On September 02 2013 02:55 NeedsmoreCELLTECH wrote: How much bonus AD does nasus need to farm under tower level 1-5? I've been thinking about getting a max armor+1-2 lifesteal quints set up as Nasus, but I don't know how much flat AD I should stack on marks or quints in order to maximise the tankiness.
I'm fairly certain killing melee under tower can be done with just AD reds. For the ranged it takes quite a bit more damage. Either a decently farmed q, an auto-reset with q, or one tick of spirit fire and one auto will normally get the job done. It can ba difficult to get all 3 ranged but it's normally not too hard to get two of them.
AD reds is standard for farming under tower yeah, and you have your Q to help out as well dont use spirit fire to farm under tower ever, it will mess up all your other last hits and waste like 4 q's of mana its tempting but it always backfires, best thing is to predict tower shot order and hit ranged creeps once while you have time when you can 1 hit melees
On September 05 2013 23:49 Slayer91 wrote: AD reds is standard for farming under tower yeah, and you have your Q to help out as well dont use spirit fire to farm under tower ever, it will mess up all your other last hits and waste like 4 q's of mana its tempting but it always backfires, best thing is to predict tower shot order and hit ranged creeps once while you have time when you can 1 hit melees Yeah, the damage+armor reduction from spirit fire level 1 will probably make the turret straight up kill the minions. Only do that if you're like 1v2 and you're prioritizing the turret's lifespan over your own farm.
How the hell do you lane against Nasus? I've tried playing passive farm time with champs like Kennen and Irelia, but he gets really scary fast and just ends up killing me around level 8-9; I've gone agressive champs like Fiora or Xin and I can't kill him early with his sustain and then he just counters and kills me.
I was told riven does well against him, but I don't play her. What other champs are good picks to go aggro in lane vs nasus?
renekton for sure, assumably teemo/jayce/garen(?)/darius. GP probably could do the trick if you like him. don't let him life steal off the minion line!!!! I'd start with a ward (personal preference!) as you're going to have to play very aggressive vs him.
edit: also be aware of their summoners, if they go tele/ghost (they often do!) their allin is very weak early, so don't be too afraid if you can keep up the pressure.
Honestly, at the moment I don't think anyone does particularly well against him 1v1, in a complete vacuum.
Riven vs Nasus hasn't been that bad for a long while. I guess Darius might work?
I got made fun of for 3-4 patches because people would be like "LOL why you pick Nasus, he's so weak top lane" but all of his big counters have gotten nerfed over time: Riven, Rumble, Elise, Jayce, Kha'zix, Zed, Olaf, etc. It's also so much easier to just get a chain vest or negatron the first recall back, because q is so cheap you don't have to get a chalice anymore if you don't use your other abilities that often.
If you don't care about killing him 1v1, Trundle is okay. I used to pick jungle Trundle against jungle Nasus because you just ult and pillar him when he tries to get anywhere near your team, while he stands there and looks like an idiot and probably dies. Problem in top lane is that I imagine Trundle has extremely low kill potential on Nasus before a tower falls because there's just not enough space and he can freeze the wave fairly easily.
On September 10 2013 10:59 Complete wrote: renekton for sure, assumably teemo/jayce/garen(?)/darius. GP probably could do the trick if you like him. don't let him life steal off the minion line!!!! I'd start with a ward (personal preference!) as you're going to have to play very aggressive vs him.
edit: also be aware of their summoners, if they go tele/ghost (they often do!) their allin is very weak early, so don't be too afraid if you can keep up the pressure. So I decided to play a nasus top lane after seeing it being all the rage (and I have like 66.6% winrate with nasus jungle ranked, what could go wrong).
Went vs a renekton got sooooooooo punished it wasnt funny.
Also one time I played kennen vs a nasus top, seemed very easy to harass nasus but once he had a few levels and got the cowl I didn't have much advantage. Kennen roam is pretty good compared to nasus though, and I got a kill on the jungler and the mid when they came to gank (LOL) didn't kill nasus in lane though.
Rumble is a pretty solid counter, the amount of punishment he can dish out is limited only by the enemy jungler's ability to gank him. His slows also make teamfights hell for Nasus.
On September 10 2013 10:17 57 Corvette wrote: How the hell do you lane against Nasus? I've tried playing passive farm time with champs like Kennen and Irelia, but he gets really scary fast and just ends up killing me around level 8-9; I've gone agressive champs like Fiora or Xin and I can't kill him early with his sustain and then he just counters and kills me.
I was told riven does well against him, but I don't play her. What other champs are good picks to go aggro in lane vs nasus? Haven't played vs a nasus in a while. But i think i would just go with my standard counter to tanky champs and grab singed. I would say singed scales better nasus would have to use slow on you to peel leaving your adc to pew pew. Also if they have more tanky champs i would grab my standard rylias then liandrys to melt em.
On September 10 2013 10:17 57 Corvette wrote: How the hell do you lane against Nasus? I've tried playing passive farm time with champs like Kennen and Irelia, but he gets really scary fast and just ends up killing me around level 8-9; I've gone agressive champs like Fiora or Xin and I can't kill him early with his sustain and then he just counters and kills me.
I was told riven does well against him, but I don't play her. What other champs are good picks to go aggro in lane vs nasus?
Teemo comes to mind, his blind can easily screw up q farm, and can do a lot of ranged damage while being nigh uncatchable even with wither, but then again, Teemo counters everyone. Nasus is a really safe champion and hard to completely shut down, he will usually eventually get to a good place, it's more about delaying that. He has trouble with being kited by aggressive ranged champs (especially by anyone that can still escape when he withers), against really good waveclearers (nasus doesn't push that fast, it's harder for him to farm q against good waveclearers, and even if he is safe under his tower, it's way better than him pushing yours with a random q here and there that you can't do much about) and champs that just do such ridiculously good damage they'll just straight kill him (like riven, who doesn't mind wither as an ad caster with dashes and does tons of damage anyway). Even against a Riven a good Nasus can just bide his time while trying not to fall too far behind, and he will still be decently strong in the midgame. Nasus is a bully who counters a lot of melee champs, you want to play relatively aggressive to hold him back, but some champs will fail miserably, going ranged is usually better if you want to be aggressive to keep him from scaling too fast.
Vayne top fares pretty well against Nasus, she can put a lot of pressure on him and not get caught, as can Quinn. Darius and Rumble are very strong picks against him too, just too much damage and waveclear for him to handle. Elise can also be pretty good against him. Morgana top, though a bit unorthodox, does quite well against him with her waveclear and binding. Renekton can win pretty hard early too, but it's like Riven in that if Nasus can stay safe and keep from falling too far behind he can be at least ok by the midgame. Vladimir can be a bit annoying for him, but not enough to hinder him a lot early on through his sustain. Wukong, Yorick, and Volibear can go either way. I imagine Pantheon top would be good against him, but I haven't had any experience playing that particular matchup. The biggest headache for him in my opinion though is Teemo, he's so very annoying with that blind and safe harass, though other champs like Rumble have better killing power against him.
Zed is another strong pick vs Nasus, he punishes Nasus for every single CS he tries to take.
Pantheon Kills nasus over and over agains tarting at level one. Same with Renekton, Lee Sin, and Darius too I assume.
I'm sure Fizz would Dumpster him pretty hard as well. Same with AD tops (ie Vayne, Corki, Graves, Ez, Quinn.)
I dunno, as a Panth main I have always giggled with glee over Nasus top. Its just like such easy matchup. Dude literally can't touch creeps unless he maxes E, and even then he not going to get any Q farm or Signifigant last hits and will push the lane mercilessly allowing you to zone the shit and kill him like mad.
One time I picked Nasus and enemy team last picked Panth.
I haven't had such a terrible League experience ever in my life until that.
Anyway I've counterpicked with Vlad in ranked when I see a Nasus pickup. Vlad eats Nasus alive starting from level 1.
On September 10 2013 13:36 sung_moon wrote: One time I picked Nasus and enemy team last picked Panth.
I haven't had such a terrible League experience ever in my life until that.
Anyway I've counterpicked with Vlad in ranked when I see a Nasus pickup. Vlad eats Nasus alive starting from level 1. So if Vlad does well against Nasus, would that mean Swain would do well also?
You are ALL wrong Riven, Panth, Zed, and Renek all are pretty bad against nasus Rumble is pretty good but nasus can farm fine if he plays smart and rumble can never get away from ganks, similar with teemo, you just said teemo wins every lane so why would you think the guy with the most sustain and a huge gank support would be weak. Vlad can do better than rumble because of his stronger escape and sustain, but he isnt that much different Fizz is good if you can snowball but so are most of these other champs.
Ad tops are probably a decent idea but its mostly junglers they get scared of more than laners.
once you realize you just force him to damage you once and then you sit back and wait for the wave to come to tower you should have no problems with any of these so called counters because they all start to lose around level 9 and they are all extremely easy for a jungler to gank. (except renek but he sucks even harder than most at denying because his q pushes hard)
singed is a pretty decent pick if you want a farm off because you can proxy waves and use your TP to do things around the map.
the only problem ive had in any nasus lanes so far is getting overconfident and trying to duel the other guy really early instead of just playing safe.
like the he cant "touch" creeps against panth. How do you intend to deny him? Spear harass isnt enough at all because of his sustain so you need to jump him. If you jump him the wave will push so he can then just sit back lose 3-4 cs and then farm at tower. If he starts cloth+5 pots he won't be low enoguh to dive and once he gets glacial shroud and 6 you can't even beat him 1v1 any more. He can always just TP back to lane even if you get him low.
What do you build your first chainmail into now? It used to be glacial->FH no questions asked, but would you possibly prefer sunfire or randuins first because they have HP? Or go like Chainmail -> some HP (like a kindle or w/e) -> FH?
no you have your r for hp, always rush fh or gauntlet glacial is too good of an item to skip anyway, cdr mana and armour are all crucial stats because with mana you have enough to fight him without having to go all in because of mana restraints
obviously vs magic guys you get spirit visage
Has anyone tried Wukong against Nasus? It seems pretty decent in theory but I haven't tested it yet. Armor shred is strong, you can W during Nasus' W, and even though your early gank support is not that good, your post-6 support is.
Im diamond 5 with 60% with nasus and the counters are :
Teemo : insane harrass, the problem is you can survive with enough pot and go for a spirit visage but if u allin him after lvl 6 your going to step on XXXX mushrrooms. It won't be funny
Darius : insane damage 1 to 6, you are going to max spirit fire first. If he has one kill one you your going to hug the tower
Vlad : vlad 1-9 is ok for you he got long cooldown and if u push the wave he wont do a lot but after his first trip back if he comes back with a revolver he starts to really poke you down, push the wave, and eventually kill the tower
Kennen is really ok, his harass hurt first but after some CD and MR/armor he is not this bad
Lee sin is really good too against nasus but you just has to survive the early levels.
Olaf was nerfed and rumble has to push his minion wave if he wants to harass you, the matchup is not so bad
Wukong can work pretty reasonably.
I don't consider Vlad a counterpick. Yes, Vlad is annoying as hell, but Nasus is better equipped to deal with his BS than most top laners thanks to his sustain and desire to stack resists. Vlad's weak early, so it's not like he even really takes advantage of when Nasus is really weak. Wither also makes the distance troll pool covers quite short, which makes it quite easy to gank for Nasus. Worst case scenario as Nasus tends to be your tower drops first, which makes killing Vlad a lot easier. Fringe worst case is your jungler forces 2v2s off of your tower when you're not strong enough yet, which is the only situation I feel like Vlad has an advantage.
You're going to run out of mana on Swain before you even get close to killing Nasus. If you have blue buff the entire game, it might work.
I haven't had problems with a Pantheon in ages. Renekton can do well early, but actually securing kills can be difficult- I hate seeing Nasus top when I pick Renekton because their jungler is always sitting there so I can't finish him off, while my jungler is off having tea.
I generally rush icebourne gauntlet, but depending on the team comps, I might make a FH.