On October 17 2010 23:26 Korben wrote: to preface this: There was way more space set aside for halo (pretty much a hole third of the building, and we had about 1/6th).
There were more stations, and more gamers for halo. that is hard to deny. however when it came to spectators, I'm fairly sure that we were the "star" of the show. every fre hours you would hear a massive cheer from the Halo Crowd.
from us you;d get one every time a match started or ended. applause at awesome stuff. to quote the stream "Ah, Starcraft 2, the only eSPort where you'll get a massive cheer when a drone kills a probe".
EDIT: do they do DC every year?
This has been gone over countless times in this thread.. Halo is their flagship game. They've bought that equipment for halo 3 quite awhile ago. Also the # of competitors that attended for Halo 3 and Halo Reach is pretty ridiculous compared to the number of people that SC2 had. Sure we only had 64 tickets, but I mean according to DC stream about 1000 people showed up for reach, and Halo 3 always fills out the full 1024 players. Obviously they are going to have way more stations..
From what I've come to understand over the weekend.. MLG posted in this thread how they only have 4 big trucks that go from event to event. They barely barely squeeze ALL of the stuff you saw in to these trucks. These events are budgeted and planned a LONG time in advance according to DJ Wheat on the state of the game podcast last night... Also.. they did NOT know how Starcraft 2 would take off. The other thing is, the sponsors are all on board with Halo(the sponsors have seen the numbers, know that it's been successful for them, etc), they need to show these numbers to the sponsors, and get some money for Starcraft 2(for all sorts of things, I'm hoping next season there are 2 sound proof booths for the premier match of the round and the big matches like Winners finals, losers finals, championship match), stadium seating like Halo has, hopefully 3 big screens like Halo has (1 for each player's first person view, and then a center screen for the observer's view).
I'm sure that the stream views are huge on SC2, but Idk if they need us to have 1000 people show up to play, it's hard for me to imagine that happening personally since I mean, I know I don't have a chance in the tournament, and I can't really afford to travel to the East coast.. and Halo pretty much ruined any chance of the west coast having events(low attendance in the past)
I'm sure they thought Starcraft 2 would do well, but they couldn't really just say, let's dump a million dollars in to the production and hope that it works out like GOM could.. GOM had previous experience with brood war, as well as backing from blizzard.. MLG kind of had to flip a coin. Now that Starcraft 2 is taking off, if we keep supporting MLG, they will improve everything.. If we just don't watch or don't go, then MLG will drop the game, that's how it works.
Overall I thought MLG DC was an improvement, and a success, but the streaming delays on Friday I thought sucked, they should have been testing that stream earlier that day and made sure it was working. Also, winners finals, losers finals and championship match need to be best of 5 imo.
I thought the actual event was an improvement, but I'm really annoyed about no media being allowed in the gaming area. What's the point in having a press badge if I get the exact same treatment as someone who just walks into the event? Not that I particularly need special treatment, but as press my job mandates that I provide good coverage, which is hard for me to do when I can't get close enough for pictures and videos while games are going on. T__T .
On October 18 2010 04:34 Jinxen wrote: Damn, now I really want to see SeleCt in GSL. He would atleast wreak havoc through the qualification. Why havent any pro teams picked him up yet?
On October 18 2010 04:34 Jinxen wrote: Damn, now I really want to see SeleCt in GSL. He would atleast wreak havoc through the qualification. Why havent any pro teams picked him up yet?
he's going to try to qualify for GSL 3, I hope his tvz improves though, cause I doubt he's going to only play Protoss in the qualifiers
On October 18 2010 04:44 blackbrrd wrote: I most say that Select was incredible - winning all those extra matches and making it to the final.
Idra gets props for playing extremely solid, no mistakes from him in the Final.
Has anybody theory crafted a way to beat Idra's builds/style with Terran?
Well, since Muta/bling has pretty much always been one of the most effective Z builds against T, I think qxc had the best shot against it using Thors/marines and raven back up with at least having pdds, but it can still be tough since IdrA does it flawlessly.
On October 18 2010 04:34 Jinxen wrote: Damn, now I really want to see SeleCt in GSL. He would atleast wreak havoc through the qualification. Why havent any pro teams picked him up yet?
he's going to try to qualify for GSL 3, I hope his tvz improves though, cause I doubt he's going to only play Protoss in the qualifiers
his tvz is pretty good, just watch his games vs Dimaga in zotac. He was just obviously tired vs Idra.
On October 18 2010 04:18 Xeris wrote: I thought the actual event was an improvement, but I'm really annoyed about no media being allowed in the gaming area. What's the point in having a press badge if I get the exact same treatment as someone who just walks into the event? Not that I particularly need special treatment, but as press my job mandates that I provide good coverage, which is hard for me to do when I can't get close enough for pictures and videos while games are going on. T__T .
On October 18 2010 04:24 JoshSuth wrote: I'll echo Xeris, but I'm going to write more about it with suggestions in the Comprehensive MLG thread.
And agreed.
Bothered me that I wasn't allowed in after the tournament is over to get in line to get an interview. Had to wait until players came out? uhhhh
I was originally planning on taking several videos but in the end only took a few, none of them were of enough importance to post just yet.
On October 18 2010 04:34 Jinxen wrote: Damn, now I really want to see SeleCt in GSL. He would atleast wreak havoc through the qualification. Why havent any pro teams picked him up yet?
he's going to try to qualify for GSL 3, I hope his tvz improves though, cause I doubt he's going to only play Protoss in the qualifiers
his tvz is pretty good, just watch his games vs Dimaga in zotac. He was just obviously tired vs Idra.
|Yeah....He played a lot better in his games vs Sen. He crushed Sen in fact. I thought QXC played better vs Idra so SelecT just seemed off. Kiwikaki's games versus Idra were pretty close too.... He used some pretty annoying strategies against him.
On October 17 2010 23:26 Korben wrote: to preface this: There was way more space set aside for halo (pretty much a hole third of the building, and we had about 1/6th).
There were more stations, and more gamers for halo. that is hard to deny. however when it came to spectators, I'm fairly sure that we were the "star" of the show. every fre hours you would hear a massive cheer from the Halo Crowd.
from us you;d get one every time a match started or ended. applause at awesome stuff. to quote the stream "Ah, Starcraft 2, the only eSPort where you'll get a massive cheer when a drone kills a probe".
EDIT: do they do DC every year?
This has been gone over countless times in this thread.. Halo is their flagship game. They've bought that equipment for halo 3 quite awhile ago. Also the # of competitors that attended for Halo 3 and Halo Reach is pretty ridiculous compared to the number of people that SC2 had. Sure we only had 64 tickets, but I mean according to DC stream about 1000 people showed up for reach, and Halo 3 always fills out the full 1024 players. Obviously they are going to have way more stations..
From what I've come to understand over the weekend.. MLG posted in this thread how they only have 4 big trucks that go from event to event. They barely barely squeeze ALL of the stuff you saw in to these trucks. These events are budgeted and planned a LONG time in advance according to DJ Wheat on the state of the game podcast last night... Also.. they did NOT know how Starcraft 2 would take off. The other thing is, the sponsors are all on board with Halo(the sponsors have seen the numbers, know that it's been successful for them, etc), they need to show these numbers to the sponsors, and get some money for Starcraft 2(for all sorts of things, I'm hoping next season there are 2 sound proof booths for the premier match of the round and the big matches like Winners finals, losers finals, championship match), stadium seating like Halo has, hopefully 3 big screens like Halo has (1 for each player's first person view, and then a center screen for the observer's view).
I'm sure that the stream views are huge on SC2, but Idk if they need us to have 1000 people show up to play, it's hard for me to imagine that happening personally since I mean, I know I don't have a chance in the tournament, and I can't really afford to travel to the East coast.. and Halo pretty much ruined any chance of the west coast having events(low attendance in the past)
I'm sure they thought Starcraft 2 would do well, but they couldn't really just say, let's dump a million dollars in to the production and hope that it works out like GOM could.. GOM had previous experience with brood war, as well as backing from blizzard.. MLG kind of had to flip a coin. Now that Starcraft 2 is taking off, if we keep supporting MLG, they will improve everything.. If we just don't watch or don't go, then MLG will drop the game, that's how it works.
Overall I thought MLG DC was an improvement, and a success, but the streaming delays on Friday I thought sucked, they should have been testing that stream earlier that day and made sure it was working. Also, winners finals, losers finals and championship match need to be best of 5 imo.
Okay, before this, allow me to say, no where did I say it was wrong for them to have such coverage with their flagship game.
No-where did I say that they did not do the best they could on the budget they alloted. I wasn't expecting them to throw millions of dollars at it. I never once cussed them out, and had lots of interaction with the staff.
I had an amazing time, I just think they underestimated this back in the planning stages.
SeleCT was definitely off his game. I think IdrA's presence played a psychological factor in it as well. He kept saying there was no zerg on NA with IdrA's level so maybe he psyched himself out. Because SeleCT's harass is usually pretty insane.. Definitely think he could beat IdrA.
Anyways, anyone else get the feeling that IdrA wasn't playing 100%? I feel like he was hiding his real strategies due to GSL 2. If you note some of his most recent replays, like against Boxer, he favors infestor +25 upgrade and infestors.
@Xeris/CatZ/AskJoshua and the rest of the folks who came as media. Just so you're clear, there were over 50 press people in the venue this weekend, and then dozens of other community sites. If we allowed all press in the tournament area, there wouldn't be room for competitors. And before you say "well just let community sites in" then you're talking about us playing favorites with all the community sites. That just never ends well. Equal access for everyone.
The most important thing to MLG is the sanctity of the COMPETITION. that means protecting the competitors as much as we can.
Hey i'll be at MLG Dallas playing in the halo reach tourney there but I'm MOST looking forward to watching the sc2 games, IMO it is leaps and bounds better than halo as a spectator sport and requires way more skill. I mean I don't think a sc2 pro could pick up halo and be a god or anything but for me I just need to know maps, weapons,and have really good aim and reflexes, these guys have to know maps, match-ups, unit compositions, timings, + having absolutely sick multitasking and super quick reflexes responding to drops harass and watching the minimap, there is a reason you can actually make a living playing sc2 as opposed to halo(well actually make decent money at the very least) HUGE respect for pro sc2 players, I'm just a measly silver league zerg D: