[Champion] Sona - Page 4
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United States11761 Posts
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Ireland23335 Posts
Runes just ap or g/10 quints, mpen red armour yellow cdr/lvl or flat or mr/lvl blues. If you can't harass then just only use your harass when power chord is up or just save it for the engages to be honest. Sona has pretty good sustain and in engages then your auras and passive+q+w and at level 6 ulti is pretty damn strong. Not totally certain on something like trist+alistar jumping on you though, you probably get owned at level 4 and have to play passive until like 6 depending on AD after as well. You can easily get W lvl 2 at 3 and maybe even lvl 3 at 5 and then switch to Q for teamfights or something. But W is a pretty safe bet for teamfights anyway. I feel like even if sona can't harass she has good sustain and good engage + good support for ganks so it's okay if you dont' win lane you're probably doing more in teamfights anyway. I've seen some trolly builds going like dorans ring +ap page+21 offensive that intends to dominate early on but I feel like AP isn't THAT efficient later on and it gimps you later and makes you really squishy + no wards at level 1 makes it feel gimmicky at best. Maybe stacking drings after philo but I honestly prefer cdr on sona. Helps you get passive up a lot as well. | ||
United States5348 Posts
also, again assuming you have an intelligent lane partner, q aura is invaluable for their last hitting and harassing. worth noting i guess. I never really thought about it until tree started telling me to leave q on for the majority of laning phase. i guess the biggest thing is that im pretty sure sona q outranges everything from all other supports, so just abuse it and being able to just pop out of bushes and q and slip back in before they can react, and then just keep it up for as long as you can. Tbh, i've never had problems with cow, so idk how to really help :[ | ||
Netherlands2119 Posts
I go normal support items at start. Philo stone >1 boots > heart of gold > cdboots or mercs > shurelia > aegis > game should be finished but late game items should be archangels i think. my lvl sequence Q W W E W R and Q second and E last. magicpen reds armor yellows cd reduction or mp5 blues movespeeds quins buy wards every time you go back. | ||
Denmark4564 Posts
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Germany8679 Posts
On December 14 2011 02:08 Southlight wrote: The problem I've faced is that against shit like Cow I don't feel like my mana efficiency at harassing matches the counterharass... Against Alistar imo you want to bait an engage by Ali on you. If you max W, cast it before his stuff hits, and/or have heal, you will survive the burst and then you just hunt them down. You should lane with a high damage AD for that. | ||
Valhalla18444 Posts
I present AD Sona, bottom lane terrormonster. PROS: - Very strong burst in lane, comparable to Sivir or Graves - Great AA range and animation; easy last-hitting - Ghetto sustain pre-wriggles, meaning better support flexibility - High gank utility; moredeeps/slow/damage reduction - Excellent duelist - Massive teamfight utility with R CONS: - No AD scaling abilities - Low AoE damage potential - No natural escapes; reliant on Flash. THE BUILD: Runes: Reds: Arpen Yellows: Armor Blues: MR/lvl Quints: Flat AD Masteries: 21/9/0 - Defensive lane against Graves, Trist, Corki etc where you are likely to take some damage and must win trades 21/0/9 - Aggressive lane with higher utility lategame, use vs Ashe, Sivir, Cait, etc I run mostly 21/0/9, only vs Graves/Soraka or similar combos do I take 9 defense. I run heal on myself if I take 9 defense. Sum'ners: Flash/Exhaust for 21/0/9, Flash/Heal for 21/9/0 ITEM: AD Sona has to compensate for her lack of AD scaling by getting a little extra utility from items. Wriggles is a fantastic item in that regard, giving her extra sustain and more dps on dragon/baron. Start Cloth + 5pots. At lvl1 with your Q aura you'll be at 69AD, which is a respectable amount. Doran sword is acceptable if you're facing a difficult lane or have Soraka support. Wriggles -> Zerkers + 2-3 Dorans -> PD -> IE -> LW -> whatever last. This build gives you a strong earlygame, and turns into an endgame dps build that is reliant on your autos to deal the bulk of your damage. Think of yourself as Caitlyn with no traps, a better R, and slightly lower attack range. SKILL ORDER: QWQEQR, R>Q>E>W. The mobility from spamming E is fucking fantastic. It also gets your passive up while you're on your way to cause havoc. Maxing Q is obvious, you want that burst to carry through midgame. Max W over E if you're getting fucked up, but it shouldn't happen. PLAY STYLE: Your job, as with any other AD carry, is to farm. Farm like a monster so that lategame you can three-shot enemy champs and four-shot towers. Early game, gauge whether you can win a trade at lvl 1. Don't do this vs stun lanes (Leona Taric Ali), wait til lvl 3 vs them. If you can win a trade, that means you can completely take over the lane. Sona is a lane bully, you need to play that way to be successful. Playing the lane passively means you're going to farm less than their AD carry. You need to farm MORE than their AD carry to be comparatively damaging, if we ignore the great utility of your auras. If you've ever played Sona support (lol) you'll be familiar with punishing last-hit attempts and general overextension by your enemies with Q + Power Chord burst. The idea is the same as AD Sona. You will put yourself in an advantageous situation quite often due to the sheer power of her burst combo early on. This quality carries into lategame as well. I'm not exactly sure how the damage increase works on her Power Chord mathematically, but if you catch their mage lategame with R + Q + Power Chord and a couple autos, you chew them up just as fast as the rest of the AD cast. In order to play AD Sona successfully, you need to realize that you don't bring as much to the table lategame as other AD carries, at least in terms of damage. That means you still need to be somewhat in the support mindset during teamfights - get the most out of your abilities and the utility they provide, and land those clutch Rs, and you'll find a place in lategame. Your autos are just as deadly as everyone else's, even more deadly than a surprising number of current popular AD carries because of how superior Sona's animation and range are. Wiki lists Sona's AA range as 550, but it also lists Vayne's range as 550 and i guarantee Sona outranges Vayne (tested yesterday when i had to play SUPPORT sona, god forbid). Not sure what the appropriate numbers are. THIS IS NOT A TROLL BUILD, IT'S LEGIT. I simply do not agree that an AD carry REQUIRES damaging AoE abilities with AD ratios to be effective lategame. | ||
China26351 Posts
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United States1892 Posts
EDIT: As a support I buy pink ward at level one, and a few green wards too. This will allow you to remove the enemies' ward, and you can coordinate ganks with the jungler. I like philo, and chalice early. The passive on Chalice is great for keeping enough mana for her w. Philo turns into Reverie, I use it offensively and defensively, which is amazing utility in any coordinated team environment. I like playing her with Ezreal in an aggressive as hell early lane maxing q first. With good coordination with your Ezreal you can set up experience denial using both of your champions q's. The second thing I like about this lane set up is the level 6 Line-em-up ultimate combo. The burst damage from the r-q-powercord while ez goes q ult q is going to hurt. The third and most deceptive part of the lane combo that should not be overlooked is the double dps debuff from both champions w's. This is actually the only time I suggest getting w on Ez at 4, (I don't suggest ap Ez ever,) but ignore that. With ez's exhaust, and w power cord and debuff, I have made botched gank attempts turn into 4-0 kill leads at 5-6 minutes or what ever. | ||
Canada3508 Posts
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United States2687 Posts
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Valhalla18444 Posts
On February 02 2012 08:40 Dgiese wrote: There's a guy around 1900 who only plays AD sona, his name is something like Hoaz the AD sona. Can't find it ![]() | ||
Canada9496 Posts
![]() New fotm???? | ||
United States2687 Posts
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Ireland23335 Posts
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United States387 Posts
On February 02 2012 05:32 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: goofball time! I present AD Sona, bottom lane terrormonster. PROS: - Very strong burst in lane, comparable to Sivir or Graves - Great AA range and animation; easy last-hitting - Ghetto sustain pre-wriggles, meaning better support flexibility - High gank utility; moredeeps/slow/damage reduction - Excellent duelist - Massive teamfight utility with R CONS: - No AD scaling abilities - Low AoE damage potential - No natural escapes; reliant on Flash. THE BUILD: Runes: Reds: Arpen Yellows: Armor Blues: MR/lvl Quints: Flat AD Masteries: 21/9/0 - Defensive lane against Graves, Trist, Corki etc where you are likely to take some damage and must win trades 21/0/9 - Aggressive lane with higher utility lategame, use vs Ashe, Sivir, Cait, etc I run mostly 21/0/9, only vs Graves/Soraka or similar combos do I take 9 defense. I run heal on myself if I take 9 defense. Sum'ners: Flash/Exhaust for 21/0/9, Flash/Heal for 21/9/0 ITEM: AD Sona has to compensate for her lack of AD scaling by getting a little extra utility from items. Wriggles is a fantastic item in that regard, giving her extra sustain and more dps on dragon/baron. Start Cloth + 5pots. At lvl1 with your Q aura you'll be at 69AD, which is a respectable amount. Doran sword is acceptable if you're facing a difficult lane or have Soraka support. Wriggles -> Zerkers + 2-3 Dorans -> PD -> IE -> LW -> whatever last. This build gives you a strong earlygame, and turns into an endgame dps build that is reliant on your autos to deal the bulk of your damage. Think of yourself as Caitlyn with no traps, a better R, and slightly lower attack range. SKILL ORDER: QWQEQR, R>Q>E>W. The mobility from spamming E is fucking fantastic. It also gets your passive up while you're on your way to cause havoc. Maxing Q is obvious, you want that burst to carry through midgame. Max W over E if you're getting fucked up, but it shouldn't happen. PLAY STYLE: Your job, as with any other AD carry, is to farm. Farm like a monster so that lategame you can three-shot enemy champs and four-shot towers. Early game, gauge whether you can win a trade at lvl 1. Don't do this vs stun lanes (Leona Taric Ali), wait til lvl 3 vs them. If you can win a trade, that means you can completely take over the lane. Sona is a lane bully, you need to play that way to be successful. Playing the lane passively means you're going to farm less than their AD carry. You need to farm MORE than their AD carry to be comparatively damaging, if we ignore the great utility of your auras. If you've ever played Sona support (lol) you'll be familiar with punishing last-hit attempts and general overextension by your enemies with Q + Power Chord burst. The idea is the same as AD Sona. You will put yourself in an advantageous situation quite often due to the sheer power of her burst combo early on. This quality carries into lategame as well. I'm not exactly sure how the damage increase works on her Power Chord mathematically, but if you catch their mage lategame with R + Q + Power Chord and a couple autos, you chew them up just as fast as the rest of the AD cast. In order to play AD Sona successfully, you need to realize that you don't bring as much to the table lategame as other AD carries, at least in terms of damage. That means you still need to be somewhat in the support mindset during teamfights - get the most out of your abilities and the utility they provide, and land those clutch Rs, and you'll find a place in lategame. Your autos are just as deadly as everyone else's, even more deadly than a surprising number of current popular AD carries because of how superior Sona's animation and range are. Wiki lists Sona's AA range as 550, but it also lists Vayne's range as 550 and i guarantee Sona outranges Vayne (tested yesterday when i had to play SUPPORT sona, god forbid). Not sure what the appropriate numbers are. THIS IS NOT A TROLL BUILD, IT'S LEGIT. I simply do not agree that an AD carry REQUIRES damaging AoE abilities with AD ratios to be effective lategame. troll build is trolling User was warned for this post | ||
United States2687 Posts
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Valhalla18444 Posts
Yes you are more or less relegated to pewpewing their bruisers and tanks from safety when your R is off cooldown, but she's just as good as every other champion with a 550 range auto in that regard. And seriously, Sona is a tremendous duellist. There aren't a ton of champs that can 1v1 a fed AD Sona. That has value as well. She's definitely not the strongest, but to say it's a troll build is just ignorant ![]() | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
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Valhalla18444 Posts
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