[Champion] Sona - Page 2
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United States37500 Posts
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United States2822 Posts
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United States931 Posts
Doran's Ring start - so much presence early game, HP + Mana Regen is so crucial, and the AP doesn't hurt. First trip back buy Catalyst + Boots - Catalyst is great because it basically allows you free spam through lane because of the mana heal on level up and extra mana. Catalyst is pretty much the thing that's most concrete in my build. After that it depends on the situation, but some order of Mejai's Soulstealer, Merc's Treads, and Innervating Locket. If lane's going really well and you feel like you're going to get kills/assists fast, rush the Mejai's. Mejai's is honestly Sona's best item with her ability to fill it quickly with assists/kills and then escape ability due to E. Usually finish Merc's before Locket, but if you're not moving much or need to defend or force dragon or something, Locket can give you a nice boost. Locket's just a really great item on Sona in general since she uses the passive well and helps with her mana consumption - you can usually get away with not hogging blue with it. After that's done you finish Zhonya's and then add situational items based on need like Banshee's or Void Staff. I think this is the best build for Sona, and I've seen it used in high ELO, though I came up with it myself before I saw it on streams. My only personal touch is that if I'm 2v2 lane with Sona I honestly think it's worth it to back at 800 gold and get a Philosopher's Stone right away because you're not farming very well and it helps with the slower Catalyst / Catalyst level ups. Edit: I also heavily disagree with the suggestion that you delay E until level 10. I think delaying it until 4 is fine, but having one level early is essential for a lot of reasons. Laning wise, it's great just to deal with ganks or to help your partner run off when he does something stupid. More than that, if you're just out of Q range, you can E and then tag them with Q and then pull out as E aura's wearing off. It also helps a lot for positioning and pursuit/retreat during early game fights at dragon and stuff. It adds a lot more utility than an additional level of W does - 40 more points of healing isn't going to do as much as all the functions of E. Though that goes hand in hand with my belief that maxing W first is always an awful idea because W healing does not do well until later game when you have higher AP and cooldowns, and that in lane you're going to protect your teammates and do better harass with Q first every time. | ||
United States8298 Posts
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Canada12 Posts
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United States931 Posts
...but seriously, you're really better off with Taric or Janna most of the time since Sona requires a ton of farm for mana and such. I don't play her in ranked when I need a support, you're better off with the aforementioned two or Zilean. But when I do play her for the lulz it's usually with a lane with someone who doesn't need farm like another support/Blitz/Alistar. In that case my build usually goes: Doran's Ring First trip back: Tear of the Goddess (Boots if possible) Start collecting Soul Shroud components (usually start with the Kindlegem first, then the Mana Manipulator) until it's done Finish Merc Treads Then I either get an Aegis if our tank is too lazy to get it or finish Archangel's. After that if the game's extremely long maybe Deathcap for AP for healing or Will of the Ancients. | ||
United States13274 Posts
double philo stone -> boots -> mana manip -> aegis -> mercs -> soul shroud gold/10 quints a must. | ||
Netherlands3704 Posts
On March 05 2011 01:34 Mogwai wrote: wtf, you're support, play support double philo stone -> boots -> mana manip -> aegis -> mercs -> soul shroud gold/10 quints a must. The best support champions are the champions that have a strong lane presence. Jana is strong on the lane. Taric is strong on the lane. Zilean is strong on the lane. Soraka is common annoying support champ. A person is running around you spamming heals and restoring your mana. Gee thanks now with topped off mana and HP i can really take on 2v1. Ooh wait i can't, now i get face-raped because 2 champions are many times stronger then 1 due to CC. Honestly you need to bring more to the table then support. The whole reason that Sona was so powerfull was because her damage was through the roof. She was a support but she also had probably the highest damage at level 1 in the game. She could outnuke people with Q-passive and since Q had a massive range she could easily out-zone people. But the point remains, support champions must be strong laners or they are worthless like Soraka who only provides support. | ||
United States47024 Posts
On March 05 2011 03:45 zalz wrote: The best support champions are the champions that have a strong lane presence. Jana is strong on the lane. Taric is strong on the lane. Zilean is strong on the lane. Those three are also strong roamers and share various other qualities as well. You can't just say "strong lane presence" makes a good support because there's more to it than that. | ||
Germany8679 Posts
Imo her problem is that her lategame relies heavily on being able to constantly spam spells over a long duration. She was nerfed heavily to fix the imbalance she was with Locket, but then Locket was removed and now she's just really weak (assuming low farm). She is quite item-dependant, since her QWE doesn't provide any CC etc. like Janna/Taric/Soraka/Alistar/Zilean have. All the stuff she brings to the table scales with AP (unless you value the MSpd buff that much?). | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
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United States931 Posts
On March 05 2011 01:34 Mogwai wrote: wtf, you're support, play support double philo stone -> boots -> mana manip -> aegis -> mercs -> soul shroud gold/10 quints a must. If you run that build on her she's out of mana 90% of the time when you need it. Thus my paragraph about how situational she is and why she needs to be played with certain lane partners. As others just said, she really, really needed Locket and she needs more expensive items to replace it. | ||
United States47024 Posts
On March 05 2011 07:01 Seiuchi wrote: If you run that build on her she's out of mana 90% of the time when you need it. Thus my paragraph about how situational she is and why she needs to be played with certain lane partners. As others just said, she really, really needed Locket and she needs more expensive items to replace it. Double Philo + Mana Manip gives you mana problems? | ||
United States931 Posts
On March 05 2011 07:03 TheYango wrote: Double Philo + Mana Manip gives you mana problems? On Sona it does, yeah. You're spamming a ton of spells for really, really small effect. You need at least some kind of extra mana in addition to the mp/5. | ||
Germany8679 Posts
Locket provided ~60 MP5 by itself (for a total with runes etc. of ~90 MP5) as well as an increased mana pool. | ||
Canada5484 Posts
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Germany8679 Posts
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Belgium206 Posts
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Denmark9110 Posts
On April 16 2011 06:39 AMaidensWrath wrote: So~ I've been playing League of Legends during the beta, but since then haven't really followed it. Some days ago I picked it up again and I bought Sona with some spare IP. Can anyone enlighten and tell me what items I should be getting? I'm not quite sure if the guide on the first page are still up to date. Thanks in advance! read thread ??? profit That goes for all the forum, but since you want one: double philos stone, boots, tear, mercs, soul shroud, reverie is what I'd do just to be aura slave numbah wahn. | ||
United States1451 Posts
On March 05 2011 08:07 spinesheath wrote: With double Philo and Mana Manip you probably have like 40-60 MP5. Assuming you spam QW that is about 170 mana every 7 seconds? You need 120+ MP5 to keep that up. And since you don't build any mana items at all you drain your mana pool pretty quickly. Locket provided ~60 MP5 by itself (for a total with runes etc. of ~90 MP5) as well as an increased mana pool. wont chalice of harmony double your 40-60 to 80-120 sona can probably handle that one | ||
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