Interesting stuff. Some things we've learned over the past 4 years:
The pinky has the 2nd highest potential for strength, dexterity, and independent movement. Thumb is first, index is 3rd! Most people have untrained pinkys but the pinky is connected directly to the largest and strongest muscle group in the hand. Learning to train and utilize the pinky is essential for any long-term focused layout.
Principle 4 is like TheCore's: Consider both Frequency and Time Sensitivity.
Keeping the non-used fingers in resting position is a hindrance to speed. (Principle 3) The hand should be relaxed when reaching out for a key or risk hurting the endurance and/or comfort of the player experience. (Though I think this principle of Avoiding Reaching as much as possible is very much in line with what we've learned so far).
You may also want to be considering finger repetition in common action sequences (like macro cycles, a moves, tactics, etc) Overall a finger by finger approach was the best way we found to reduce finger repetition. By assigning fingers to either abilities or control groups, (and sticking to this convention) the likelihood of finger repetition drops drastically.
In any case, always happy to see more new blood in the hotkey scene. Welcome! :D
Hi Jak,
That is really interesting to read about the pink being as strong as you suggest. Where did you learn about this?
let me make this clear upfront: not that it means anything in terms of the great work you guys have done. But in some points I would like to have a bit more clarity/have some questions.
>> The pinky has the 2nd highest potential for strength, dexterity, and independent movement.......
Looking closely at the layout shows that pinky hasn't anything super important/impossible to do on its todo list. (TRM, PRM, ZRM) but in terms of theory - The "highest potential" of pinky means currently there is not a lot of ability unless you are a trained piano player or anything like this that. So I agree with the decision to have a very limited/reduced work schedule. For Terran you have 4 groups while I have 3 although I usually use only 2 of them.
>> pinky is connected directly to the largest and strongest muscle group in the hand. Test this for yourselves - form with your pinky a hook and try to do pull ups by leaning sideways while sitting using the edge of the table. And then use any other finger. Pinky is not strong - do not know any climber that hangs himself on a pinky. So in terms of "strong" ... I think more important then what muscle is directly attached to the finger as well as the fatigue level/ stamina/ dexterity /length I have right now. Not in 3 months if I train daily 1 hour. ... anyhow.
The specific anatomy of my hand/fingers makes the home-key positions (s/m/l) awkward, aggravating even disgusting. Also I would have to have find an indent on G key which is pretty hard for my Keyboard-cap set.
However I am grateful for this project as I realigned my "goto spell" key. So, I have Marine (index) - Stim (ring) instead of index - index previously. same for siege and so on. Let's see what else I can integrate and copy from you ...
Question1: When do you guys need to rotate cameras? TLM has it quite prominently placed (TAB/set shift)
Question2: TLM uses the thumb for advanced buldings (Z!) - apart that my thumb does not have this flexibility ... how do you shift+advanced build (queue) with this setup? (e.g. build 2 Factories/Sports)?
Since I'm using this, it was already a pleasure, but I struggled a bit with making control groups and camera points.
Control Groups So now I use Control + 1, 2, 3 and Control + tab , caps lock , A, S for 7 creating different selections. For selecting it's the same button, without Control.
Camera Locations For creating camera locations: Shift + F1, F2, F3 and Alt + F1, F2, F3. Selecting camera locations: F1, F2, F3, and Shift + F1, F2, F3.
This makes things much easier for me. And is very usable if you are not having big hands.
Anyway, how could I backup my keyboard profile? (I know it's saved online too, but maybe I could apply it to another account / regio)
hi.. i want to start playing starcraft 2.. is this keybiding build good for a starter ?
and i fell weird with the creating groups keybiding, it fells wrong,, but idk if im doing it right.. im doing it using thumb to press ALT + index to press Shift while pressing the number of the group i want with the Little finger.. doing this i have to move my whole hand to create a group to a very uncomfortable way.. is this intended?
Edit: also the warp in key is unreachable with just one hand.. is this intended too ?
btw im using PRL (protoss)
Russian Federation23 Posts
Not sure if that question was asked before. I'm used to the core 2.0 TRM. I want to try playing zerg, but hotkeys are all different - control groups, abilities... it's definetely not worth to try out Zerg if I'd have to re-learn again. Is there a way to play ZRM but as closely to TRM set-up as possible - for instance : are hatcheries, J P H - army, O attack, i 9 K and L are abilities...
@alejo9010 the 'Create Control Group #' and 'Add to Control Group #' are not intended for normal all-the-time use. Rather, use the equivalent '... and Take Away Units' commands. To press Ctrl+Shift, press with the thumb on both buttons at the same time.
Warp-in key is intended to be unreachable, because it's mechanically better to use a Control Group for Warp Gates. That way you can add Gateways to it as soon as you start building them, which can be helpful in reminding you that you need to turn them into warp gates. Still, it's your layout, and you can and should do what you want with it 
@Sufi-1989 Your 2.0 TRM layout can totally play Zerg on its own, and a looot easier than Standard hotkeys would. You don't need to learn a new hotkey layout like ZRM. I personally play Zerg, but use a slightly modified PRM 2.0, and it feels better to me than the ZRM layout
Russian Federation23 Posts
Beedebdoo, thanks for an answer!
Also one thing that I'm trying to figure out. For some time I've been playing without a "create and take away units" hotkey for control groups, and soon realized that It's a really usefull command especially when you have to defend a protoss cheese. )
What I don't see is a proper way to set up hotkeys... For now I have such a set-up:
Go to camera 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8.... Ctrl+Shift+J... P ... O ... I ... : ... L ... K ... 9 ... Create control groups Shift+ J P : - [ H ' M N = Add to control groups Ctrl+................................. Create control group and take away units is currently Alt+...... same hotkeys J P : ............... And create camera 1,2,3,4..... is Alt + 4,5,6,7,8,9 (pressing Alt with thumb and numbers whithmiddle finger)
So everything is comfortable but creating camera hotkeys is counter-intuitive I've tried to play around and change set-ups but never found a proper one.
Don't want to develop bad habits so please can anyone explain how to setup all theese hotkeys better?
Thanks a lot!
JaKaTaKSc2 /
Could you tell me progress of TheCore+ as a percentage?
Thank you for working
TheCore+ has not made progress for a long time. The concepts are in place, but the script isn't currently in a place where we can create the rest of the files from the seed files. The script has been a HUGE bottleneck since LotV mixed everything up. Also... I'm working 60+ hours a week at Machinima, so my personal time is SUPER limited.
I got it. So could you give me the concept? If you can, I will just make RRM.
The new chapter 2 of the Nova campaign forced Nova's Attack and Move functions to their defaults. This is currently not fixable through in-game. To fix this one will need to add the following lines to their .Sc2Hotkeys file:
AttackChampions=WhateverButtonIsUsedForAttack MoveChampions=WhateverButtonIsUsedForMove
nothing has changed since the last time I described TheCore+ to you.
If Brood War HD has custom hotkeys, I'll be applying TheCore to it. Cause fuck pressing m for rines.
Hello! Can someone explain to me how to set up CG's properly? I'm currently using the latest stable version of TRM and I am trying to follow instructions featured here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/140gNhKs_1VCG6JJ9ijvEblKI9UQcpUKDTPap5t_kBeU/edit?pageId=105418547249741019801#gid=2127974043
After you replaced the binds for add/create with add steal/create steal how am I supposed to move my army? If I set up CG's as advised in the spreadsheet (1 for Melee/Main Harass/Reaper, 2 Main Army, 3 CC's and Upgrades, 4 Siege Unit 1 - I assume it means a Liberator or a Siege Tank stationing at my base?, 5 Flying Units, 6 Rax/Fact/Port, 7 Harass 2/Siege Unit 2) it seems impossible to move my army. Let’s say I have Marine/Marauder/Medivac + Vikings + Ghosts I need 3 separate CG’s to control them and I need to press so many buttons just to move them in one direction because due to the steal/create I can’t have them simultaneously on 1 CG. And unless I have them on separate CG’s I feel like my micro will be suffering a lot. So I’m writing in hope someone enlightens me on which CG’s I should have my stuff and in case Main Army should only be on 1 CG how can I micro that. Thanks 
EDIT: It seems a few pages earlier (page 409) user Siglemic had already mentioned that and his idea was to simply make one CG (the one for the whole army) as add/create instead of add steal/create steal. That way you can have the efficiency of add steal/create steal for drops etc. and still have some utility left for your whole army so it's much easier to move it around a map. The only thing you need to worry about is the order in which you add stuff to your CG's, first use your subgroups' CG's (the ones with add steal/create steal) and then add everything to your whole army CG (with normal add/create).
Just thought it might help somebody sometime, so I'll drop this here:
So I just managed to run SC2 on Linux (specifically Arch Linux, using Wine, my Desktop Environment is KDE). Before that I was playing on Windows 7. My TheCore Hotkeys didn't work right away. To be more specific, the right Alt and some German Umlaut keys were causing trouble. I was using the same keyboard with the same hotkey settings and it didn't work. I've come up with the following solution:
First, you have to make sure, that the right Alt key is recognized as such. I guess this problem only occurs with ISO keyboards, such as the standrad German one, because of the AltGr key, not completely sure on that one though. Anyway, to check that you can open a Terminal and type "xev" and then enter. You'll see a small window pop up, on which you can press keys, which are then logged to the Terminal window. So whenever you press a key, you will get a chunk of information in the Terminal, which starts with "KeyPress event". If you see "Alt_R" somewhere in there, then the Alt key should work in SC2. If you get something like "ISO_Level3_Shift" instead, you have to go to System Settings > Input Devices > Keyboard > Advanced > Alt/Win key behaviour and tick "Alt and Meta are on Alt keys" (For KDE that is, not sure if it's a similar path for other DEs). Warning: This solution is not really elegant though, as you can't use the right Alt key for switching to your keyboards 3rd level anymore (that's what the setting does). So make sure to untick that after playing. If you find a more elegant (working) solution, I'd be grateful to know that.
Secondly, you'll have to remap (In the SC2 settings, that is) all hotkeys that were using the right Alt key, because on Windows that key was mapped to something like Control+Alt. I had to remap some other German Umlauts, too, so while you're at it make sure everything is correct. Pro tip: Before changing anything on your hotkey layout, create a new one with the old one as a template.
Last but not least you should make sure that your rapidfire keys are properly configured (go in a test game and find out). If not, you'll have to find your hotkey file, for me it was located at ~/.wine/drive_c/users/[name]/My Documents/StarCraft II/Accounts/[number]/Hotkeys/ . Open your hotkey file in an editor, search for "TargetChoose", and append all your desired rapid fire keys, seperated by commas, to that line.
If you want you can add it to the Troubleshooting section, Jakatak. Then people might actually manage to find it.  Feel free to contact me if you have questions about this.
P.S.: Finally able to play again, and it works like a charm too
I just wanted to give a big thank you to Jakatak and crew for coming up with TheCore hotkey layout! I've been using it for a couple months now, and it has really helped me improve juggling macro and micro. It feels like I'm playing a whole new game now!
Hi there,
I'm wondering is it a good idea to try out the core when currently I'm mostly playing the nova missions and coop. I've not yet used the core before and I don't have a Belgium (period) azerty keyboard layout (which for as far as I know isn't just a file I can download so would mean more configuration before I even can get started). I'm thinking of trying to go back into multiplayer once I have a bit more free time but for now I'm just starting with coop.
So I guess my question is more a question of how much work it is to get the settings of the keyboard right for campaign/coop and possibly LotV multiplayer when I have no idea where the keys are supposed to go in the first place (so if there are some in a wrong spot I won't even notice it to begin with) and with the keyboard layout I have. Maybe I'm imagining this harder than it really is and you guys can share some links of how to configure it and know it is configured correctly. (there might already be some in this thread but 400+ are a lot of pages to go through + at what point am I looking at out of date data?
It looks interesting but...i dont have any patience
Patience is definitely required. Would suggest Grid as an upgrade from Standard.