The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 168
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United States167 Posts
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United States4223 Posts
then i tried to play some games at 1400 elo and failed wtffffffffffff | ||
1560 Posts
On April 15 2012 12:28 heroofcanton wrote: Vayne disconnects leaving me 2v1 in bot playing alistar vs wukong and fizz. I spent most of my tine in lane healing my creep wave to mess with their last hitting. Not a fun tine. I don't know, that sounds like it could be pretty fun | ||
United States10531 Posts
On April 15 2012 13:16 unichan wrote: wahhhhhhhhhhh my friend and i are on a feed streak then i tried to play some games at 1400 elo and failed wtffffffffffff 1400 elo is so hard to win in -_- on my smurf I actually go up and down because you have too high of expectations of your teammates and they either over or under-commit in ganks, skirmishes, and teamfights. You die and it makes you look stupid You seriously have to go 10-0 to win a game | ||
Canada10660 Posts
Some people ruin game experiences so hard. I just finished a game where it was literally 3v5 all game for a solid 57:25. Game starts and our Vayne says in all chat "Fyck, I meant to queue dodge" and afk's. Our support Lulu decides that laning 1v2 not worth her time and sat right beside her Vayne in fountain all game.... Beauty. I was top as Olaf against Tryn, we had a Ziggs mid against a Kass, and our Jungler Cho went bot lane against their Ashe/Soraka lane. We gave our Cho blue then sent him 1v2 bot lane and we actually did like really well in the lane phase. Cho outfarmed Ashe pretty hard, and me and Ziggs absolutely crushed our lane. By the fifteen minute mark the score was 7-1 and every lane was up about 30 CS. And then they broke our bot tower and it all went downhill from there. Bot lane just started pressuring every lane, and their terrible Shyvana finally emerged from the jungles (why she wouldn't gank i have no idea... meh) decently farmed. We miraculously got the first dragon, and the first baron. Not only that but we won pretty well every teamfight/skirmish, but unfortunately it'd be like a 3 for 2 trade and then they'd just get a map objective for free. So frustrated... we outplayed them so hard but lost because we just didn't have the same manpower they had. I'd say if we still had our Lulu even if she had zero farms we likely won 4v5. Unless bot lane fed really hard or something, I bet the other team would have surrendered at 20. -.- Bye 13 ELO... QQ. | ||
United States183 Posts
What a piece of shit game. Sad thing is? I actually have to play it because I can't afk until they win or I'm insta banned and Teemo and Yi won't surrender a 4v5 where enemy ad range and Shaco are fed. THAT is ELO hell. | ||
United States1215 Posts
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United States6533 Posts
sick man teach me how to do that. | ||
United States7572 Posts
MF: WTF Nasus is just one of those kids who thinks whoever farms most wins, fucking noob help Cant carry hard enough, someone picked jungle yi when they have mordekaiser, and mid and bot lost hard...GG Then in postgame the Shen tells me that Nasus cant carry... -100 elo | ||
United States15034 Posts
does it work? | ||
United States15034 Posts
10-2-14 or something like that with pantheon just now and after warmogs i just sit and killed their whole team under their next turrets. wits end really shreds once you have sustain, damn | ||
United States13912 Posts
On April 15 2012 17:55 DoctorHelvetica wrote: haha ive thought so many times of just going nothing but pure armor runes in every slot and playing a super super aggressive top lane does it work? I think i was following the "duff" build for olaf or something, but Yeah lots of armor, some mr, and defensive masteries and no attack. Thing with olaf is early game true damage op, and late game he isn't doing much damage so its chill for him to not care about offensive materies or runes | ||
United States7572 Posts
On April 15 2012 17:56 DoctorHelvetica wrote: by the way the best remedy for tilting in ranked is to play a normal and shit on nubs 10-2-14 or something like that with pantheon just now and after warmogs i just sit and killed their whole team under their next turrets. wits end really shreds once you have sustain, damn I just tried that. Our jungle never connected and then our mid and support left. I went 12-7 panth 2v5 with Ashe. We lost. I dont feel much better. | ||
United States10531 Posts
Full Armor pages for top lane are so annoying to deal with, especially without armor pen runes/items.. | ||
694 Posts
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United States4241 Posts
When we are teamfighting, he's taking blue. At the end, when teamfighting in base, he's getting blue. | ||
France45622 Posts
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Croatia11752 Posts
Last 10 games not one single lane won or even went even someone always got first blooded at the start and than QQed the whole game and continued to feed.There were so many bads I don't even know and want to remember and it was topped off last game with a dude whos runes were "bugged" and he had his ap runes on and was playing kog.15 minutes in I was like what the hell why is he doing no damage with his autos and than I click on him and see he has tear and fucking blasting wand on him.Ap kog bot lane real.Reason is because of his runes and that he said wouldn't do any damage other wise oh and other lane was taric graves.So idk but last time I checked runes weren't a do or die thing in bot lane that determined whether you go ap or ad kog.I just don't know anymore lol.My head hurts. | ||
Deleted User 101379
4849 Posts
1:24 after 12 minutes. 3 of our turrets down, only kill by me (solo top olaf vs lulu&udyr), after that i mostly didn't pay attention to my teammates dying but we went up top 10:50 or so, with 8 kills by me and 2 by towers and it was the second time i ever played olaf and maybe ~5 times i ever played a melee champ so i didn't play very good myself... Surrender at 20 fails 2/3. Surrender at 25 fails 2/3. Surrender at 30 fails 2/3. Then i give up trying to surrender. Did i mention that i have to see those teammates tomorrow at work? *grrr* Postgame chat: Colleague 1: I think we did quite well, i almost got a kill Then, after explaining that you are not supposed to push the lane immedatly to not get ganked and stuff: Colleague 2: oh, but bots always push Me: Yes, but you can do anything and win against bots Colleague 2: oh Colleague 2: I sometimes lose hard against bots Will a judge send me to prison if i punch them tomorrow? | ||
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