Day 1:
I'm writing this during Day 2, since I realized I probably should have this as an end of game write up similar to the last few games I've hosted. To start off I'm going to address a certain Scum player, namely syllogism's bitching.
First and foremost if you signed up for this game, there was a clear warning to read Death Factory Mafia 1. You know this is a real time game. As with every game of Mafia if you aren't around there is nothing to be done. Tough shit. The nature of this game doesn't change that as games with Day kills and Majority Lynch work the same way. That being said I have a co-host in Kurumi that lives in Europe. So you've got 2 people in different parts of the world that can take your responses.
Secondly, myself and Qatol tried to make the game fun and keep some balance. Both sides have Toys that can be considered overpowered. No toy with the exception of the Nullifier Toy is really able to just run rampant. Of course the guy complaining has this very same Scum Toy but lets ignore that for a second. Some of the mass manipulation Toys have to use their powers publicly, the information toys are of EXTREMELY narrow use and suffer in that the Scum have the Nullifier and an unblockable Night KP. Not only is there the standard problem of a detective roleclaiming and the mafia doing what they should to throw dirt on him aka playing the fucking game and using your head, but they have at LEAST 2 ways of dealing with him. When syllogism bitched about Bill Murray "confirming" 2 players he actually dug his own grave. No one is confirmed until someone dies or a situation exists where Player A AND Player B must be opposing alignments. On Day 1 this isn't even possible mere hours into the game.
There was also another issue I should mention. My name is not Ver. My name is not Incognito. I don't know what they did to allow Mafia players to send in PMs for their buddies and use their powers in other games. I don't give a shit. I'm Ace. I very rarely allow players to use INDIVIDUAL Scum Powers as a group. That's pretty ridiculous as in a real time game if any of the 5 Scum players are online they can just willy nilly screw shit up. The Town doesn't have this luxury. If you don't like it - don't sign up. When you type /confirm in the thread I assume you read your role, read the OP, and read the part in the OP where it points you to DFM 1 so you can read that too. This isn't a surprise.
Back to balance though. In the event the Town goes through all the hoops, gets a confirmed Detective result and has confirmed Town guess what? They still have to work together and lynch Scum. Depending on where Scum is located (well, not really) on Day 1 this would be a massive chore. Between the Nullifier Toy, Hidden Pops, BB Toy's ability to move itself, and the Hulk Toy with it's double distance PoP power and SMASH! failsafe that just lets me know I made a massive mistake. I as usual always randomize the teams. I don't even care if you don't know how to play Scum. You'll learn. Kurumi talked to me right as I sent out the last role PM to Mr.Zentor. He expressed his concerns that the Scum team isn't very good. I didn't want to randomize everyone again since everyone in the game had their roles and would know "extra" information to start off if I did so. Before Day 1 even ended and right around the time I realized how many good things were going the Scum's way I decided to check their QT just to see if they figured stuff out.
I really wish Kurumi showed up an hour before I sent those role PMs. Turns out he was being gracious. I really hope that they turn around and put their heads together and look at the big picture. I seriously underestimated how much crying, complaining and inattentiveness a collective Scum group can wind up creating since it's been a while that I've had to play with such players. Yea, from now on I won't randomize an entire Scum team. Not all of them are bad but together this just doesn't work.
As for the game, Day 1s summary can look like this in a nutshell.
When Palmar clammored for the item, Cephiro did the correct thing: question him. Palmar wasn't even contributing to the thread. But because he happens to be closest to the item he deserves it? I'd probably have tagged Cephiro with a "leaning Town" trait after this. The Town kept pushing Palmar to the item, where of course he gets Nullified. The Scum took a long time to decide on whether to Nullify him or not. That isn't bad at all, but they could have crushed Palmar ages ago if you feel he is that dangerous.
When VE decides to save him I thought this made him look much more likely to be Town. Was a good idea even though he didn't know Palmar's alignment. Just by keeping it simple: Palmar wanted an item. Palmar got stuck trying to get it. Someone screwed him in the red zone. Probably Scum.
The funny thing is that Tobon would have been able to save Palmar by using his 1-shot power. I'm glad he didn't though. The Town roleclaimed so much information (Bluelightz??) that the Scum don't need more help right now. Speaking of roleclaims, the Scum overreaction to risk.nuke was crazy. Even assuming he IS telling the truth: 1 out 3. ONE out of 3. Hell, the Town might think it's 2 out of 3 or all 3 being Scum. So they cause a big crying storm about it - and proceed to kill Palmar night 1. Good job, the role you're worried about you let live for a guy who didn't even do anything for 48 hours. Palmar's reputation must be epic because by literally sitting on his ass and *yawning* through the game he might have screwed the Scum team over anyway. Impressive.
Not only did the overraction to risk.nuke expose them, but Bill Murray. I've already illustrated that both teams have OP roles. In the EXTREMELY unlikely event that Bill Murray would ever be able to mass confirm a bunch of Townies, he has a 1 shot power. Even if he swung a full range of 3 and got back that there is at least 1 Scum hiding in 5 players...come on. Both Detective results give the possibility of there being at least 1 Scum in the vicinity - not even singling you out. Add in the problems with getting rid of a Scum player when found and they weren't thinking ahead enough to realize that the two Town Detectives aren't really that strong unless they get superbly lucky. Ignoring Mr.Zentor's role all they do is generally serve as a basic guide in where to start looking for Scum.
The end of Day 1 was a victory for them though: No dead Scum, VE dead, and this should be the known information:
prphlz knows Snarfs' role. He made a gigantic mistake when he said the role was mod confirmed. Basically letting slip he has a Mason type role since Masons almost always know each other's alignment as Innocent to start the game. This should by extension give you insight into Snarfs' role.
Bluelightz role. Palmar's role. VE's role.
risk.nuke's PCT. Bill Murray's role.
layabout. Just read DFM 1 to give you some kind of idea. They don't know that it's the Pow Pow Toy for sure, but they should understand that once he admitted to not being able to PoP he gave himself away.
Mattchew. Don't even know why he gave away that info.
The weird thing about all of this? None of the Scum revealed any information about their roles. If enough of these guys flip soon enough, someone may put 2 and 2 together and question why some people hid their roles. Of course the obvious answer is "because I'm not silly enough to roleclaim with for no reason" but we've seen Scum panic for less.
layabout shot Sbrubbles which was a bad shot. Soon as he came back his posts were pretty decent. But a word of advice to vigis: If a lurking player who says he was busy or w/e shows up and actually posts something worth reading, then shoot the scummiest person first. If there isn't one then hold your shot. Sbrubbles should have lived.
Day 2 Notes:
I said this like 50 times but "Read DFM 1" didn't sink in. They also aren't putting 2 and 2 together. Some of the roles should realize based on the Day 2 OP that while they are blind - they aren't helpless. If they PM'd me to use their roles they COULD find out some information about their position, whether their are toys around, and most importantly whether they can even use an action. Why is this important? Because Snarfs + prplhz would catch Nemesis as Scum. The game is designed so that some powers have options of countering others dircetly, and not purely by design indirectly. Snarfs + prplhz know they always start near each other no matter what. If either of them tried to hop over the other right now, they'd get a PM from me telling them they can't do it. They'd immediately know the queue got rearranged somehow before the lights come back on. This would of course lead to thinking who has the ability to rearrange the queue, leading us back to looking at DFM 1s role list, the Hulk Toy, and calling bs on Nemesis claiming he pushed Tobon 3 spots. Which in itself would be a pretty terrible thing to do first minute of the day in the complete dark.
wbg should just stop asking people who they want to kill today. It doesn't even matter right now. Isn't going to improve anyone's reads and really everything should be about Cephiro and syllogism. Then again Cephiro's case against syllogism is rock solid, add in the fact that the guy was complaining about balance for the Scum team and this is really a no brainer. Cephiro could be Scum, but their is a mountain of evidence against syllogism. In fact if I was playing this game I'd refuse to do anything for the Town unil this situation is resolved. Look at the big picture, fix the easy stuff first. Worry about everything else later or until more information comes through.
Of course Snarfs answers that he'd kill Wiggles. /facepalm. Too many diverging paths of discussion. This is exactly why I tell people don't post a big scum/town read posts: They don't help at all except in very specific circumstances. Surely you should realize by now letting the Mafia know which Townies are easy to pit against you or get shown in a bad light isn't a good idea.
Cephiro is pretty much almost surely Town at this point. While a major portion of it is his willingness to find out syllo's alignment, there is a major, major, major red flag that the Town isn't looking at: Notice how many people aren't even trying to resolve this issue!
A long time ago when I wrote some advice about playing this game, one of the first things I said is KEEP IT SIMPLE. Screw Wifom (sometimes). If you believe risk.nuke is a legit DT as most of the Town did on Day 1, who gives a fuck about Bluelightz right now? Yes, Bluelightz is pretty bad but that has a lot to do with so many Town players roleclaiming Day 1 like foolish players that they are. risk.nuke: 3 players, AT LEAST 1 is Scum. 1 of those players die Night 1. 50/50 shot at finding Scum out of a pool of 2 players. You can't see the queue. Fuck everything else and resolve the SIMPLE case of 2 players before everything else.
wbg is so close to putting it together but keeps WIFOMING himself. Different players play Scum/Town in their own way. Being careful isn't a Scum trait. Thinking about your roleclaim isn't Scum trait. If Cephiro seems to be playing an in your face style, that means he is CONFIDENT, not Scum/Town and almost surely knows that regardless of his alignment whatever plan he has is going to work or expose someone trying to stop it. If he isn't trying to troll you and isn't causing disruption - chances are he's trying hard to make you see what he is seeing. Transparency is often a "Town" trait, but when a guy is begging you to reconsider your stance, answers every question thrown his way, and even admits that he might be wrong and is willing to be proven wrong and admits so then it's time to KEEP IT SIMPLE: Cephiro is willing to participate, syllogism is throwing mud everywhere and his Day 1 play is textbook Scum overreaction to information that the Town doesn't have. You don't even need to write down any important posts in a notepad. You've found your scum and even have a Townie that pretty much needs to die asap. The great thing about this? Scum with their ridiculous N1 kill of Palmar, now are probably fucked in 3 ways. 1.) risk.nuke is alive on Day 2 and can use his power. 2.)Cephiro is going to be the new voice of reason. 3.)not only can syllogism not nullify both of them, if he dies once he flips both of these players NEED to die and they can only kill 1. 4.)whoops forgot the 4th way to fuck themselves over: Bill Murray's roleclaim is almost guaranteed (funny how this happens) because syllogism's constant crying about it will make people believe it's true once he flips Scum.
Not thinking through Night Kills: always comes back to bite you.
This Bluelightz shit is really dumb. Even worse when I randomized the queue after Nemesis Smash! and he ended up in the red zone. Monumental waste of time. I didn't plan for it to work out this way but I'm glad it did. If people just pulled their heads out of their ass and go back to DFM 1 where this same shit happened they'd learn. Work with what you KNOW first, worry about the UNKNOWN later. IN DFM 1 the Town knew about the Police Car Toy's ability and the Vengeance Toy's ability. Instead of trying to bleed information from other sources, it became an argument about chaoser over literally nothing. Chaoser of course decided to fuck everyone over even though he was Town and that ended the game. If the Town just went back to Day 1, they'd at least stick with one of the players that didn't PoP probably has hidden abilities. Layabout shows up as the killer of Sbrubbles and now you've got Mr.Zentor on a hot seat.
No clue what Bill Murray is doing.
Uh oh. By nullifying Cephiro, syllogism sealed probably sealed his fate.
Damn, monumental screw up here. Scum didn't coordinate enough I think? Something isn't right here with their timing. Not sure what they are trying to accomplish with Cephiro.
Well, Cephiro got Nullified at the perfect time. He didn't get to the Item, but he got stopped 1 spot short of the incinerator. No way Scum could have known but this is brutal timing.
cascades shows up, PoPs Cephiro and disappears. Right now everyone except Acrofales, who has been a little reckless with the logic in his posts is exposed. Not sure fire lynches except syllogism and Nemesis soon, but if those 2 fall it would take a major derp moment from the Town (which as usual will happen right on schedule) to throw them off the track of the remaining Scum. No matter what happens though, Scum need scapegoats to stay alive at all costs and mass lynch everyone soon. Everything is coming back to the N1 kill now: Waste of time killing Palmar. Get rid of risk.nuke, go into the dark and let the panic commence. Nullify the first player that even tries to screw up whatever plan you're coming up with. Let the Darkness Toy do all the work of manipulating the Town to PoP people into the terrible places, and let the Merciless Toy move people around with one of his hidden PoPs. Use the public one when convenient. go into Day 3 with a couple of dead Townies and you're pretty much set. Not enough Town PoPs (that they know of) to just push them around the queue freely. It already takes the Town so much work to get stuff done - make it even harder and frustrating.
Let Bluelightz's roleclaim Day 1 be the undoing of the Town. It was pretty bad play for him to claim, and pretty bad of the Town to jump on him for it even though they kind of had to once Day 2 started. You've already sewn the seeds, now sit back. You started the wagon, let them roll it down the hill. One of the defining traits of being Master Scum is getting the ball rolling and getting away from the scene when the blood spills. Stupid Towns will point the blame at each other and not go back to read the thread and see when you got things going. When they finally pin you? Just say you only mentioned the idea and even though you admit your mistake and still think you made the right choice, some other guy (a convenient sheep Townie) ran with it. Make it look like someone else took what you merely suggested to another level. That's how you defer responsibility and punish the players that don't think for themselves or read.
So far the mistake of the Scum, along with complaining about balance when myself and Qatol both agreed they had about as good as a Day 1 a Scum team could ask for, have probably the most OP role in the game with the Nullifier Toy, can throw the place into a pitch black slate and have hidden double PoPs is they are playing the game based on ROLES and not on manipulation.
Kill what you can, manipulate who you can't kill. KEEP IT SIMPLE.
When everyone starts trying to PoP syllogism, or in the instance they try to pull prphlz and he falls off early. Nemesis is fucked.
Cephiro deserves an award for knowing how to read. His plan to get pushed to an item and swap with syllogism is a great example of making sure he understood his role and the game mechanics and abuse it to his advantage. Add in his awesome thread presence and this is the kind of player I wanted to see in the game. So many ways to counter "bad" situations for both sides, and the Scum could have even done more damage if they were patient. Just have a good thread presence, use those scum/town lists to pit each other against one another and let them push each other around in the dark. You'd probably live and go into Night 2 with syllogism being the only real one to die. And if you've been paying attention to my advice about Scum: going into Day 3 with only 1 dead Scum player? good.
wbg finally comes to his senses and realizes syllogism has to be scum once Cephiro is nullified. They still want to try and push him though even though they can't see? Why? If anything you'd want to kill him ASAP by PULLING him off the queue. *Looks at PoP list*. Well, no wonder. People already used up Pulls for no reason. This is also a good time to mention that the Scum probably haven't figured out that Snarfs and prphlz are masons of some sort.
Mr.Zentor asks if the Town could kill Tobon. Why? No idea. But if he ever gets seriously accused little things like that are going to add up. I've already spoke on the Cephiro/syllogism situation being the #1 thing to resolve right now. The Bluelightz stuff isn't important but to the Town it's a clear #2. Why would anyone want to even think about Tobon right now? Because they have information about his role/alignment, aren't reading the thread, or are Scum. Really sucks when it turns out that it's all 3. I would not be surprised if he is killed by layabout tonight.
Tobon just hit the #revive button. Shit just got wild. Cephiro wasn't in danger of dying but Tobon did the right thing. Just in case he was going to die, he belives that Scum can probably see in the dark, and/or he believes that Cephiro getting nullified means he must be Innocent. Good move to do it just in case. Nemesis is going to feel great about escaping the shitfest that would have hit him when the lights came on.
Mr.Zentor just said he knew his PoP didn't count. Cephiro called him on it. MVP performance.
Shit, now he's calling out cascades too. Well, this is going downhill for the Scum. Good thing is just being accused is laughable to seasoned Scum vets. You know that until your body is hanging from the rope you are still a threat. They may not be good Scum players but everyone has to learn sometime. Maybe this will be their chance.
Looking at the now reset queue positions, NOW syllogism is in trouble. WOW. Dude was safe from PUSHES for sure, but now? 2 and he's in the red. Fucking hell on earth. Wow.
Nemesis made a solid post. When he said prphlz was defending syllogism that isn't exactly true but prphlz has been slightly chaotic enough that people won't read to check the accuracy. But, when he said Wiggles was speculating on the NK to get the Town to think syllogism is not Scum? That's a massive leap. Should be careful. I used to have a rule about Speaking for Dead Townies. Pretty much don't try and draw too many conclusions from someone's posts if the facts aren't concrete. If a guy didn't say something, try not to insinuate. This goes doubly for players that are still breathing. Nemesis does the double whammy and not only tries to speak for Wiggles, but throws VEs name into the pool too. If Mr.Wiggles DID do that, at the very least point out the post and bury his ass. Without if Wiggles storms back and starts deconstructing that post it won't be a good look.
Tobon's accuracy is starting to get nasty. The synergy between him and Cephiro would make me worried if I'm scum. Mattchew is just not a useful Townie at all right now since he doesn't appear to be reading the thread. Scum still have enough sheep to throw in their path before they even approach the block right now. Funny enough a bit after I wrote this wherebugsgo calls him scum for not reading the thread. wbg may be aggresive but just like I do he refuses to believe Townies would really not read the thread and post ridiculous stuff so often. Can't blame him at all.
cascades...yea. There goes the 2nd obvious lynch. Absolutely ridiculous post. Tobon and Snarfs BOTH ate it up. Literally just told on himself and at the very least showed as someone not even reading the thread.
syllogism picked up a teleportation device. Talk about reversal of fortune. The Town's mistake here is they didn't understand that if they think syllogism is confirmed scum, they want to kill him immediately. That means going the other way and pulling him was the optimal choice. Even so, once you PUSH him and see he's in the red? Push him off asap. No telling what item he has. Funny thing is if Snarfs waited 5 more minutes, the Item would have turned into a Refresher Orb. THAT would have been good for the Town.
Cephiro calling for syllogism to pushed over the edge. Chances are he got 4 of the 6 items that could save his so getting rid of him asap is the right call. MVP performance so far.
And yea he called out cascade on his crap post. If layabout shows up and reads the thread this is going to be ugly.
Syllo's "if I were scum I would I would have nullified myself" is probably like the 4th final nail in his coffin. It's so easy to refute it's laughable. If he were scum, he could also just nullify Cephiro since they don't want him to grab an item. Update: Syllogism just said he would have nullified himself if he was Scum. How does he know that's even possible? Oh boy.
cascades comes back with a post just as bad as the last one. If layabout lives, one of them dies for sure tonight.
Acrofales to the rescue: That is how you buss a teammate. When he's literally at the end of his rope, conveniently point out that no one knows anything about the nullifier and that he's wifoming himself. If syllo comes out today alive you still get some Townie cred. Didn't even have to stick his neck out to do it. /golfclap
Tobon so smart. Thinking about how the toys are randomly generated = win.
well, Acrofales threw it down the drain. Tobon is doing very well right now. Telling players not to speculate about the setup in a closed setup is pretty bad. Townies are supposed to do so if they want a reasonable shot at figuring out what's going on. Still, he's probably safe from any Town pointing him out.
5:38PM April 5th:
Bluelightz is the 6th Scum. Acrofales just did the right thing and threw a little more dirt on him. Roles aren't tied to alignment, so telling everyone your role and then using it to say you're confirmed is just stupid on so many levels. Either you aren't reading, or most likely just aren't thinking at all. Townies like that deserve to get instant lynched Day 1 and vigi shot every game. A long time ago I wrote about how there are certain players you should always kill no matter what role they have until they show better ability: lurkers, disruptive players, people that don't read the thread but are still active. If every vigilante followed this advice I guarantee Town win chances would sky rocket.
syllogism has used the transporter also. Uncoordination from the Town is probably going to end up being the saving grace for Scum. Layabout is going to cry when he realizes the mistake he made just got doubled.
no idea what the hell risk.nuke is doing. Maybe he didn't read the thread yet? If he would have used his power he would have caught Acrofales, and if Mr.Zentor caught an accidental bullet they'd both be gone.
Poor Mr.Wiggles. If only he was more active earlier. Looks like his clear thinking ways have shown up too late to be of use. Acrofales hits him with the first punch (Scum MVP so far), prplhz throws a left hook (why?), and Nemesis shows up with the uppercut to end it. Just like that, 2 Scum and a Townie kill off the influence. As usual in Mafia games, nothing is certain till the Town gets off track.
Mattchew isn't reading at all.
Scum finally stopped worrying about confirmed Townies and roles and started using their heads. Maybe there is hope for them after all. Throw dirt on the "good" townies, abuse the foolish ones, sheep them to death and ride your pseudo scum allies to victory. KEEP IT SIMPLE!
Funny note: Bugs is currently surrounded by 3 players, 2 of which are Scum. Oh the irony.
For now I'm going to stop reading the thread since there is really no way for the Town to recover. 6 hours left in the day and a few things sealed their fate:
1.) Bad Townies ruined any chance of cohesion.
2.) layabout getting swapped into the queue.
3.) No one paying attention to the opening post and trying to use their powers. Maybe it isn't clear enough, but I know it's explicitly stated that powers targeting specific players DO still work.
4.) Not instantly pulling syllogism instead of pushing. Screw the queue - pull him away from the item so he has no chance of getting anything and instantly killing him. Maybe the 3rd time this game is run people will finally understand how to use the mechanics to their full advantage. Of course if I do run this game a third time I'm only taking people I personally know that are really good players. Doubt I'll hit 20 players but who cares?

If you go read Ver's How To Play Guide you'll notice the section talking about keeping the Town on a need to know basis. No one needs a running update on every thing you think. Scum/Town lists are usually crap. Everyone keeps sidetracking the discussion and the reason bad players generally stay bad is they lose focus and can't finish a task. Note that this is very different from tunneling. When you tunnel a player, you don't even consider what is going on in the thread and only care about a conviction. What I'm talking about here is noticing what is going on, keeping tabs on everything, but only pushing the agenda and responding to things that will secure a lynch or finish a task. If someone directs a question specifically at you of course you answer it, but make it clear what your priority is.
---Day 3 Saturday 7:14 PM ET
risk.nuke should use his power ASAP. Oh well.
prplhz realizes Mr.Zentor is scum! Hooray! Doesn't matter, he better start getting persuasive asap.
He also called out Nemesis a bit. If he's a truly clever bastard, after pulling Mr.Zentor all the way down to 5 on the queue(!) he'd ask Nemesis to pull Mr.Zentor too. As soon as he hesistates pocket his response for later, get rid of syllo and Mr.Zentor today and begin the annihilation. Probably won't happen as he's been all over the place this game.
While the Town keeps talking about lynching Wiggles and being wrong about it because they are speaking for dead players, they are correct in that Mr.Wiggles inactivity is an issue. But once again they are losing focus: Work with what you know first. Get rid of the people who are Scummy due to their actions, worry about Wiggles later or let power roles with NK ability take care of him. Mr.Zentor and syllogism are all you really should care about right now.
Dirkzor asking who are the last 2 players on a potential scum team without flipping the guys that need to die is a perfect example of how to distract the Town. Just keep tossing names around for the sake of discussion.
Go back to Day 1, count how many people didn't use PoPs. You know that VE got hit by 2 anonymous Pushes. Check who is still alive from Day 1. Check it vs the roleclaims that are already out. Have fun.
Mr.Zentor is starting to play like newbie scum. Lots of excuses. When a Townie asks you questions respond with some confidence and dont talk about the chaos going on with the Town/Palmar (there was none) or anyone else. If you didn't contribute then stick to your guns and say you were afk or at the very least admit you fucked up. Then tell the accuser what he wants to hear and see where it goes. Offering crap excuses vs good Town players usually means they will view you as a liability later on and lynch you NOW.
Oh shit - prplhz just claimed for him AND Snarfs. Mason claim. Maybe he actually does know what he's doing now. Too bad he doesn't understand what they did early in the game isn't breadcrumbing. That's just leaking unconfirmed information aka delayed roleclaiming to look good later. HINT: Scum do this too.
cascades is just posting just to post. I think if someone like Radfield or Fishball was in this game the Town would have wiped out half the Scum on Day 1. At the very least if you're going to say any cases made against Mr.Zentor can be used against THREE other players then you should point out these cases, break them down and prove it. If Mr.Zentor flips then cascades is definitely next. The nail in the coffin is this phrase though:
"We pull Mr Wriggles down and to death since he is closer and more people agree he is scum."
Not only is Mr.Zentor closer to the bottom. which implicates cascades IS NOT reading the thread but where are the legions of people that agree Mr.Wiggles is scum over Mr.Zentor?
If you roll vigilante in the future that's how you hunt down Scum. Read posts, ask the simple questions, an get rid of players who won't help. Even if cascades just happened to be Town, this kind of post would really stand out as it's just a bunch of lump sum garbage and the guy isn't even trying to read the thread. Kill these guys ASAP. Going into LYLO with these players is a LOSS.
Wiggles shows up with a plan at a bad time. FOCUS. Get rid of Mr.Zentor first before you talk about trying to find scum using risk.nuke's ability.
Holy crap, Cephiro should have been awake. FOCUS! Should have used his pull on Zentor. Pulling cascades is just waiting resources. If the Town screws up today it is likely possible that I might call the game in favor of Mafia. If they lynch the the wrong players and have no way of killing Mafia tomorrow then I'll call it.
5:50 AM Sunday Morning
Just came home from a wild party. Alcohol flowing from the bar. Women in tight dresses. Dancehall reggae blasting everywhere and the smell of weed smoke all over the place. Not drunk, but in a good mood.
Read Bill Murray saying something about 3 cops, him being naive (???). Mattchew being Scum...Focus. Dumb town. All that jazz. I'm going to sleep as I've gotta go to the airport in about an hour.
As bad as Mattchew has been I'm going to reiterate this one more time: Keep It Simple. Most of the Town agrees syllogism is Scum? check. How many Scum are dead so far? 0. Did Mattchew put syllogism in a position to die? Yes. Then it's a waste of time even trying to lynch Mattchew. It's also stupid.
This is the dumbest set of players I've ever seen which includes games I've hosted and played in over about 7 years. Literally, just a bunch of scrubs. Instead of using their heads and getting rid of Scum asap...screw it. I'm not even going to repeat myself. If you've made it this far you already got the point.
Read Incognito's "A General Guide To Mafia".
Read Ver's "How To Improve" guide.
From now on every game of Mafia you ever play THIS is what you will do:
Open up a new file in Notepad. If you don't know how, go to "Start" in Windows. Go to "All Programs". Find Notepad, or NotePad++. Click on it. It will open. Trust me.
List every player in the game. As you read the thread, make little notes next to their name in chronological order.
You can also make a seperate column or new partition on the page to list KNOWN facts. This would be roleclaims, mod confirmed information, players' stances, and alignment flips.
Do this again but list it as MOST LIKELY information. This above all else will change all the time. This includes your current reads on everyone's alignments along information you can infer about people's roles based on the thread and the mechanics of the game.
Now all you have to do is read the game. Even if you aren't able to keep multiple lines of thought running in your head at least you'll always have a place to start tracking what you need to win as Town/Mafia every time you wake up. Remember my motto: Keep It Simple.