On June 17 2013 03:20 DarkLordOlli wrote: Starving a player out is a good strategic plan. But you have to build an army behind it that they can't beat when they inevitably all in you. And ToD's army was NOT unbeatable. Stephano's army was better in fact. That's the one thing I don't understand. The fight Stephano took in the end was horrible which is why ToD's win seemed easy in the end. But honestly ToD should have added mass voidrays or tempests that Stephano couldn't take out no matter how many SHs he has. But ToD's army actually wasn't safe. It doesn't beat mass SH/infestor/Viper, especially because ToD has no money
Tod would've just basetraded if Stephano went all in and sent his swarmhosts cross map, he never needed an army that could beat Stephano's. But I will stop now with this topic and enjoy the rest of the series^^.
That doesn't make sense because how does Stephano actually all in? He waits until ToD is mined out and keeps rallying free units while abducting every now and then until ToD has mined out the whole map and has to trade actual units against free units. Stephano wins that. The one who actually has to attack Stephano before that happens is ToD. And he did NOT have a unit composition that could break Stephano except if he catches Stephano completely out of position like he did.
That's exactly why he needed something like Tempests that will actually slowly but steadily kill Stephano.
I think the main point is that ToD was trying to constantly run away from the locusts. If you're running away, it's very hard to feedback vipers, you need them at the tail of the army, and then they risk getting hit by the locusts. So if your goal isn't to engage, and you can do that without colossi, why build colossi?
This Naniwa Thorzain game is getting really stupid... I can almost see neurons burning inside Naniwa´s head now x) If he loses one or two games like this think we might see a probe rush in game 3 ^
On June 17 2013 03:28 4ZakeN87 wrote: This Naniwa Thorzain game is getting really stupid... I can almost see neurons burning inside Naniwa´s head now x) If he loses one or two games like this think we might see a probe rush in game 3 ^