Players such as Jinro, HuK, and Adelscott did not apply for this tour, so don't ask why they aren't on this list. DIMAGA, Kas, and LaLush turned applications in late so they will not appear either. Please take some time to learn who exactly applied.
Please inform yourself about who applied and who didn't.
On March 30 2011 03:29 Madest wrote: WTF? Where is Dimaga?
User was warned for this post
1. There was no this white fucking box when I posted. 2. Dimaga applied before Boxer but was too late? See dates on videos: Dimaga on Mar 16, 2011 Boxer on Mar 18, 2011
On March 30 2011 03:26 evaunit01 wrote: I would like to make a post to bring some light on the fact that someone who is deserving of an invite did not get it. ROOTminigun is one of the best protosses in NA without a doubt. He recently 4-0 Fenix in a showmatch. It is a shame he was not chosen.
If you read the last few pages of the thread, you would see that Root already had 5 members accepted. Minigun has the least lan experience and notoriety among them.
QXC left ROOT tho before half the invites were announced, and LAN exprienence should not determine who gets into (half)online/(half)LAN tourneys when the game doesn't even have a LAN mode...
It doesn't matter that it was only half way through the invites. It's not like they're deciding the next five each day. They already had everyone picked from the applicants before they made the first post.
You can always make exceptions... its bad business by the NASL to not.. considering the 5 per team rule was removed in the 1st place(but still being enforced....) This honestly is a Joke. There are more than a few people on this list of 50 i wouldn't even have in the top 200 of SC2 atm, Yet they are in the NASL...
I'm just saying, you were acting like QXC changing teams should have altered their decisions that were already in place. I'm not sure when exactly they removed the 5 player per team limit but either way, once they had all the invites confirmed and set there's no reason to change them in the middle of the announcement process. There's players that I thought deserved to be in there too but they'll have to earn it in the open bracket now. With only 50 players from well over 100 applicants there are more than just a few people that could fall into the deserving category.
EDIT: To the dude above me, the videos had nothing to do with it. That's just extra content for them to use during the tourney. There was an actual application that had to be filled out and submitted (aside from the video) that he failed to complete on time.
On March 30 2011 03:25 Rokk wrote: Disappointed at the lack of Bomber as there's quite a few people I don't care about at all on the list. Ah well, still going to be great.
It's pretty much impossible to justify Bomber over some code S koreans as he has never made it to GSL and only just now qualified for code A
Yet Squirtle is in. I was actually referring to some of the lesser known US/european players, but I guess it's understandable why they were chosen. Code A qualifications are pretty random, GSL placement isn't the only measure of a Korean's skill.
I absolutely think Bomber is a top tier terran in korea, but that's pretty subjective and not a good enough reason for passing some other koreans. Ace ans Squirtle likely got in simply by already participating in a major foreigner tournament and due to them needing a few more protoss players.
A little dissapointed supernova and min applied and didn't make it, they're insanely good, there was still room for another st and ogs player as well. Even if you didn't want to invite too many koreans, or too many from ogs, supernova is >>>>> ensnare, i can see no logical reason to invite ensnare over him.
Aside from those two guys the rest of the picks are great =D
Really exicted about the roster and NASL. I'm glad they included a few lesser known (but still great) players. It adds interest. Remember Foxer in GSL2, could wind out being the same with dde for all we know. Will just have to wait and see.
Now all we need is for the official website to go public. If the dates are right the first season is only 6 days away!!
On March 30 2011 03:26 evaunit01 wrote: I would like to make a post to bring some light on the fact that someone who is deserving of an invite did not get it. ROOTminigun is one of the best protosses in NA without a doubt. He recently 4-0 Fenix in a showmatch. It is a shame he was not chosen.
If you read the last few pages of the thread, you would see that Root already had 5 members accepted. Minigun has the least lan experience and notoriety among them.
QXC left ROOT tho before half the invites were announced, and LAN exprienence should not determine who gets into (half)online/(half)LAN tourneys when the game doesn't even have a LAN mode...
It doesn't matter that it was only half way through the invites. It's not like they're deciding the next five each day. They already had everyone picked from the applicants before they made the first post.
You can always make exceptions... its bad business by the NASL to not.. considering the 5 per team rule was removed in the 1st place(but still being enforced....) This honestly is a Joke. There are more than a few people on this list of 50 i wouldn't even have in the top 200 of SC2 atm, Yet they are in the NASL...
Only like 3?Vibe/dde/moman This is almost perfect imo
these are the players on the list who should not be included.
Fenix Vibe Grubby
I could say Incontrol also but considering he is basically running the NASL he is getting a free invite.I could also say a few more players I'm less familiar with but because i have no clue who they are or their credentials i'll leave them out of this post.
can people stop complaining about their favorite players not getting in, and just be happy with a huge tournament with a huge prize pool with a lot of skilled players...
I'm disappointed neither DeMuslim nor Dimaga have been included, especially when people like INcontroL are getting spots, no offense intended as he's helped set this up but he isn't up to par with other's out there.
The only player I'm a bit disappointed to not see in the 50 is Cella, although I understand the reasoning behind not including him since he isn't a top tier player. It just seemed like he was the first Korean SC2 player to really embrace and reach out to the foreign community.
Other than that, looks like a strong list, obviously some people got the short end of the stick, but that's inevitable with an invitational tournament.
On March 30 2011 03:26 evaunit01 wrote: I would like to make a post to bring some light on the fact that someone who is deserving of an invite did not get it. ROOTminigun is one of the best protosses in NA without a doubt. He recently 4-0 Fenix in a showmatch. It is a shame he was not chosen.
If you read the last few pages of the thread, you would see that Root already had 5 members accepted. Minigun has the least lan experience and notoriety among them.
QXC left ROOT tho before half the invites were announced, and LAN exprienence should not determine who gets into (half)online/(half)LAN tourneys when the game doesn't even have a LAN mode...
It doesn't matter that it was only half way through the invites. It's not like they're deciding the next five each day. They already had everyone picked from the applicants before they made the first post.
You can always make exceptions... its bad business by the NASL to not.. considering the 5 per team rule was removed in the 1st place(but still being enforced....) This honestly is a Joke. There are more than a few people on this list of 50 i wouldn't even have in the top 200 of SC2 atm, Yet they are in the NASL...
Only like 3?Vibe/dde/moman This is almost perfect imo
these are the players on the list who should not be included.
Fenix Vibe Grubby
I could say Incontrol also but considering he is basically running the NASL he is getting a free invite.I could also say a few more players I'm less familiar with but because i have no clue who they are or their credentials i'll leave them out of this post.
Incontrol does not run the NASL. That is like saying Artosis runs the GSL. Incontrol is the caster for NASL and has done some marketing/hype for it. He got into the league from a combination of his skill and popularity.
10 Koreans out of 50 players for the North American Star League. Hope you guys stop whining now. That's quite a larger ratio of "foreigners" in the tournament than the GSL ever had.
+ i think its NASL fault that dimagas "official" application was late - dont the someone as professional as dimaga wouldnt do it in time if he just KNEW early enough, that vid =/= official
€: Demuslim not in is the biggest LOL of all time.