[Champion] Riven - Page 30
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United States60033 Posts
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United States33802 Posts
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93 Posts
On April 02 2012 03:13 wei2coolman wrote: I just find it hilarious this thread is getting bumped ever since the news of bunny riven came out. i just find it hilarious this thread was active before the news of bunny riven came out + Show Spoiler + adjust the sarcasm detectors the skin is nice, going to see a lot of bad rivens soon (interesting that the vandal gragas skin didnt call out all the fat men from the woods). | ||
United States33802 Posts
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Ireland23335 Posts
On April 02 2012 05:40 Requizen wrote: Oh yeah, one more thing. How is Jungle Riven doing now? I remember her being good, sort of ok when I left, but not like, top tier jungle caliber. Those DBlade openers still working or what? Still good. Under the radar because of how strong top riven still is. | ||
United Kingdom1483 Posts
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United States33802 Posts
As far as build goes, you can start Bootsx3, Clothx5, or DBlade and have the same amount of success more or less. Hell, even Vamp Scepter openings can work, you just don't have any gank power. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
max Q>E>W. | ||
United States131 Posts
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United States4423 Posts
On April 02 2012 20:08 Lokrium wrote: How do you beat Renekton as Riven? Every time I go against him I get destroyed. Superior trades. You have much shorter cd's on w and e than renekton. If you want to trade stay out of the creeps so he gets back the minimum possible hp from his q. You also want to try and fight when his fury is low, so he isn't dealing any free damage. Also your ult is on a way way lower cd. 70 down to 45 while renekton ult stays at 120. That's right, you can almost ult 3 times for his one at lvl 3 ult. You have all the tools to trade favorably, and that's all you have to do. Ult early if you want to force a fight, walk away once he uses his or finish him off, then you'll have 50 or more seconds to kill him with your next ult. | ||
United States574 Posts
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United States35093 Posts
This guide has a strong section on matchups and has helped me a lot in the last few weeks. http://www.solomid.net/guides.php?g=16914 | ||
United States33802 Posts
On April 02 2012 19:03 Slayer91 wrote: I always started dorans and it seemed to work, boots another good option. You just build cheap AD cost effective items like wriggles/bruta/hexdrinker/atmas/GA. I don't like phage on riven, hp not her best stat and slow far from needed especially when you're getting the red buffs. max Q>E>W. Q max in jungle? I hadn't really thought of it, but now that I do, that probably makes for pretty fast clears. I generally liked Phage just for FMallet if I'm not going pure AD BT/GA/LW/BT route, the health on top of your GA makes you a great bruiser. That said, I'd prefer the heavy AD build, but like I said, it's not always feasible in the jungle. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
Q is way better for jungling, I wouldn't even consider W. | ||
United States97 Posts
On April 02 2012 23:23 Requizen wrote: Q max in jungle? I hadn't really thought of it, but now that I do, that probably makes for pretty fast clears. I generally liked Phage just for FMallet if I'm not going pure AD BT/GA/LW/BT route, the health on top of your GA makes you a great bruiser. That said, I'd prefer the heavy AD build, but like I said, it's not always feasible in the jungle. Wraiths get instagibbed around level 4-5, it's pretty strong. I really don't like Mallet on Riven because it feels like I'm committing some sort of sick twisted sin if I'm not taking advantage of her ridiculous AD ratios. Her stun(s), mobility, and ranged execute should be enough to secure a kill on anyone who won't take a century to kill anyway (lee singah, udyr). | ||
United States33802 Posts
On April 03 2012 01:06 noggnoskill wrote: Wraiths get instagibbed around level 4-5, it's pretty strong. I really don't like Mallet on Riven because it feels like I'm committing some sort of sick twisted sin if I'm not taking advantage of her ridiculous AD ratios. Her stun(s), mobility, and ranged execute should be enough to secure a kill on anyone who won't take a century to kill anyway (lee singah, udyr). I never get Phage/Mallet without Atma, but then again I rarely get them in the first place. I know I brought it up, but they're highly situational, and I generally only get them when there's no bulk on the team and I'm expected to be more beefy. Usually, on a balanced team with a more traditional bruiser, straight AD is the best 100% of the time. | ||
866 Posts
On April 02 2012 21:46 MindBreaker wrote: Hey I'm usually really passive I'n top lane as riven and just get my farm on (125 I'n 15 min thank you very much ^_^ I've been playing for like 2 months so I'm proud of this lol) is this the right way to go about it? I just hit lvl 30 and I finally got all my runes and I was wondering if I should be more aggressive? generally, with non-casters like riven and gp, you have ~3 levels (depending on the matchup) to crap on whoevers top. after that, they usually have the edge. with riven, its about winning trades. if you can go in with your q, land a w and a few autoattacks, then use your e to escape while absorbing their damage, you can bring them lower and lower. but for the most part, you scale better than everyone else, so passive farming works. | ||
3534 Posts
On April 03 2012 08:07 courtpanda wrote: generally, with non-casters like riven and gp, you have ~3 levels (depending on the matchup) to crap on whoevers top. after that, they usually have the edge. with riven, its about winning trades. if you can go in with your q, land a w and a few autoattacks, then use your e to escape while absorbing their damage, you can bring them lower and lower. but for the most part, you scale better than everyone else, so passive farming works. Excuse me, what? In a lot (I'd almost say the majority) of matchups, GP comes to mind, you don't start getting aggressive until level 3. Same with Nida, and against Udyr, the time you gain the advantage should usually be around lvl 6 because well, you actually have an ultimate. Yeah - passive farming works. It's far away from playing Riven optimally, though. If you have struggle knowing when to be aggressive, I suggest making this your bible. | ||
United States33802 Posts
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Qyntus Decimus
Netherlands9 Posts
On April 02 2012 21:46 MindBreaker wrote: Hey I'm usually really passive I'n top lane as riven and just get my farm on (125 I'n 15 min thank you very much ^_^ I've been playing for like 2 months so I'm proud of this lol) is this the right way to go about it? I just hit lvl 30 and I finally got all my runes and I was wondering if I should be more aggressive? You should try to get a bit more agressive against some champions. It could net you in some nice early kills to snowball out of controll. Its not unusual for me to take a very early first blood with Riven and just laugh as your opponent sits under its tower waiting for the waves to get there. AA -> Q -> AA -> Q -> AA -> Q -> AA -> W -> AA -> Ignite will usually net you first blood at lvl 2-3. If he flashes you could even flash after in to secure the kill. Now for the RIven discussion what do you guys think about going 2-3 Doran's blade and than just stacking BT's until you feel like you need a guardians angel. This is working great so far, but I'm still low elo. | ||
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