On June 17 2013 03:31 krutopatkin wrote: lol they scheduled the CS:GO finals at 21:00, doesn't look good
Nah its fine, Naniwa going to do dubble probe rush after he loses this game x) I wonder how many pdd Naniwa killed this game, 200-300?
Is this really being shown on swedish television? ^^ nani should just basetrade or something this is not working
I think Thorzain spends most of his practice time dreaming up new ways to stretch out every game to absurd lengths.
On June 17 2013 03:32 AlternativeEgo wrote: 15 tempests and not a single shot gets through. So frustrating. didn't you see how they killed a ghost like 2 minutes ago
Is he.....leap frogging with PDD? 1 spoon at a time??
On June 17 2013 03:32 Rassy wrote: thorzain naniwa getting bit weird, this tempest shooting pdd going on for over 5 minute now, would think thorzain can easily win this with just mass viking and few ravens or wouldnt that work?
Naniwa has tons of HT, so viking/raven would die to storm/feedback.
Thorzain got this though, just take it sloooooooooooow.
Wait, why are Thorzain and Naniwa playing? They're not even in the same group :S
some random locusts show up, take out the nexus like np. Sometimes this game makes me really sad.
On June 17 2013 03:33 Shikada wrote: Wait, why are Thorzain and Naniwa playing? They're not even in the same group :S
Final Sewdish Championship, bigger prize than Dreamhack.
Thorzain going to sneak mine from Naniwa's former 6th, nice!
On June 17 2013 03:33 FueledUpAndReadyToGo wrote:LOL what is that game?
Thorzain getting an upgrade I have never seen before, and I have seen a lot of games, but never played T
On June 17 2013 03:33 DasHawk wrote: Wow that Naniwa vs. Thorzain game is so retarded... theres no fucking way that PDD's should cancel out tempest shots. Wtf should protoss do against that shit ?
Where is it?
ok, tod, this might've worked on a bigger map like Akilon, but not so much on this map.