Their is so little in this game that makes me more frustrated than smashing my lane and then losing the game because team is too dumb.
Playing Kennen mid against an Ahri, which is already a tough matchup for him. We go fairly even with her up about 10 CS around the 7 minute mark because Ahri is a bitch that just shoves the lane into your tower and then gets to spam her Q+taunt on you.
After winning in some poke wars, I go for the chance to flash>ult and unload everything on her. She dies pretty good, and I feel a lot better about my lane. I proceed to get another kill on her and pretty much force jungle and top to start roaming and camping my lane because Ahri can no longer handle me on her own. Cow must have appeared about 5 times in 10 minutes looking to gank me.
So of course, I have the most farm in the game and smashed my lane as explained, yet somehow we end up losing. I had heard lots of "An ally has been slain!" announcements and then checked who kept dying. It was our Gator to a Garen, who was quite large. Wasn't too worried because I expected him to fall off around 30 minutes. Turns out he was too big and just kept running into our team and killing everyone.
Being Kennen, I pretty much had to be doing the engaging, since our gator was pretty dumb. Flash>ulti into the back of their line, I accomplished 2 things before getting killed in the face: Ahri used her ult, and enemy Twitch died. Too bad team is too useless to follow it up and finish them.
Well I dunno what the hell this is. I played swain vs riven. He jumped to me. Did his combo. I lost like 15% to 25% every time. And then he took my combo. He really lost like less than 10% everytime. Couldn't lane against him at all when he out damages you 5x. Well I asked this from him and he said because he had mr runes. I'm missing armor quints then. But nope that doesnt explain he doing 5x more dmg than me.
holy crap, ive been trying to make mundo jungle work but either I suck major nuts at this game or I just can't figure out the right build for this guy.
On April 13 2012 02:25 epoc wrote: Well I dunno what the hell this is. I played swain vs riven. He jumped to me. Did his combo. I lost like 15% to 25% every time. And then he took my combo. He really lost like less than 10% everytime. Couldn't lane against him at all when he out damages you 5x. Well I asked this from him and he said because he had mr runes. I'm missing armor quints then. But nope that doesnt explain he doing 5x more dmg than me.
I love playing Swain top, but I really don't think that is a good matchup for him. His slow means nothing to her since she has 3 jumps and a dash. Best thing to do is E and then try and land Nevermove with some AAs as well. She can't get near you or you die so hard.
Forgive me TL for I have tilted and gotten angry at my team and the enemies. Swiftness boots, 30 minute warmogs, people just diving under towers when they can win with poke. It pushed me over the edge and I did horrid things and played worse yesterday then I have in some time. I hate how BM a team can get and pretend it's all a trolling when it's just a bunch of a jerks being jerks. Sometimes I really hate people.
Last pick calls top picks free week yorick, admits never playing him before, feeds the living piss out of top, gg. Fuck off kid. Then he asks "what do you want me to do". Don't fucking call top and play a champ in ranked you've never played before asshole.
Some idiot challenged me to a 1v1 at the end of a game. I gladly accepted. I picked Panth, he picked Anivia. I killed him twice and he ragequit.
This community is full out retarded. Playing with these kind of people on a daily basis makes me want to tear at my hair sometimes. Challenging people to 1v1s as if that means anything. Fuck this game.
Played some normals today with some friends of friends, none of whom have a ranked game under their belt afaik. So they're pretty bad and somehow that badness transferred to me because I was jungling and for 6 games straight went <1 kda >_> Admittedly was also trying to learn jungle kayle but anyway that's unacceptable. Good thing it's normals.
On April 13 2012 06:38 koreasilver wrote: Some idiot challenged me to a 1v1 at the end of a game. I gladly accepted. I picked Panth, he picked Anivia. I killed him twice and he ragequit.
This community is full out retarded. Playing with these kind of people on a daily basis makes me want to tear at my hair sometimes. Challenging people to 1v1s as if that means anything. Fuck this game. I really hate when someone goes "1v1". I mean the game was designed as a team game, and if he got caught out of position without your team nearby, then it was clearly his fault. My usual response to the guys who want 1v1 is "team game, stfu". Usually gets the other team fueled up against that guy, or he shuts up.
"haha took 3 of u"
On April 13 2012 08:35 SoraLimit wrote:Show nested quote +On April 13 2012 06:38 koreasilver wrote: Some idiot challenged me to a 1v1 at the end of a game. I gladly accepted. I picked Panth, he picked Anivia. I killed him twice and he ragequit.
This community is full out retarded. Playing with these kind of people on a daily basis makes me want to tear at my hair sometimes. Challenging people to 1v1s as if that means anything. Fuck this game. I really hate when someone goes "1v1". I mean the game was designed as a team game, and if he got caught out of position without your team nearby, then it was clearly his fault. My usual response to the guys who want 1v1 is "team game, stfu". Usually gets the other team fueled up against that guy, or he shuts up. I usually put these people on ignore but this guy just went full retard rage mode in the last two minutes of the game in some desperate attempt to put the blame on everyone except himself. I just felt the need to shut him up and I've been in a bit of a pissy mood due to exam month + some personal issues so I accepted the 1v1 thing. I think this is the second time this has happened and I won both with Pantheon.
Even when I win these retarded 1v1 challenges I don't feel satisfied because it's just pure retarded. I wish every time I get first blood in these 1v1 matches a spear would hurl down from the heavens, penetrate through the roof of the house, and crush their skulls.
Lost a 4v5 because no one pushed. We sat in jungle and killed camps and got picked off one by one. I pleaded all...fuckin..game...for us to just push and group. No one listened. This game is so fuckign frustrating. To people who don't think ELO hell exists...what the fuck am I suppose to do in this situation? I REALLY don't think I should have to literally carry 1v5 when my teammates get picked off constantly. People say "if you can't just carry with any ol' champ at 1200 ELO, you're not good enough to be any higher." I think that's a load of shit. I fucking try. I *rarely* end a game with a negative score. I constantly assist teammates. And when I try to give advice at all (don't push so far, back please, dont go alone) people ignore me and tell me to shut the fuck up.
heal/clarity 3 surge and 2 promote... the fuck am i playing? aram?
Riot troll me so f***ing bad.
In champ select, I pick nautilus and say I'm top. No one is responding to my questions about where they are going. Last pick takes udyr when we need a support. I tell him not to, no response. We get in game and it turns out no one could see the chat of anyone else, and they thought I was support. Well, I already bought my top items but whatever, I go bot cause I am nice like that and naut supports better than udyr.
Game starts and it is very close. We win our bot lane hard core because, well, of course that is the way troll game always work. Overall I would say we are ahead but people keep throwing just enough to keep the other team in it (vayne, please don't attack their tower while i have no wards up and mid is mia). Then udyr dcs. We get caught in a bad position and get triple killed, putting us down, but udyr comes back, though he says he can't see mordekaiser anymore(?!?!). Game continues, we start clawing back into the game through some nice ganks, then our panth dcs. They take baron, push down two of our inhibs.
fortunately they suck and don't push together, so we start picking them off one by one every time they push separately. then panth comes back and we win a big teamfight. We grab baron, but they catch a couple of people as we leave. We defend their counterpush but lose the inhibs again. At this point I am 6-4-14 support nautilus (lol) with randuins, shurelya's, aegis, and abyssal on low 100s cs. Getting dat farm when people dc i guess.
They push as one but by now we have the better teamfight, we ace them. We push down mid and take their tower, but I had to tank it so I am low. We back off, all except vlad. He just stands their autoing. I am pinging him back but he stands there and gets caught. He claims he is lagging and couldn't back out, though I am skeptical cause I saw him use abilities. Whether he was trying to prove his point or if he really was lagging, I don't know but then vlad dcs. They push our inhibs down again, but we defend once more. Next fight they push as one and manage to win a fight for the first time in 20 minutes. GG game over.
After telling that whole story it was actually the most fun I have ever had as a support, so I guess I can't complain. Riot still trolls me hard with the pre game chat error though.
United States425 Posts
On March 21 2012 22:20 Sabin010 wrote: I'm currently serving my 3rd suspension from the league, and still have no clue why.
if you ever call people noobs or leave games, you now know the reason
wowwwwwwwwwww. just had an awful 4 vs 5 game where the team collectively afked at 15 minutes. So I'm just burning time for 5 minutes and THE WORST PART. Get this, the WORST PART is that I just had a big tasty dinner before playing so I can't go comfort snack to calm my rage. fuckkkkkkkk
WHAT THE FUCK. Worst skarner EVER. Takes jungle, feeds whole game, ends up a 0/12. This Skarner missed THREE smites on baron. That's how far ahead we were that we survived 2 barons and were STILL in position to take the third one. He loses the first one to fucking teemo flashing in and autoing it. Loses second one because he can't outsmite, under ZERO pressure. Loses third one because he STILL can't smite with zero pressure. Can't do anything even with full build AD carry against a team without one when renekton with atmogs thornmail dives you, you don't get a peel from a team with skarner pantheon, blitz and TF, and poppy with near full build, dives you and pops GA in 2 shots.
End game like 23/5/28 or something ridiculous like that. THREE FREAKING CHANCES TO WIN A GAME, and he fails every time.
Hate support lulu that steals cs pushes lane and plays ap. At least she warded. I complained quite a lot and she just fucked around more. Then she gets pissy about some ks or not getting vayne and I forget to ignore her. Why ever bot lane in solo queue :/ That is all. Note to self in the future if you want someone to do something different then just ask and if they don't comply leave it at that.
8 wins in lociero to 8 losses in shikyo.
queue pops with cadburry.
kid proceeds to pick shaco.
They take his wraiths so he rages and starts blue with boots 3 pots.
Attempts to take red at lvl 3 with no hp pots and half hp. I tell him that I'll leash it for him. We kill it and he rages about how he's super behind. Feeds and throws game.
Now I see he has 1000 viewers watching him stream. Dafaq?