![[image loading]](http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n99/chuiu/TLmafia_new.png)
Welcome to the Summer Season of Mafia. There are a number of new abilities in this game so please familiarize yourself with them. A list of roles can be found later on in this post. If you have not yet received a PM with your role in it, please let me know either by PM or posting in this thread. This game will start at 00:00 KST Saturday 4th July.
In case you have forgotten, this is what will happen during the course of the game. On Day 1, every member of the town will be able to vote for a player to be elected into the position of Emperor. At the conclusion of the day, a winner will be declared and the new Emperor will select any member of the town to be lynched. Also, at this time, 3 townies will be randomly selected to be Bodyguards for the Emperor. During every night, the mafia will send in a list of 'hits'. Any names on this list will be killed off unless protected. There will also be a post detailing the deaths over the course of the night with clues left behind about the mafia. The town then will vote for a candidate to be lynch at the end of the day. And then the cycle repeats.
Clues can be taken from anywhere. They could come from profiles, signatures or even posts made from inside the game. Anything which I deem relevant could be used in generating the clues each day. There are also a number of abilities which can be used during the day or night. Details about when you are able to activate these abilities will be given below, and in your PM if you happen to have such an ability.
One important note about the weather in this game. The introduction of weather to this Mafia game was designed to balance out some of the towns stronger abilities and add a further element to town strategy. The weather will be decided by an anonymous vote. Only people who have the townie role will be able to vote on this - no blue roles or mafia. The vote count and vote list will not be released and are not subject to checks. Votes will be made by PM'ing Plexa with your choice of weather. The option with the most votes will be announced during the lynching and the weather will change immediately. The votes are subject to the same tie break rules as lynch votes.
The list of available weather options is as follows;
- Sunny
Sunny weather allows Assassins to be able to kill during the night. - Snow
Snowy weather results in additional clues being left after the Mafia kill people - Fog
Foggy weather halves the kill power of Pledges but also means that Pledges will not be revealed in vote list checks - Rain
Rainy weather doubles Angel protection strength and disallows the Suicide Bomber from using his ability
Rules: (they are all subject to change before the start of the game)
General game rules:
1. Once you are dead you may not post anything at all. People are getting irritated with dead people talking so sorry but dead people are now forbidden from talking during the game. People not playing are advised not to post in the thread also. Moderators please help out with this where you can, if players insist on continuing to post I'll just ban them from playing the game again.
2. Try to keep posting mafia game related, the thread gets hard to read and annoying when there are 12 posts of spam per 1 post of actual content.
3. New rule, you must vote. Whether its 'I abstain from voting' or not you must cast a vote.
Voting rules.
1. You must post your vote in the vote thread. The current day vote thread will always be linked to on this post, the day post.
2. You must clearly declare your vote ie: 'I vote for X'. Votes such as "I'll pick this guy" or "I want him to die" are not acceptable.
3. You cannot vote for yourself or anyone dead or outside the game.
4. In the event of a tie the person with the most votes first wins (or loses!) over the other person.
5. You may abstain, but must let me know: ie: 'I abstain from voting'.
The Town
(5) Pyrrhuloxia
(10) GoodWill
(14) HeavOnEarth
(18) Chezinu
(20) Clasic
(25) iLoveKT
(36) RebirthOfLeGenD
4/30 Townies alive. (All non-mafia roles)
Mafia killing power; 0.5 for each Pledge alive, 0.5 for each Mafioso alive, 1 for each Godfather alive. These are added up, and the the ceiling is taken of this number.
3/8 Mafia alive. (Current killing power = 2)
0/1 Suicide Bomber alive.
1/1 Godfather alive.
Emperor is currently dead.
0/3 Bodyguards are alive
0/2 Angel are alive
0/2 Assassin are alive
0/2 Mystic are alive
0/1 Priest are alive
Role Descriptions
Please note no special abilities (except for weather voting) can be used on Day 1. Assassinations cannot take place until Night 2.
You are a proud citizen of the town Liquiville, which is currently infested with the Mafia. You have no special powers other than the ability to vote. You are required to vote for both the weather and the person you want lynched. To vote for the lynching please post in the vote thread. For voting for the weather please PM Plexa with your choice (Sunny/Snow/Fog/Rain). You can vote only during the day.
You are the leader of the town and thus carry a lot of responsibility. The Emperor role is voted in at the beginning of the game. The Emperor can select one player to lynch on Day 1 to celebrate his/her victory into office. After that, the Emperor can decide to hold a double lynch where two people will be lynched instead of one. As such, the town will be granted an extra vote to decide. The Emperor has 3 double lynches at his disposal, and cannot be used two days in a row. The Emperor is protected by Bodyguards. So long as those Bodyguards are alive the Emperor cannot be killed. The Emperor does not know who the Bodyguards are.
When to activate Double Lynch ability? You can let me know by PM that you wish to use a double lynch in the night before you want to use it. You can also announce a double lynch during the day of voting. If you choose this option the time allocated for voting will be increased.
You are charged with protecting the Emperor from Mafia hits. As such, as long as you are alive the Emperor cannot be killed by the Mafia or by Assassination. You do not know that you are a Bodyguard, nor does the Emperor.
When do I activate Protection? Never. This is a passive ability and is always in effect as long as you are alive
You have been called down from Heaven to assist the town in its struggle against the Mafia. You remain unseen amongst the Townies but you have very special abilities. You can withstand one hit from the Mafia before you are killed. You are also able to protect 1 person from being hit each night. Should you save a person from death, no clue with be left behind and you and the target will be alerted to the incident. The town will not know the hit happened. If the number of hits on a person is greater than the number of protects then the hit will go through. If an Angel protects another Angel then the Angel protection takes precedent over the Angel's extra life.
When to activate Extra Life? Never. This is a passive ability which means that you will always be able to withstand one hit. The extra life does not regenerate, so once it is used it is gone.
When to activate Protection? Please PM Plexa with your target for the night. You may PM Plexa during the Day before the Night you wish to protect that person or during the Night itself. If the weather is Rainy, you may select two targets to protect or protect the same target twice.
You have been trained as a Ninja, but never passed the final test. As such, you were removed from the Ninja academy and now reside amongst the citizens of Liquiville. You are a trained killer, and in these times of need you call on your training to assist the town in eliminating the Maifa insurgence. You are able to kill one person each night until you run out of kills. You have a total of two kills throughout the game. You may only attack when the weather is Sunny. When you kill, you will leave behind a clue. Mafia hits take precedent over Assassinations.
When to activate Assassination? Please PM Plexa with your target for the night. You may PM Plexa during the Day before the Night you wish to kill your target, or during the Night itself. If the weather is not Sunny, you will not be able to attack.
You have the gift of being able to determine who is a member of the Mafia. However, you are old, and cannot use your abilities indefinitely. You have three different abilities you may choose from each day. You can only activate one of them per day. You may PM me asking about the number of Mafia who voted for a particular person to be lynched (not elected) three times total. I will PM you back the number of Pledges who are on that list. You may PM me asking about weather a particular person is a member of the mafia three times throughout the game. I will PM you back either "Yes" or "No". You may PM me asking whether a particular clue links to a specific person as many times as you wish throughout the game. I will PM back either "Yes" or "No".
When do I activate my ability? Please PM Plexa with your selected choice of ability during the Day.
You are the Liquiville's spiritual leader. As such you can call upon the Gods to achieve great miracles for Liquiville. Your sole ability is the ability to revive people from the dead. The resurrection process takes 3 Night. On the first Night a clue will be revealed about you. The intended resurrection target will be revealed as well. On the second Night the target will be revived after the Mafia has made its hits. On the third Night your powers will leave you, and another player will be designated with the Priest role. If you are killed on the first or second Night during the resurrection process, your target will not be revived and your role will not be transferred. If you are killed on the third night, your role will not be transferred to another player. The resurrected player will return with his/her original role with all abilities recharged. If the Emperor is resurrected, the Emperor role does not return to the player.
When do I activate Resurrection? Please PM Plexa with your target during the Day before the Night you wish to start the resurrection process, or during the Night you wish to commence resurrecting.
You are a trainee for the Mafia. You desperately want to join their ranks and will do whatever it takes to become fully initiated. Pledges are not as covert as Mafioso, and as such will count towards the number of Mafia on any given Lynch Vote list when checked by a Mystic. If a Mystic asks whether you are a member of the Mafia the result "Yes" will be returned.
Suicide Bomber
One Pledge will be designated as the Suicide Bomber for the Mafia. The Suicide Bomber may sacrifice his/her life either to kill two targets or one target and all Angels protecting the player. The Suicide Bomber ignores any protection by Angels and any extra lives an Angel has.
You are a fully trained Mafia member and a ruthless killer. You are able to conceal yourself from the public better than a Pledge. If a Vote List is checked by a Mystic, you will not count towards the number of Mafia on that list. If a Mystic asks whether you are a member of the Mafia the result "Yes" will be returned.
You are the Godfather of the Mafia. You lead the Mafia by example and have a number of abilities which assist your minions in bringing Liquiville to it's knees. You have the ability to change the appearance of any player in the game to Mafia or Townie for one day. You will not be revealed as Mafia on any Vote List checks or any Alignment Checks. If you are killed by an Assassin, your role will be transferred to another Mafia member.
When do I activate Cover? You may PM Plexa with your target along with your hitlist for the Night. The targets appearance will be changed to whatever you selected for the following day.
Your role PMs will look like the following'
Your role in Mafia; The Summer Season is Townie
Please PM Plexa if you have any questions about your role.
You can access the Mafia forum by using the Forum Index (click forum on the Navbar up top - http://www.teamliquid.net/forum ) or directly via this link
Please PM Plexa if you have any questions about your role.
You can access the Mafia forum by using the Forum Index (click forum on the Navbar up top - http://www.teamliquid.net/forum ) or directly via this link
Your role in Mafia; The Summer Season is Special role
Please PM Plexa if you have any questions about your role.
You can access the Mafia forum by using the Forum Index (click forum on the Navbar up top - http://www.teamliquid.net/forum ) or directly via this link
Please PM Plexa if you have any questions about your role.
You can access the Mafia forum by using the Forum Index (click forum on the Navbar up top - http://www.teamliquid.net/forum ) or directly via this link
Your role in Mafia; The Summer Season is Mafia
Your allies are;
1. Manifesto7 (Godfather)
2. Sonuvbob (Mafioso)
3. Kennigit (Suicide Bomber)
Please PM Plexa if you have any questions about your role.
You can access the Mafia forum by using the Forum Index (click forum on the Navbar up top - http://www.teamliquid.net/forum ) or directly via this link
Your allies are;
1. Manifesto7 (Godfather)
2. Sonuvbob (Mafioso)
3. Kennigit (Suicide Bomber)
Please PM Plexa if you have any questions about your role.
You can access the Mafia forum by using the Forum Index (click forum on the Navbar up top - http://www.teamliquid.net/forum ) or directly via this link
Links to Important Posts
Day 1 - Night 1
Day 2 - Night 2
Day 3 - Night 3
Day 4 - Night 4
Day 5 - Night 5
Day 6 - Night 6
Day 7 - Night 7
Day 8 - Day 9