[Champion] Sona - Page 5
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France45622 Posts
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Canada6208 Posts
I haven't seen her enough lately and since I've been on a winning streak with her lately (~5 games in a row), winning bottom lane every time, I figured it'd be as good of a time as any to discuss her again. (Currently at 37-20 in ranked games with sona, 64.9% winrate at ~1570-1590 ELO) Against 90% of lanes (Anything that doesn't involve blitzcrank, leona, or alistar+bursty AD), I go QWQWQ and poke the crap out of them. Also, she synergizes with Varus stupidly well. Varus already has some absurd poke in his Q and sona only adds to that. The other slightly better reason is that at level 6, they can 100-0 any lane, no problem. It goes something like this: Varus initiates a trade with one to two auto attacks, sona crescendo's and pops a Q + powerchorded autoattack. Varus procs 3 stack blight with his ultimate to chain CC together. Varus auto's and right before his ultimate ends, procs two more stacks with his arrow rain. Whoever got focused is dead. I pretty much forgot about sona after the nerfs for a while but playing her again reminded me why I have a skin for her and also, why I had a 70+% winrate with her pre-nerf (slowly working my way back up towards that goal). The reason this is so strong is that varus is the only AD in the game with a hard CC + huge burst (Ashe has the cc but not the burst). Sona can get off two Q's which is actually a massive amount of damage, 3 if they're far enough out from tower, you're pretty much guaranteed a kill. | ||
Australia339 Posts
I see there are some AD Sona fans out there and have some questions. The last patch notes tipped me over the edge and I finally gave her a shot as AD and found it to be hilarious fun as well as quite successful (I'm 4-0 so far in the terrible Elo normals I have fun with my friends in). Just wondering on peoples opinions of various builds for her. Power chord and spammy spells screams early sheen to me, but I seemed to do better (very very low sample size) going straight up regular AD carry items. assuming a boots+3 or 4 start: sheen->beserkers->IE->PD->finish triforce? dorans x 2->beserkers->vamp scepter->IE->PD? straight up sheen/triforce rush? something else? thoughts? | ||
Canada6208 Posts
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Korea (South)11232 Posts
Dont get it why she is so underplayed in pro tournaments. IG just picked her against clg.prime but I think thats her fist appearance in ages. | ||
Gabon6219 Posts
On July 25 2012 19:32 Lmui wrote: Sheen makes her burst absurdly hard with a powerchord + Q but I'd still go IE->sheen-> trinity on her though, similar to corki since like corki, she has spammable skills, not an on-hit effect like ezreal's Q. Sheen is amazing for the poke, getting it later on is a waste as you won't be poking with autos anymore. | ||
Australia2725 Posts
First of all before the Q mana buff I always went chalice on Sona after my GP10's since it lets you spam W and E indefinitely. 900 Gold is a huge chunk though so I wanted to talk about other mana options. Generally speaking I've found Philo's gives you enough to poke in lane, not infinite mana but it lets you spam Q and heal a bit. Upgraded to a Shurelias you get a similar thing late-game where you get enough mana but can't quite spam everything. Lately I've been looking at the possibility of a Mana Manipulator, especially with AD's like Ezreal or Graves in your lane. I usually end up completing Philo's + HoG at about 13-16 minutes depending on a few factors and it feels like thats too late for a Mana Manipulator to be useful, implying that it should be built instead of a HoG (which is pretty crap and seriously over-rated). Philo's into Mana sounds pretty good. There is however the option of Philo's into Doran's Ring, gives you a better laning presence, especially since you aren't getting that Ruby Crystal as early anymore. The other option is of course Mana Regen seals (or possibly even just glyphs) but that -13 armour just seems to fuck me so badly. I have never enjoyed Sona without the armour yellows. Could possibly just get mana regen seals and then buy an early cloth armour to be turned into an aegis (especially if you skip HoG and turn the first ruby crystal into aegis too). Secondly I firmly believe that maxing E (speed) before W (heal) is infinitely superior in most situations. Max Q first obviously but only 1 or 2 points in W before working on the speed. This plus a rushed Shurelias (for the mana/cdr) gives a whole new dimension to your team that they can't really do on their own, whereas they can work on their tanky stats themselves. New Sona doesn't get the persistant aura's of Old Sona so you can't really give out both damage and resistances, it's one or the other. I prefer to give out damage and then have E for utility. Thirdly I've been having a ton of fun with Cheese Sona. 21/9/0 masteries with AD marks and (possibly) AD quints. You cut the lifesteal and crit masteries for CDR and Mpen in offense. New Sona lets you spam your passive so much more often and doing so on Q doubles your base damage. Full on AD pages doubles that even higher and lets you effectively 1-shot people at early levels. | ||
Canada6208 Posts
Masteries 1/13/16, grabbing gp10, wealth, ward and biscuit. Items: Flask+ 4 green wards OR Flask + 2 greens 1 pink Against any lane with no hard initiate (janna, soraka, nunu etc) just spam Q all day. You can pretty easily run the enemy team out of pots by level 3 or 4 using the biscuit and the first two charges of bottle, especially since you don't ever need to use W unless your AD takes damage. It's so utterly broken in terms of lane domination. | ||
Australia2111 Posts
Is playing AP Sona OR Support Sona use the same build, or completely different? BTW Sona's Voice <3 | ||
United States4241 Posts
You want to build AP items(Grail, Deathcap, Lich Bane) on AP Sona, and supporty items(Sightstone, Runic Bulwark, Locket of the Iron Solari) on Support Sona. + Show Spoiler + I do not endorse AP Sona | ||
Australia2111 Posts
On December 12 2012 11:45 Praetorial wrote: Playing AP Sona uses a different build, yes. You want to build AP items(Grail, Deathcap, Lich Bane) on AP Sona, and supporty items(Sightstone, Runic Bulwark, Locket of the Iron Solari) on Support Sona. + Show Spoiler + I do not endorse AP Sona Hmm how about gameplay, anything different? | ||
Switzerland3257 Posts
On December 12 2012 12:22 PiPoGevy wrote: Hmm how about gameplay, anything different? what do you mean? as ap sona you are a carry so you need to have safe positioning, farm alot in lane etc. Maybe it is easyer if we make a couple stories: 1a) as ap-sona you would poke with q during a teamfight until their bruisers dive you. Now you use your ult to protect yourself and deal as much damage as you can while they are stunned. With your strong heal, mobility and high dps from q you try to outtrade the bruisers and kill them in the process. 1b) as support sona you see an opportunity to stun 2-3 high value targets. you flash into them and ult. because you allready used your most valuable tool you don't have problems to gain distance to the fight, since your ap and ad carries have caught up and are now allready doing their dps rotations. you try to use your auras and item actives to enable your carries to deal a ton of damage. I hope that helped. In addition there can be said sona is allready useful with minimal farm and most importantly: not as useful as ap carries when she has alot of farm and a carry build. I would stick to support sona if I where you. she has been the most stable support for a long time now, because she is easy to play and has a strong teamfight presence. | ||
Australia2111 Posts
On December 12 2012 17:10 clickrush wrote: what do you mean? as ap sona you are a carry so you need to have safe positioning, farm alot in lane etc. Maybe it is easyer if we make a couple stories: 1a) as ap-sona you would poke with q during a teamfight until their bruisers dive you. Now you use your ult to protect yourself and deal as much damage as you can while they are stunned. With your strong heal, mobility and high dps from q you try to outtrade the bruisers and kill them in the process. 1b) as support sona you see an opportunity to stun 2-3 high value targets. you flash into them and ult. because you allready used your most valuable tool you don't have problems to gain distance to the fight, since your ap and ad carries have caught up and are now allready doing their dps rotations. you try to use your auras and item actives to enable your carries to deal a ton of damage. I hope that helped. In addition there can be said sona is allready useful with minimal farm and most importantly: not as useful as ap carries when she has alot of farm and a carry build. I would stick to support sona if I where you. she has been the most stable support for a long time now, because she is easy to play and has a strong teamfight presence. Exactly what I was looking for, thanks very much >.< | ||
Canada11044 Posts
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Germany1849 Posts
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Canada17 Posts
Another question I have is for Solo Q Champion select with Blitz and Thresh almost always banned out. Does Sona become top main priority pick? if not, is Taric the next best pick vs Sona? And this is for top 3 picks not seeing the enemy picks yet so team comps is still unkown. Could this be a general role of thumb? | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
the debuff really isnt all that amazing, its 20% less damage, which is pretty tiny except against burst damage ults and stuff in teamfights. Q doubles your power chord damage, so unless cait does 5x your power chord damage in said trade its not worth it. HOWEVER using w twice to get 2 stacks and then Q+power chord should be a mainstay harass tactic. sona is really strong but definitely supports like leona and lulu and jannahave enough in their kits to compete if you don't wanna play her she has been heavily nerfed, back with old passive and old w aura she was a lot stronger, but they thought fixing a bug where w didnt work would be a buff (i never used it anyway except by mistake HUEHUEHUE DAT WINRATE) i need to write a guide for this im a beast sona and this neo's guide is terribadawful | ||
Valhalla18444 Posts
AD Sona is still ridiculous on Howling Abyss though, where you are just gifted 1375 gold and 3 levels | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
On June 28 2013 08:08 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: After the last round of nerfs to her passive, AD Sona is well and truly dead on Summoner's Rift. She simply can't trade with other ADs levels 1-5 anymore. She needs to be able to bully in lane to make up for the fact that later on, she has no steroids or AD-scaling abilities, just a great auto and tons of utility AD Sona is still ridiculous on Howling Abyss though, where you are just gifted 1375 gold and 3 levels I still don't see why you don't realize that this makes her an amazing support instead of a mediocre ad carry you arent THAT far behind on gold if you play your cards right, earlier today I got a 13 minute RoA | ||
United States1864 Posts
On June 28 2013 08:20 Slayer91 wrote: I still don't see why you don't realize that this makes her an amazing support instead of a mediocre ad carry you arent THAT far behind on gold if you play your cards right, earlier today I got a 13 minute RoA I don't even know what that means, why would you have a RoA on a support sona? | ||
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