On August 16 2011 15:09 sRapers_ValkS wrote: wtf is with you and TwoDown. know each other irl? same person? twodown your righteous nerdrage account????
why he have SmashGizbro and you play on his account I'M CONFUSED I DON'T LIKE IT YOU MAKE MY HEAD HURT.
ps. no offense with "righteous nerdrage" twodown (OR SHOULD I SAY SMASHGIZMO) <3<3<3 we're helping each other out. He's leveling Gizbro for me, I'm eloing TwoDown. I literally go insane trying to play on sub-30 accounts anymore.
and k Loci, I'll make a new one.
So I've been playing LoL for 4 days now and I'm in fucking love with it, did some analysis on characters and decided to purchase Pantheon. Just won the game with this:
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/haQNs.png)
I love this guy and wanted to commend the contributers to this thread as it helped me understand the character a lot and what I should be doing! Here's to you fine fellows
/e-peen + 1
triforce is not that great at Pantheon (although it's not bad on anyone either) I don't recommend finishing ghostblade after brutalizer, if you are in a such a lead as this just rush for a BFsword item like Infinity Edge or Bloodthirster and after that a Guardian Angel or something. That would mean more damage output while getting more tank stats than in your build
On August 17 2011 05:05 freelander wrote: triforce is not that great at Pantheon (although it's not bad on anyone either) I don't recommend finishing ghostblade after brutalizer, if you are in a such a lead as this just rush for a BFsword item like Infinity Edge or Bloodthirster and after that a Guardian Angel or something. That would mean more damage output while getting more tank stats than in your build
Ok doky cheers
Instead of GA first get something like Frozen Mallet for HP, and a lil slow (or Warmogs for massive hp, whatever you want), and then you can just get Atmas and increase your damage output even more.
Banshee or FoN are also really good against dem AP bastards yo.
fwiw, my build basically always starts double dblade -> brutalizer -> bloodthirster -> GA these days. GA is stupid good.
so, about that atmogs. y/n? doing dorans x whatever > brut > giants belt > atma > warmogs/mallet
especially against teams with more disables. or if you want to initiate, cause panth is real good at punishing ppl who are out of position, and it lets you be more mantheon and just do it.
Yeah atma's is solid if you need armor. Panth's base HP is low, though. Always go for the merc tread brutalizer core, after that something like sunfire followed by atma's works great against AD heavy comps.
i mean, here's the thing... Pantheon has no steroid. he does have 5.0 AD scaling on like, 6 second CD, lol. Shit that gives you anything but AD atm is like completely wasting his potential. This is what my standard panth game looks like atm:
![[image loading]](http://img832.imageshack.us/img832/3139/1v5n.png)
If you need to initiate, use your CC... HSS. Hardest CC in the game is death, so just insta kill teams with double BT.
Herm. I must have blacked out a little while ago. I wasnt aware I was that good at pantheon. Which of my runepages did I use for that game?
AD Quints, ArPen Marks, Armor Seals, MRes glyphs.
You raped Jax, then switched with kennen because brand was raping him, arrived on mid lane and then Q -> W -> E -> ingite and and instantly killed brand, then raped their whole team for the rest of the game.
Wouldn't AD marks be better on Pantheon, especially with that insane scaling?
I dunno, i guess you just have to win your lane ezpz then snowball into GA.
as an addendum, thoughts on CDR boots instead of merc treads?
EDIT:: 1 arpen = 1% more dmg. arpen is almost always better, problem is most champs only have ~14 armor at lvl 1, so any more is wasted, and the armor from levels is offset by brutalizer
On August 17 2011 16:58 broz0rs wrote: Wouldn't AD marks be better on Pantheon, especially with that insane scaling? I dunno, I like doing true damage vs. squishies. I haven't run the math, so I'm just sorta feeling it out. One of these days I'll work to optimize the spec.
On August 17 2011 17:01 Kaneh wrote: I dunno, i guess you just have to win your lane ezpz then snowball into GA.
as an addendum, thoughts on CDR boots instead of merc treads?
EDIT:: 1 arpen = 1% more dmg. arpen is almost always better, problem is most champs only have ~14 armor at lvl 1, so any more is wasted, and the armor from levels is offset by brutalizer even if you're not snowballing, I just find speccing much defense on current Pantheon to be a waste, and for 1 stop shopping on defense on a melee char, well, GA's da best.
CDR Boots and Zerkers are both viable over Mercs in certain situations.
1 arpen != 1% more damage.
On August 17 2011 15:35 Mogwai wrote: AD Quints, ArPen Marks, Armor Seals, MRes glyphs.
You raped Jax, then switched with kennen because brand was raping him, arrived on mid lane and then Q -> W -> E -> ingite and and instantly killed brand, then raped their whole team for the rest of the game. Damn I'm awesome. I forgot if i made them ragequit, but Im just going to assume I did.
Pantheons scaling off just Q and E is the same as Lee sin's scaling on his full combo including ultimate and his base line damage is probably higher if you ult into a fight although he doesn't have the crazy mobility of course.
Lee sin does have a steriod though, so it makes more sense to build tanky on him.
Devils been building IE on him? What do you think. He does die a hell of a lot so it seems a good alternative to blood thirster. Does pantheon make much use of the lifesteal on BT?
Some numbers:
You can choose between: +15.3 AD (a), +6.75 AD and 15 arpen (b), or 25 arpen (c)
Against 20 armor:
(a) gives you 72 damage level 1 spears, 105 damage level 2 spears, and a 111 damage level 1 HSS (I'm assuming Q > E here and that you want to win the lane really early so I didn't run past those).
(b) gives you 71 damage level 1 spears, 109 damage level 2 spears, and a 97 damage level 1 HSS
(c) loses to both of the above in all cases
Against 25 armor (most possible benefit from full arpen)
(a) gives you 69 damage level 1 spears, 101 damage level 2 spears, and a 106 damage level 1 HSS
(b) gives you 68 damage level 1 spears, 104 damage level 2 spears, and a 93 damage level 1 HSS
(c) gives you 65 damage level 1 spears, 105 damage level 2 spears, and a 78 damage level 1 HSS
I'll let someone who actually plays Pantheon interpret these numbers. Clearly HSS's ridiculous AD scaling vs champs always gets more from AD runes, but spears hit a bit harder with arpen.
These numbers are obviously for a no-AD-item start.
Doran's blade vs 20 armor start:
(a) gives you 84/117/141 damage (spear level 1/spear level 2/HSS level 1) (b) gives you 84/122/132 damage (this is a slightly larger 84 than above, not sure if LoL tracks that) (c) gives you 79/119/114 damage
Doran's blade vs 25 armor:
(a) gives you 80/112/135 damage (b) gives you 80/117/126 damage (c) gives you 79/119/114 damage
well, assuming you can keep them each, I dunno, let's say, half full, you're looking at 40% lifesteal on like 300+ AD. That means when you go to finish someone off and crit them for 450 damage, you heal up 180 HP. Also, between fights being able to just auto attack a creep wave and go from 5 HP to 100% without burdening your support's mana feels really good to me. I don't think IE is bad on him exactly, but you get very little mileage out of the Crit chance these days and you honestly get even less out of the Crit damage than you did before (since Crit damage bonsuses don't apply to Q crits which we use to finish people off a lot nowadays).
also, I made this awesome discovery that rushing bloodthirster basically makes any DPS a crazy sustainer in lane. who knew? so sometimes if I can back and get BF Sword instead of brutalizer, I'll just do that and rush BT and skip brutalizer until later or just skip it entirely in favor of a later LW.
crate, if you really wanna help a brotha out, run the following scenarios:
use 21 offensive (6 ArPen, 3 AD, 5% increased damage), and ignore your c spec because we all know flat AD Quints are OP.
levels 1-3 Q and level 1 E with just boots vs. 15, 30, and 45 armor levels 1-3 Q and level 1 E with 1 dblade vs. 15, 30, and 45 armor
levels 3-5 Q and level 1-3 E with 2 dblades, 1 longsword vs. 30, 45 and 60 armor
level 5 Q, level 3-5 E with 2 dblades, brutalizer vs. 50, 75, and 100 armor level 5 Q, level 3-5 E with 2 dblades, BF Sword vs. 50, 75, and 100 armor
EDITED the armor values since I think i had them too low before.
On August 17 2011 01:05 Mogwai wrote:Show nested quote +On August 16 2011 15:09 sRapers_ValkS wrote: wtf is with you and TwoDown. know each other irl? same person? twodown your righteous nerdrage account????
why he have SmashGizbro and you play on his account I'M CONFUSED I DON'T LIKE IT YOU MAKE MY HEAD HURT.
ps. no offense with "righteous nerdrage" twodown (OR SHOULD I SAY SMASHGIZMO) <3<3<3 we're helping each other out. He's leveling Gizbro for me, I'm eloing TwoDown. I literally go insane trying to play on sub-30 accounts anymore. and k Loci, I'll make a new one. As it turns out, I also go insane playing sub-30 accounts. Each game is like a little bit more of my soul getting ripped out.