1, 6-2, 10-3, 12-4. At this point I have a 50 cs lead on everyone else, enemy Twitch has been shat on and is 1-6, and only our Sion isn't positive. With the mana from Soraka, I'm Q-spamming everyone, keeping them all below 1/2 health. Warwick is the only one who does damage on their team, because Riven dropped to mid to gank Ryze a few times, putting him behind as well. If WW dies, we win the teamfight. Shyvana is building straight health, Ryze is stacking armor instead of mana, Twitch does nothing, and Lulu... is Lulu.
Me: "Focus WW, he's the only damage." Sion: "WW too tanky. Twitch>Ryze" Me: "Ordinarily, yes. But twitch is 1-6 with 60 cs. He does no damage. Focus WW plz" Sion: "WW tanky nub ez"
We group up and pressure mid turret. I Q-spam and poke WW down to 25% health.
Me: "Focus WW please" Sion: "stfu ez nub so annoying" Lux: "Ez focus twitch"
Sion then dives, stuns Twitch, and kills him with Riven's help. By this point, WW has used Lifesteal and Lulu's giant spell to get back to 70%, and flash-jumps on me. With no CC remaining on our team, I die. The rest of my team proceeds to scatter and Riven and Soraka are picked off.
Sion: "nub ez I told u ww too tanky" Me: "I had him down to 25%. Please just focus him then we can kill twitch ok?" Sion: "SO NOOB. idiot go back to nrmals"
Over the course of the next 15 minutes, my team engages twice while I'm away (getting items or dragon), runs in 1 by 1 to lose another fight, loses 3 turrets, and doesn't kill WW once, who gets his bloodrazer. I get sent to 12-6, and get fed up with this.
Me: "Fuck it. Sion, you can focus whoever you want. I'm focusing WW so you'll stop dying." Sion (allchat): "REPORT EZ GIVING GAME AWAY" Lux: "Ez don't be an ass, work with the team"
Next fight, I focus WW, exhaust him before he jumps me, and have Sion take the kill. We win the fight. Next fight exhaust is down, my team again doesn't CC WW, everyone dies, and the game disintegrates from there. I end up 12-11 as I'm constantly dove and my team refuses to peel, cc, or anything. Post-game, the enemy team actually apologizes to me.
The people I'm playing with now are worse than terrible. They're so bad I can play Garen solotop, get Sword of the Occult as my first item, MobiBoots as my second, go 7-2-7 and win in 25 minutes (535 movespeed with Q LOL). They ban people like Master Yi and Lux. I can and have won lanes 1v2 as Ez. But when it comes to teamfights, I just can't carry hard enough.
I've been told this is because Ez isn't a good AD carry. And he's certainly not the strongest. But when you are 250 CS and 5 kills above the next highest champion in the game, it really shouldn't matter that Ez is only 2nd tier AD. And I do play other champs: Ez, Cow, Yi (AD, AP, Jungle, Tank, or Support - I know them all), Ashe, Garen, Lee, Soraka, Trist, Vayne (though I'm really out of practice with Vayne).
So what do I do? Do I learn Katarina and just snowball every game up to 1300, where people learn how to CC? Or maybe pull a Spamhappy and go Poppy every game any Role? Part of my problem is certainly that I understand bot lane FAR better than any other lane. I play toplane passably, and jungle decently with Yi, Lee, or Garen+ Show Spoiler +Jungle Garen is hilarious. Really strong if your team is CC heavy, like a Maokai Top Leona bot. He's got a slow clear and a slow start, but he ganks like a truck and wins 1v1 vs most Junglers. . My mid is pretty bad, just because I never play it.
Since the beginning of February I've dropped from 1415 to 994 ELO. Thats a 421 point drop. As I told LiquidParty, the first 200 points were probably my fault, as I tried out new characters in ranked and then tilted. Then I played a lot of support (mostly cow or soraka), and dropped another 100 points as I sat and watched my AD carries refuse to farm. Now I'm carrying, and I just can't carry hard enough. I was depressed before. Now I've gone numb.
I thought I was in ELO Hell. The only thing keeping me going is the hope that I am merely in Purgatory.
Just gonna say. Best chance at carrying low ELO (if you actually are on average MUCH better than the people there) is to play AP carry. If you can destroy mid and get enough burst that you just rofl all over their AD carry, you should be able to lead your team to victory, even if it means being focused down and killed every fight just so that you can burst their entire team to 1/3 hp before dying.
look up "terreo" or "bellaflica" on north america server and tell me there is an elo hell
On April 16 2012 17:22 DURRHURRDERP wrote: look up "terreo" or "bellaflica" on north america server and tell me there is an elo hell I'm not really sure what that means? Two people who are good?
hey man. just a tip in regards to game 3. it dosent matter if your playing with noobs or w/e but whats worse than focusing the wrong hero is when not everyone focuses the same hero. in this case when the rest if your team is so keen on focusing one hero no matter how bad of an idea it is, its always best to follow them to maximise your chances.
i come from a dota background so if this dosnt make much sense then dont worry about it .
they both queue dodged down to <1k and 1.4k~ (from 2k~) for fun and now they're just winning essentially 100% of games
On April 16 2012 17:35 DURRHURRDERP wrote: they both queue dodged down to <1k and 1.4k~ (from 2k~) for fun and now they're just winning essentially 100% of games That's great for them?
I know I'm not perfect, or nearly as good as 2k players. I felt comfortable at ~1400, winning slightly more than I was losing. And I was worse then than I am now, but I still wouldn't say I'm above 1500 - and in non-botlane I'm probably only 1300. ELO Hell isn't a place where no one can win. That doesn't exist. ELO Hell is personal, its where you aren't able to carry your way out.
On April 16 2012 17:34 Rhaegar99 wrote:hey man. just a tip in regards to game 3. it dosent matter if your playing with noobs or w/e but whats worse than focusing the wrong hero is when not everyone focuses the same hero. in this case when the rest if your team is so keen on focusing one hero no matter how bad of an idea it is, its always best to follow them to maximise your chances. i come from a dota background so if this dosnt make much sense then dont worry about it  . Not entirely true, as he's playing a glass cannon role he often can't focus the twitch, since they would require diving past the enemy bruisers.
IS OK I FELL BELOW 1K ONCE I FELT BAD STARTED PLAYING AGAIN NPNP. My opinion low elo you need to play hypersnowball carry assassins because nobody knows how to deal. Fk farming takes too long and your team's mostly dead by the time you kick in.
IMO elo hell is just below platinum/low plat where everyone thinks they're 2.2k material because they can't recognize their own mistakes/what they could do better. Also where people start calling support and they make me solo
ofc you cant carry when you're trying to afk farm all game on an ad carry that has one of the weakest late game
vayne - 500 cs 0-0-0
ezreal - 750 cs 5-0-0
ur 250 cs + 5 kills above vayne, u think you can win that?
On April 16 2012 17:49 DURRHURRDERP wrote: ofc you cant carry when you're trying to afk farm all game on an ad carry that has one of the weakest late game
vayne - 500 cs 0-0-0
ezreal - 750 cs 5-0-0
ur 250 cs + 5 kills above vayne, u think you can win that? No, but I can win this: Ezreal - 250 cs 5-1-5 Vayne - 150 cs 1-3-3
And endgame, I can win this Ezreal - 400 cs 8-3-10 Vayne - 200 cs 3-7-5
More reasonable for where I'm at.
Still, as I said, I know I need to learn more/better champs
There's no way it's the fact you're playing ezreal. You're not playing the teamfights right somehow, I don't know how exactly from your description.
When you post things like this:
"The people I'm playing with now are worse than terrible. They're so bad I can play Garen solotop, get Sword of the Occult as my first item, MobiBoots as my second, go 7-2-7 and win in 25 minutes (535 movespeed with Q LOL). They ban people like Master Yi and Lux. I can and have won lanes 1v2 as Ez. But when it comes to teamfights, I just can't carry hard enough."
The absolute 1st thing that comes to my mind is, if you can pick X hero and go 10-0 in lane and win the game in 20 minutes, why aren't you doing that? Instead you're trying to play an ad carry that requires extremely delicate positioning + ur team to actually do something during a teamfight/focus the right people + ur team to actually not go 0-20 by the time u actually get farmed. Of course you're going to lose a lot of games. Just because you're "really 1300" and you're playing vs 900 elo players, doesn't mean that you can just pick some shitty champion and go 20-0 every game. If you can play some champion that just goes 20-0 and wins the game before teamfights even occur and instead you feel the need to play a role thats extremely reliant both on your own positioning + skill (IE: Someone that you can't carry hard enough on) as well as your team (AD carries in general), then the only person that is at fault for you being -400 elo is yourself.
On April 16 2012 17:47 seRapH wrote:Show nested quote +On April 16 2012 17:34 Rhaegar99 wrote:hey man. just a tip in regards to game 3. it dosent matter if your playing with noobs or w/e but whats worse than focusing the wrong hero is when not everyone focuses the same hero. in this case when the rest if your team is so keen on focusing one hero no matter how bad of an idea it is, its always best to follow them to maximise your chances. i come from a dota background so if this dosnt make much sense then dont worry about it  . Not entirely true, as he's playing a glass cannon role he often can't focus the twitch, since they would require diving past the enemy bruisers. IS OK I FELL BELOW 1K ONCE I FELT BAD STARTED PLAYING AGAIN NPNP. My opinion low elo you need to play hypersnowball carry assassins because nobody knows how to deal. Fk farming takes too long and your team's mostly dead by the time you kick in. IMO elo hell is just below platinum/low plat where everyone thinks they're 2.2k material because they can't recognize their own mistakes/what they could do better. Also where people start calling support and they make me solo 
Yeah, just smashing your lane isn't necessarily good enough to carry games. You can have a champ zoned beyond belief and be 100 CS over them, but that isn't going to win you games. However you smash your lane, kill the tower, then go kill another lane suddenly a lane that was even is in your teams favor and you can start your team snowballing pretty hard.
Even at relatively low ELO's if you are smashing your lane chances are their jungler is going to start camping your lane. Suddenly your farm is gone and they get back into the game. However, if you just leave your lane and start putting pressure elsewhere what exactly is the other team gonna do? Either your lane follows you and you just win objectives because you are waaaay ahead of your lane, or they stay put and farm themselves back into the game just liek they would if the Jungler camped you.... thing is your team is allowed to get whatever map objective they please because it is 5v4 with you being really really fed. Your lane opponent gonna get back in the game, but your team gonna start to snowball because you gonna have a dragon advantages, a tower advantage, and a map control advantage.
At low ELO people suck at evaluating trades and have poor positioning... this leads to people dying/feeding. Unfortunately, no matter how well you last hit you aren't going to be able to outfarm an enemy farming champions by farming only creeps.
If you are as good as you think you are, you need to be a global presence that not only gets farmed, but snowballs your team. Even if you a super farmed Vayne/Kog/Corki you can't 1v5.
On April 16 2012 17:57 UniversalSnip wrote: There's no way it's the fact you're playing ezreal. You're not playing the teamfights right somehow, I don't know how exactly from your description. How I play teamfights: Q spam constantly, chunking people. Watch my AP Mid see me, think they can do the same, overextend and get picked off. See rest of team run in 1 by 1 to "save them". See team get picked off. 1 by 1. Try to escape, usually get caught.
Successful teamfights are rare, but usually involve: Q spam constantly pre-fight, keeping enemy team low and burning heal CDs. Once teamfight starts, W my team then Q and auto the focus. If the focus escapes behind bruisers, focus bruisers. Stay behind our bruisers at all times. If someone gets close to me, E away and Exhaust if they're chasing me. W the enemy team as needed. Save R for runners or when our team focus is bad and the enemy is all 50% or less.
On April 16 2012 17:59 DURRHURRDERP wrote:+ Show Spoiler +When you post things like this:
"The people I'm playing with now are worse than terrible. They're so bad I can play Garen solotop, get Sword of the Occult as my first item, MobiBoots as my second, go 7-2-7 and win in 25 minutes (535 movespeed with Q LOL). They ban people like Master Yi and Lux. I can and have won lanes 1v2 as Ez. But when it comes to teamfights, I just can't carry hard enough."
The absolute 1st thing that comes to my mind is, if you can pick X hero and go 10-0 in lane and win the game in 20 minutes, why aren't you doing that? + Show Spoiler +Instead you're trying to play an ad carry that requires extremely delicate positioning + ur team to actually do something during a teamfight/focus the right people + ur team to actually not go 0-20 by the time u actually get farmed. Of course you're going to lose a lot of games. Just because you're "really 1300" and you're playing vs 900 elo players, doesn't mean that you can just pick some shitty champion and go 20-0 every game. If you can play some champion that just goes 20-0 and wins the game before teamfights even occur and instead you feel the need to play a role thats extremely reliant both on your own positioning + skill (IE: Someone that you can't carry hard enough on) as well as your team (AD carries in general), then the only person that is at fault for you being -400 elo is yourself.
Because Garen is a really cheesy, unreliable pick. If they happen to have a decent top player, I'm probably fucked. I've got a 50% win rate with Garen. Half the games I wreck top and snowball, and half of them I get shut down because he's so easy to counter if the enemy top is even halfway decent.
On April 16 2012 18:03 iCanada wrote:Show nested quote +On April 16 2012 17:47 seRapH wrote:On April 16 2012 17:34 Rhaegar99 wrote:hey man. just a tip in regards to game 3. it dosent matter if your playing with noobs or w/e but whats worse than focusing the wrong hero is when not everyone focuses the same hero. in this case when the rest if your team is so keen on focusing one hero no matter how bad of an idea it is, its always best to follow them to maximise your chances. i come from a dota background so if this dosnt make much sense then dont worry about it  . Not entirely true, as he's playing a glass cannon role he often can't focus the twitch, since they would require diving past the enemy bruisers. IS OK I FELL BELOW 1K ONCE I FELT BAD STARTED PLAYING AGAIN NPNP. My opinion low elo you need to play hypersnowball carry assassins because nobody knows how to deal. Fk farming takes too long and your team's mostly dead by the time you kick in. IMO elo hell is just below platinum/low plat where everyone thinks they're 2.2k material because they can't recognize their own mistakes/what they could do better. Also where people start calling support and they make me solo  Yeah, just smashing your lane isn't necessarily good enough to carry games. You can have a champ zoned beyond belief and be 100 CS over them, but that isn't going to win you games. However you smash your lane, kill the tower, then go kill another lane suddenly a lane that was even is in your teams favor and you can start your team snowballing pretty hard. + Show Spoiler + Even at relatively low ELO's if you are smashing your lane chances are their jungler is going to start camping your lane. Suddenly your farm is gone and they get back into the game. However, if you just leave your lane and start putting pressure elsewhere what exactly is the other team gonna do? Either your lane follows you and you just win objectives because you are waaaay ahead of your lane, or they stay put and farm themselves back into the game just liek they would if the Jungler camped you.... thing is your team is allowed to get whatever map objective they please because it is 5v4 with you being really really fed. Your lane opponent gonna get back in the game, but your team gonna start to snowball because you gonna have a dragon advantages, a tower advantage, and a map control advantage.
At low ELO people suck at evaluating trades and have poor positioning... this leads to people dying/feeding. Unfortunately, no matter how well you last hit you aren't going to be able to outfarm an enemy farming champions by farming only creeps.
If you are as good as you think you are, you need to be a global presence that not only gets farmed, but snowballs your team. Even if you a super farmed Vayne/Kog/Corki you can't 1v5.
With Ez, once I hit level 9 I start roaming mid and keeping a strong watch on drag since i can solo it. I'll try to destroy mid harder I guess? And maybe ward enemy blue if I'm on blue team.
I don't really know what to say about a game where the ad carry can just wander off and solo dragon.
Can't really say I see the point of roaming mid until you take their tower. And you're not trying to gank them at that point, you're just pushing bot, then coming mid and pushing it really hard.
On April 16 2012 18:07 iGrok wrote:Show nested quote +On April 16 2012 17:57 UniversalSnip wrote: There's no way it's the fact you're playing ezreal. You're not playing the teamfights right somehow, I don't know how exactly from your description. How I play teamfights: Q spam constantly, chunking people. Watch my AP Mid see me, think they can do the same, overextend and get picked off. See rest of team run in 1 by 1 to "save them". See team get picked off. 1 by 1. Try to escape, usually get caught.
There is your problem.
You an AD carry, you shouldn't be the first one in a fight ever. As silly as it sounds you should just be almost entirely out of an area even close to an enemy champion unless you have three or four allies inbetween you and them.
Wait for your team to intiate (or get initiated on, I suppose...) and then just kill everything one by one as they focus your team. Will your whole team die? Maybe... but if you are as farmed as you say you are then their whole team will die faster.
On April 16 2012 18:09 iGrok wrote:Show nested quote +On April 16 2012 18:03 iCanada wrote:On April 16 2012 17:47 seRapH wrote:On April 16 2012 17:34 Rhaegar99 wrote:hey man. just a tip in regards to game 3. it dosent matter if your playing with noobs or w/e but whats worse than focusing the wrong hero is when not everyone focuses the same hero. in this case when the rest if your team is so keen on focusing one hero no matter how bad of an idea it is, its always best to follow them to maximise your chances. i come from a dota background so if this dosnt make much sense then dont worry about it  . Not entirely true, as he's playing a glass cannon role he often can't focus the twitch, since they would require diving past the enemy bruisers. IS OK I FELL BELOW 1K ONCE I FELT BAD STARTED PLAYING AGAIN NPNP. My opinion low elo you need to play hypersnowball carry assassins because nobody knows how to deal. Fk farming takes too long and your team's mostly dead by the time you kick in. IMO elo hell is just below platinum/low plat where everyone thinks they're 2.2k material because they can't recognize their own mistakes/what they could do better. Also where people start calling support and they make me solo  Yeah, just smashing your lane isn't necessarily good enough to carry games. You can have a champ zoned beyond belief and be 100 CS over them, but that isn't going to win you games. However you smash your lane, kill the tower, then go kill another lane suddenly a lane that was even is in your teams favor and you can start your team snowballing pretty hard. + Show Spoiler + Even at relatively low ELO's if you are smashing your lane chances are their jungler is going to start camping your lane. Suddenly your farm is gone and they get back into the game. However, if you just leave your lane and start putting pressure elsewhere what exactly is the other team gonna do? Either your lane follows you and you just win objectives because you are waaaay ahead of your lane, or they stay put and farm themselves back into the game just liek they would if the Jungler camped you.... thing is your team is allowed to get whatever map objective they please because it is 5v4 with you being really really fed. Your lane opponent gonna get back in the game, but your team gonna start to snowball because you gonna have a dragon advantages, a tower advantage, and a map control advantage.
At low ELO people suck at evaluating trades and have poor positioning... this leads to people dying/feeding. Unfortunately, no matter how well you last hit you aren't going to be able to outfarm an enemy farming champions by farming only creeps.
If you are as good as you think you are, you need to be a global presence that not only gets farmed, but snowballs your team. Even if you a super farmed Vayne/Kog/Corki you can't 1v5.
With Ez, once I hit level 9 I start roaming mid and keeping a strong watch on drag since i can solo it. I'll try to destroy mid harder I guess? And maybe ward enemy blue if I'm on blue team.
I don't really think you should wander around ganking as an AD carry. More crush your bot lane (hopefully getting a couple kills...), take your tower and start taking other map objectives, whether its Dragon/towers/baron/inhibiters... dont matter. Just create map pressure.
Ganking on an AD carry isn't the greatest idea because AD's are naturally kind of bad at ganking unless they are absolutely terrible... you are just going to waste your time/lose farm. Since you can't force them to just fight you for whatever reason (unless they terrible...) you force them to fight you for a reason, be it a tower, dragon, baron etc.
Its the same principle that Shyvana's/Udyr's use to make themselves known. Unless Shy has exhaust she can't gank a lane.. so make them come to you by counterganking the enemy Jungler or making their laners respond to you taking their junglers stuff.
ELO hell doesn't exist.
You will protest, argue that it does, provide meaningless and biased information.
It does not exist and any claim that it does is a poor attempt at shifting the blame. You get the elo you deserve, good players have shown this countless times.
A player who competes at 2000+ can drop to a 1000 and climb back up. The fact that you can't climb up isn't evidence of a flawed system, in fact, it is evidence that the system works.
On April 16 2012 18:14 UniversalSnip wrote: I don't really know what to say about a game where the ad carry can just wander off and solo dragon.
Can't really say I see the point of roaming mid until you take their tower. And you're not trying to gank them at that point, you're just pushing bot, then coming mid and pushing it really hard. I -always- down bot tower by the time I'm level 9.
And yeah, because of the way they ward dragon, if I'm on blue side I can just E over the wall and take it without them being any the wiser. No map awareness at all.
"Hey, where's the AD carry?" "I dunno. Is he at Drag?" "No, I can see on my minimap that no one's there." 5 minutes later: "Hey, when did they take dragon?"
I've been caught once, and I just E'd back over the wall, then R sniped it for the lolz.
It's probably not because of ELO hell but because you suck ass at positioning yourself in team fights. If you're at 1k ELO there is so much you're doing wrong it's not even funny. Let me know when you end the game 19-5 and still lose, then you're in ELO hell. Your true ELO is probably closer to 1200. Anyone can go up or down 200 easily.