[Champion] Shen - Page 4
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Canada5484 Posts
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57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
Note: Before you read on, I am only level 12, and have no qualifications for saying my build is the greatest, but so far it works for me. I normally go Flash/Ingite when playing Shen, its especially useful for chasing down people running at low health, but it can also be used to escape. I have 1/11/0 masteries, taking 1 in crit strike, 3 each in resistance and hardiness, 4 in evasion and 1 in nimbleness. What I have been doing is at the start buying D shield, getting vorpal and 3man ganking the bottom bush. If I can get good vorpals off, my team can usually pick up FB/2 kills, and then I move to solo top. I harrass with vorpal against anyone laning against me (if it is someting Shen fails against like Kennen, I will switch to bot lane and have a partner take top). If they push to my tower, i shadow dash+ignite+vorpal, and if they are low health i flash over and finish them off. If my partners don't want it/don't go for it, I will get red buff at level 7 and try to take down the bot lane opponent tower. This is where things get really wierd sounding, but like I said it works for me. When i return to base to heal/buy, I get a sunfire cape ASAP, followed by boots of swiftness and then omen/warmogs depending on the opponent comp. Mid/late game I basically protect my teammates and assist them with dragon/whatever with vorpal and dancing around the entrances to the jungle. I have about 2.5 wins for every loss i've used this build, but that can usually be blamed on an extremely newbish teammate (going 0-9-0) or extreme lag on my part. *prepares for incoming heavy critisim* | ||
United States17077 Posts
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57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
On April 19 2011 06:54 HazMat wrote: Why not level Taunt if you're going to lvl 1 fight at that brush? Just wait before leveling your skill. If they come, get E, if they don't come, get Q. I have actually considered taunt first, but the problem is A. If i get there and they are already there (and my teammates are slow/somewhere else), i probably will be in too much of a panic to be able to click on the little learn skill boxes, and if I don't level up to 2 by the time i get to top lane, i won't have vorpal for last hitting until i level up. Sometimes I need that right away if there is another melee champ (eg Alistar) in my lane and I can't get near the creeps without getting hit by them. Edit: Is the range of shadow dash longer than the range of vorpal? I will eventually try that though, probably when I get lagless play available (thursday morning, friday-monday) | ||
United States17077 Posts
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TL Blazeraid
566 Posts
Either way you should be opening e, shen will always make it to two in lanes. (you should be maxing e first, too) | ||
57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
On April 19 2011 07:07 TL Blazeraid wrote: Protip: use control+[letter] to quickly assign skill points Either way you should be opening e, shen will always make it to two in lanes. (you should be maxing e first, too) What? Maxing E first? ... I've read in multiple guides (not only here, but on the LoL forums too) where it says the skill priority is R>Q>W=E. What is so good about E other than the taunt? I can understand it being good in luring into the turret/ganking, but still... | ||
United States17077 Posts
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TL Blazeraid
566 Posts
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9871 Posts
leveling E gives you so little per level | ||
United States2707 Posts
You should max Q depending on how long laning goes. The extra damage on vorpal is really godlike. | ||
United States9109 Posts
E only adds like 0.2-0.3 per level but remember that's multiplied per target hit, so you're essentially adding a whole second+ per level of "taunt time." i think energy usage goes down per level as well, which is really important in fights. i never take E at level 1 even in the event of a gank. Q has high damage and low cooldown and shen is fast. you'll do more damage by getting Q and getting in multiple vorpals than you will by getting a 0.8s taunt. you don't want to taunt into their whole team either cause it's not like you're tanked out at level 1. you shouldn't even be attempting a level 1 fight if shen is your only form of cc. boots of swiftness is a joke on shen, why would you ever not take mercs? don't do something for no reason. it might be working for you now but mercs will work even better, trust me. flash is a joke on shen, especially considering taunt's extremely low cooldown. ignite is an option but you'd be much better off taking ghost/exhaust/teleport/clairvoyance | ||
United States9109 Posts
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57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
On April 19 2011 07:33 gtrsrs wrote: flash is a joke on shen, especially considering taunt's extremely low cooldown. ignite is an option but you'd be much better off taking ghost/exhaust/teleport/clairvoyance Well, on TT which i play mainly (if i play 5v5, then thats completely different), teleport is not as effective considering how close everything is. You can nearly walk to your farthest turret bottom lane in the amount of time teleport takes. Yeah it may be useful once or twice, but meh. I have considered exaust, along with the mastery helping it, clairvoyance can save me against a bush gank pretty easily, and ghost could work i guess as well. I guess I will experiment with each of these and see which suits my playstyle the best (and my playstyle on galio, but thats another story alltogether.) | ||
United States9109 Posts
also i have a galio guide on TL that's pretty straightforward. also not for TT. | ||
57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
On April 19 2011 07:53 gtrsrs wrote: oh my guide isn't for twisted treeline. shen plays differently there (as do all champs). don't use this for TT, my bad. i would definitely take ghost 100% of the time on TT though. also i have a galio guide on TL that's pretty straightforward. also not for TT. Heh, yeah. Once i get really good at the game, maybe then I can start writing guides for TT for each char and adding them on to the already awesome guides here on TL. I really like TT though, much faster pace, much easier to gank/be ganked, and not too many champs you need to keep track of. | ||
United States858 Posts
Doran shield Spirit Visage Merc treads Giants belt Now you can: Finish sunfire cape or get your Wit's End Atma's You can throw Aegis in there if no one else on your team can get it. Abyssal also a great choice vs casters and helps out your team's casters. 9/0/21 Magic pen reds HP/lvl yellows Magic resist blues Movespeed quints | ||
United States858 Posts
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United States9109 Posts
that is the worst possible build i could ever imagine in my head | ||
United States858 Posts
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