So i also started to jungle Nasus, but i don't really like the "standard" 9/21/0 and 0/21/9 masteries, so i tried running him with my Hecarim masteries (0/9/21, picking the Mana, ManaReg and CDR). Then skilling R > E = W > Q. Alongside with my MoveSpeed-Quints he is really fast, his clear is good due to high Spirit Fire and the ganks with a high Wither are really good. My Build is full tank; Mercs, Ancient Golem, Randuins, Locket/Shurelias/Aegis (depending on what my support builds), Warmogs, Frozen Fist/Heart, Spirit Visage, Cleaver; all depending on enemy team. If i get really fed early, then i rush Trinity, for dmg and absurd movespeed. So much fun :D
I usually suck in jungle but with this guy I am like 72% winrate over around 20 games. In lower level games there are less drawn out fights, all people seem to clump up alot and this is where Nasus just seems ultra strong. With w on the adc your e, ult and locket you basically cant lose teamfights if they are close together.
On April 02 2013 20:52 Sareth wrote: So i also started to jungle Nasus, but i don't really like the "standard" 9/21/0 and 0/21/9 masteries, so i tried running him with my Hecarim masteries (0/9/21, picking the Mana, ManaReg and CDR). Then skilling R > E = W > Q. Alongside with my MoveSpeed-Quints he is really fast, his clear is good due to high Spirit Fire and the ganks with a high Wither are really good. My Build is full tank; Mercs, Ancient Golem, Randuins, Locket/Shurelias/Aegis (depending on what my support builds), Warmogs, Frozen Fist/Heart, Spirit Visage, Cleaver; all depending on enemy team. If i get really fed early, then i rush Trinity, for dmg and absurd movespeed. So much fun :D mercs+ancient golem
does anyone else see the redundance?
yeah you should be getting tabi
the crit reducion, tabi reduction, randuins and frozen heart slows, and your defensive hp 4.5% and damage -3% taken all add up to something riduclous like halfing incoming damage from an AD carry with IE PD which works out the same as like more than doubling your armour if you had 200 and a LOT more if they have LW as well.
thats without wither
If I get a quick kill, I've been grabbing a fast kindlegem just because it makes Q farm that much easier, and you scale harder.
On March 27 2013 09:36 101toss wrote: how to play top nasus:
go 9pot/2ward and farm under tower. buy proper kindlegem item (sv vs ap top, locket vs ad). 15 minutes in you're no longer a liability, gg
seriously, nasus is one of those archaic champions with retarded sustain/cc incoming wither and pot nerfs
top nasus no longer faceroll
So, is Nasus in the jungle still going to be viable after the wither nerf? I just jumped on the bandwagon but don't know if it's worth it to go practice him now just before the new patch. To me it looks like he will still be viable but he won't shut down the enemy ad's attack speed as much anymore. Thoughts?
On April 21 2013 01:42 krndandaman wrote: ^ nasus is nerfed? can't find anything on the nerf I think it's on PeePeeEee
And yeah.. it's a huge nerf. I'm not going to calculate exactly how much damage it reduces on a full build AD carry on one wither but I expect it to be huge.
If I understand the wither change correctly, the ability now scales better with levels. A rank 5 wither will now reduce attack speed by over 40% at the 3 second mark and by 47.5% for the fifth second. Or is wither being reduced to 17.5% at all ranks?
In terms of ganking, the movement speed was what was key anyways, the attack speed just also made it impossible to fight back. This will help balance him out in mid game team fights, but his ganks will still be very potent, as well as his late game.
Yeah, but the attack speed debuff was what made Nasus such a monster late game. Basically nullified enemy AD carry.
That being said, I think the nerf was mostly targeted towards like support Nasus which was pretty bullshit. Basically God tier support nunu in that enemy couldn't trade with you, and then late game you still pretty tanky and their AD useless.
So with the removal of the armor from Spirit of the Ancient Golem, I'm really tempted to get Spirit of the Spectral Wraith instead (and just get merc treads). Am I stupid? I've done it in an actual game and it felt fine. Between his ult/spirit fire/siphoning strikes, you get quite a bit of health back. As long as you aren't getting chunked nearly instantly, it seems quite strong to me.
Thinking as a 3rd or 4th item it works pretty well.
eldar lizard is great on susan
edit guide is now in the OP
Kinda nitpicky, but isn't legendary armor in masteries pretty weak on someone like Nasus? For one point, defender will give you more armor in teamfights until you finish Randuin's+IBG and is pretty much always on par in terms of MR since you won't go past Treads+SV. That lets you get a point in reinforced armor, which is nice since the ADC is probably going to be wailing on you in teamfights.
Other than that, great guide.
reinforced armour is a good idea if you expect it to go to lategame defender again,. probably alright in teamfights but doesnt really help you at all in lane. When you finish frozen heart you're already gettnig more than 5 armour from frozen heart+runes+masteries+scaling armour you'd prolly get like 4-5 armour depending on riots definiton of bonus armour.
plus who knows the range of defender anyway legendary armour is definitely kinda meh but i like to get it for whatever reason
Are there circumstances in which you'd swap out LW for warmogs?
yes its a sample build not a concrete anything