Last updated Aug. 3rd, 2011. See changes/additions.
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July 7, 2011 - Added map specific trick on Tal'darim and Metalopolis
July 7, 2011 - Added Marine Splitting Guide video in splitting section and posted again in external links.
July 8, 2011 - Added 6 more replays
July 12, 2011 - Updated the midgame compositions and responses section. I think a lot of guys really wanted and will like this one.
July 12, 2011 - Adding dropping tip video. You can find it in the dropping section and external links.
July 21, 2011 - Added VODs section with 2 vods.
Aug 3rd, 2011 - Added VOD of microing against Z infestor BL ultra in VOD section.
Added reactor helion expand opener in opener section.
Added slayers style transition off of reactor helion expand in opener section.
Added slayers style transition off of 1rax reaper expand.
I've noticed that for a long time that players, especially lower ranked players, have a hard time against Z. I'm lucky in the sense that I've had lots of good zerg practice partners to play with and talk with on mumble since December, perfecting builds, micro techniques, timings etc.. Before that...shit I don't remember what I used to do. Reactor helion run bys taking out all their drones and then macroing up a mech ball is all I remember. I recall looking at pros playing in those days and saying 'this is fucking stupid, you let zerg get maxed and then try to push and if you get stopped, you're left trying to remax while zerg just expands some more and remaxes instantly'. It wasn't until FoxeR, MarineKing, one of my favourite players, started showing that marines are good units (yeah who woulda thunk it). It was then where I started trying to develop a standard, non gimicky way to play and I've been practicing that style ever since.
I'm currently 1900+ Masters on NA ladder. I strongly believe that I should be GM but for a long time, I couldn't beat Protoss. While my TvT and TvZ were at 70 and 80%+ respectively, my TvP was around 10-20%. Yeah, seriously. I've since gotten my TvP a LOT better (but am now trying to learn to play against Terran Mech TvT

Some Notes Before I get Started
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Don't be scared to go in to the late game against any race. I hope to turn you cheesy noobies in to macro monsters.
Playing marine tank requires a lot of APM. You need to be able to drop while moving out your army, micro your marines while macroing, split, focus fire and always be looking at the minimap and your army. You likely will not master this style in a day. It took me a long time myself and lots of games with practice partners to finally get it, though, it is definitely possible. The skills you learn while playing this style will make you a better player all around so keep at it.
You're going to notice this style is very dynamic and, from the way I play it, quite reactionary. Build order transitions will depend on lots of factors but once you get the basic reasoning behind certain decisions, the matchup will make a LOT more sense.
You can still do 1 base all ins and cloak banshee rushes and whatever you like to keep the metagame fresh and the Zerg guessing. Again, the beauty, and what IdrA complains about oh so much is that you can't really scout Terran but only extrapolate from the minimal stuff you see. I personally do such builds very rarely.
A lot of people I feel just overcommit to attacking Zerg. I feel once people move out they say okay you're going to die now. The problem is, you can't just immediately run up to zerg and siege them. You have to go through creep first. Also, from the time you move out, you have a sort of timer ticking against you. The longer you take, the more time zerg will have to reinforce. If you're just sitting in the middle of the map like a derp for minutes, don't be surprised when Z just has mass ling bane muta that just rolls over your small army while on creep. Lings are completely different on and off creep. I remember seeing the analysis where 50 lings off creep v 25 marines get demolished but the lings win when it's 50 lings v 25 marines on creep. You have less time to react and you'll be splashing yourself if not focus firing faster. You can't outrun banes and it's harder to reinforce. Either make your push a crippling/killing blow or get the fuck out after taking out creep. Recompose and go again after the creep has receeded some. In the meantime, you can drop and clear towers keeping yourself mobile. If you're scared of falling back, you've either pushed too far or you just aren't experienced enough. The first one is unforgivable, the latter is fine. Scan where you think the zerg army will be coming from (usually right infront of your tanks and marines), unsiege and start moving back towards your main to regroup. You'll either see: nothing come in to scan view OR:the entire swarm coming for you. If swarm coming, just siege up and Z will probably run away.
Also, against muta ling bling, your army scales better the larger it gets and muta ling bling becomes grossly inefficient if T is positioned correctly. If possible just try to drop as much as possible while taking out creep and maintaining map control before you attack a muta ling bling player. Z also maxes out way faster than you.
I had the common courtesy to use the latest patch replays so you don't have to logout everytime you want to watch something.
Playing marine tank requires a lot of APM. You need to be able to drop while moving out your army, micro your marines while macroing, split, focus fire and always be looking at the minimap and your army. You likely will not master this style in a day. It took me a long time myself and lots of games with practice partners to finally get it, though, it is definitely possible. The skills you learn while playing this style will make you a better player all around so keep at it.
You're going to notice this style is very dynamic and, from the way I play it, quite reactionary. Build order transitions will depend on lots of factors but once you get the basic reasoning behind certain decisions, the matchup will make a LOT more sense.
You can still do 1 base all ins and cloak banshee rushes and whatever you like to keep the metagame fresh and the Zerg guessing. Again, the beauty, and what IdrA complains about oh so much is that you can't really scout Terran but only extrapolate from the minimal stuff you see. I personally do such builds very rarely.
A lot of people I feel just overcommit to attacking Zerg. I feel once people move out they say okay you're going to die now. The problem is, you can't just immediately run up to zerg and siege them. You have to go through creep first. Also, from the time you move out, you have a sort of timer ticking against you. The longer you take, the more time zerg will have to reinforce. If you're just sitting in the middle of the map like a derp for minutes, don't be surprised when Z just has mass ling bane muta that just rolls over your small army while on creep. Lings are completely different on and off creep. I remember seeing the analysis where 50 lings off creep v 25 marines get demolished but the lings win when it's 50 lings v 25 marines on creep. You have less time to react and you'll be splashing yourself if not focus firing faster. You can't outrun banes and it's harder to reinforce. Either make your push a crippling/killing blow or get the fuck out after taking out creep. Recompose and go again after the creep has receeded some. In the meantime, you can drop and clear towers keeping yourself mobile. If you're scared of falling back, you've either pushed too far or you just aren't experienced enough. The first one is unforgivable, the latter is fine. Scan where you think the zerg army will be coming from (usually right infront of your tanks and marines), unsiege and start moving back towards your main to regroup. You'll either see: nothing come in to scan view OR:the entire swarm coming for you. If swarm coming, just siege up and Z will probably run away.
Also, against muta ling bling, your army scales better the larger it gets and muta ling bling becomes grossly inefficient if T is positioned correctly. If possible just try to drop as much as possible while taking out creep and maintaining map control before you attack a muta ling bling player. Z also maxes out way faster than you.
I had the common courtesy to use the latest patch replays so you don't have to logout everytime you want to watch something.
Micro + Macro Tips
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Focus Firing
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Microing Against Infestors
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Macroing against Infestor Before Muta
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Marines + medis on one hotkey, tanks on another. No exceptions.
I use:
1 for MMM
2 for tanks
3 for ghosts, vikings until I get them
4 production
5 CCs
6 dropship/vikings when I get them
7 dropship
0 for Engibays and Armories
My hands are small or I'd use 8 and 9.
You ABSOLUTELY need to be able to focus fire banelings with tanks. If you can focus fire banes, you won't even need to split. A lot of players I see (and I used to do this myself, heh) was just go psycho splitting my marines the second I saw banes. What would then happen is, I'd run behind my tanks just clicking splitting furiously (I have some nasty splits btw, level 18 on marine split challenge, come at me). Lings would swarm my tanks, banelings still rolling towards my marines, mutas would take out my tanks, marines still splitting. Once I'm done seperating each individual marine, I'd take a look at my tanks all my mech would be dead, he'd save all his mutas + some lings and banes so I'd have to fall back without proper medivac and mech support. I'd repeat this over and over until Z finally got a hive tech army and I'd lose. Focus firing banes will make it so your marines can support your tanks longer without having to start splitting. Also, if a Z is putting lings on one hotkey and banes on another, often, you can just get all the banes with a few tank shots cause they'll be clumped.
How do we focus fire? Press your tank hotkey while seiged, right click a bane, hold shift and then right click like mad on every bane you can see. The most optimal way to focus fire would be to focus fire banes that are at least 2 radii apart and not just banes that are right next to each other.
Note: Your tanks do NOT overkill even when focus firing. I actually did not know that and was wary of focus firing after I had 3+ tanks. WHY DIDNT ANYONE TELL ME? Basically, the problem in BW was that if you selected used your hotkey for your tanks to focus fire goons, ALL 12 tanks will kill 1 goon. If 1 zealot dropped on to your tanks, ALL tanks will fire and kill that zealot. In SC2, if a marine is dropped on a clump of tanks, 2 tanks will fire. If you focus fire a bane with 10 tanks, only 1 will fire. If you focus fire 10 banes, all 10 will fire and kill those 10 banes (while splashing the surrounding area).
You also need to try and focus fire mutas anytime you have a group of marines attacking just mutas e.g. when you drop.
Try and focus down lings towards the center of the pack rather than allowing your tanks to autoshoot whenever possible if you're going up against just lings.
I use:
1 for MMM
2 for tanks
3 for ghosts, vikings until I get them
4 production
5 CCs
6 dropship/vikings when I get them
7 dropship
0 for Engibays and Armories
My hands are small or I'd use 8 and 9.
You ABSOLUTELY need to be able to focus fire banelings with tanks. If you can focus fire banes, you won't even need to split. A lot of players I see (and I used to do this myself, heh) was just go psycho splitting my marines the second I saw banes. What would then happen is, I'd run behind my tanks just clicking splitting furiously (I have some nasty splits btw, level 18 on marine split challenge, come at me). Lings would swarm my tanks, banelings still rolling towards my marines, mutas would take out my tanks, marines still splitting. Once I'm done seperating each individual marine, I'd take a look at my tanks all my mech would be dead, he'd save all his mutas + some lings and banes so I'd have to fall back without proper medivac and mech support. I'd repeat this over and over until Z finally got a hive tech army and I'd lose. Focus firing banes will make it so your marines can support your tanks longer without having to start splitting. Also, if a Z is putting lings on one hotkey and banes on another, often, you can just get all the banes with a few tank shots cause they'll be clumped.
How do we focus fire? Press your tank hotkey while seiged, right click a bane, hold shift and then right click like mad on every bane you can see. The most optimal way to focus fire would be to focus fire banes that are at least 2 radii apart and not just banes that are right next to each other.
Note: Your tanks do NOT overkill even when focus firing. I actually did not know that and was wary of focus firing after I had 3+ tanks. WHY DIDNT ANYONE TELL ME? Basically, the problem in BW was that if you selected used your hotkey for your tanks to focus fire goons, ALL 12 tanks will kill 1 goon. If 1 zealot dropped on to your tanks, ALL tanks will fire and kill that zealot. In SC2, if a marine is dropped on a clump of tanks, 2 tanks will fire. If you focus fire a bane with 10 tanks, only 1 will fire. If you focus fire 10 banes, all 10 will fire and kill those 10 banes (while splashing the surrounding area).
You also need to try and focus fire mutas anytime you have a group of marines attacking just mutas e.g. when you drop.
Try and focus down lings towards the center of the pack rather than allowing your tanks to autoshoot whenever possible if you're going up against just lings.
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Not as necessary as you may think. Your first priority should be focus firing, then splitting unless banes catch you off guard, then split away. There's a guide describing a patrol method at:
Personally, I don't like this method. I prefer splitting by hand as, if all you know is the patrol method and lings and banes catch you off guard, you're losing all your shit. Manual splitting is just better. Practice it both in game for the real situations and on the micro map "Marine Split Challenge" made by Griffith.
You generally want to stim and move in the direction parallel and opposite the direction the banelings are coming from while splitting marines furthest from the banelings away at a 45 degree angle. You don't want to move your marines away too far or you'll jhust have ran and not shot at all and to kill banelings, you actually need to shoot.
Here is a guide on how to split your marines, made by me.
Personally, I don't like this method. I prefer splitting by hand as, if all you know is the patrol method and lings and banes catch you off guard, you're losing all your shit. Manual splitting is just better. Practice it both in game for the real situations and on the micro map "Marine Split Challenge" made by Griffith.
You generally want to stim and move in the direction parallel and opposite the direction the banelings are coming from while splitting marines furthest from the banelings away at a 45 degree angle. You don't want to move your marines away too far or you'll jhust have ran and not shot at all and to kill banelings, you actually need to shoot.
Here is a guide on how to split your marines, made by me.
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Dropping is going to be used differently depending on what Z is doing. If Z is going an infestor or roach style, you want to drop incessantly as Z can't really clean the drop up if you just keep lifting. Against muta ling bling, you have to be more wary with your drops and only drop to relieve muta pressure, take position or drop 3 places at once.
When dropping against Infestor/Roach/only ling bane style, you can be a lot less cautious with your drops. You can fly them over the map and just float around after you lift (unless against infestors of course).
Dropping Tip 1
When dropping against Infestor/Roach/only ling bane style, you can be a lot less cautious with your drops. You can fly them over the map and just float around after you lift (unless against infestors of course).
Dropping Tip 1
Microing Against Infestors
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Against this style, what I do is keep the tanks in front of my marines, preventing infestors from just running ahead and fungaling. Try to keep your tanks in a line to make a wall from lings and keep your marines behind that 'wall'. You then want to keep either a viking or medivac, something to give your tanks vision and then focus fire infestors any time they come in to range. If they have a lot of infestors just charging towards you, just split your marines like you would against banes but from 9 range away.
Clump of infestors? Emp
Stranded infestor? Snipe
Clump of infestors? Emp
Stranded infestor? Snipe
Macroing against Infestor Before Muta
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I personally think infestor first for Z isn't as good as muta first. This is because, in the hands of a good Z, muta first can cause a lot of economic damage to Terran by forcing turrets, keeping T turtled, forcing thors if enough mutas, wasting stims and punishing sloppy Terran. Against infestor first, you save a lot of resources not having to make turrets. Take a very fast third, everytime. Infestor first can't ever attack in to you for a VERY long time.
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Factory Rule: 1 per base, 2nd factory near your 3rd CC timing.
I generally tell people not to make reactors against Zerg (and Terran). I think it's really fucking stupid because the first thing mutas go for is scvs, you'll have protected those but there's no way you're going to have enough turrets to defend all your reactors as well. They die almost instantly and don't really help you wall. Adding rax gives you the ability to use them as meat shields/walls, you won't waste your gas and it only takes 10 seconds longer to make one over a reactor. 1 reactor or so in the early game is fine IMO but start becoming a burden against good muta players.
I usually opt for orbitals rather than PFs at 3rd and 4th bases. I feel the additional mule and scan benefit outweighs the defensive capabilities of a PF in this matchup. Sometimes I'll make a PF at my gold on Xel but that's about it. It's better to just float, have good map vision and control rather than lose all your scvs repairing or just have your PF get right clicked on by banes. At lower levels, it's okay to use PFs for 3rd+ bases but try to get away with orbitals.
I generally tell people not to make reactors against Zerg (and Terran). I think it's really fucking stupid because the first thing mutas go for is scvs, you'll have protected those but there's no way you're going to have enough turrets to defend all your reactors as well. They die almost instantly and don't really help you wall. Adding rax gives you the ability to use them as meat shields/walls, you won't waste your gas and it only takes 10 seconds longer to make one over a reactor. 1 reactor or so in the early game is fine IMO but start becoming a burden against good muta players.
I usually opt for orbitals rather than PFs at 3rd and 4th bases. I feel the additional mule and scan benefit outweighs the defensive capabilities of a PF in this matchup. Sometimes I'll make a PF at my gold on Xel but that's about it. It's better to just float, have good map vision and control rather than lose all your scvs repairing or just have your PF get right clicked on by banes. At lower levels, it's okay to use PFs for 3rd+ bases but try to get away with orbitals.
Openers I recommend
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The problem with Terran and TvZ openers and builds is that terran supply is really hard to give you in openers because all the builds rely on pressure. You'll lose your marines, scvs, helions and reaper. I'll do my best to give what I can but know that if I'm giving definite numbers, they are not definite after ~23 and YMMV.
I pretty much only open with 11/12rax expand, 12/14rax expand , 1rax nogas FE, reactor helion expand or reaper expand. They all work really well in a BoX series but in a tournament, I might still throw in a gas before rax reactor helion (which I won't talk about today).
11/12 Rax
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Recommended on:
Any map with close positions
Xel Naga Caverns
You can still use this on larger maps like Tal'darim and Crevasse occassionally, keeping the metagame going but if Z scouts it out, it's a lot easier to stop. Also, you can choose to proxy the barracks like BoxeR but I wouldn't practice that often on ladder and just save doing that in tournaments. We want to build the fundamentals first.
The Build
10 supply
11 rax don't make scv
12 rax continue scv production
15 marine
15 OC
15 supply
2 more marines, constant scv and marine production.
From here, you have to judge what to do next. If it's close positions or xel and Z went for hatch first, you can send 3-5 scvs along with your marines and do VERY heavy pressure. Of course, you can do this on any map but it's best on smaller ones. Your goal is to pretty much cripple Z with this as your CC will be late and you might be sacrificing the mining time of 5 SCVs. Place some bunkers, micro those marines. Once your pressure is up and you expand, you can choose to go in to a transition listed below depending on the situation.
12/14 Rax
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Recommended on:
Any map, all around good build. Not as great on larger maps though
You can still use this on larger maps like Tal'darim and Crevasse occassionally, keeping the metagame fresh but if Z scouts it out, it's a lot easier to stop. Also, you can choose to proxy the barracks like BoxeR but I wouldn't practice that often on ladder and just save doing that in tournaments against players you know are better than you.
The Build
10 supply
12 rax
14 rax
15 OC
16 marine
16 supply
constant marine + scv production
From here, you have to see whether or not you can do a lot of damage. If Z is being too greedy and you can punish with more marine pressure, do it. If not, I generally get my CC at 23. You'll have to cut marines for the 23 CC so don't get too aggressive with your marines at his nat. After 23CC
24 supply
Then transition to whatever you deem necessary listed below.
1 Reaper expand in to Fact
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I first saw this done by Jinro on his stream.
Recommended on:
Tal'darim, Metal, Backwater, Typhon (can work everywhere though of course)
I watched day9 daily 319 (I think?) on his TvZ analysis "Less is More". I felt good watching and seeing that everything day9 was saying is good is what I've been doing all along. I feel like day9's criticism of the reaper build being cute was misdirected and rather meant for Strelok's version where he goes reaper expand in to 1-1-1. I go for a more marine heavy variation. I've seen this done differently by other players like Major and Strelok, I have my own method that I feel is better. Basically it revolves around the concept of powering.
The Build
10 supply
12 rax
13 refinery
15 OC
15 Tech lab on rax, reaper @100% tech lab
15 supply
18 CC
@100% reaper, lift off rax and make factory on tech lab at 19, only make 2 marines out of floated rax
21 rax [1]
@100% factory, start either blue flame and helion or tank depending on what Z does. [2]
@ Start of blue flame or tank, start 2nd gas.
@ 4 marines total, make reactor on 1 rax and tech lab on another [3]
Note[1]: Most people I watch get another supply depot instead of the additional rax. This I feel isn't optimal. When your CC is finished and made in to an OC, you'll have 2 mules to drop at once giving you a huge surplus of minerals. It's best if you just cut marine production, "power", for a short time so you can add the additional rax and go balls to the wall a minute later.
Note[2]: If your reaper scouts roaches and sees roaches out, get tank. If baneling or just lings, go blue flame.
Note[3]: From here, you can choose, depending on what your reaper sees, to make tanks if you think roach all in or you can get stim and make a starport while delaying tank production as ling bane can't do anything vs your BF helions.
Early Reaper Build Goals Per Unit:
Reaper - Kill some drones. You likely won't be able to against better players but you will be able to delay mining from nat and moving drones around. You don't want to take any damage from queens. You also want to scout out whether he's all inning, getting speed or just droning hard. After you feel you can't do anymore damage, go to a tower and hold it as reaper can jump up and down cliffs where most towers are. You can also snipe creep until they can do something about your reaper.
BF Helions - Map control map control map control. The great part of the BF helions after a speedling expand is, the one thing the Z will have (map control) is gone. Their opening gives them no benefit that they would otherwise have gotten and can't even defend against your helions without roaches or spines (more and more economic damage to Z). A lot of damage is done inadvertently. Go for drones, if you can't that's fine, deny creep spread, take towers and deny scouting. The beauty lies within the map control. If Z wants to retake it, they either need to make 3+ roaches and a spine or 5+ roaches (more economic damage) all the while your economy is left unharmed.
Tanks - stop roach all ins early on and the goals of the medivacs is to BF drop a Z going late gas style or drop marines in Z base and take out ovies across the map.
Alternate Transition
If you feel you are safe, because of late gas, you can also transition in to fast drops as so:
18 CC
20 Factory, 1 marine, then cut
23 Barracks
23 Barracks
25 OC
26 Stim and resume marine production
29 Starport @100% make medivac
31 Refinery
32 Supply Depot
35 Tech lab on Factory @150/125 make tank then tank and siege mode.
@ float out, make refinery
And so on. I have a replay doing this transition against LGZelniq on Typhon.
Slayers Transition
Best against: Late gas Z
10 supply
12 rax
13 refinery
15 OC
15 Tech lab on rax, reaper @100% tech lab
15 supply
18 CC
@100% reaper, lift off rax and make factory on tech lab at 19, only make 2 marines out of floated rax
21 rax
@100% factory, start blue flame and helion production
@100% CC, orbital command and then float to natural if not already there
Constant marine helion and scv production
@150/100, Starport
@100% starport 1 medivac
@100% medivac, push towards Z with marines, helions and medivac and add more production and gas.
Drop your marines on to the high ground while keeping helions on the low ground then elevator everything up. You can focus queens with marines and take out his drones with your helions. Pretty simple really. If you see too many roaches, try running around with your helions and then use them to pin Z back to their base to prevent counters (as in, if Z trying to do roach counter, just run in to his base with helions).
From here, while I'm microing my attack, I like to add 2 more gas, swap my barracks on to the tech lab to start stim and add 2 more rax and engi bay. Also, if he's going roaches, you can start pumping marauders from your tech lab barracks and making marines and some helions as well as he won't have mutas for a long time.
If you do drone damage, keep pressing on the map to prevent him from droning up like a mad man and keep forcing units to keep his economy down. You don't want to just sit back after that which is why this style is very different and harder to pull off.
Recommended on:
Tal'darim, Metal, Backwater, Typhon (can work everywhere though of course)
I watched day9 daily 319 (I think?) on his TvZ analysis "Less is More". I felt good watching and seeing that everything day9 was saying is good is what I've been doing all along. I feel like day9's criticism of the reaper build being cute was misdirected and rather meant for Strelok's version where he goes reaper expand in to 1-1-1. I go for a more marine heavy variation. I've seen this done differently by other players like Major and Strelok, I have my own method that I feel is better. Basically it revolves around the concept of powering.
The Build
10 supply
12 rax
13 refinery
15 OC
15 Tech lab on rax, reaper @100% tech lab
15 supply
18 CC
@100% reaper, lift off rax and make factory on tech lab at 19, only make 2 marines out of floated rax
21 rax [1]
@100% factory, start either blue flame and helion or tank depending on what Z does. [2]
@ Start of blue flame or tank, start 2nd gas.
@ 4 marines total, make reactor on 1 rax and tech lab on another [3]
Note[1]: Most people I watch get another supply depot instead of the additional rax. This I feel isn't optimal. When your CC is finished and made in to an OC, you'll have 2 mules to drop at once giving you a huge surplus of minerals. It's best if you just cut marine production, "power", for a short time so you can add the additional rax and go balls to the wall a minute later.
Note[2]: If your reaper scouts roaches and sees roaches out, get tank. If baneling or just lings, go blue flame.
Note[3]: From here, you can choose, depending on what your reaper sees, to make tanks if you think roach all in or you can get stim and make a starport while delaying tank production as ling bane can't do anything vs your BF helions.
Early Reaper Build Goals Per Unit:
Reaper - Kill some drones. You likely won't be able to against better players but you will be able to delay mining from nat and moving drones around. You don't want to take any damage from queens. You also want to scout out whether he's all inning, getting speed or just droning hard. After you feel you can't do anymore damage, go to a tower and hold it as reaper can jump up and down cliffs where most towers are. You can also snipe creep until they can do something about your reaper.
BF Helions - Map control map control map control. The great part of the BF helions after a speedling expand is, the one thing the Z will have (map control) is gone. Their opening gives them no benefit that they would otherwise have gotten and can't even defend against your helions without roaches or spines (more and more economic damage to Z). A lot of damage is done inadvertently. Go for drones, if you can't that's fine, deny creep spread, take towers and deny scouting. The beauty lies within the map control. If Z wants to retake it, they either need to make 3+ roaches and a spine or 5+ roaches (more economic damage) all the while your economy is left unharmed.
Tanks - stop roach all ins early on and the goals of the medivacs is to BF drop a Z going late gas style or drop marines in Z base and take out ovies across the map.
Alternate Transition
If you feel you are safe, because of late gas, you can also transition in to fast drops as so:
18 CC
20 Factory, 1 marine, then cut
23 Barracks
23 Barracks
25 OC
26 Stim and resume marine production
29 Starport @100% make medivac
31 Refinery
32 Supply Depot
35 Tech lab on Factory @150/125 make tank then tank and siege mode.
@ float out, make refinery
And so on. I have a replay doing this transition against LGZelniq on Typhon.
Slayers Transition
Best against: Late gas Z
10 supply
12 rax
13 refinery
15 OC
15 Tech lab on rax, reaper @100% tech lab
15 supply
18 CC
@100% reaper, lift off rax and make factory on tech lab at 19, only make 2 marines out of floated rax
21 rax
@100% factory, start blue flame and helion production
@100% CC, orbital command and then float to natural if not already there
Constant marine helion and scv production
@150/100, Starport
@100% starport 1 medivac
@100% medivac, push towards Z with marines, helions and medivac and add more production and gas.
Drop your marines on to the high ground while keeping helions on the low ground then elevator everything up. You can focus queens with marines and take out his drones with your helions. Pretty simple really. If you see too many roaches, try running around with your helions and then use them to pin Z back to their base to prevent counters (as in, if Z trying to do roach counter, just run in to his base with helions).
From here, while I'm microing my attack, I like to add 2 more gas, swap my barracks on to the tech lab to start stim and add 2 more rax and engi bay. Also, if he's going roaches, you can start pumping marauders from your tech lab barracks and making marines and some helions as well as he won't have mutas for a long time.
If you do drone damage, keep pressing on the map to prevent him from droning up like a mad man and keep forcing units to keep his economy down. You don't want to just sit back after that which is why this style is very different and harder to pull off.
1rax nogas FE, delaying 2nd supply
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Recommended on:
Crevasse, sometime shakuras and Tal'darim to keep metagame fresh
The Build
10 supply
12 rax
15 OC
16 1 marine, then cut until you start next supply
16 CC
@100 minerals supply, continue marine production
@150 minerals rax
@150 minerals double gas and then transition below.
I feel transitioning in to a strong tank push is best after this and safest as Z players often do some sort of all in when they see this but, with adequate scouting information, you can transition in to whatever your heart desires. E.g. if you see a speedling expand, you can go in to BF helions.
Reactor Helion Expand
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It's explained really well in the liquipedia. I'm just going to talk about transitions.
Recommended on:
Metalopolis, Xel Naga, any map with wide natural but can be done anywhere really.
You can transition from here in to mech, to the Slayers style or just standard marine tank. I only build 2 helions with this build.
Note: A style that used to be popular when SC2 came out was to just not expand, get double gas and go for cloak banshee after reactor helion. I feel this style puts you REALLY far behind if you can't do crippling damage as you'll have later expo, he'll have mutas and he'll be free to drone up and take 3rd as you can't push out for very long time.
For now, I'm going to add the SlayerS style transition here as it's the only one that's different from BF helions and other transitions that you'll see below. To go to the other transitions from reactor helion expand, add another rax before adding your 2nd gas and then do one of the builds in the build order transitions section.
SlayerS Style
After CC, supply depot
2 helions out of reactor factory. Do NOT suicide these unless he has no lings, no spines and drones just sitting there.
Add tech lab on barracks
Swap factory and barracks so factory on tech lab and barracks on reactor
Start blue flame and constant helion marine SCV and supply depot production
Keep helions around the map and float your 2nd CC after making it in to and orbital to natural if you didn't build it there.
Add Starport at 100 gas
@100% starport 1 medivac
@100% medivac, push towards Z with your helions, marines and medivac
Drop your marines on to the high ground while keeping helions on the low ground then elevator everything up. You can focus queens with marines and take out his drones with your helions. Pretty simple really. If you see too many roaches, try running around with your helions and then use them to pin Z back to their base to prevent counters (as in, if Z trying to do roach counter, just run in to his base with helions).
From here, while I'm microing my attack, I like to add 2 more gas, swap my barracks on to the tech lab to start stim and add 2 more rax and engi bay. Also, if he's going roaches, you can start pumping marauders from your tech lab barracks and making marines and some helions as well as he won't have mutas for a long time.
If you do drone damage, keep pressing on the map to prevent him from droning up like a mad man and keep forcing units to keep his economy down. You don't want to just sit back after that which is why this style is very different and harder to pull off.
WTF is Zerg Doing? How do we Determine it and then What do we Do?
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Generally, there isn't really much zerg can do to kill you. I NEVER scan zerg in the early game until about 10 minutes if I haven't determined with the use of drops whether Z is going infestor or spire, that's about it. After that, I'll scan occassionally as I see fit to see their hive timing and then again to see if they're going greater spire or ultra den. A lot of your information will be based off extrapolating, using your scouting info with the build you're doing. You need to determine using your marines, helions, tank push etc. what Z is doing.
Early game:
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Mid Game:
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Early game:
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Z will pretty much only 14/15 hatch, gas pool, hatch pool or pool hatch, I listed them in order of how good I think each build is.
If they go 14/15 hatch
1. Your SCV scouts no gas until lings pop. This means that they're going to be droning up hard. Don't be shy with your marines on the map as he won't have ling speed until at least 6:30.
2. Your SCV scouts gas and drones still mining gas after 100. Z either forgot to pullout or they're going to do an all in, baneling or roach (assume all in). Keep pressuring with marines or reaper and try to scout out which it's going to be, fall back and progress with your transition as you normally would, make a bunker or two if roaches and wall off if suspected banelings.
3. Your SCV scouts gas and drones pulling out after 100 gas (DRG v sCfOu style). Z is going to get speed and hatch. They'll have a weaker mineral income because of this. You need to be back in your main at about 5:30 minutes but any drone kills you get at this stage are HUGE. If you kill 5+ drones, do a tank + stim push transition. It's safe if Z feels they got too behind and all in, feel they need to get back by taking fast 3rd or if they try to drone up too hard and overcompensate.
If they go Gas Pool:
1. Your SCV scouts no more drones mining gas after 100 and the spawning pool is shaking. Zerg expands. Zerg is just getting some speedlings to stop any marine pressure. You want to pressure for a bit but be back in your base by 5:00 but give yourself time to be back in your base as it takes long to get back to your main if you're pressuring. I usually fall back around 4:30. Any blue flame play after this is really, really good.
2. Your SCV scouts drones mining after 100 gas and spawning pool isn't twitching. Zerg doesn't expand. Make CC, 2 bunkers at ramp and another rax. Stop his all in and win doing pretty much anything.
Hatch pool and pool hatch follow the same guideline above.
Any forced spinecrawlers means Z is sacrificing more economy for semi-static defense. They're likely not going to be making a lot of lings as well as they're going to rely on spinecrawlers for defense. Anytime you see this, you can be a lot more aggressive with your marines on the map for map control once you have 8+. This can force Z to make either more spinecrawlers or more lings once they see your marines on the map, what commentators have been saying is overreacting. If they have a lot of lings on the map AND spinecrawlers, then their economy is shit. Keep macroing yourself and then take out his 3rd as he takes it.
Z overcommits on 2rax pressure and makes too many lings.
You'll notice this from the bunch of lings that took out your marines or that keep poking up your ramp. If Z did this, a common thing for Z to do is just all in since they have the lings made anyways. What I generally do is go in to a BF helion transition anytime Z overcommits on lings. I'd be a lot more wary of doing any reactor starport build.
If they go 14/15 hatch
1. Your SCV scouts no gas until lings pop. This means that they're going to be droning up hard. Don't be shy with your marines on the map as he won't have ling speed until at least 6:30.
2. Your SCV scouts gas and drones still mining gas after 100. Z either forgot to pullout or they're going to do an all in, baneling or roach (assume all in). Keep pressuring with marines or reaper and try to scout out which it's going to be, fall back and progress with your transition as you normally would, make a bunker or two if roaches and wall off if suspected banelings.
3. Your SCV scouts gas and drones pulling out after 100 gas (DRG v sCfOu style). Z is going to get speed and hatch. They'll have a weaker mineral income because of this. You need to be back in your main at about 5:30 minutes but any drone kills you get at this stage are HUGE. If you kill 5+ drones, do a tank + stim push transition. It's safe if Z feels they got too behind and all in, feel they need to get back by taking fast 3rd or if they try to drone up too hard and overcompensate.
If they go Gas Pool:
1. Your SCV scouts no more drones mining gas after 100 and the spawning pool is shaking. Zerg expands. Zerg is just getting some speedlings to stop any marine pressure. You want to pressure for a bit but be back in your base by 5:00 but give yourself time to be back in your base as it takes long to get back to your main if you're pressuring. I usually fall back around 4:30. Any blue flame play after this is really, really good.
2. Your SCV scouts drones mining after 100 gas and spawning pool isn't twitching. Zerg doesn't expand. Make CC, 2 bunkers at ramp and another rax. Stop his all in and win doing pretty much anything.
Hatch pool and pool hatch follow the same guideline above.
Any forced spinecrawlers means Z is sacrificing more economy for semi-static defense. They're likely not going to be making a lot of lings as well as they're going to rely on spinecrawlers for defense. Anytime you see this, you can be a lot more aggressive with your marines on the map for map control once you have 8+. This can force Z to make either more spinecrawlers or more lings once they see your marines on the map, what commentators have been saying is overreacting. If they have a lot of lings on the map AND spinecrawlers, then their economy is shit. Keep macroing yourself and then take out his 3rd as he takes it.
Z overcommits on 2rax pressure and makes too many lings.
You'll notice this from the bunch of lings that took out your marines or that keep poking up your ramp. If Z did this, a common thing for Z to do is just all in since they have the lings made anyways. What I generally do is go in to a BF helion transition anytime Z overcommits on lings. I'd be a lot more wary of doing any reactor starport build.
Mid Game:
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Almost finished.
Mass ling (yeah really)
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Ling baneling all game
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The same as mass ling almost. More tanks = better so don't make any half assed pushes around the map. Usually I see this done on XNC where Z tries their hardest to stop you from taking your gold. You'll see no spire or infestation so just keep harassing with drops while your tank count grows.
Ling bane roach,
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Losira style. Very strong. Can either transition in to a huge all in, early timing attack or a fast 3rd and then (usually) mutas. This style will be evident by, of course, the roaches. A few roaches in the early game doesn't necessarily mean that Z is going to go roaches. Some Zs use roaches just to take their natural safely because they suck at defending 2rax or helion pressure without them. A giveaway that he's going to be investing in roaches heavily is roach speed. Once you scout out roaches, you're going to have to determine whether he's gearing up for an attack or expanding.
Note: There's a Jecho timing attack that some people use but it's never been done on me before. I'm going to ask some practice partners to try it out on me and see how and what I do against it. I'm thinking bunkers and proper focus firing would make this a piece of cake to hold.
Generally, anytime I see roaches, I just add another bunker on top of the one I already have at my natural. I also get a faster 4th gas and second factory before making my 3rd CC. One factory will not cut it at all against this style and you need to add your 3rd as soon as you take your 3rd base. Again, focus firing banes is most important. It'll be easier cause he'll have less banes. Use drops to determine which tech he chooses, scan if absolutely needed. I usually add 1 viking after my first dropship is out to take out any ovies. Shift click spam attack move over your minimap with the viking in areas he'll likely have ovies. With this style, it's VERY important that you don't do any half-assed pushes unless you see some glaring holes to take advantage of. This is because, once you get a maxed tank marine army, a maxed ling bane roach army doesn't even remotely compare. I have some replays where a Z loses everything while I lose ~10 supply (granted, he engaged terribly). Early on, you need to more so rely on drops, like MMA did vs Losira. Your drops can hover in space since there will be no mutas and you can abuse his immobility and pin him back like you would a Protoss.
Muta ling bling
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Infestor play
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Mass ling (yeah really)
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Used often by ReignPhoeNix AKA kOre. My practice partner, RevWarlockx also does it. I need to play against it more but I've done fine against it against Warlock.
Mass ling isn't that bad actually and stops mid game 3 tank pushes easily. You need to scout that he's doing this. Some hints are, your scouting SCV won't see any gas, your drops or scan won't see any spire or infestation at the 10 minute mark and that he'll PROBABLY have a fast third. Every build transition I wrote is good against this. The higher your marine count, the better your marines scale, so, don't do any small pushes around the map.
Drop and abuse cliffs constantly and use those drops to scout his bases until you see mutas or infestors. You can also take a fast third as he has no potential to kill you with any mass ling timing pushes. He'll have banked a lot of gas so he'll pump a lot of mutas, or infestors, at once. No matter which it is, if you see an infestation or spire, you should be able to do a push before the Z can get the mutas or infestors out to take out any 3rd. If he doesn't have a 3rd base, just take your 3rd (off of 1 factory) and then play out with an economical advantage. Defend his muta harass and then do a push once you've built up your tank count and added a thor. Losing your tank count early sets you far back so try your best, using scans, sacking marines and taking towers to see his army size and army position. Don't go too far on creep and remember, no half-assed pushes.
Mass ling isn't that bad actually and stops mid game 3 tank pushes easily. You need to scout that he's doing this. Some hints are, your scouting SCV won't see any gas, your drops or scan won't see any spire or infestation at the 10 minute mark and that he'll PROBABLY have a fast third. Every build transition I wrote is good against this. The higher your marine count, the better your marines scale, so, don't do any small pushes around the map.
Drop and abuse cliffs constantly and use those drops to scout his bases until you see mutas or infestors. You can also take a fast third as he has no potential to kill you with any mass ling timing pushes. He'll have banked a lot of gas so he'll pump a lot of mutas, or infestors, at once. No matter which it is, if you see an infestation or spire, you should be able to do a push before the Z can get the mutas or infestors out to take out any 3rd. If he doesn't have a 3rd base, just take your 3rd (off of 1 factory) and then play out with an economical advantage. Defend his muta harass and then do a push once you've built up your tank count and added a thor. Losing your tank count early sets you far back so try your best, using scans, sacking marines and taking towers to see his army size and army position. Don't go too far on creep and remember, no half-assed pushes.
Ling baneling all game
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The same as mass ling almost. More tanks = better so don't make any half assed pushes around the map. Usually I see this done on XNC where Z tries their hardest to stop you from taking your gold. You'll see no spire or infestation so just keep harassing with drops while your tank count grows.
Ling bane roach,
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Losira style. Very strong. Can either transition in to a huge all in, early timing attack or a fast 3rd and then (usually) mutas. This style will be evident by, of course, the roaches. A few roaches in the early game doesn't necessarily mean that Z is going to go roaches. Some Zs use roaches just to take their natural safely because they suck at defending 2rax or helion pressure without them. A giveaway that he's going to be investing in roaches heavily is roach speed. Once you scout out roaches, you're going to have to determine whether he's gearing up for an attack or expanding.
Note: There's a Jecho timing attack that some people use but it's never been done on me before. I'm going to ask some practice partners to try it out on me and see how and what I do against it. I'm thinking bunkers and proper focus firing would make this a piece of cake to hold.
Generally, anytime I see roaches, I just add another bunker on top of the one I already have at my natural. I also get a faster 4th gas and second factory before making my 3rd CC. One factory will not cut it at all against this style and you need to add your 3rd as soon as you take your 3rd base. Again, focus firing banes is most important. It'll be easier cause he'll have less banes. Use drops to determine which tech he chooses, scan if absolutely needed. I usually add 1 viking after my first dropship is out to take out any ovies. Shift click spam attack move over your minimap with the viking in areas he'll likely have ovies. With this style, it's VERY important that you don't do any half-assed pushes unless you see some glaring holes to take advantage of. This is because, once you get a maxed tank marine army, a maxed ling bane roach army doesn't even remotely compare. I have some replays where a Z loses everything while I lose ~10 supply (granted, he engaged terribly). Early on, you need to more so rely on drops, like MMA did vs Losira. Your drops can hover in space since there will be no mutas and you can abuse his immobility and pin him back like you would a Protoss.
Muta ling bling
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I'd call this the "standard" of Z. Very mobile, very deadly. Again, your marine tank army scales a lot better than muta ling bling. Dropping is VERY risky against this style and should be used situationally, e.g. you see mutas flying to the left on your minimap, you can then go drop his main on the right, or you want to drop 3 places at once, or you want to use a drop as a diversion to move out and position your army.
There are small timings you can do depending on your build. When Z is doing this style, they'll generally be banking a lot of minerals and gas before the spire completes and because of this, any transition I listed has a strong timing associated with it. The AVERAGE time that a Spire will finish at is 10:30 but can be different of course. I know IdrA used to do some really, really fast muta play (don't know if he still does, he hasn't streamed in a long time. For example, a blue flame + stim marine timing is VERY good against this style and with proper micro, you can take out a zerg's natural whereas a Z would crush a marine BFH push with ling bane roach. Just know that behind this you'll have to be putting up turrets and macroing. Any fast third Z does with this build can also be taken out with a marine tank stim push or, if you're doing BFH, you can pump out 3 tanks and then do a push with marines, BFH and tanks. In general, any sort of pressure before a Spire is done really hurts the Z because they'll have to divert minerals, gas and supply to stop your pressure, limiting their early muta count.
Make turrets around the hotspots of your base, I generally do 2 at my natural and main at first and 1 near my production and more if I see Z is going mass muta. I start adding Thors when I feel his muta numbers get too high to handle, that number is generally 15+. Early Thors isn't necessarily good if he only makes 6 mutas, drops an infestation and techs to hive for fast BL. You should of course have an armory ready to produce them if you're keeping up with your upgrades. 1 Thor with your army is good as it just prevents Z from focus firing tanks with his mutas.
I generally make 2 facts before expanding against this style. On XNC (mostly), Z can do a mass ling bane muta timing attack as you go to take your gold, just focus fire with tanks and spread as normal.
There are small timings you can do depending on your build. When Z is doing this style, they'll generally be banking a lot of minerals and gas before the spire completes and because of this, any transition I listed has a strong timing associated with it. The AVERAGE time that a Spire will finish at is 10:30 but can be different of course. I know IdrA used to do some really, really fast muta play (don't know if he still does, he hasn't streamed in a long time. For example, a blue flame + stim marine timing is VERY good against this style and with proper micro, you can take out a zerg's natural whereas a Z would crush a marine BFH push with ling bane roach. Just know that behind this you'll have to be putting up turrets and macroing. Any fast third Z does with this build can also be taken out with a marine tank stim push or, if you're doing BFH, you can pump out 3 tanks and then do a push with marines, BFH and tanks. In general, any sort of pressure before a Spire is done really hurts the Z because they'll have to divert minerals, gas and supply to stop your pressure, limiting their early muta count.
Make turrets around the hotspots of your base, I generally do 2 at my natural and main at first and 1 near my production and more if I see Z is going mass muta. I start adding Thors when I feel his muta numbers get too high to handle, that number is generally 15+. Early Thors isn't necessarily good if he only makes 6 mutas, drops an infestation and techs to hive for fast BL. You should of course have an armory ready to produce them if you're keeping up with your upgrades. 1 Thor with your army is good as it just prevents Z from focus firing tanks with his mutas.
I generally make 2 facts before expanding against this style. On XNC (mostly), Z can do a mass ling bane muta timing attack as you go to take your gold, just focus fire with tanks and spread as normal.
Infestor play
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I personally think infestor first play isn't better than muta first, but that doesn't matter, let's talk about how we're going to kill a Z doing infestor first play.
As always, scout out with your drops or pushes if he's doing this. I have a replay on shak vs OTLTro where he goes delayed gas in to mass infestor style. I basically just take a fast third off of one fact and drop a LOT against it. This is because, with infestors, there isn't really any timing attack he can do to kill you and you'll have more minerals than usual because you won't need to make turrets (roach ling bane differs in the sense that you'll have to get a 2nd factory earlier).
Always keep a spotter on top of his army before engaging or scan, this way, you can focus fire infestors and know when to start running your marines back or spreading them. Try to engage off of creep because his main army unit will be lings.
You should add just 1 turret at your natural incase he tries some burrow shenanigans. Also, on XNC, if you take your 4th base as the pit base (3rd should always be gold), add a supply depot on the high ground and a turret at that base behind your mineral line to see burrowed infestor sillyness.
I always add vikings to take out ovies once I have enough medivacs and drops going around. You'll also probably need vikings anyways when BL come out.
Again, depending on the build and map, there are some strong timings you can do depending on your build. If you choose a tank stim push and you see infestors, you can do a hard contain. Spread and siege up your tanks, pre-spread marines and leave them on hold position while your SCVs come to make bunkers. Take a third after the bunkers are up, make sure you can spot any nydus play with SDs on edge of base and slowly creep your tanks towards Z.
Any reactor starport v this would be really strong, BF helions will take map control for a long time and the korean transition leads in to a fast third.
If you lose your tank count early on, you'll probably find you can't keep up with infestors. If that's the case, start adding ghosts. Infestor clump ---> EMP, stranded infestor ---> snipe.
As always, scout out with your drops or pushes if he's doing this. I have a replay on shak vs OTLTro where he goes delayed gas in to mass infestor style. I basically just take a fast third off of one fact and drop a LOT against it. This is because, with infestors, there isn't really any timing attack he can do to kill you and you'll have more minerals than usual because you won't need to make turrets (roach ling bane differs in the sense that you'll have to get a 2nd factory earlier).
Always keep a spotter on top of his army before engaging or scan, this way, you can focus fire infestors and know when to start running your marines back or spreading them. Try to engage off of creep because his main army unit will be lings.
You should add just 1 turret at your natural incase he tries some burrow shenanigans. Also, on XNC, if you take your 4th base as the pit base (3rd should always be gold), add a supply depot on the high ground and a turret at that base behind your mineral line to see burrowed infestor sillyness.
I always add vikings to take out ovies once I have enough medivacs and drops going around. You'll also probably need vikings anyways when BL come out.
Again, depending on the build and map, there are some strong timings you can do depending on your build. If you choose a tank stim push and you see infestors, you can do a hard contain. Spread and siege up your tanks, pre-spread marines and leave them on hold position while your SCVs come to make bunkers. Take a third after the bunkers are up, make sure you can spot any nydus play with SDs on edge of base and slowly creep your tanks towards Z.
Any reactor starport v this would be really strong, BF helions will take map control for a long time and the korean transition leads in to a fast third.
If you lose your tank count early on, you'll probably find you can't keep up with infestors. If that's the case, start adding ghosts. Infestor clump ---> EMP, stranded infestor ---> snipe.
Build order Transitions
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The beauty of Terran is all the different things that we can do in the midgame to do subsequent pushes. There are a few good general transitions I'm going to list that can lead you in to good macro games. Of course there are other things you can do like the sCfOu mass bio all in. Build order transitions depend on whether you went reaper or 2rax as the transitions building order timings are different but generally the same.
Korean Transition (This one is my favourite)
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2 Fact Blue Flame (Really Popular on NA Ladder)
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Tank Stim Push (Old but solid build)
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Reactor Starport (Jinro build)
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This build I copied from Jinro. The first time I saw it IIRC was the Jinro v Idra clash of the titans showmatch. The build gets you early medivacs and stimmed marines for drops, picking off ovies and map control until mutas are out.
Good On:
Close air positions any map
Good Against:
Pretty much anything Z does besides below.
Auto-lose Against:
Julyzerg baneling pressure. If a competent Z is doing it, you will almost always lose. Be very careful this build. IIRC Jinro lost to Morrow's bane pressure both times.
The Build
24 Supply depot (or whatever supply you're at after CC) You won't need to start another Supply depot until after 2nd CC is done.
Constant marine, scv and supply depot (as necessary production).
@150 double gas
@150 minerals rax
@100% CC, start OC
@150/100 start factory
@50/25 start tech lab on 3rd rax
@100% tech lab start stim
@100% factory starport and reactor on factory
@100% starport, swap factory and starport and start 2 medivacs, start tech lab on factory
@100% factory tech lab, start tank and siege mode and 3rd and 4th gas
@100% stim, start combat and engibay and +1 right away
From here you add your 2nd fact and CC as needed.
2 Fact Siege Tank (Auto-win close positions)
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2 Port Banshee
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Korean Transition (This one is my favourite)
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I first saw this build done by NaDa in the GSL.
Good On:
Larger maps
Good Against:
Delayed gas builds
Fast muta
The Build
The build, after a 2rax expand is:
Constant marine, SCV and supply depot production (as needed) after CC
24 Supply depot (or whatever supply you're at after CC)
@150 minerals 3rd rax
@75 minerals refinery
@150 minerals 4th rax
@75 minerals 2nd gas
@150 minerals 2nd OC
@100% 3rd rax tech lab
@100% tech lab start stim
Cut marine production a bit to add
@125 minerals Engi Bay, continue marine and scv production and at 100% engibay start +1 Weapons.
@150/100 factory
@75 minerals refinery
@100% factory, add tech lab to it, start starport and 4th gas
@100% factory start tank
@100% stim, start combat
@100% starport, make medivac
@100% +1 weapons, start +1 armor
@2nd tank, siege mode
From here, you choose whether you want to make more medivacs for more drops, vikings if they're going infestors or tanks to stop roach bane all ins as needed. You can choose to also add another factory or expand, depending on your style and the map.
The goal of this build is to use marines for your map control. You should make sure the towers are clear and that he can't spread any creep after you've gotten 5-6 marines. If he went delayed gas, he won't be able to clear out the marines on the map for a long time as speed is delayed. Also, the larger your marine count gets, the harder and harder it gets for Z to take out the marines with just lings. If Z decides to take out your marines with just lings, you'll have a huge economic lead as they wouldn't have been droning in that time and they can't come kill you while you get your tanks and drops. You can kill any greedy zerg instantly and transition well in to a macro game. The really fast +1 style is an equivalent to Thorzain's really fast +1 vs protoss.
Good On:
Larger maps
Good Against:
Delayed gas builds
Fast muta
The Build
The build, after a 2rax expand is:
Constant marine, SCV and supply depot production (as needed) after CC
24 Supply depot (or whatever supply you're at after CC)
@150 minerals 3rd rax
@75 minerals refinery
@150 minerals 4th rax
@75 minerals 2nd gas
@150 minerals 2nd OC
@100% 3rd rax tech lab
@100% tech lab start stim
Cut marine production a bit to add
@125 minerals Engi Bay, continue marine and scv production and at 100% engibay start +1 Weapons.
@150/100 factory
@75 minerals refinery
@100% factory, add tech lab to it, start starport and 4th gas
@100% factory start tank
@100% stim, start combat
@100% starport, make medivac
@100% +1 weapons, start +1 armor
@2nd tank, siege mode
From here, you choose whether you want to make more medivacs for more drops, vikings if they're going infestors or tanks to stop roach bane all ins as needed. You can choose to also add another factory or expand, depending on your style and the map.
The goal of this build is to use marines for your map control. You should make sure the towers are clear and that he can't spread any creep after you've gotten 5-6 marines. If he went delayed gas, he won't be able to clear out the marines on the map for a long time as speed is delayed. Also, the larger your marine count gets, the harder and harder it gets for Z to take out the marines with just lings. If Z decides to take out your marines with just lings, you'll have a huge economic lead as they wouldn't have been droning in that time and they can't come kill you while you get your tanks and drops. You can kill any greedy zerg instantly and transition well in to a macro game. The really fast +1 style is an equivalent to Thorzain's really fast +1 vs protoss.
2 Fact Blue Flame (Really Popular on NA Ladder)
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I first saw this build used in the GSL sometime in Jan. or Feb. I believe. Can't remember the player, sorry Mr. Unknownyo.
Good On:
Typhon Peaks
Good Against:
Speedling Expands
No spine and no roach zerg i.e. greedy zerg
Fast Muta
Pretty much auto-win vs Julyzerg baneling pressure.
I can explain the build here a bit but QXC explains it really well in the 12 weeks with the pros guide with Mr. Bitters so I'm going to link that as well. He does his transition after a 11/12 rax build.
See it here:
(I hope it's okay that I'm posting's public so I wouldn't see why not but if you guys have a problem with it just pm me).
The Build
24 Supply depot (or whatever supply you're at after CC) You won't need to start another Supply depot until after 2nd CC is done.
Constant marine, scv and supply depot (as necessary production).
@150 double gas
@150 minerals rax
@100% CC, start OC
@150/100 Factory
@100% 3rd rax, tech lab, swap with first factory
@150/100 Factory
After landing on tech lab, start blue flame and helion.
@50/25 Tech lab on 3rd rax and @100% start stim
Float out CC when you have 10-12 marines, you don't want to reveal helions if possible.
Keep making helions out of both factories until you have 5-7 and move out accordingly. You can choose whether you want to go out really, it doesn't matter TBH and I don't know which is best so I just move out whenever I feel.
Note: There are other variations. You can either do a blue flame + stim timing push or get a fast +1 upgrade, watch the QXC guide with Mr. Bitters.
Kill a bunch of drones if Z has not enough spines or roaches. Even if Z does, you've done economic damage inadvertently by forcing spines, roaches and usually a Z wall.
Take map control
Prevent creep spread
Good On:
Typhon Peaks
Good Against:
Speedling Expands
No spine and no roach zerg i.e. greedy zerg
Fast Muta
Pretty much auto-win vs Julyzerg baneling pressure.
I can explain the build here a bit but QXC explains it really well in the 12 weeks with the pros guide with Mr. Bitters so I'm going to link that as well. He does his transition after a 11/12 rax build.
See it here:
(I hope it's okay that I'm posting's public so I wouldn't see why not but if you guys have a problem with it just pm me).
The Build
24 Supply depot (or whatever supply you're at after CC) You won't need to start another Supply depot until after 2nd CC is done.
Constant marine, scv and supply depot (as necessary production).
@150 double gas
@150 minerals rax
@100% CC, start OC
@150/100 Factory
@100% 3rd rax, tech lab, swap with first factory
@150/100 Factory
After landing on tech lab, start blue flame and helion.
@50/25 Tech lab on 3rd rax and @100% start stim
Float out CC when you have 10-12 marines, you don't want to reveal helions if possible.
Keep making helions out of both factories until you have 5-7 and move out accordingly. You can choose whether you want to go out really, it doesn't matter TBH and I don't know which is best so I just move out whenever I feel.
Note: There are other variations. You can either do a blue flame + stim timing push or get a fast +1 upgrade, watch the QXC guide with Mr. Bitters.
Kill a bunch of drones if Z has not enough spines or roaches. Even if Z does, you've done economic damage inadvertently by forcing spines, roaches and usually a Z wall.
Take map control
Prevent creep spread
Tank Stim Push (Old but solid build)
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This was my go-to build since December and January until BF helion transition came along. It's really solid and I recommend it as a good learner build. I kind of developed it myself while taking pieces from koreans. You want to retain your marines from any bunker pressure as much as possible. You hit with 3 tanks and marines at a delicate timing before any 3rd base kicks in and before mutas pop. You can then fall back if you choose and go for a better push where you'll have medivacs, combat shields and +1 if Z didn't go fast 3rd or fast muta while you take your 3rd CC.
Good On:
Smaller, closer maps.
Good Against:
Fast 3rd
Fast Muta
Countered by
Losira style roach ling bane play.
The Build
24 Supply depot (or whatever supply you're at after CC) You won't need to start another Supply depot until after 2nd CC is done.
Constant marine, scv and supply depot (as necessary production).
@150 double gas
@150 minerals rax
@100% CC, start OC
@150/100 start factory
@100% 3rd rax start tech lab to swap factory on to
@swap, start tank production with siege mode. You want constant tank production until you push. Start another tech lab on 3rd rax
@float out to natural, start 3rd refinery
@100% tech lab, start stim
@2nd tank, start engibay and +1 right away if haven't started before
@50% 3rd tank, start starport.
@3rd tank push out. Should have 3 siege tanks and a lot of stimmed marines.
@100%stim, start combat
@100% stim, start 4th refinery
Note[1]:siege mode if you suspect any ling bane all in, else, you can get a fast +1 by adding an engibay if you know he's going to be droning (lots of spines made, or no/delayed gas).
Float 2nd OC out after 1st tank if you lost your marines. If you retained your marines, you can float out earlier.
Flat out kill Z
Take out 3rd
Push back Creep
Safely take 3rd while doing drop play
Good On:
Smaller, closer maps.
Good Against:
Fast 3rd
Fast Muta
Countered by
Losira style roach ling bane play.
The Build
24 Supply depot (or whatever supply you're at after CC) You won't need to start another Supply depot until after 2nd CC is done.
Constant marine, scv and supply depot (as necessary production).
@150 double gas
@150 minerals rax
@100% CC, start OC
@150/100 start factory
@100% 3rd rax start tech lab to swap factory on to
@swap, start tank production with siege mode. You want constant tank production until you push. Start another tech lab on 3rd rax
@float out to natural, start 3rd refinery
@100% tech lab, start stim
@2nd tank, start engibay and +1 right away if haven't started before
@50% 3rd tank, start starport.
@3rd tank push out. Should have 3 siege tanks and a lot of stimmed marines.
@100%stim, start combat
@100% stim, start 4th refinery
Note[1]:siege mode if you suspect any ling bane all in, else, you can get a fast +1 by adding an engibay if you know he's going to be droning (lots of spines made, or no/delayed gas).
Float 2nd OC out after 1st tank if you lost your marines. If you retained your marines, you can float out earlier.
Flat out kill Z
Take out 3rd
Push back Creep
Safely take 3rd while doing drop play
Reactor Starport (Jinro build)
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This build I copied from Jinro. The first time I saw it IIRC was the Jinro v Idra clash of the titans showmatch. The build gets you early medivacs and stimmed marines for drops, picking off ovies and map control until mutas are out.
Good On:
Close air positions any map
Good Against:
Pretty much anything Z does besides below.
Auto-lose Against:
Julyzerg baneling pressure. If a competent Z is doing it, you will almost always lose. Be very careful this build. IIRC Jinro lost to Morrow's bane pressure both times.
The Build
24 Supply depot (or whatever supply you're at after CC) You won't need to start another Supply depot until after 2nd CC is done.
Constant marine, scv and supply depot (as necessary production).
@150 double gas
@150 minerals rax
@100% CC, start OC
@150/100 start factory
@50/25 start tech lab on 3rd rax
@100% tech lab start stim
@100% factory starport and reactor on factory
@100% starport, swap factory and starport and start 2 medivacs, start tech lab on factory
@100% factory tech lab, start tank and siege mode and 3rd and 4th gas
@100% stim, start combat and engibay and +1 right away
From here you add your 2nd fact and CC as needed.
2 Fact Siege Tank (Auto-win close positions)
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I was watching Jimpo's stream late one morning when I came across this build. Basically, I think the only way to lose doing this if Z scouts it, makes a tonne of lings and speed banes (all in) and gets you the second you move out. Otherwise, I've never seen Z stop this. If you suspect muta play, add an engi bay and turret up and do a hard contain/push. If every T starts doing this close positions, I strongly believe Blizzard will have to remove close positions map because this shit is just so imba.
I wouldn't do this build outside of close positions as you don't even get stim. Also good on Typon Peaks vertical positions. Push through rocks, make bunkers and make turrets.
The Build
24 Supply depot (or whatever supply you're at after CC) You won't need to start another Supply depot until after 2nd CC is done.
Constant marine, scv and supply depot (as necessary production).
@150 double gas
@150 minerals rax
@150/100 start factory @100% start tech lab
@150/100 start factory @100% start tech lab
Produce your 1st tank and siege mode along with more tanks. You want early siege mode because it's close positions and zerg will probably all in you. You also want to float to your main ASAP to get your additional gas income to support your double fact. No early stim or combat shields with this push. Move out at 5-6 tanks or as you see necessary, sack and SCV to see army size and composition or scan if needed.
Kill him
I wouldn't do this build outside of close positions as you don't even get stim. Also good on Typon Peaks vertical positions. Push through rocks, make bunkers and make turrets.
The Build
24 Supply depot (or whatever supply you're at after CC) You won't need to start another Supply depot until after 2nd CC is done.
Constant marine, scv and supply depot (as necessary production).
@150 double gas
@150 minerals rax
@150/100 start factory @100% start tech lab
@150/100 start factory @100% start tech lab
Produce your 1st tank and siege mode along with more tanks. You want early siege mode because it's close positions and zerg will probably all in you. You also want to float to your main ASAP to get your additional gas income to support your double fact. No early stim or combat shields with this push. Move out at 5-6 tanks or as you see necessary, sack and SCV to see army size and composition or scan if needed.
Kill him
2 Port Banshee
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This is less all-in than one base 2port but really sets you back if you can't do significant damage). There's a game of SjoW v July on Shattered I believe in the MLG? Where SjoW got really far behind from July's baneling pressure. Sjow then transitioned in to 2-port and July wasn't prepared. Terrible damage was dealt and eventually sjow won. I'd reserve this for tournaments against players better than you or for when you're really behind and need something drastic to catch up.
The Build
The build order is simple, you make 2 starports, absolutely deny all scouting, make some banshees without cloak and pray he doesn't have lots of queens or fast mutas. Then go kill, in order, Queens, if you have enough banshees, any made or making spores, spire, drones.
The Build
The build order is simple, you make 2 starports, absolutely deny all scouting, make some banshees without cloak and pray he doesn't have lots of queens or fast mutas. Then go kill, in order, Queens, if you have enough banshees, any made or making spores, spire, drones.
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Reaper Openings
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Stopping Roach All in While Expanding in Close Positions
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Alternate Transition
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Korean Build
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Blue Flame Transition
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Double Fact Tank Push
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Reactor Starport
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Tank Stim Push
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NoGas FE
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Power of 11/12 Rax in Close Positions
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Certain builds, such as the siege tank timing push, Korean build and sometimes off of a blue flame, you can get really early ups. They're essential throughout the entire game and you always want to keep your upgrades going, never delay them once they start. Against a muta-ling bling player, go for mech +1 armor, then +1 attack, then continue on armor. Against roach ling bane, go for mech attack.
When to add in Thors?
I used to be so scared of mutas. The second I saw mutas, I'd start pumping thors. The problem with that is, you don't know if Z is just making a few mutas while teching to hive or if they're going to go mass muta ling bling. I generally start adding in Thors if, from my drops and scans, I see no signs of infestor/hive tech and Z has more than 15 mutas.
What do I do in the Late Game?
IMO the best way to deal with late game Z is to use ghosts. Any infestor BL corruptor play can't be dealt with head on without them. The second I see greater spire, I start dropping ALL my marines everywhere or go for a death push if I see I can because he'll either be making corruptors or saving up supply for them. Any push will delay it. Once BL are out and you're not ready with ghosts, start dropping him EVERYWHERE. If he abandons his BL, see if you can take them out with vikings or stimmed marines while you build up your ghost count. This is a really strong ability Terran has anytime something is introduced that Terran isn't ready for and this can be adapted in to any matchup.
When do I add in Ghosts?
A good time to start adding ghosts would be after they have 6+ infestors and you feel like your tank count won't be able to handle that because you lost your tanks early on. Another good time to add them is while Hive is morphing. If you scout/scan a hive morphing, add your ghost academy, 2-3 tech labs and start pumping out ghosts with mobius reactor. You know Z won't have BL or ultras for a long time even after hive is morphed so you don't need 20 ghosts instantly but rather can gradually increase your ghost count.
Ask me more.
Map Specific Tricks
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Metalopolis - OP Bunker Rush placement
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Tal'Darim Altar - Reaper Bunker Rush placement
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More Coming soon
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Tal'Darim Altar - Reaper Bunker Rush placement
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More Coming soon
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Fuck this took long to write. IDK why I did. Just felt like it. Needed some stress relief maybe, whatever. No one else wrote a TvZ guide and I've been feeling like I could add to TL for months now.
I don't think too many people are going to read this as it's not any auto-win build or gimicky new thing. This is just standard play. Enjoy.
I don't think too many people are going to read this as it's not any auto-win build or gimicky new thing. This is just standard play. Enjoy.
External Resources
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My Guide on Splitting
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Dropping Tip #1
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12 Weeks with QXC and Mr.Bitters
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Dropping Tip #1
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12 Weeks with QXC and Mr.Bitters
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Somewhat older but shows mostly 11/12 rax in to BF helion transition. QXC dropping knowledge like always and Mr. Bitters being the boss he is asks excellent questions that you may also have.
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Bunker Rushing Liquid Ret
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Long Game v Mass Muta Z.
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Microing Against Infestor BL Ultra army
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