Make sure you read the OP before asking a question. Asking a question already addressed in the OP will result in moderation action. Also, please put some effort into your questions.
On September 21 2010 11:03 kzn wrote: Would it be traitorous of you to help me vs Zerg :<
I think it would be benificial to Z, P and T if we not only dicussed Zerg strats vs other races, but what the other races can do to better beat these strats. I vote no, it would not be traitorous.
On January 19 2012 04:40 Olsson wrote: Just played a game vs protoss, he went pheonix which means I cant win basically since I can't go muta which is the only way to win. So I went for broodlords just for the lulz and just like expected my entire army got vortexed and archon toileted (not enough fungals to stop archons from going in as he vortexed my infestors). Then he proceeded to warp in 16 zealots from a warp prism all over the map and take out my expansions which had like 5 spines each at them but they didnt do shit. So how do I beat protoss in late game?
I just cannot fucking believe blizzard came up with the idea that protoss can have a mobile pylon that creates units anywhere on the map. In late game this is fucking impossible to deal with. Since the only way to kill the zealots is to have equal supply of roaches to them which would be around 20 supply, 20 supply is alot in the late game especially since you need 100% broodlords and infestors to beat the protoss late game.
Your attitude is pure, fucking, poison. That's your only problem.
Low money, good unit composition, good macro. Aslong as I do the shit correct my attitude is not an issue I just need to know how to beat this which I'm very doubtful that I can.
On January 19 2012 04:40 Olsson wrote: Just played a game vs protoss, he went pheonix which means I cant win basically since I can't go muta which is the only way to win. So I went for broodlords just for the lulz and just like expected my entire army got vortexed and archon toileted (not enough fungals to stop archons from going in as he vortexed my infestors). Then he proceeded to warp in 16 zealots from a warp prism all over the map and take out my expansions which had like 5 spines each at them but they didnt do shit. So how do I beat protoss in late game?
I just cannot fucking believe blizzard came up with the idea that protoss can have a mobile pylon that creates units anywhere on the map. In late game this is fucking impossible to deal with. Since the only way to kill the zealots is to have equal supply of roaches to them which would be around 20 supply, 20 supply is alot in the late game especially since you need 100% broodlords and infestors to beat the protoss late game.
Not going to lie, you do have a pretty crappy attitude towards this.
There was something about spawning a whole crapload of infested terrans AROUND the vortex so when the archons come out, they don't do near as much splash, you could give that a try. (I know you said he vortex your infestors, but keep them in the back so if he comes up to try to vortex them, NP it and vortex his units instead.)
If he's built that many warp prisms then his army food is likely a lot lower than yours, if you have 5 spines at each base then you hit a few transfuses and you are fine. This sounds more like rage than a constructive post.
I cant get enough queens nor transfuses to hold off the zealots but in theory you are right. The problem is that I can't really have more than four or five queens and hes harassing my sixth and fifth bases which might not have queens. Besides from that I just think it's really unfair and I'm not sure on how to deal with it effectively.
On January 19 2012 03:46 Olsson wrote: People in this thread told me to go muta vs protoss to deny third and do damage from them to stop them from getting their deathball. So I went muta, got a 10-20 worker lead the entire game, denied his bases several times, did good harass though I lost some mutas at some points which shouldnt justify the fact that he lost so much more than me and still won. Im ahead on atleast 1 base but often two bases the entire game and I make spine crawler walls to defend pushes. Yet he ROFL stomps me by building stalkers and sentries and then colossi off two base. Im not able to defend his push and I couldn't base race him because my muta count was A) too low. B) he had to many defences. C) His army was bigger than mine so he couldve just went back/taken out my base and then went after my army and win. D) He could warp in back at home with his ton of warpgates. E) He had more buildings than me. F) He had more dps than me.
You made a ton of mutas but did almost 0 dmg (you got 2 colossi late game). It was 2 base vs 2 base for a looooong time. You threw away 10-20~ supply worth of zerglings multiple times. You denied his third once or twice but then let him get a gold base. He sniped a couple of your morphing brood lords near the end. In the final battle he had SO much more army supply.
There was no way for me to do damage since he had stalkers in place and he had cannons, I ran zerglings in to do harass and deny third which I did sometimes and since I was ahead on bases it was good for me to delay his third, it was worth the investment of losing some zerglings. The game was over before I morphed those broods Im just confused why he could get so much shit.
@Olsson: Since you think the problem is with balance and not with your play here's a few things I noticed while watching the replay:
* You drone scout. Why? You go 14/14 to be safe and your drone scout won't change a thing. (unless you have a VERY strict build order vs FFE etc, which you shouldn't anyway). You even wasted time running around his main when you saw the forge. * You went lair against FFE before taking a third, why? Many top players have stated that two base muta is bad. * You had two guys in one of your geyser for a very long time. * You flew by a pylon and didn't even kill it i.e your map awarness is bad. * You barely poked with your mutas. You saw a few stalkers and then you gave up even though you had plenty of opportunities to do damage. Don't missunderstand me though, you did some damage but you are way to inactive with your mutas. * Double evo and only one upgrading. * You flew into 20 stalkers you knew was there, bad control. * You do realize that instead of teching you could've just maxed out on mutas and lings and ended the game? He got his third up too late and you even denied it as well. Way to passive early on with lings. * You built an infestation pit and didn't even use it for anything for a while. No hive, no infestors for like 3 minutes. * No overseer flying around with your mutas picking of observers. * You kept losing your mutas to bad engagements all game. You do realize mutaling is a counter attack-style unit composition right? Base trade is your best friend.
On January 19 2012 22:02 Catgroove wrote: @Olsson: Since you think the problem is with balance and not with your play here's a few things I noticed while watching the replay:
* You drone scout. Why? You go 14/14 to be safe and your drone scout won't change a thing. (unless you have a VERY strict build order vs FFE etc, which you shouldn't anyway). You even wasted time running around his main when you saw the forge. * You went lair against FFE before taking a third, why? Many top players have stated that two base muta is bad. * You had two guys in one of your geyser for a very long time. * You flew by a pylon and didn't even kill it i.e your map awarness is bad. * You barely poked with your mutas. You saw a few stalkers and then you gave up even though you had plenty of opportunities to do damage. Don't missunderstand me though, you did some damage but you are way to inactive with your mutas. * Double evo and only one upgrading. * You flew into 20 stalkers you knew was there, bad control. * You do realize that instead of teching you could've just maxed out on mutas and lings and ended the game? He got his third up too late and you even denied it as well. Way to passive early on with lings. * You built an infestation pit and didn't even use it for anything for a while. No hive, no infestors for like 3 minutes. * No overseer flying around with your mutas picking of observers. * You kept losing your mutas to bad engagements all game. You do realize mutaling is a counter attack-style unit composition right? Base trade is your best friend.
Alright thanks. I went 14/14 because it's the most solid opening around and I prefer early ling speed so I can deny scouts and do aggresion against a 1gate expo. I always drone scout in ZvP to see if they go FFE or not. If they do not I keep it inside to watch for 2nd gas timing, it was a mistake to keep it around so long against a FFE. That pylon I flew by I'm not sure which one you are referring to but if it was the one I just saw as my mutas got out it was because I was rushing to his probe line before he could get cannons up. The evos were because I didnt start them at the same time and I think that my +2 meele finished way before my +1 carpace and I got infestor pit so I could get hive and more upgrades but I kept making mutas which I lost due to me being sloppy and losing some.
I couldnt max out on lings and mutas because he had a ton of stalkers and forcefields and I couldnt engage him at the middle and it's hard to engage with just lings and mutas becasue of sim city, cannons and forcefields. Though some of what I said was venting I couldn't do much more damage than what I did since he nullified my muta harass with having stalkers in place and a ton of cannons. I didn't notice that his stalkers went out of position for me to harass and if they did then I did a mistake. I do agree that some of the things I said was also complaining abit about balance but my point remains that I had an econ advantage the entire game and I denied bases for a long time trading efficiently with lings to do so. Thanks for the tips.
I went 2base muta because most protoss i've met say that it's a great way to deny early thirds from protosses and i've never heard a pro say that it's shit.
On January 19 2012 22:02 Catgroove wrote: @Olsson: Since you think the problem is with balance and not with your play here's a few things I noticed while watching the replay:
* You drone scout. Why? You go 14/14 to be safe and your drone scout won't change a thing. (unless you have a VERY strict build order vs FFE etc, which you shouldn't anyway). You even wasted time running around his main when you saw the forge. * You went lair against FFE before taking a third, why? Many top players have stated that two base muta is bad. * You had two guys in one of your geyser for a very long time. * You flew by a pylon and didn't even kill it i.e your map awarness is bad. * You barely poked with your mutas. You saw a few stalkers and then you gave up even though you had plenty of opportunities to do damage. Don't missunderstand me though, you did some damage but you are way to inactive with your mutas. * Double evo and only one upgrading. * You flew into 20 stalkers you knew was there, bad control. * You do realize that instead of teching you could've just maxed out on mutas and lings and ended the game? He got his third up too late and you even denied it as well. Way to passive early on with lings. * You built an infestation pit and didn't even use it for anything for a while. No hive, no infestors for like 3 minutes. * No overseer flying around with your mutas picking of observers. * You kept losing your mutas to bad engagements all game. You do realize mutaling is a counter attack-style unit composition right? Base trade is your best friend.
Alright thanks. I went 14/14 because it's the most solid opening around and I prefer early ling speed so I can deny scouts and do aggresion against a 1gate expo. I always drone scout in ZvP to see if they go FFE or not. If they do not I keep it inside to watch for 2nd gas timing, it was a mistake to keep it around so long against a FFE. That pylon I flew by I'm not sure which one you are referring to but if it was the one I just saw as my mutas got out it was because I was rushing to his probe line before he could get cannons up. The evos were because I didnt start them at the same time and I think that my +2 meele finished way before my +1 carpace and I got infestor pit so I could get hive and more upgrades but I kept making mutas which I lost due to me being sloppy and losing some.
I couldnt max out on lings and mutas because he had a ton of stalkers and forcefields and I couldnt engage him at the middle and it's hard to engage with just lings and mutas becasue of sim city, cannons and forcefields. Though some of what I said was venting I couldn't do much more damage than what I did since he nullified my muta harass with having stalkers in place and a ton of cannons. I didn't notice that his stalkers went out of position for me to harass and if they did then I did a mistake. I do agree that some of the things I said was also complaining abit about balance but my point remains that I had an econ advantage the entire game and I denied bases for a long time trading efficiently with lings to do so. Thanks for the tips.
I went 2base muta because most protoss i've met say that it's a great way to deny early thirds from protosses and i've never heard a pro say that it's shit.
Bait him into a fight, pick off the sentries and fly away. About the 2 base part: I think Ret said it on Homestory as well on his stream.
On January 19 2012 22:02 Catgroove wrote: @Olsson: Since you think the problem is with balance and not with your play here's a few things I noticed while watching the replay:
* You drone scout. Why? You go 14/14 to be safe and your drone scout won't change a thing. (unless you have a VERY strict build order vs FFE etc, which you shouldn't anyway). You even wasted time running around his main when you saw the forge. * You went lair against FFE before taking a third, why? Many top players have stated that two base muta is bad. * You had two guys in one of your geyser for a very long time. * You flew by a pylon and didn't even kill it i.e your map awarness is bad. * You barely poked with your mutas. You saw a few stalkers and then you gave up even though you had plenty of opportunities to do damage. Don't missunderstand me though, you did some damage but you are way to inactive with your mutas. * Double evo and only one upgrading. * You flew into 20 stalkers you knew was there, bad control. * You do realize that instead of teching you could've just maxed out on mutas and lings and ended the game? He got his third up too late and you even denied it as well. Way to passive early on with lings. * You built an infestation pit and didn't even use it for anything for a while. No hive, no infestors for like 3 minutes. * No overseer flying around with your mutas picking of observers. * You kept losing your mutas to bad engagements all game. You do realize mutaling is a counter attack-style unit composition right? Base trade is your best friend.
Alright thanks. I went 14/14 because it's the most solid opening around and I prefer early ling speed so I can deny scouts and do aggresion against a 1gate expo. I always drone scout in ZvP to see if they go FFE or not. If they do not I keep it inside to watch for 2nd gas timing, it was a mistake to keep it around so long against a FFE. That pylon I flew by I'm not sure which one you are referring to but if it was the one I just saw as my mutas got out it was because I was rushing to his probe line before he could get cannons up. The evos were because I didnt start them at the same time and I think that my +2 meele finished way before my +1 carpace and I got infestor pit so I could get hive and more upgrades but I kept making mutas which I lost due to me being sloppy and losing some.
I couldnt max out on lings and mutas because he had a ton of stalkers and forcefields and I couldnt engage him at the middle and it's hard to engage with just lings and mutas becasue of sim city, cannons and forcefields. Though some of what I said was venting I couldn't do much more damage than what I did since he nullified my muta harass with having stalkers in place and a ton of cannons. I didn't notice that his stalkers went out of position for me to harass and if they did then I did a mistake. I do agree that some of the things I said was also complaining abit about balance but my point remains that I had an econ advantage the entire game and I denied bases for a long time trading efficiently with lings to do so. Thanks for the tips.
I went 2base muta because most protoss i've met say that it's a great way to deny early thirds from protosses and i've never heard a pro say that it's shit.
Bait him into a fight, pick off the sentries and fly away. About the 2 base part: I think Ret said it on Homestory as well on his stream.
Thanks so much for the fast response and the tips. ZvP was an ok matchup for me but then I got base-raced several times when I allowed the protoss to get his third and reach the deathball which ment I got broodlords. I went muta ling to try to stop him from reaching the colossus stalker archon voidray (w/e) deathball composition.
In ZvZ I have a macro style, I FE with a safe 14p / 16h / 16g I took the build form Vibe. I use 2 queens to block the ramp and one spine on the low ground to defend the ramp and my natural hatch. I can hold most 1 base banelings all-ins, I can deal with speeding expands. or other FE builds
I can not seem to deal with a one base roach rush.
1) What is the time and manner to scout 1 base roach rush in ZvZ? A lot of the time 4 or 6 lings will sit on their ramp blocking ling scouting. Is there any tells that I can pick up on with out sacking a overlord that early?
2) What should I do after confirming a 1 base roach rush to defend?
On January 20 2012 00:10 Infleto wrote: In ZvZ I have a macro style, I FE with a safe 14p / 16h / 16g I took the build form Vibe. I use 2 queens to block the ramp and one spine on the low ground to defend the ramp and my natural hatch. I can hold most 1 base banelings all-ins, I can deal with speeding expands. or other FE builds
I can not seem to deal with a one base roach rush.
1) What is the time and manner to scout 1 base roach rush in ZvZ? A lot of the time 4 or 6 lings will sit on their ramp blocking ling scouting. Is there any tells that I can pick up on with out sacking a overlord that early?
2) What should I do after confirming a 1 base roach rush to defend?
1) You should have an OL on his expansion and see if he expands or moves out. If they don't take their expansion on ~20 supply should expect a 1 base attack and don't saturate your natural until he moves out to expand. If he doesn't do speedling/baneling aggression, drone to a maximum of ~35 or so drones and then focus solely on defense until you feel like you can hold a 1 base all-in. He will most likely move out with an inject timing and his inject timings should be similar to yours if you 14 pool. Use that to get a grasp on when and with how many roaches he can attack at a certain point in the game. You will have time to build an extra round of roaches before he'll get to your base with slow roaches, but you aren't safe just because you'll have an equal roach count by the time he get's to your base. Roach all-ins should be followed up by a constant stream of speedlings, you'll need to prepare for them too.
2) I think roaches are the safest bet. If he gets banelings or +1 on his roaches your lings will be worthless. Spines help too when the map allows it. The most important part is still not to saturate your natural until you've held his 1 base all-in.
EDIT: This is the strongest roach/ling all-in imho, you can use the timings from this to know how much defenses you need at a certain point in the game:
What could I have done to stop this 2 bunker rush play? If I put a drone on patrol every single game to stop this from happening it's not good economically and not really worth it. I just hope bliz puts a fucking supply depot there anytime soon.
No, you pretty much basically have to patrol the bottom of the ramp on every game you hatchery first, cause people still do this double wallin shit, protoss even does it sometimes with 3 pylons.
Alternatively you can try the mineral stacking trick (click on the minerals at your nat, and your drones will stack as they try to mineralwalk, then a-click on a target and ALL your drones will hit rather than only a few of them).
Can someone either give me a completely standard ZvT game plan outline, or link me to a thread/replay that has them? I've been looking around for some ZvT guides, but I have yet to find any that detail the entire game
On January 20 2012 01:46 Olsson wrote: What could I have done to stop this 2 bunker rush play? If I put a drone on patrol every single game to stop this from happening it's not good economically and not really worth it. I just hope bliz puts a fucking supply depot there anytime soon.
Sorry to say but that is false on the it hurts to much economically and not really worth it. Yes it is worth it especially if you don't want your ramp to be walled off and have an instant loss. It really isn't that bad at all. If you lose a game it will never be because you had that 1 drone patrolling the ramp and hurt you to much economically trust me
Could someone take a look at this ZvP and confirm where I went wrong?
I scout FFE and open 3 base, he stays on 2 base for a long time, tech path given nat gas so I tech muta. Do little damage and lose most of my ling/roach/muta army to his gateway/templar push. I re-comp on lings to combat his stalker mass (killed everything but stalkers). I deny his third and am on four base. I *think* I overcommitted to lings and was sloppy/slow on my tech to infestors and broodlords but would love confirmation. Also was slow taking my 7th and 8 gas.
Felt pretty solid, scouting needed to be better in the mid-game although I never felt at risk as he let me get four base unmolested.
I basically lose to a +3 stalker archon push at the end.
On January 20 2012 01:46 Olsson wrote: If I put a drone on patrol every single game to stop this from happening it's not good economically and not really worth it.
Ever considered the Terran is also pulling SCV's off to make the bunkers and barracks? And he hasn't got MULE's at this moment in the game so economically it doesn't hurt you at all.. That is, of course, unless you are Grandmaster on the Korean server where cloning workers even matters.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Master zerg (me) vs. mid master toss
I'm having trouble beating this, I've played versus it quite a bit and basically it is an FFE into double stargate contain. Once I break out I double expand and by then he is usually on 3 base and going double robo, once about 4 colossus pop he is near max with 4 colossus/blink stalker +3/ void deathball at near max supply. At this point im working towards broodlords but I cannot get them out fast enough to stop this.
So when do you take a third vs. terrans that go reactor hellion? Do you just make enough speedlings to try to fend them off, and then take it? This seems to rely on the terran player having poor hellion control, i.e not reliable. If the terran decides to follow this up with marine/medivac/hellion with fast third instead of marine tank, going 2 base muta will get you killed (as demonstrated in the recent showmatch with Idra). It seems to me that the proper way to counter this is to take a quick third yourself and defend with ling/baneling, and waiting to get mutas on 3 bases.
Now, with mutas being delayed like this, would it be a good idea to make roaches to defend reactor hellion openings instead of spines since your mutas will be delayed anyway? Hypothetically you should be able to put some pressure on terran if he overcommits to hellions, and be able to secure a third yourself, but if the terran ISN"T playing the style I described above (ie gets tanks) then the roaches could put you way behind and you'll die to a marine/tank push and/or drops.
On January 21 2012 07:11 Effay wrote: So when do you take a third vs. terrans that go reactor hellion? Do you just make enough speedlings to try to fend them off, and then take it? This seems to rely on the terran player having poor hellion control, i.e not reliable. If the terran decides to follow this up with marine/medivac/hellion with fast third instead of marine tank, going 2 base muta will get you killed (as demonstrated in the recent showmatch with Idra). It seems to me that the proper way to counter this is to take a quick third yourself and defend with ling/baneling, and waiting to get mutas on 3 bases.
Now, with mutas being delayed like this, would it be a good idea to make roaches to defend reactor hellion openings instead of spines since your mutas will be delayed anyway? Hypothetically you should be able to put some pressure on terran if he overcommits to hellions, and be able to secure a third yourself, but if the terran ISN"T playing the style I described above (ie gets tanks) then the roaches could put you way behind and you'll die to a marine/tank push and/or drops.
I feel like you need mutas or infestors if they make more than 4 hellions, roaches are fine too i guess but I hate making that unit vs terran. I have had some luck sneaking out 6 or so lings and attacking their main while setting up a flank with my lings and killing the hellions at the moment they are distracted by my lings at their main, but it doesn't work 100% of the time.
In general though I'd say have 2 groups of 10 lings or so engage with them one group at a time when they run past spines and your queens otherwise you lose more than its worth, once the hellions are dead expo and make some drones. If they dont run past the spines wait for mutas to chase them out.
On January 20 2012 01:46 Olsson wrote: If I put a drone on patrol every single game to stop this from happening it's not good economically and not really worth it.
Ever considered the Terran is also pulling SCV's off to make the bunkers and barracks? And he hasn't got MULE's at this moment in the game so economically it doesn't hurt you at all.. That is, of course, unless you are Grandmaster on the Korean server where cloning workers even matters.
Lol in 9/10 cases terran won't go for the bunker rush but I won't know that for sure. Patrolling one drone every single game there just not to be bunker rushed isn't a huge impact on the economy but it isn't good for my economy either. I don't think it seems to be worth it for the risk, you don't see any pro's do this. He hasn't got mules at this moment in the game? Yes he does he has mules when my queen finishes after 15 hatch 15 pool.
Terran pulls one worker to scout often and then comes back, if I put one to scout and one to hold the ramp thats two not mining. And if terran does the bunker rush then fine I might come ahead because I block but if I don't he's still ahead since he pulls 3 workes to get bunkers up which forces me to pull all mine. Terran can also just fake harass by throwing up a bunker and force a 3-4 drone pull and then just cancel the bunker for full returrn. Terran doesn't invest more than what the zerg does to holding. One bunker going up after the pool and marines in good position forces more lings which isn't good either.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Master zerg (me) vs. mid master toss
I'm having trouble beating this, I've played versus it quite a bit and basically it is an FFE into double stargate contain. Once I break out I double expand and by then he is usually on 3 base and going double robo, once about 4 colossus pop he is near max with 4 colossus/blink stalker +3/ void deathball at near max supply. At this point im working towards broodlords but I cannot get them out fast enough to stop this.