i'm not even going to type about hexdrinker, i'm going to pick apart the rest of your argument.
On December 13 2011 05:26 Slayer91 wrote: BT isn't really strong its not a game where you can sit top and farm stacks. If teamfights start early maybe because of dragon sitting waiting for that BF sword of BT kinda hurts.
why can you not sit top and farm stacks. toplane is THE afk farm lane unless either jungler is apply absurd pressure (note: free dragons anybody?) or someone picked a really bad matchup or either laner is dumb. the reason why i take teleport is so that i can explicitly do so (farm and farm stacks when needed). if you need more presence in early game teamfights, i pick up GA pieces for extra tankiness, but getting a BF sword is not that impossible. the combined price of two gp5 items are about the same as a BF sword, and plenty of toplaners can afford it. depending on the teams in question, early dragons may or may not be as big of an issue, but more often than not rather than what items you have as a toplaner, the time at which you teleport as well as the way the mids, bottoms, and jungles interact have a lot more impact upon the result of the dragon fight.
On December 13 2011 05:26 Slayer91 wrote: BT GA kicks in faster than atmogs but it sure as hell isn't quicker to complete and still relies on stacking.
300 gold difference. sure as hell isn't quicker to complete? you make it sound like there's some huge difference in gold. atmogs makes you tanky and fairly ignorable. BT GA makes you a damage dealer with a huge shield that is unignorable and also tanky with the GA active up.
On December 13 2011 05:26 Slayer91 wrote: Also, can riven with wriggles and BF sword still lane against an udyr/irelia with lots of armour and wriggles as well? I was assuming that kind of situation when you'd choose to get smaller items when you can't farm for long durations to save up money.
Yes. if your bf sword is actually complete you definitely can. when you get your BT you can destroy them in sustain or burst battles as well. the problem is farming up to the BT, and wriggles usually allows you to do that. some laners if they mirror wriggles can beat you in sustain, but the lane is farmable at tower if you know how to lasthit.
note that this is all assuming similar farm, so if you're getting outcsed like crazy don't blame it on the build
navitar just gave me like a 2 hour tutorial on riven and toplaning in general and i feel like the most unstoppable force in the universe. maybe he was going easy on me but i think it's more just that riven is brokenly OP. resourceless champion that has a DEFENSIVE ability (on a short cooldown) scale off an OFFENSIVE stat. it's loltastic
basically i'm just here to thumbs up this whole guide
What do you do against Kennen just fed him 0/4 t.t
He can kite you so well that you can't really be very aggressive against him, and he can harass you with a charged auto and his W along with his Q. I feel like you can't really do much against him, I opened null +2 and still fail.
5-0 with riven only person i haven't stomped is singed holy fuck what do you do in that matchup? just farm? he was just going past my tower to cut off my creeps then diving me with their mid. i still won lategame but a more competent team could have won before i got to that point
Wow, I just received my first thrashing as Riven. Should have been more careful against Olaf, especially when I read numerous times about how he's hard to play against.
Question: What about laning against wukong? I always play top lane riven, and have taken down almost everyone with ease except for wukong. No idea why. I think some of it may be that with his q's armor reduction, the cloth armor start is kind of negligible. If he starts with cloth armor, his q---> auto attacks might out dps you? I'm not entirely sure.
On December 16 2011 11:59 koreasilver wrote: Wow, I just received my first thrashing as Riven. Should have been more careful against Olaf, especially when I read numerous times about how he's hard to play against.
Laning against Olaf is really hard, if not impossible, mainly because he does true damage. Longer the lane goes on, the more true damage he does to you. And since you are (technically) building glass cannon Riven, you don't have enough health to evenly trade with his true damage. Only hope is to farm and wait for ganks.
On December 15 2011 17:20 Lokrium wrote: What do you do against Kennen just fed him 0/4 t.t
He can kite you so well that you can't really be very aggressive against him, and he can harass you with a charged auto and his W along with his Q. I feel like you can't really do much against him, I opened null +2 and still fail.
Just farm. If he tries to get aggressive, just charge him with the typical combo. Just don't get stunned. You get stunned = you get wrecked. As long as you dodge his Q, you should be in the clear to kill him. Unless he has his ult. In which case just run as fast as you can
On December 13 2011 02:00 Requizen wrote: How are people doing Jungle Riven nowadays? I keep trying her like I did pre-jungle changes, but it fails horribly.
sorry about the delayed response been busy with class mostly.
Jungle riven path is wolves -> blue with pulll -> wraiths wolves red (i b at this point or gank) buy armor. after this point its just trading off blues ganking and clearing as needed.
Ive followed navi's build scince ive seen it.
Tho im now running 24/6/0 masteries cause i don't think bladed armor or +136 health benefit riven much. the health regen helps top lane but it wont help in jungle since your popping pots to gank lanes anyhow.
On December 13 2011 02:00 Requizen wrote: How are people doing Jungle Riven nowadays? I keep trying her like I did pre-jungle changes, but it fails horribly.
sorry about the delayed response been busy with class mostly.
Jungle riven path is wolves -> blue with pulll -> wraiths wolves red (i b at this point or gank) buy armor. after this point its just trading off blues ganking and clearing as needed.
Ive followed navi's build scince ive seen it.
Tho im now running 24/6/0 masteries cause i don't think bladed armor or +136 health benefit riven much. the health regen helps top lane but it wont help in jungle since your popping pots to gank lanes anyhow.
Yeah, the normal build works well for jungle. However, I find that I'm often just ganking and roaming more than jungling and clearing, only forcing myself to go back for buffs or when the lanes are pushed too far to be of any use, and even then I often poke around the enemy jungle a bit. Do other Jungle Rivens play like this, hyper aggressively, or do you generally just stick to clearing and gank every now and then?
On December 20 2011 06:05 Requizen wrote: Yeah, the normal build works well for jungle. However, I find that I'm often just ganking and roaming more than jungling and clearing, only forcing myself to go back for buffs or when the lanes are pushed too far to be of any use, and even then I often poke around the enemy jungle a bit. Do other Jungle Rivens play like this, hyper aggressively, or do you generally just stick to clearing and gank every now and then?
That's how I usually play Riven. I do Red first then gank top/bottom depending which side I'm on, then usually go to gank mid, then do blue > wolves > wraiths then back to Mid, followed by top or bottom depending which lane looks better.
I start with Cloth Armor + 5 pots because it allows me to stay on the map for a loooong time ganking before I have to go back. I also run with Smite/Exhaust. Also, if you just attempted a gank and they blew some summoner spells, pretend you're leaving and just hide in the bushes. It might take a little while but so many players don't expect the jungler to still be in their lane, especially right after they attempted a gank, so they'll push up and play normal again. Little do they know the Q>Q, Q-Ministun > W-Ministun combo is coming!
Hm, I just feel that the "always gank" style of jungling makes riven suffer, since she's so item dependent. Unless you're getting kill on top of kill and dropping dragon, you're gonna be Wriggles/Mercs for a long time.
would you build differently vs AP top? so far i've gone against rumble (super easy, but not sure if it's because the rumbles i play are really bad. like spend 100% of their time attempting to kill me and miss all their cs), ryze, and vlad. would you still recommend cloth/5 opening and going for wriggles for sustain even though armor doesn't help that much? and i had difficulty vs ryze and vladimir and ended up leveling E over W and csing at tower / relying on ganks - am i being needlessly afraid or should i just not pick riven then? it seemed like at full health if i jumped from a brush or something i could kill ryze pretty easily but otherwise i just take so much damage every time i try to last hit...
On December 21 2011 15:31 danana wrote: would you build differently vs AP top? so far i've gone against rumble (super easy, but not sure if it's because the rumbles i play are really bad. like spend 100% of their time attempting to kill me and miss all their cs), ryze, and vlad. would you still recommend cloth/5 opening and going for wriggles for sustain even though armor doesn't help that much? and i had difficulty vs ryze and vladimir and ended up leveling E over W and csing at tower / relying on ganks - am i being needlessly afraid or should i just not pick riven then? it seemed like at full health if i jumped from a brush or something i could kill ryze pretty easily but otherwise i just take so much damage every time i try to last hit...
ryze and vlad are probably the two people i would go boots + 3 and ignite against 100% of the time because their burst / sustained damage early is not terribly strong (ryze's is not weak but his mana cannot support nonstop harass) but it gets so much stronger with levels / first back items. ryze, after he gets his tear, can always afford to rune prison you when you go in for your combo, and its hard to sustain with wriggles because his q has such a range advantage etc. so you need to dominate him early on and kill him as much as possible. vlad after he gets 7 can harass you at low cd and can pool your ult kill combo so is also a person you want to dominate early.
rumble is actually a very hard lane imo if he's good as he is against almost all top laners if he runes and builds correctly. i would probably get cloth5 or a variation of a pot opening (maybe mass pots would be better as his autoattack isn't a significant portion of his harass or damage) anyway just for the sustain because of how rumble functions before his first back (riven can outsustain him before he gets hextech and win by damage trades; whoever gets hextech / vamp or wriggles first will dominate the lane)
For jungle riven, what is the most efficient skill order? Is the lane order good enough still, or is a little more q early any good for extra aoe / passive procs?
On December 21 2011 16:07 Ryalnos wrote: For jungle riven, what is the most efficient skill order? Is the lane order good enough still, or is a little more q early any good for extra aoe / passive procs?
q w e then normal lane riven skill order cause its the most logical for the same reasons.
i farm until i see an opening to gank cause you need the gold. new jungle lets you farm on par with solo lane.