On July 12 2012 20:02 ImNightmare wrote: Love the protoss players who are so hasty to defend their race, guess sarcasm is not easy to detect.
Well considering your usual quality of posting it's not exactly that outlandish to think that you were serious.
Nightmare, you are actually the worst poster in this LR thread. Maybe the worst I've ever seen in LR threads. Most poster only do one or two stupid posts but you are constantly flamebaiting and trying to be a moron. Please leave and never come back.
I discussed this earlier and everyone said ZeroSc2 was worse
On July 12 2012 19:57 hyptonic wrote: what allin will nani do next?
The first game wasn't an all in. It was 4 gate pressure. The stalker attack later was reactionary because he already did enough damage so DRG couldn't defend.
4 gate isn't all in? Oh how times has change.
Since when has 4gate been all-in off 2 bases ??
I assume you don't understand sarcasm?
I do, but since it's you I'm always assuming the worst
oh you are so kind.
I'm gonna assume that wasn't sarcasm either, so thanks ^^
On July 12 2012 20:06 GhostyGhost wrote: What happened in game 2? Can only read TL.
7gate stargate all in by naniwa, drg picked off a sentry and 3 stalkers when they got separated, attacked into 2 spines, drg flanks army and holds, transition into mutas and won.
On July 12 2012 20:06 Havik_ wrote: 2 Base all ins are the best way to play PvZ regardless of who its against. Expect more from Naniwa. If he micros well and keeps his army together, he wont lose.
If he does normal 2 base allins DRG will smash him. Only smart and sneaky stuff like the first game will get Nani through this round.
On July 12 2012 20:05 tdt wrote: GSL production is really at another level. Music, graphics, everything is at least two notches better than anyone else.
Just wish they moved it along faster...2 months for a tounament is absurd not to mention 40k for two months work makes it one of the lowest prize pools/time invested for the players.
Two months of 'work' which is basically playing 1 or 2 series a week and just practicing (which you should be doing anyways) the rest of the time. It's actually one of the best prize pools for actual games played.
On July 12 2012 19:57 hyptonic wrote: what allin will nani do next?
The first game wasn't an all in. It was 4 gate pressure. The stalker attack later was reactionary because he already did enough damage so DRG couldn't defend.
4 gate isn't all in? Oh how times has change.
Since when has 4gate been all-in off 2 bases ??
I assume you don't understand sarcasm?
Always great to say it was sarcasm after being totally wrong
btw you're the most annoying person in LR threads these days, gratz!
LOVE it when people try to pass off their own stupidity as sarcasm. LOVE IT!
Lol This guy posts something incredibly stupid and 20 people shit on it for him.
Suddenly " Uh your just not smart enough to spot my sarcasm guys ". Even if it was sarcasm it was an pretty stupid way of using it, because it wasn't funny neither sensefull in this case. You are a stupid litte individual, deal with it !
Don't have to be personal with your attacks bro, you can be ban for that, just a heads up since you might not have read the forum rules.
Anyone who doesn't let Zerg do what they want is obviously an inferior and overall bad player. Real men try to macro against Zerg...
Seriously some posters here are so silly. As of right now the way ZvP is these timings and all-ins are the most effective way of playing. Trying to play macro against a Zerg is playing to their strengths. Certainly it's possible to win but the advantage is clearly the Zerg's. So shame on Naniwa for not wanting to play from an even more disadvantageous position.
On July 12 2012 20:05 tdt wrote: GSL production is really at another level. Music, graphics, everything is at least two notches better than anyone else.
Just wish they loved it along faster...2 months for a tounament is absurd not to mention 40k for two months work makes it one of the lowest prize pools/time invested.
i like it this way. you can plan ahead to watch games you absolutely want to watch, there's hype that brews because, well, its the GSL. its not like one of the other tournaments that oversaturate with streams and you don't really give a damn about who wins, you can watch the entirety of a GSL, follow just some players, follow only code S, and there's more context for statistics because players are actually given the chance to prepare for sets, giving it more meaning than an MLG bo3 that was one out of 5 in a row, which really only proves who had a hotter streak at the time.
Exactly. I love MLG and been following since the Halo 2 days, but the oversaturation of content is too much for me. That's why the Arenas were an epic ripoff for me.
On July 12 2012 19:57 hyptonic wrote: what allin will nani do next?
The first game wasn't an all in. It was 4 gate pressure. The stalker attack later was reactionary because he already did enough damage so DRG couldn't defend.
4 gate isn't all in? Oh how times has change.
Since when has 4gate been all-in off 2 bases ??
I assume you don't understand sarcasm?
Always great to say it was sarcasm after being totally wrong
btw you're the most annoying person in LR threads these days, gratz!
LOVE it when people try to pass off their own stupidity as sarcasm. LOVE IT!
Lol This guy posts something incredibly stupid and 20 people shit on it for him.
Suddenly " Uh your just not smart enough to spot my sarcasm guys ". Even if it was sarcasm it was an pretty stupid way of using it, because it wasn't funny neither sensefull in this case. You are a stupid litte individual, deal with it !
Don't have to be personal with your attacks bro, you can be ban for that, just a heads up since you might not have read the forum rules.
As someone with over 900 posts and a drone icon I'm sure you are well aware of the forum rules. XD
On July 12 2012 20:02 ImNightmare wrote: Love the protoss players who are so hasty to defend their race, guess sarcasm is not easy to detect.
Well considering your usual quality of posting it's not exactly that outlandish to think that you were serious.
Nightmare, you are actually the worst poster in this LR thread. Maybe the worst I've ever seen in LR threads. Most poster only do one or two stupid posts but you are constantly flamebaiting and trying to be a moron. Please leave and never come back.
I discussed this earlier and everyone said ZeroSc2 was worse
I'm with you guys on that one. I'm not sure his low standard of posting will ever be [anti]surpassed.