[Champion] Amumu - Page 2
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United States17233 Posts
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United States37500 Posts
On November 12 2012 11:19 Craton wrote: I don't think I've started W since season 1. I've W since beta. o_o Considering we're talking strictly Wolves => Blue path only, W first makes you lose less life compared to E. And the level 2 gank reasoning is pretty poor. We're talking a difference of like 50 damage or less from a Tantrum vs walking with Tears on. Level 2 (which is a bad idea to begin with) is entirely based on landing that Q. I don't think W or E is going to make or break you on that gank. | ||
10417 Posts
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United States4054 Posts
On November 11 2012 12:48 Sufficiency wrote: Amumu has a very long gapcloser. If you can't reach your target by your Q and have to play the catch up game with your MS, you probably shouldn't be initiating. This is horrible logic. Maokai has a long gapcloser and runs MS quints AND has shurelia as a core item. Initiates don't happen within the 1100 range of bandage toss; they happen when your opponent thinks they're safe then you suddenly cover more ground than they expect. MS is also extremely important for ganks. | ||
China26351 Posts
http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?qvvv55fz64es7gw | ||
Australia648 Posts
9/21/0 taking AP in Offense and standard Defense junk MPen Red, Armour Yellow, Scaling AP Blue, Flat AP Quints WEEQ R>Q>E>W Machete + 5Pot Boots 1 Spirit Stone + 2 Drings Spirit of the Ancient Golem Abyssal Bulwark Rylai's/WotA DCap I like to max bandage toss before E as due to the new camp health distribution it seems to be a faster clear(haven't compared the two but makes sense in my head), you get to do a ridiculous amount of damage while maintaining a pretty decent chunk of your tankiness(helps if you have a tankier top) and on the plus side it makes solo queue games very, very easy to carry with if you get a kill or two early as your level 6 combo with 2 Drings can take out 65%~ of most peoples health. | ||
Czech Republic11293 Posts
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United States1945 Posts
if you have spirit stone and giant's belt you're paying 600g for 30 armor, 100 hp, and tenacity (+5% monster damage). compared to 1500g for 45 armor, 50 hp, and the sunfire damage. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
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United States10536 Posts
On November 12 2012 12:19 NeoIllusions wrote: I've W since beta. o_o Considering we're talking strictly Wolves => Blue path only, W first makes you lose less life compared to E. And the level 2 gank reasoning is pretty poor. We're talking a difference of like 50 damage or less from a Tantrum vs walking with Tears on. Level 2 (which is a bad idea to begin with) is entirely based on landing that Q. I don't think W or E is going to make or break you on that gank. I started E throughout Season 2 because it was the most robust opening. There wasn't a significant speed difference between the two, but you took less damage with E and if you were chased away from your Blue E was better for clearing small camps. But W is definitely better to grab at level 1 now, without question. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
On November 13 2012 03:58 Sandster wrote: This is horrible logic. Maokai has a long gapcloser and runs MS quints AND has shurelia as a core item. Initiates don't happen within the 1100 range of bandage toss; they happen when your opponent thinks they're safe then you suddenly cover more ground than they expect. MS is also extremely important for ganks. But Maokai's gapcloser is targeted, not a skillshot... | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
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Canada23833 Posts
On December 21 2012 03:06 Slayer91 wrote: that's not really relevant at all I think it does matter. If you have a skillshot gapcloser that relies on hitting a target, then moving slightly faster that allows you to get into your gapcloser's range is not that meaningful, because a max-range skillshot is very hard to hit. Maokai's W is targeted, so he can just press W and wait. | ||
United States10536 Posts
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United States8519 Posts
Also Seuss brings up a good point- having a longer window of time is definitely a big deal, easier to read a juke attempt if you have 2 second window instead of a half second window. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
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Germany11330 Posts
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United States10536 Posts
Derp. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
On December 21 2012 04:31 Seuss wrote: Because Sufficiency waited six and a half weeks to respond to Sandster, and in the intervening time Season 3 happened. Derp. It's not reddit and I don't immediately notice who replied. Derp. | ||
United States10536 Posts
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