[Champion] Shen - Page 22
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United States6533 Posts
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United States1631 Posts
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United States2405 Posts
On June 27 2012 07:31 AleKSei23 wrote: Any info on how to play Shen, since it is its free week im trying him out but i have no idea on what to build, since OP its edited in 2011 how shen changed to today standards of play? Runes, Skill order, and any particular matchups that shen excels at? I build him: boots + 4 pot against easy lane doran's shield against medium/hard lane Then: HoG -> boots 2 -> phage if even or losing/recurve bow if winning -> wit's end -> aegis -> mallet -> Randuin's -> situational 6th item. of course change around the order of these depending on how game is going (example: AD carry is getting fed, get randuin's earlier) Ionic Spark is good alternative to wit's end if you don't need MR. 2 ways to build shen's runes/masteries: 1) more magic damage 2) more attack speed 9/21/0 masteries: For #1, go for CDR and magic pen For #2, go for attack speed + armor pen (or Demolitionist or Summoner's Insight if you take teleport) standard armor seals, flat MR or scaling MR glyphs, flat health quints For marks: For #1, go for magic pen For #2, go for attack speed skill order: QWEQQ, then max R -> Q -> W -> E Shen is so good he is first-pick material. He does have some trouble with champs that have spammable strong harass i.e. jax/olaf. Against just about anyone else he's awesome. The worst thing about shen is that he's so good that he's almost always banned in draft pick. | ||
Australia102 Posts
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United States1864 Posts
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14536 Posts
S3 guide would be good too. | ||
United States8298 Posts
Runes: AS Reds Armor Seals Flat or Scaling MR Glyphs (Preference) AS or MS Quints (Preference) Summoners: Smite + Flash + Show Spoiler [Non-standard choices] + Exhaust or Ghost in place of Flash. Masteries: 9/21/0 picking up +4%AS and Armor Pen in offense(I believe it's overall more effective than MPen? Also, you're limited more by energy than CDR as shen) and standard jungler choices in defense (bladed armor + whatever you want. +4% health and +5 armor are recommended.) Items: Start Machete + 5 red potions (standard) Early game items: (Order is approximate.) Razors (not wriggle, your sustain should be fine, it's just your clear speed that needs help.) + Wards Boots1 + Wards Giant's belt Boots2 (Treads or Tabis - Treads are more commonly the right choice.) Sunfire Cape or Warmog's Armor (Decided by whether or not you're tanky enough or whether you are in a good position to splitpush. Core items complete. Further items are based on the game. If you need more defensive items, get HP+resist items - especially those which reduce the enemies' overall effectiveness (against more than just you - they may try to avoid focusing you at this point) like Randuins or Runic Bulwark. If you need a damage item (are you sure?), Wit's End or Triforce are good options. Sell razors when you run out of space (Wriggles really doesn't make sense - all it does is makes a vamp scepter share an item slot with razors. You already have Vorpal Blade's Lifegain effect and a spammable shield.) Non-core, but really useful items: Sightstone is nice to get anytime during the core item buying phase. It's really nice, because you have wards on you for various uses, from splitpushing to keeping the parts of the map warded that the support can't easily access (you're a lot more tanky than most supports, and you also have a "flash" available.) like enemy buffs. I like to buy sightstone after razors if I pick up a surprising early kill - especially on the enemy jungler - and use it to ward his jungle (wraiths, buffs, Jbush) If you have achieved Raid Boss status, but you want to splitpush harder better faster stronger, consider a Tiamat/Hydra instead of Triforce/Wit's end. Playstyle: I tend to gank at 3, then try to farm up until 6 as quick as I can, taking only opportunistic ganks (ganking a lane where flash is blown or there are no wards, or counterganking the other jungler.) until I reach 6. If you get a successful gank off (either a kill or dropping a laner low enough that they can't stay in lane for fear of dying) then tax your lane and shove it hard - getting that exp to level 6 is really important here. The last hits can go to your laner if possible, to let them further extend their own lead so you don't need to regank. Post-6, feel free to show a lot more presence, because they can't take advantage of you revealing your position as long as you have your ulti up (unlike any other jungler, who if they show in one part of the map, other parts can feel free to be more aggressive.) Look for a good play or counterplay to use your ultimate, but remember that it's best used on a lane that has already hard engaged. Land your taunts! (I wouldn't really recommend smartcasting the taunt. It's deceptively easy to miss if you don't place it well.) Make sure that your teammate knows that you're going to ulti them, so they don't do something like flash over a wall with 200 health + 300 shield remaining. As you transition through the midgame and into late game, you'll want to begin looking for opportunities to exercise your splitpushing power. Pay particular attention to itemizing such you can hold your own in a 1v1 against their top laner - he is the most likely candidate to be sent to challenge your splitpush. If he can't completely scare you off by himself as the game progresses, you'll be able to really frustrate them with splitpushing - note that you don't have to *beat* him, you just have to be able to stay in the lane against him and continue pushing. Be ready to ulti when splitpushing - especially at low Elo, players aren't particularly good at the "patience" aspect required of the 'other 4' when 1 member is splitpushing. Try to get the other 4 to stay grouped when you're splitpushing - your ulti isn't going to save someone(s) from being picked off 1(or 2) v4. Use wards (sightstone is great!) to give yourself enough time to escape if the enemy team tries to collapse on you when you're split off - use your ult to escape if necessary, but hopefully your ward coverage should be good enough that you can escape by walking away or recalling. Feedback appreciated - This is probably my first attempt at a real guide. | ||
Canada10567 Posts
On January 29 2013 02:25 Mensol wrote: hey guys, i need masteries plus runes for jungle&top shen. S3 guide would be good too. For top shen I've generally been going 1/29 against harder lanes, or else 9/21 against easier lanes. rune AD/AS reds, armor yellow, MR(either), and then quints you can use whatever. I generally go cloth5/hp bead+pots+ward into (MR item(s) if necessary)+sunfire->warmogs(wits/triforce first if fed)-> more tank items. Generally I play him to split push as much as possible though, so your experience may vary. | ||
United States8519 Posts
I would say core items for Shen are Sunfire Cape/Warmogs/Wit's End. If you can get those in a reasonable amount of time, you're doing pretty well. Also I think flash is too good to pass up on Shen. People never anticipate you flash/taunting them, but there are situations where you can win teamfights before they even start by doing just that. | ||
United States8298 Posts
I put the nonstandard summoners inside a spoiler. | ||
United States8298 Posts
On January 29 2013 03:32 zer0das wrote: I would say core items for Shen are Sunfire Cape/Warmogs/Wit's End. If you can get those in a reasonable amount of time, you're doing pretty well. That's a too big of a core for a Jungler - especially one who doesn't have a blazing fast clear speed. That's a really big core even for a Laner. You want to be done with your core by the time lane phase breaks down, and unless you're racking up kills and CS like crazy, you'll have less than half the gold you need for your core. Note that every item you listed I have down as a recommended item. I'm particularly leery of Wit's end - I really don't think it's necessary to "do your job" as Shen, and it's certainly not the only item that can go in that "I want a hybrid damage+defense" item department. I also don't really think you need Warmog's AND Sunfire - If I got a sunfire, I'll most often find myself getting a Bulwark rather than Warmogs as my second big tank item. I probably should have mentioned Locket, too - even though CDR is a little awkward on Shen because your energy pool can only take so much abuse, one kindlegem item is fine. | ||
14536 Posts
![]() Especially sylverfyre, i really appreciate your help. | ||
little fancy
Germany2504 Posts
Flash / Ignite, 9/21/0 with Armor Pen in offense Red: attack damage (pretty useful for last hitting in the early levels under turret, it's so good) Yellow: armor Blue: magic resist flat / per lvl Quints: flat HP This allows for some pretty good last hitting and surprisingly early game skirmish capabilities. However, I can't really decide because I have too few games with him (Shen banned so often...) and sometimes I just miss Teleport for the random Double Kill bot lane when the enemy has pushed and I port right behind them onto a ward. This usually not only gives us a drake but makes my own bot lane snowball hard. And as long as I can keep up in farm top lane / not fall too far behind while making the plays, it's more than worth it. | ||
United States8519 Posts
Also exhaust is another option- can be useful in lane and its generally more useful than ignite in teamfights. | ||
14536 Posts
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United States279 Posts
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United States2231 Posts
While I don't consider myself a good Shen, I feel that Teleport has massive power on the character throughout the game. I would default to it and make ignite the "special case" summoner spell. It just feels so good to Ult into a team fight bot, clean up 2 or 3 kills, then TP back to stop in time to stop the push. I can sense the hatred fuming from my opponent and feel like a complete badass every time I pull off a move like that. Couple that with super split-push power throughout the game, and I think teleport is a better "goto" spell than ignite. | ||
little fancy
Germany2504 Posts
On January 30 2013 04:57 Jermstuddog wrote: @fancy While I don't consider myself a good Shen, I feel that Teleport has massive power on the character throughout the game. I would default to it and make ignite the "special case" summoner spell. It just feels so good to Ult into a team fight bot, clean up 2 or 3 kills, then TP back to stop in time to stop the push. I can sense the hatred fuming from my opponent and feel like a complete badass every time I pull off a move like that. Couple that with super split-push power throughout the game, and I think teleport is a better "goto" spell than ignite. Yes, Teleport is without a doubt much more useful lategame than Ignite. That's why I love, it makes Shen even more of a ticking time bomb that wins the game by itself (I'm talking about 5x5, solo queue lategame Shen has a much higher chance of losing even with Teleport). But once in a while I have these games were I'm like "damn i could kill the enemy if I only had Ignite...". And what's even more scary than lategame Shen is an early fed Shen. When you ult to someone with Boots, Sunfire and maybe a Ruby Crystal at like 12-14 minutes, you do so much damage and are unkillable. Shen doesn't snowball as crazy as certain other champs, but he definitely makes good use of early kills, too. | ||
United States8298 Posts
On January 30 2013 03:14 Mensol wrote: Which matchups are good for shen? i'd be happy to hear bad matchups too :D While Shen is pretty stable in most matchups, difficult matchups generally revolve around characters who will all-in you whenever they want to (like Darius) and/or have enough harass damage to bust through your moderate sustain + self-shield (like Elise). Easy matchups tend to be ones who rely on one button for harass - especially at lower range - so you can shrug off the harass, return it back with some Q poke, and go back to farming. Being pushed hard constantly is a little annoying too - until you get Sunfire cape, you can't push back very hard. Fortunately Shen can last hit under tower fine, but it makes it quite difficult to ult out of lane if your lane is being shoved. Anything in between you can probably turn into a farm lane - which is fine for Shen - you're like TF - your goal is to win OTHER lanes, not so much your own. If your jungler or mid can bring some damage into lane though, (hi, redbuff) you're great at assisting ganks with your taunt. | ||
United States4051 Posts
Twin Shadows on Shen when stuck in top lane against an AP champion (Kennen, Rumble, Elise, etc)? First back boots/Kage's, second back Mercs and Twin Shadows gives you a bunch of MR to be able to fight along with extra CC and enhanced ganking power. It also gives you some GP10 and AP (which all of his abilities scale with) as a bonus. I've tried it a few times and it works out, but no one is doing it and I can't help but wonder why? I know you lose a bit of midgame tankiness from not going Giant's Belt first, but GP10 plus giving you a good chance to fight your lane opponent (and not get zoned) seems to be worth it to me. | ||
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