I usually start with cloth, health pots, and ward now
[Champion] Shen - Page 3
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Canada5484 Posts
I usually start with cloth, health pots, and ward now | ||
United States2687 Posts
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United States6980 Posts
On November 18 2010 21:42 Dgiese wrote: After i bit of thinking... i've come up with a refined build... ![]() Best build on any champ imho, lol | ||
United States13274 Posts
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United States37500 Posts
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United States2687 Posts
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United States2928 Posts
as/ep5plvl/flat mres/ flat hp 1/21/8 exhaust/ghost as opposed to my usual mostly-lifted-from-laoching spec: mpen/mresplvl/mresplvl/ms 9/0/21 tele/ghost I like the use of as marks. Thinking about it, they'll really help my tele-turret sniping, so I'm going to swap them in. 8.5 mpen doesn't do a whole lot anyways. The energy yellows, I think are a good idea too. I'm going to try using them again. Shen's most important job is to taunt. If you don't have the energy for it, you're useless. If you miss a taunt (it's my internet's fault I swear :[ ), you're tapped for the next 5-10 seconds. Energy runes give some breathing room. The rest of his spec will make him significantly tankier than me in the early game (and it really worked when DD disconnected and Shen had to 1v2 for a while) but I just don't like it. I'm addicted to movespeed and 21 utility. Obv Elementz is a better player than me, but I'm sticking to copying Laoching. | ||
Chile4253 Posts
On November 17 2010 22:58 Juicyfruit wrote: Shen has like 600 base HP.... regrowth is fine. I usually start with cloth, health pots, and ward now Shen's base HP is really weak if you go for a lot of movespeed (9/0/21 means no Veteran's Scars, movement quints means no flat HP quints) and in that case you should definitely start with Doran's Shield. | ||
United States2928 Posts
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United States2791 Posts
On November 25 2010 09:00 myopia wrote: Protip: If your dash hits an enemy ward, you'll get the taunt sound. I honestly didn't know this until last game. Same for Gragas body slam. | ||
Netherlands814 Posts
Hi guys, Completely new to the LoL subforum, I did play SC2 for a long time as pretty reasonably active on the forums. Anyways, I started playing LoL (yay) and I picked Shen (tank) in the team of our friends. We aren't too good, but I'm always looking to carry them even harder. I start off with Doran's shield + health pot (following the Shen guide on the subforum). Afterwards, it tells me to rush for Heart of Gold, then another Heart of Gold, and then mercury's threads. Some questions: - Why Heart of Gold? The gold/regen is pretty weak, and the item itself isn't spectacular, right? Why not go for Phage instead? - If HoG is a viable choice, should I get 1 or 2 before boots? On what factors does this depend on? - When should I sell my Doran's shield? And when should I sell my HoG? - After the patch, when Doran's + health pot won't be possible due to price increase, will Doran's shield still be the best? - Why would I go for Merc Threads, instead of Ninja Tabi? Isn't the 12% Dodge with the dodge talent really, really good? (- How does the Dodge mechanic work?) Late should should be merc threads/Sunfire Cape/Aegis/x/x/x? What's the dream goal, and what is a reasonable goal? (Like 12K gold in total, what'd you get?) Also, I am a bit confused about the taunt ability; there was something about wards and Shadow Dash, but I wasn't able to follow the discussion. I did not see any threads like this, I did read the instruction post (with a full page of trolling on the first page). If this is inappropiate, sorry in advance. Otherwise, thanks for helping out, TeamLiquid rocks (: My ID: Plain Skill, on the European server. I have Skype if anybody wants to watch me play or whatever. | ||
Netherlands206 Posts
HoG is boss, it gives you most of what you need in lane and the gold/5 helps f you're babysitting someone and don't really want to lasthit. Phage is bad. Sell your doran's when you don't have room for your next item, or if you really need some wards. Shen should be fine with doran's still, his vorpal should give him enough regen. Merc treads are the best boots in game, you might want tabi when you're up against 4-5 physicals with just one or two stuns, but that won't really ever happen. I usually skipped sunfire in favour of a fast randuins. my endgame build would look somewhat like this: Merc, Randuins, Banshees and/or Sash, and some more tanky items tepending on their team comp (Frozen heart, that regen mr item, thornmail, etc.) | ||
United States9109 Posts
except the question about the change in doran's shield price meaning no HP pot. the answer is doran's shield is still *the* item to open with, and no one else is going to have the pots either so even though you're gimped, everyone else is too. the rule for HoG's according to Utahime, one of the better players that (used to) play here, is stack them on a champ that (1)won't be farming a lot [like shen as a babysitter] or (2)on a champ that roams a lot. you get as many as you can by 13 minutes into the game. it has something to do with how long it takes for the HoG to "pay for itself." the way i play shen allows for farming so i won't get more than 1 ever, and i usually don't get it til after my sunfire and aegis. aegis too good for early game fights. mercs are auto-buy in 95% of games. you need to be able to get through the slows and CC thrown at you to get to the enemy carry, dodge is a bad stat because it's unreliable and nimbleness is really not that big of a deal iirc the way dodge works is whatever %dodge you see, that's how frequently you'll dodge attacks. in a balanced comp, endgame items will look like Randuins/Mercs/Sunfire/Aegis/FoN also, strange no one caught this (i'm fixing it now) but in the masteries section i said take Strength of Spirit. what was i thinking -_- edit: derp, no i didn't. wow am i tired. also fixing minor grammatical errors and adding a pic now and updating a few things due to slight changes in ze meta game | ||
Netherlands814 Posts
![]() Thanks for all the feedback. Also, gtrs, sorry for asking what had been 'answered' but seeing as how a patch flies out every two weeks, in two months everything could've been quite different. | ||
United States9109 Posts
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United States13274 Posts
wriggles -> zerker greaves -> GRB -> Triforce -> BC -> Ghostblade/IE/Defensive Item(if you're a big pussy) | ||
United States17077 Posts
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Korea (South)1615 Posts
9/0/21 dont fucking "what?" me,its what laoching ran ms quints magic pen reds health/lvl yellows mr/lvl blues doran shield->boot->hog doesnt fucking matter if the other team has 5 ap champs this is ur core never fucking waiver from it after this u can consider Aegies: most common follow up,makes sense too,best item in game and u port to people so yea make this unless ur janna or taric is making it,if u have janna or taric ask them to make it though Sunfire: real fucking good item on shen,makes u a real fucking threat in teamfights,shen w/o sunfire and shen with sunfire is worlds apart,get this if there isn't HEAVY amounts of magic dmg being done FoN: also real good item,the ms+ is so fucking sweet,and the mr is really good too Randuin: decent item but fucking sunfire so much better,get this after sunfire if their carry super farmed and can deeps u down *upgrading ur boot to mercs:get it before u start any of the big items,but u should be aiming to get hog first though *the health belt,even when ur building randuin or aegies first,get this cuz it's just an amazingly good item on shen R>Q>E>W exhaust/ghost Teachings of Laopro 1.ssibal noob get all the cs at botlane,shen needs farm than pretty much any bot laner 2.have 6 eyes(look at mini map u noob),always shift ur screen when u see 2 dots clashing,its really important to ult early as shen 3.ur taunt range is fucking imba,a good shen knows the maximum distance of his taunt,experiment and try to go for taunts that are just out of range,THEY'RE FUCKING NOT OUT OF RANGE U JUST DONT KNOW THE RANGE OF THE TAUNTS 4. 4:1 split push is a shen's bread and butter mid game strat,always push a sidelane when u can,it pressures the lane and forces the other team to come for u and ur team can force teamfight mid 4 v 5 or something,real fuck pro shen move.if done right its uncounterable 5. exhaust enemy carry,ult to ur carry,taunt people,vopal noobs,this is ur cookie cutter be at 4 places at once shen teamfight move laopro had 6 eyes and was the best shen ever here's how he played him,quit ur job and dedicate ur life to playing shen and u might oneday become #2 good mapawareness and quick ult is 80% of playing a good shen | ||
Netherlands814 Posts
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United States85 Posts
Plus, your E is basically like Flash, so no need to take it. | ||
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