Low elo here as well, just started doing ranked after a long hiatus, and bunny riven heavily influenced me in using her again ^_^
That said, worked my way from 1300 to 1416 this weekend using the riven bible -- having a lot of success in jungle as well as top. WW, olaf, and teemo are match ups i still have a lot trouble with, though
Now for the RIven discussion what do you guys think about going 2-3 Doran's blade and than just stacking BT's until you feel like you need a guardians angel. This is working great so far, but I'm still low elo . you generally need the GA unless you're stupidly fed, but even then, a riven flash in with a GA is too good to pass on. stack BTs afterward if things are going well.
So I made a few games with Riven (first time top ever lol) and didn't do too bad (vs Irelia and GP so fucking hard tho). Why isn't she picked in tournaments ever? Minus the jungle Riven at IPL.
On April 09 2012 22:12 Celial wrote: So I made a few games with Riven (first time top ever lol) and didn't do too bad (vs Irelia and GP so fucking hard tho). Why isn't she picked in tournaments ever? Minus the jungle Riven at IPL. I know wick'd uses riven to great success on top. But I agree, I would definitely want to see more of her.
Only top riven players i know of are westeice and wickd. Wickd only picked her up recently so hasn't played her in tournies yet. Westrice has played her a lot in touenies before but EG is kind of....not in good shape atm with the recent roster changes so hasn't been able to get much tourney screentime recently.
I've seen pro teams completely shut down Riven by sending their AD+support top. Riven simply cannot 1v2 well, especially compared to the popular top lanes played at a pro level today (heck, even olaf has a ranged ability).
Jungle Riven frustrates me. I just miss getting a full item build out of lane, and don't get my BT until way the fuck later on unless the enemy team is dumb and I get free kills. Bleh, usually end up with like 3 DBlades +Boots2 for way too long and nothing else.
On April 10 2012 03:58 Blasterion wrote: Redeemed Riven best skin
I'm highly enjoying my Bunny, thank you very much. Very, very cute >.<
On April 10 2012 04:59 Requizen wrote:Jungle Riven frustrates me. I just miss getting a full item build out of lane, and don't get my BT until way the fuck later on unless the enemy team is dumb and I get free kills. Bleh, usually end up with like 3 DBlades +Boots2 for way too long and nothing else. I'm highly enjoying my Bunny, thank you very much. Very, very cute >.< I prefer smaller items out of the jungle, wriggles, phage, hex drinker unless I am getting super fed. It is way easier to have like 1.3-1.6K items that have a lot of utility attached to them than a Bloodthirster unless you are getting super fed. I usually do 1-2 dblades, mercs, wriggles and then phage or hex drinker depending on whether I want health or MR. I find this especially helps since you are generally behind a level possibly 2 in the jungle and the added defenses help.
What about Frozen Mallet, should I get it before or after BT?
On April 10 2012 08:00 Blasterion wrote: What about Frozen Mallet, should I get it before or after BT? After, always after. Core Boots-BT-GA.
Unless you're talking about jungle items. In which case I'm as lost as you. I see a lot of junglers (across different champs) get an early Giant's Belt just for the health and tankiness early on, so it might not be unheard of on Riven, but per usual, her shield gives you all the health you generally need/want.
In the jungle it's not a bad idea to get Phage before BT and finish the Frozen Mallet after GA, the health and slow make ganks safer and generally more effective.
I would think atma's would be a good idea w/ frozmallet riven. It gives armor, and damage, synchro's pretty well imo. Just a thought.
Frozen mallet is pretty bad you don't really need any of the stats. Get like maw of malmortius.
Depending on who I am against top, I usually get hex first or MR boots then build up to maw with phage or BT.
The argument i've actually heard for frozen mallet on riven is riven's strength is in mobility and catching people because of her 2 movement spells and low CD stun. However, she can't actually stick to someone well once catching them, so frozen mallet remedys this problem. Obviously it's not a first item rush sort of deal though since she more so wants AD and resists than all the health FM gives. What so all of you think of that argument? I actually kind of agree with it.
What do you guys think. 3 dorans into bt or 1/2 dorans into brutalizer into bt? I just dont know, relatively often I like to pick up brutalizer before BF even if I have the required gold for the bf.
I don't like dorans ring that much on her at top, I like the mobility with 3 pots to heal. Majority of the champs I play at top has a lot of pokes.
Oh yeah I run heal/ignite top btw
Why Doran's Ring? She doesn't even use mana
On April 10 2012 22:02 BlackPaladin wrote: The argument i've actually heard for frozen mallet on riven is riven's strength is in mobility and catching people because of her 2 movement spells and low CD stun. However, she can't actually stick to someone well once catching them, so frozen mallet remedys this problem. Obviously it's not a first item rush sort of deal though since she more so wants AD and resists than all the health FM gives. What so all of you think of that argument? I actually kind of agree with it.
This is a stupid argument can be made for basically any melee but at the end of the day your 3x Q's chase people just fine and most of your damage comes from intitail burst with passive q w and r, you really don't need the slow and even if you did reed buff would suffice, much more effective than spending 3k gold on medicore stats. CC and slows will stop you in your tracks frozen mallet or no. A lot of people assume frozen mallet is a good item when you're getting ktied but getting kited is mostly a team effort on their side and means you're probably going in too far//too early.
Unless you mean catching people around the map, but anyone with frozen mallet and a gap closer can do that just as well. Most champions like olaf or irelia say use it better.
Mallet has it's uses post core if you're up against a slippery team. I'd only pick up Atmas against a heavily AD centric team, but rarely, read as: never yet, feel anything more than tabi and GA is needed. I've thought of substituting Phage for the Dblades with what seems to be an impending nerf, but it just isn't good enough to take early. I used to take an early burtalizer, but I never found the impact worth delaying BT and the overall cost is too close to BF sword to make me want to drop all my gold and start over.