[Champion] Amumu - Page 5
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Noobville17920 Posts
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United States1864 Posts
Maybe I'm just bad at conserving mana in da jangle ![]() | ||
Czech Republic11293 Posts
but when I do I go Spectral Wraith | ||
France1905 Posts
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Czech Republic11293 Posts
maybe he's changing up though | ||
France1905 Posts
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Pitcairn19291 Posts
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United States3977 Posts
On January 15 2014 08:08 Roffles wrote: Any tips on the legendary support Amumu? hit bandages | ||
Canada12499 Posts
holy shit | ||
Canada23833 Posts
On January 19 2014 14:49 ShaLLoW[baY] wrote: i'm just imagining sunfire abyssal liandrylais with sorc boots holy shit Similar to all other tank builds, it depends on the team. I think Liandry's Torment is a very strong item but the easiest way to throw a game on a jungler is be greedy and build a damage item. It's kind of like building triforce on Skarner in S2. Unlike Sejuani who has a lot of different CCs to stick to her target, Amumu only has Q beside his ultimate. With that kind of build you will get kited really hard... unless, of course, you are blowing the enemy team up in 2 seconds because you are already ahead - in which case your item choice really does not matter. | ||
Switzerland3257 Posts
I suggest to build damage early to snowball and speed up his farm. his ganks and skirmishes are really strong with just a bit of ap and a sunfire (dunno about the new one though). then transition into tank items. even with that transition you get blown up under focus fire but you will survive and continue to deal damage if your carries are threats. with a (almost) only offensive build (example: wraith, sunfire, abysmal, liandry) you are an easy to target high damage threat, so people blow you up. it is common that amumus hit hard and carry during the midgame and then invest into more offense (such as liandrys, abysmal, even deathcap, rilays) then blow up under focus fire and start to flame in allchat how their team sucks etc. the ones that get away with those builds could have built anything and still won so it doesn't count in my book. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
One thing I never tried yet but should try is IBG on Amumu. I am interested to see how that will turn out. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
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Canada12499 Posts
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Noobville17920 Posts
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Canada23833 Posts
On January 20 2014 05:08 ShaLLoW[baY] wrote: sunfire, abyssal, rylais, and liandrys (less so) aren't tank items? Sunfire yes, the rest are definitely not tank items. Take Rylai's, for example. You spend ~3k gold for an item that has only 500 HP on it... how is that efficient for tanking stats? | ||
Sweden492 Posts
![]() I get sunfire abyssal 100% of the games other items are situational/optional. They just stack nicely with his W. The liandries rylias combo is nasty and provide a lot of health. As support I go 0 13 17 with mpen armour scaling mr & gold quints. Jungle I go 9 21 0 asp/mpen reds depending on my mood and MS quints. You could probably spec 3 in utility for more MS to have better catch since they moved pen so high in the tree anyway. Kinda like him better as support. You avoid all the nasty assassination attempts at your red. Seen some people start red just to avoid that. The main problem with amumu is that he gets a lot of bans. You always provide good utility with that ult it's game changing especially in lower elo where people tend to bunch. | ||
United States1046 Posts
1) How much damage to get 2) What tank items to get I would never ever get dedicated damage items; the most "offensive" things you should ever get are spectral wraith and liandry's. If you're expecting to have to carry (i.e. you're getting fed, or you're with people you know are less good than you), build things like abyssal, liandry's, rylai's, and wraith. I find rylai's to be a bit of a waste since two of your spells prevent movement anyway. Ancient golem is good, but you don't really need the tenacity since you don't really care about most CC anyway. So spectral wraith isn't bad; you can use the AP, for sure, especially in the early stage of the game when you're ganking lanes. Build Abyssal if two of the three are true: 1) You need to carry 2) They have significant AP threats that might target you 3) You have significant AP threats Build Liandry's if they have a bunch of high-HP tanks and you find yourself wanting damage. Build Sunfire every game, usually right after your jungle item. Build Ninja Tabi almost always; only get mobis if you are going to have to carry hard. The rest of your items should be chosen from: randuin's, frozen heart, spirit visage, locket, banshee's, and maybe rylai's. Get tanky first, then decide if you want damage or not. You are not there to blow people up; you are there to engage, peel, and tank tower hits, and only incidentally apply damage (although you do in fact do quite a lot). If you can't take a bunch of punches then you can't do this. | ||
United States1864 Posts
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Canada22817 Posts
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