On November 10 2010 07:57 Mogwai wrote: I do dislike your masteries too for whatever that's worth, lol. 0/9/21 all day =3
How dare you now we cannot be friends! Yeah I agree they seem whack, but they've been working for me I guess.
United States37500 Posts
On November 10 2010 07:53 LoCicero wrote: Is Panth actually FoTM now? Now everyone is going to be playing our dearest Mantheon and he'll turn into the new MF/Twitch/Kog =(.
Edit: I wasn't talking Hotshot into playing Panth, he was making a mastery/runepage for him and telling me my page was bad. So of course I had to show him that he understands nothing about the ways of Mantheon. He succumbed to my large brain.
lolol, <3 large brains. They're so sexy.
But yeah, I think the combination of gosu LoCi logic and jiji raping made Hotshot want to Panth again.
I saw you changed your Marks and Quints. I thought to myself "Gizmo would be proud. He influenced LoCi"
I just feel like I barely feel the increase in damage but I feel so much more fragile and mana-starved . I actually can't make up my mind what split between defensive and utility I like best. 0/9/21 (1 defensive mastery), 0/11/19 (maxed armor, 1 defensive mastery), 0/12/18 (1 in harden skin), and 0/14/16 (3 in harden skin or 2 in veteran's scars, w/e floats your boat) all have a lot of appeal IMO.
On November 10 2010 08:05 LoCicero wrote: Gizmo Math > All Fixed for ya!
how the hell do you manage to only die once or twice a game Loci!?!?!? Maybe it's just that you have more competent teammates at your level but I'm frequently jumping the opposing carry only to look back and see that my whole team is focusing the opposing tanks while I get ffed by all their damage dealers (I still usually kill one or two of them).
in other news, last night I settled in on 0/12/18 for my masteries
On November 11 2010 00:42 Mogwai wrote: in other news, last night I settled in on 0/12/18 for my masteries
I get that harden skin and defensive mastery are great, but that just seems so odd compared to 15/15 or something.
basically, I did
3 MRes 2 Armor 3 SoS 1 Defensive Mastery
3 Good Hands 1 Improved Ghost 4 Awareness 3 Meditation 1 Greed
and then starting weighing all the options for the remaining 9 points. Since I carry Ghost/Flash, I wanted to get Improved Flash and I also wanted quickness to more solidly abuse the mobility that opening boots on a 330 base MS character affords.
3 Quickness 1 Improved Flash
So now 5 points are left and I'm basically left weighing 1 Armor, 1 Harden Skin and 1 Defensive Mastery + 2 x ???? vs. maxing utility (6(or 4)% CDR, 15(or 30)% Buff Duration, 15% SS CDR). I'm honestly not that crazy about CDR on Panth, nor do I think he needs 15% SS CDR so I opted for:
3rd point in Armor 2nd point in Defensive Mastery 1st point in Harden Skin
For the last 2 spots, I was left with the choice of 30% buff increase vs. 4% CDR vs. 3 in Harden Skin vs. 2 in Veteran's Scars. I think Harden Skin out performs Veteran's Scars in lane (outperforms once you take 30 Auto-attacks, counting creep aggro), but Harden Skin's 2nd and 3rd point have deminishing returns compared to the first point (first point is 1, 2nd and 3rd are 0.5 each). As I said earlier I'm not crazy about CDR on Panth, so I eventually settled on 30% Buff Duration increase because of how brutal a red-buff Pantheon ult gank is throughout the mid game.
2 Utility Mastery.
So that's how I got there, though I think there's a pretty strong case for ditching those 10-12th points in defensive to max utility (I just like taking -3 damage from minions, it's very strong for fighting in lane).
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
if you are gonna go 0-12-18 mgiht as well go 0-9-21, the reduced time on summoner abilities is huge
personally I like 0-16-14 for all carry-ish types. SoS, all 4 veteran scars and hardened then mana regen buff time and improved flash/ghost
veteran's scars is, imo, a very overrated mastery. I personally don't find it terribly strong early game. I was doing 0/9/21 before I switched over those points, but I could really feel the missing Defensive mastery and harden skin. I dunno, maybe I just need to be less aggressive in lane or something to compensate for 0/9/21.
I'd like to start the Smash is better than Loci at Pantheon movement:
Exhibit A:
![[image loading]](http://img413.imageshack.us/img413/1558/pentasup.png)
Exhibit B:
![[image loading]](http://img808.imageshack.us/img808/4084/smashpanth.png)
![[image loading]](http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/5922/locipanth.png)
in conclusion, ranked pentakills are the only stat that truly matters.
EDIT: this also resolves the masteries debate. 0/9/21 is optimal for getting a Pentakill in the past couple hours as SmashGizmo, and thus by extension should probably always be used on all characters.
United States37500 Posts
I could've told you max utility, noob. Congrats on penta. Now carry me in solo q, thanks.
:O 51.4% 71.3%
9.0:3.3 7.2:4.8
2 pentakills 0 pentakills
other acceptable measures of pantheon skill are total wins and average assist imoimoimo.
also magic damage dealt, god, what a baddie loci! learn to hit your ults.
clearly in the mantheon(dick) measuring contest only pentakills matter.
and smash you shoulda cropped out the 90 to 35 lost >_<
Any video anywhere of LoCicero hwaiting? Or Gizmo .
Smash's build when he got the penta:
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/qrV7U.gif)
My recommended build:
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/eySIo.gif)
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/jES7C.png)
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/1fvhj.png)
But in all honesty, two pentakills is pretty badass, and I'm jealous =(.
if it means anything, i will still be your #1 fan loci
even if you are lacking 2 pentas :[
So after Loci, I was also checking all the other good Pantheon players I could think of last night, and I didn't see a single ranked Pentakill amongst them, come on Pantheon community, get on my level. (shut up, YOU'RE petty and vain!)
Also, you should've pointed out the 1703 vs. OMGWTFBBQ2000+ elo differential in your rebuttal... stay in law school kids!
p.s. <3 loci, d-blades rape.
On November 11 2010 19:29 LoCicero wrote:![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/1fvhj.png) LOL GFG LOCICERO #1
![[image loading]](http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/5783/62636103.png) Have problem?