Sup guys, iv seen many ppl struggling with PvZ, so if u want like a 80% win rate vs zergs on ladder (im high masters ~1300 pts and this works almost every time), just do the 3pylon ramp block..
Basically heres how its done: At 8 supply rally ur probe from nexus to ur nat At 9 build a pylon at ur nat and send that probe to scout At 13 build a forge At 17 u should have ~250 minerals, go down to zergs ramp and build 3 pylons like this
After they r done building, put 1 cannon there
if zerg tries to do that 'drill' bull****, just reinforce the wall with pylons and gates, depending on witch pylon he tries to brake
Once he brakes one of the pylons and realizes that theres a new wall being built and the cannon is almost done, he will retread his units (or even leave right there), u should cancel the morphing gate+pylon and place a new pylon completing the 3pylon wall again (i mean replace the pylon that was just destroyed)
After the zerg is trapped in his base, u should expand and just macro up for a bit. If the zerg doesnt try to brake out his wall, just prepare for some nydus/overloard drop/muta play from him (i usually get fast warpgate and build 6gates)
If you see roaches killing the wall, build some cannons in ur expo and u should be fine as long as ur simcity is good
Notes: After the ramp block is completed and cannon is already morphed, scout for hidden expos with that probe
When ur building the ramp block, send 1 probe to ur expo to block his drone from building a hatchery there
This works very good if zerg goes for hatch first or ~14pool
I dont recommend doing this every matchup, because ur game sense / skill or w/e its called will drop eventually (now i do this myself only if i see zerg going hatch before pool)
This works on almost every ladder map
Edit: i dont know why some of u guys need a replay of this because i already wrote what u need to do here and i think its fairly simple, but w/e heres one (at least i think its this one rofl): http://www.gamereplays.org/starcraft2/replays.php?game=33&show=details&id=231604#/replay_overview
Yeah, that "amazing" dronedrill is bullshit. I have practiced it with a friend and even if you do it almost perfectly you lose a ton of time and they can simply put a gateway and cancel it. Once the cannon is up you can't do anything anymore.
Best thing to do for zerg is to 9 scout himself, if protoss wallins you with 3 pylons just go rofl and expand on another main. Pretty easy win from there .
Is the drone drill the mineral click a move trick? Because that shit beats the pylon block pretty easily. :S
it works on ladder map like you said but not on tournament maps with neutral depos
On September 14 2011 18:21 IamBoIt wrote: Is the drone drill the mineral click a move trick? Because that shit beats the pylon block pretty easily. :S haha first post, it does kill the pylon quicker but you'll lose a lot of mining time anyway
Yeah, but don't you lose 300 minerals? ^^
This is beaten pretty easily by 11 pool 18 hatch, for those interested.
Drill trick is actually quite useless since like the OP said, you can easily reinforce the wall and you lose almost all of your drone mining time. This build can be stopped if you go for something like 11 pool and just build 1 set of lings as the timing allows you to prevent any pylon blocks. OR you can always patrol a drone.
This kind of BS is why tournaments put a neutral depot at the bottom of ramps. It is too easy to pull off while the zerg is always very far behind if he fails to prevent it.
Brilliant strategy, thanks for working out the strategic details. Really shows why you are a high masters protoss.
ye like i said guys, this is only for free ladder points, its easily done. But zerg have the same 'bullshit' strategy in the late game, its called brood infestor :p
a lot of cheesy idiots technical players do this to me, and it always kills me if i cant prevent it from happening every time
and it's not really easily beaten by 11 pool, i mean i usually go for 12 pool and if i dont have a drone to harass that probe he can get the walling completed
On September 14 2011 18:18 Koshi wrote:Yeah, that "amazing" dronedrill is bullshit. I have practiced it with a friend and even if you do it almost perfectly you lose a ton of time and they can simply put a gateway and cancel it. Once the cannon is up you can't do anything anymore. Best thing to do for zerg is to 9 scout himself, if protoss wallins you with 3 pylons just go rofl and expand on another main. Pretty easy win from there . unless the Protoss is above Gold and scouts for it and kills it with 1 pylon 1 canon
Nydus roaches or speedlings usually get me out of this pinch...
This is the reason that I've been 11 overpooling except in certain maps recently -_- but once you do the 11 overpool, you're totally fine and this won't be able to do any damage on you as long as you have the micro capabilities of at least a kindergartner.
How do you counter all-in from zerg after he breaks it with spinecrawler/roaches or gets nydus to your base or in front of it and baneling busts you, after you invest 500 minerals and even more if you reinforce your wall with those gates and propably expand behind it?
I love it when a protoss does this to me, and i do get it like 10% of games actually, easy free win
On September 14 2011 18:40 Dariusz wrote: How do you counter all-in from zerg after he breaks it with spinecrawler/roaches or gets nydus to your base or in front of it and baneling busts you, after you invest 500 minerals and even more if you reinforce your wall with those gates and propably expand behind it?
cannons and decent sim city. and pylons all around your main to scout for nyduses.
On September 14 2011 18:33 Geo.Rion wrote:a lot of cheesy idiots technical players do this to me, and it always kills me if i cant prevent it from happening every time and it's not really easily beaten by 11 pool, i mean i usually go for 12 pool and if i dont have a drone to harass that probe he can get the walling completed Show nested quote +On September 14 2011 18:18 Koshi wrote:Yeah, that "amazing" dronedrill is bullshit. I have practiced it with a friend and even if you do it almost perfectly you lose a ton of time and they can simply put a gateway and cancel it. Once the cannon is up you can't do anything anymore. Best thing to do for zerg is to 9 scout himself, if protoss wallins you with 3 pylons just go rofl and expand on another main. Pretty easy win from there . unless the Protoss is above Gold and scouts for it and kills it with 1 pylon 1 canon Well, you are obliged to do it. I currently have 850 points in Masters, but I am under that line were the good Masters are, and it didn't get scouted last game.
And there is no other viable strat to do when the wallin starts. You are going to have those excess 300 minerals and making a macro hatch in your main is silly. It isn't that bad to let the Protoss make another pylon + cannon if he finds it.
I always try to mine 100 gas -->lair -->nydus to my third -->expand there --> clear natural with roaches--> take 3rd ---> Lose against Protoss deathball.
just did this on shakuras vs #44 gm, he went 13pool, when his lings were killing the pylon i just put down a gate and a pylon and that was it.
anyway, this is just a ladder strategy, its very effective :p
@iNkopwnz I am actually interested in reading how you lose the 20% of your games doing this. Can you answer these 3 questions? Because I don' t face this enough to know how to beat it.
1) In the beginning I tried to Nydus into his base, which doesn't work, even if I use 2 nydus. Then I tried to macro hatch and burst out and try to do damage. Which also never works. Can this ever work?
2) Last guy that blocked me didn't see my 9 scout. And because I didn't find him on my first scoutlocation I went back to there and made a hatchery. Do you really send out a second scout for the hatchery? Do you? Every time? Because if you send out that first probe to scout AFTER securing the ramp, it feels like a gamble I want to take. The hatchery would go up 50% of the time I feel.
3) Can zerg ever win a macro game after this? I speak of fast Nydus to third--> expand there-->clear natural with roaches/hydra--> expand again if no 6 gate is scouted. Or is it autoloss?
Wouldn't any buildings give support for a cannon drill? Like, a corner where you can bunch your drones and drill from there?