On June 28 2013 08:34 Complete wrote:
I don't even know what that means, why would you have a RoA on a support sona?
I don't even know what that means, why would you have a RoA on a support sona?
because i can
such a retarded item, so many stats
Forum Index > LoL Strategy |
Ireland23335 Posts
On June 28 2013 08:34 Complete wrote: Show nested quote + On June 28 2013 08:20 Slayer91 wrote: On June 28 2013 08:08 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: After the last round of nerfs to her passive, AD Sona is well and truly dead on Summoner's Rift. She simply can't trade with other ADs levels 1-5 anymore. She needs to be able to bully in lane to make up for the fact that later on, she has no steroids or AD-scaling abilities, just a great auto and tons of utility AD Sona is still ridiculous on Howling Abyss though, where you are just gifted 1375 gold and 3 levels I still don't see why you don't realize that this makes her an amazing support instead of a mediocre ad carry you arent THAT far behind on gold if you play your cards right, earlier today I got a 13 minute RoA I don't even know what that means, why would you have a RoA on a support sona? because i can such a retarded item, so many stats | ||
Canada17 Posts
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Canada10660 Posts
On June 28 2013 14:58 OLMantis wrote: It seems like everytime I play against Sona I lose lane. Not saying its a "Imba" thing it's just I'am not that great playing vs her. For example I run LuLu, what should be my lvl 1 skills get? should I be playing aggressive early? or passive until lvl 6? How do I unravel the mysterious support sona? Click on sona, pay attention to when she has powercord up. If she can auto-Q-Qpowercord-W she will win trades against you. If powercord not up, trade with her, you'll win. I always get Q first on Lulu, that why you pick Lulu, to be aggressive and zone people with your range and solid early trading. Q best early trading skill, lets you tag both AD and support for 80 damages. Lulu and Sona both have same support style, as well as same powercurve really, I dunno I think it a skill matchup more determined by how well both bot lanes communicate. /shrug I think Lulu has the ability to outplay a little bit , but I'd say that in even scenario matchup maybe slightly in Sona's favor. Keep in mind you can WE sona everytime she comes to trade, then Q both her and her AD and usually win the trade even with eating just a sona powerchord and Sona's heal, but that requires you to hit both parties. | ||
United States20 Posts
(please someone get this) | ||
Denmark4564 Posts
On June 28 2013 08:35 Slayer91 wrote: Show nested quote + On June 28 2013 08:34 Complete wrote: On June 28 2013 08:20 Slayer91 wrote: On June 28 2013 08:08 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: After the last round of nerfs to her passive, AD Sona is well and truly dead on Summoner's Rift. She simply can't trade with other ADs levels 1-5 anymore. She needs to be able to bully in lane to make up for the fact that later on, she has no steroids or AD-scaling abilities, just a great auto and tons of utility AD Sona is still ridiculous on Howling Abyss though, where you are just gifted 1375 gold and 3 levels I still don't see why you don't realize that this makes her an amazing support instead of a mediocre ad carry you arent THAT far behind on gold if you play your cards right, earlier today I got a 13 minute RoA I don't even know what that means, why would you have a RoA on a support sona? because i can such a retarded item, so many stats Guinsoo's is way better. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
not a bad idea tho | ||
Estonia635 Posts
Support sona I think 0/13/17 is better than 1/13/16, the pickpocket mastery is really good, it's perfect for how you are supposed to play Sona. About the doransshield start someone mentioned earlier: I think it's bad, you shouldn't have damage problems as Sona, just use potions. The itemstarts I use: fairycharm, 3wards, 2hp pot, 1mana pot fairycharm, 1 pink, 2 normal wards, 2hp pot - I get this when I want a pink ward, like when enemy team has a mid/top running teleport summoner spell 3ward, 1pink, 3hp pot, 2mana pot - dominate earlygame with this, I'd also take ignite mastery if you go for this build | ||
Switzerland3257 Posts
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Ireland23335 Posts
my standard build is like locket/cdr boots/sighstone into tank or chalice (mikaels if I went early philo) shurelyas sucks so bad I don't really like it glacial is pretty decent too if you need armour. cdr/tank/regen most important sona stats I'd say cdr>regen usually though | ||
Canada17 Posts
Lulu and Sona both have same support style, as well as same powercurve really, I dunno I think it a skill matchup more determined by how well both bot lanes communicate. /shrug I think Lulu has the ability to outplay a little bit , but I'd say that in even scenario matchup maybe slightly in Sona's favor. Keep in mind you can WE sona everytime she comes to trade, then Q both her and her AD and usually win the trade even with eating just a sona powerchord and Sona's heal, but that requires you to hit both parties. Okay, when playing against Sona with Lulu again (I like this example) would it be ideal to run Flat AP to counter the burst and be able to trade properly. Also, max glitterlance? Also should I be running more offensive runes or defensive? | ||
France45622 Posts
Not sure about that WE Sona then Q so it hits both her and the AD (ugh, relying on E to hit people is so random with the way Pix flies around the target and messes up the trajectory), it's on a long cd, longer than Sona's powerchord, and it uses up so much mana. @_@ | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
however you're in luck because you have 2 forms of CC pre 6 that will help you gank the sona with no escapes or cc | ||
Canada17 Posts
Lulu keeping the damage up or Sona mitigating it with heals. would it be safe to say getting Flat Magic Resist Glyphs over MR per Level Glyphs is the better choice when playing against Sona? Now lets flip the scenario , Playing verses a LuLu who has come prepared she has the Flat MR she got her Q first I always get Q first on Lulu, that why you pick Lulu, to be aggressive and zone people with your range and solid early trading. Continuing, Lulu is coming and ready to poke! *stop and rewind* How does Sona open VS a Lulu? Does Sona get W to counter strong early game? or Q to just even out a trade? Does Sona need Flat MR vs Lulu even? And how do I open? with extra pots or get the mana pendant? | ||
Australia1277 Posts
I tend to always go Q>W>Q>E no matter who I'm up against. Against Lulu, you do not run head first or you'll eat a glitterlance 100%, instead run diagonally towards her reduces the chances of getting hit by it. | ||
Indonesia2978 Posts
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France45622 Posts
As Sona I'd say still use Q first, your opening autoQpowerchord (or powerchordQauto) hits like a truck at level 1 so taking your heal that won't be useful at all unless you take damage before getting level 2 is a waste of that aggression potential, and would let Lulu bully you around with Qs and autos. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
didnt put any pretty pictures in yet though now to redo my nasus guide |o| Sona, the Maven of the strings Sona is a versatile support who is strong at all stages of the game but specifically laning phase. She has a combination of high damage, decent sustain and CC, with good auras that make her a viable pick for any general situation. Her main weakness is squishy base stats and lack of early game CC to defend against jungle ganks. + Show Spoiler [Patch Notes] + V3.8: Stats Base Health increased to 450 from 410 Base Armor increased to 11.3 from 9.3 Power Chord Base Power Chord damage changed to 13/20/27/35/43/52/62/72/82/92/102/112/122/132/147/162/177/192 from 8 + (10 x level) Aria of Perseverance Fixed a bug where Power Chord: Diminuendo was not decreasing damage dealt Lowered the duration of Power Chord: Diminuendo to 3 seconds from 4 Bonus Armor and Magic Resistance to self and healed ally reduced to 6/7/8/9/10 from 8/11/14/17/20 Changed aura bonus Armor and Magic Resistance to 6/7/8/9/10 from 3/6/9/12/15 V3.02: Power Chord is no longer consumed when attacking wards. V1.0.0.150: Stats Base health reduced to 410 from 450. Base armor reduced to 9 from 11. V1.0.0.148: Tooltips have been updated. V1.0.0.143: General: Basic attack and Power Chord missile speeds increased to 2000 from 1500. Aura persistence duration reduced to 1 second after deactivation from 2. Global cooldown reduced to 0.5 seconds from 2. Power Chord Now resets your attack timer so you can use it immediately. Crescendo Now deals all its damage instantly, rather than over time. Opponents can no longer use Cleanse or Quicksilver Sash to remove the damage portion of the spell. Summoner Skills: Flash+Exhaust/Heal/Ignite/Barrier Ignite is your standard strong laning, decent all the time spell. Exhaust is often not great in lane, good against ganks (which sona is good against) and against specific champs that are weak against it (trynd, most assassins, riven, etc) Heal//Barrier is something I've been using recently, since sona is so squishy any time they pick a kill lane I will tend to pick one of these so you're suddenly tanky and it also works as an anti gank tool. Barrier is weaker later on but you can make up for it if you win lane as a result. Heal is better if you're less likely to be focused directly and it works better later on. Masteries: use a 0/9/21 By no means definitive. Summoners resolve for heal/barrier only, otherwise take a point in magic resist. Pickpocket is meh too, but not many good alternatives. Runes: Quints: Gp10 Marks: Armour Seals: Armour Glyphs: Magic resist Sona is all about surviving to abuse your better damage so thats why you rune like that. Skill Order: QWQW R>Q>W>E>R Take 1 point in E maximum after level 8 or so if you feel you'll need it.I tend to wait till level 13 though. Item Build: Starting items: 1: Faerie charm + 3 wards + 2 hp pots + mana pot 2: Cloth armour + 2 wards + 2 hp pots. 3: All wards/pots Get cloth against more all in lanes. (syngery with heal/barrier+pots) If you need more wards for level 1 shenanigans you might not want to start any items. I don't recommend level 1 pinks, Sona is more worried about enemy jungler than brush vision, since you tend to dominate lanes with harass. Philo stone: Get this against harass based supports where you don't need to worry about getting 1 combo'd. It's nice regen and builds into mikaels later so its not a complete waste. Sightstone/Ruby sightstone: Generally good to have ASAP but you can skip it if you have the chance to get really op items fast (locket, or aegis or something) and buy less wards just when you need them. If you are winning or losing super hard often you don't need as many wards. Locket: Get this every game its really strong. CDR boots: Only other real option is tabi against all ad comps. CDR is sonas best damage stat by far and provides more sustain too. Chalice: Sona needs a lot of regen to spam W in poke situations and it gives magic resist which you have not many good options for, also builds into mikaels which is useful against any dangerous CC. Aegis/Bulwark: Get this after locket if nobody else is buying it, usually more important than chalice to get. Randuins: Sona is all about surviving and this is one of the best tank items. Nobody expects you to run into the middle of a teamfight and rape their ad, randuins him ult him and then flash after him andfinish him with Q + passive npnppnp. Spirit visage: If they have seriously rape amounts of ap damage maybe skip locket for this. Athenes: A nice upgrade to chalice if you arent getting mikaels Abyssal: Sona scales best on magic pen and its an aura item get this if you're uber fed. ( or liandries) Typical build: Philo+CDR boots+Locket+Chalice+Ruby sightstone -->Buwark, Mikaels, Randuins Playstyle Tricks Q mechanics: Q behaves weirdly, in that it prioritizes champions up to a certain range (mouse over your q to check it), that means as long as the champion(s) are in that range it will hit them. However if there are no creeps the Q will stretch quite a bit longer. This means 2 things: 1: Learn the Q range well, wasting mana while pushing the wave is not what you want. You can run into range Q and run out mid animation to make so it looks like the range is longer but you're just getting out ASAP so you're safer. 2: Watch the creeps. If you are killing the last 2 creeps, you can fire a Q and hit one or both enemy champs when they arent expecting it because of a sudden change in the situation. Also harassing under tower becomes quite easy when creeps are gone. Q only hits enemies that you have vision of. An unwarded brush, a vayne that's stealthed, anytime you don't have vision your Q will do nothing but go on CD. Conversely W will hit allies enemies don't have vision of so don't give away a jungler in a brush by healing him. (W prioritizes the lowest hp ally) Watch tower range. Sona often harasses at towers. If you are going to go into tower range you want to hit them while the tower is shooting, if the tower is ready to fire it will acquire you as a target and shoot much faster than if it has to finish a shot on a creep before switching. Power chord management: Typically you only want to the Q auras version of power chord. The W one does half damage and the debuff is not nearly strong enough to account for this until later in the game. This means you need to count your spells properly. There are several sona "combos" in this fashion. 1: Q+auto, W, Q+power chord. Standard double harass +single heal. 2: W, W, Q+power chord. Sustain + harass on the third. 3: Power chord,Q Ult, W, Q+power chord. Nuke combo with ultimate. 4: Q, W, E + Power chord slow. Standard chase combo when you have your E. Early Game Start off by taking Q and charging it, buy items, and run to tribush or follow your team for an invade while charging your Q. You can fully charge Q in the fountain if you don't need to rush anywhere. (especially if you didn't start faerie). If your jungler is starting on your side of the map be sure to help him, but keep in mind you usually want to get to lane the same time or earlier as the enemies so you don't lose the creep wave advantage. (Harassing with a lot of creeps on you does more damage than good) You want to start harassing early and often. Try to coordinate with your AD carry, or pick times when the enemy AD is csing if your AD is playing too passively. Note that early on your autos are doing most of the damage, Q only does 50 damage early on and your auto damage is higher with the Q aura and especially with power chord. The main reason to use Q is that it makes sure you will out trade the AD carry when his autos do more damage. Often when you force the enemies away you can chase with just auto hits and microing them so you keep moving forward. The issue with this is that you don't want to waste too much mana on level 1 Q's, lose a lot of hp from harass and creeps, use W just for yourself and be oom too early. When you hit level 3, (lvl 2 q), your Q doubles in damage and only costs 5 more mana. Also, your W works on both you and your AD in lane, therefore when only you take damage you ideally want to just use pots, and if your pots are running low, make sure you aren't trading poorly (including taking damage from 2 champs while your AD doesn't participate). If only your AD carry is low hp and you are full then GODDAMNIT GET IN THERE SOLDIER. Also pay attention to things like AD sustain and support items/pots. If janna wants to be a bitch and buy lots of pinks to deward your ass then you slap that bitch around and she won't be able to do anything without any health regen/pots. If the AD carry doesn't buy vamp or many dorans blades/pots you put the hurt on him instead. WARDING AND ANTI-JUNGLER TACTICS Typically you use the first 1 minute ward just to ward the enemy brush. After that you have 2-3 wards to last you until you back. And sinse a typical laning phase for you is beating the shit out of the enemies until they are crying at their tower and then beating them some more junglers represent the main threat to your fine bottom lane establishment. The first thing to realize is that spreading wards like herpes doesn't automatically make you a good support. Wasted wards are wasted money, wasted money is less items, less items is a weaker support champ meaning you will die more and have less freedom to operate later. Tricks to save wards: -Top lane is normally jungler city, if you are blue side you can expect their jungler to start blue and gank top or mid, pay attention so you know when their jungler might have based and could potentially be heading bottom. -Coordinate wards. If your mid wards the jungle entrance you just need to ward tribush or dragon (purple/blue side respectively) to cover the main gank routes. -Use a single ward in the brush closest to lane if the guy is likely to just lane gank. A J4 or lee can hop into that brush from purple side anyway, and from blue side can jump across to dragon or across the wall or just come from lane . Map awareness, enemy awareness (if they go super agressive randomly, 95% its a bait) are your friends because thinking you're safe because you have 2 wards up often gets you killed. Ward placements: Dragon ward = the most standard ward, this is also where will most often be pinked because of dragon control Tribush ward: this +dragon ward covers the standard gank routes. The "other" brush: This is the lazy ward to cover both routes but you have less reaction time, also works if the enemy pinked tri/dragon The "golem" ward. (small golems brush blue side, south of blue golem brush purple side). If you have ruby sightstone you can use this for your 3rd ward location if you have time. It will catch almost every lane gank unless they sneak through the edge if they somehow suspect it (nobody does). "Your" brush ward: Good defensive ward if you are getting pushed, you don't want to get ganked as soon as you push out. "Their" brush ward: Standard so you can harass into the brush, and also helps spot most lane ganks if you place it up high enough. Also good if someone has TP to TP gank from. Enemy blue//enemy red: If you have map control you can use this to spot ganks and also to coordinate a buff steal. The 2 wraith brushes, (one next to the wraiths, the other further along the same wall): Ward these if you are pushing to their 2nd turret and you have mid map control and don't want to get ganked from the jungle. Ideally you only want to place about 2 wards at any given time. Dragon+Tri early game, and then just dragon or tri later on but you ward the enemies lane brush and your mid wards to cover the 2nd route. 3 wards should be the maximum you need. Midgame: The first thing that's important about the midgame is map awareness. You don't need wards if you see that mid and jungle and both missing you know there is the potential for them to gank you. GTFO. The second thing is warding around the key objectives, for most of the game, it's dragon. If you are really behind after 15 minutes it's baron, or if they have a strong baron team (karthus, nasus, elise, nunu, watch out for any of these guys and keep baron warded). The main thing is you just ward the brushes in the general area so you can safely take the objective. Just don't do anything that's unsafe. You should never die because you're in your own world floating around warding and suddenly 5 dudes are on you like white on rice. Only ward when its safe. The third thing is intelligently allocating yourself. If the bot towers are up usually you want to stay laning. Once towers start to go down, almost always what happens is whoever is winning pushes and whoever is losing waits for the wave to hit 2nd tower and farms it. It doesn't matter which side you're on here but hanging around is probably useless. Aside from making sure wards are where they are needed (to let your AD push to 2nd tower if he wishes, or to block bot side jungle invades if you're on the losing side), you want to roam. The standard place to stay in around mid, that allows you to get to anywhere pretty fast and push down mid if you can. You can also head to top because nobody expects the wild sona to show up and rape you with ult while the junglers doing something else. Teamfights: In midgame fights, you typically stay around poking with your Q, sustaining with W, and not staying too close to any ally prime targets if they have some kind of aoe cc or damage spell (malph/j4/zac/xin/lee etcetc). Once someone engages (or you engage with flash+ult if its going to hit the right people), you typically want to ult their squishies. Your ult is a pretty bad peel so unless 2-3 ppl are diving you'd prefer to catch the squishier guys on the way on, and it might hit a couple of tanks anyway. The key thing is that you have teammates ready to jump in on it, if you are just running thats when a defensive ult and kite+poke back is in order. Typically though, you ult 2-3 guys and you Q+powerchord whoever you think your team should focus on. Once you have that, you want to keep safe, and keep spamming Q and W. If they have any strong assassins or something thats another time to defensively ult, and use your W chord on them. The other thing here is that you want to make sure you're pretty safe at all times, your main strength is in a long fight where you spam till you're oom, sona does quite a lot of damage. Dying because you're focused when your team is actively killing them is fine, but otherwise stay away from any really dangerous guys that can kill you with spammable spells. Just q+chord them and gtfo. Lategame: Mostly lategame is the same as midgame, except tensions are super high. Ulting to save your AD carry is suddenly something you HAVE to do if he's going to get 1 combo'd, flash ulting just their AD is suddenly a game winning move if your team is in position to jump him. You can't ward everything so make sure to spam ping back if your teammates are doing unsafe things, usually map awareness is just as useful as wards. Sometimes you should save your ult really late. If theres an akali or something waiting in the rims for the right time to jump in, ulting 2 tanks and a support might look pretty but its useless, you have to save ult for the key targets. Sona can move while casting so make suer to abuse your mobility to avoid dangerous things or get closer to squishy targets with your spells and only stop to power chord. Lane matchups ADs: Draven: BAN HIM Caitlyn: Annoying range so you have to play extra carefully with your harass but pretty not scary in real fights Ezreal: Dodge his Q's and harass the fuck out of him before he his annoying lategame blue build. Graves: Dangerous burst but short range makes him an easy target when you're not scared of him Ashe: Rape, but watch for arrow ganks after 6 Tristana: Care for her burst and cc with rocket jump, but you can out harass her, if you can't she auto pushes lane so free farm yay. Varus: Easy target, only dangerous if you overextend and he gets to slow you and hit you with the stacks Vayne: Easy target but sick lategame so be careful not to feed to jungle ganks and let her snowball Twitch: Really nasty damage but squishy too, be careful whenever he stealths and harass him and GTFO fast because a few hits+expunge will destroy your hp MF: Dangerous trades, try to keep her passive down, don't use ult lightly, prefer to use it to counter her R. Corki: Like ezreal but without the lategame or a good escape or a dangerous poke Sivir: Isn't this a dota champ? Supports: harrassers Janna: RAPE. dont waste mana harassing who she shields Lulu: RAPE. dodge her q's engagers Leona: Harass the fuck out of her early, she can be dangerous later on so build tanky as fuck and always go for his ad when her w is up. Taric: lol like leona but bad because of all the nerfs Zyra: If you can dodge Q and avoid plants you win, but very dangerous if you don't Alistar: pulverise him so he's not healthy enough to go in. hookers Blitz: Dodge hook = rape, don't dodge hook = barrier lol gg Thresh: OH GOD PLS NO STAPHP BAN HIM. He's actually ok in lane but then you get the rape train with lantern + double jump junglers and you just die ^ALL THE ABOVE FUCKERS HAVE WAY MORE CC THAN YOU AND WILL KILL YOU IN GANKS WAY EASIER YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED Soraka: she out dps's you with her q early on but you just out harass dis gurl Unorthodox supports: Show them why they're unorthodox the hard way. + Show Spoiler [changelog] + | ||
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Ireland23335 Posts
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United States8298 Posts
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