[Champion] Shen - Page 5
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United States78 Posts
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United States3977 Posts
On April 19 2011 07:55 57 Corvette wrote: Heh, yeah. Once i get really good at the game, maybe then I can start writing guides for TT for each char and adding them on to the already awesome guides here on TL. I really like TT though, much faster pace, much easier to gank/be ganked, and not too many champs you need to keep track of. You don't need to be good to write a guide for a character. You just have to be open to ideas. 75% of the value in writing a guide is getting everybody else's opinion out there. Just find the appropriate champion thread and start writin'! | ||
57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
On April 20 2011 10:33 Tooplark wrote: You don't need to be good to write a guide for a character. You just have to be open to ideas. 75% of the value in writing a guide is getting everybody else's opinion out there. Just find the appropriate champion thread and start writin'! Oh, Well in that case I will need to do some observations friday/weekend so I can write full up on monday. Ofc I won't have things like full masteries and rune pages for sure, but I can probably write strategy. | ||
9871 Posts
On April 20 2011 08:52 Ruken wrote: New shen build: Doran shield Spirit Visage Merc treads Giants belt Now you can: Finish sunfire cape or get your Wit's End Atma's You can throw Aegis in there if no one else on your team can get it. Abyssal also a great choice vs casters and helps out your team's casters. 9/0/21 Magic pen reds HP/lvl yellows Magic resist blues Movespeed quints saw this on hsgg stream lol | ||
United States2928 Posts
I've been meaning to try bloodrazor though haha | ||
United States3216 Posts
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United States37500 Posts
On May 01 2011 10:55 0123456789 wrote: Shen ult so useless for shielding dmg... Just gud now for tping to make fights in your favor in terms of people That's how it should be... Taunt should be enough to save your ally. HP Shield + Taunt has always been imba. | ||
United States1631 Posts
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Chairman Ray
United States11903 Posts
On June 08 2011 11:14 R04R wrote: Is the item build up to date? Item build is not up to date. The nerf hit him fairly hard, and recently teams have been picking tanky dps champs in place of straight up tanks. I haven't seen a Shen around in a long time. | ||
United States9109 Posts
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United States858 Posts
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United States5348 Posts
edit: gunblade is pretty neato too | ||
3340 Posts
I'm sure it's not an original idea, but I've been testing this: Ghost/Teleport 9/21/0 Red -Armor Pen Blue -MR/lvl Yellow -HP/lvl Quint -HP/lvl R > Q > E > W Start: Regrowth Pendant + Pot Core: MercTreads, Sunfire, Warmog's, Atma's. Get Atma's last, for the rest mix and match components as situation demands. Lategame Options: Stark's Fervor, Thornmail, Abyssal Scepter, Frozen Mallet. Noticably missing: Randuin's Omen, Significant MR, Gold/10 items. The basic idea is making Ki Strike a frightening passive again. Since you're getting so much bonus health, Atma's seems in order. I've been feeling really cruddy lategame with Shen's old build (besides taunt I felt useless in teamfights), and this seems to fix that for me. The lack of significant MR and build-up items (hog, warden's) is a bit of a concern, tho. And I miss Randuin's active. :/ | ||
United States13274 Posts
you also failed to mention the most noticeably missing item, which is Aegis. | ||
57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
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United States9109 Posts
shen (used to be) an in-your-face tank. he would taunt your whole team and for 2 seconds absorb all their shots, then chase down the carry and stick to her like butter on a hot bun. to do this effectively, you needed to be equally as farmed as the enemy carry or very close, otherwise you just get melted. in my guide i point out that late-game you're getting melted no matter what. in order to acquire this level of farm, you need a solo lane or you need to be hogging the bot lane farm. the jungle simply will never let you get this level of farm. additionally, now that you can't stack HoG's, and kage's pick and avarice blade are awful on shen, coupled with shen only benefitting from half of a philo stone, i highly recommend not jungling with him although, to be fair, he might be a decent jungler in arranged 5s since tanks are kind of seeing their way out, and he's got a great CC. you wouldn't expect him to really *tank* anything but his effective 10 seconds of CC might be of use before he melts. he'd be similar to nunu in that he's more of a utility tank than a true tank, and doesn't get as much farm to do his job. he's a very effective warder/counterwarder thanks to taunt's ability to jump walls, so in arranged 5s he might not be your WORST option, but he's clearly not your best for a jungler | ||
United States37500 Posts
![]() And never jungle with Shen. I already think jungle Xin is subpar. Shen's worse than Xin. zz | ||
United States8519 Posts
Good grief. I enjoy playing him even if he's weak, but the garbage I get while doing so is unbelievable. | ||
United States243 Posts
On August 29 2011 03:06 zer0das wrote: Been playing Shen since he's free this week.. talk about unappreciated. Everyone blames you for their crappy positioning and engaging when they shouldn't be (1v4? no problem, Shen will save me!) because you have a taunt that can hit multiple people so "SHEN WHY WEREN'T YOU THERE!?! YOU SUCK SHEN" is all you get., even when you have the highest kill/assists tally, it is clearly your fault. Then they make stupid comments like "he doesn't even have any tank items" when I have Merc Treads, Aegis, Heart of Gold, and am working on Sunfire, and claim they play ranked Shen. Good grief. I enjoy playing him even if he's weak, but the garbage I get while doing so is unbelievable. Shen is extreeeeemely reliant on playing with at least one friend. Because he's guaranteed to be eating tons of damage with his taunt (if you hit of course) you really need to coordination that playing with friends provides to take advantage of it. I haven't played Shen since a couple of normals to see how he was after so many levels. Hated it. Compared to other tanks, he had almost no damage output, his heal on his Q was barely noticeable, and his taunt was really only good as an escape mechanism in lane. Thankfully, he's being looked at by RIOT for minor buffs/tweaks. | ||
United States1631 Posts
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