[Champion] Teemo - Page 19
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United States10467 Posts
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Canada929 Posts
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United States10467 Posts
On September 08 2012 06:19 nyxnyxnyx wrote: i dont have vods against vlad but ill try to explain how the matchup goes vlad really counters melee champs since it gives him a lot more options as to how the lane plays out. against teemo every transfusion vlad takes should be met with at least 1-2 autos/Q which outtrades vlad handily. vlad's W is also not great against teemo since he never gets to utilize the life-vamp portion of it (because you're ranged) and your poisons/ignite continue ticking while he's pooled. depending on who their jungler is, flat MR blues + quints can make it impossible for you to die even with massive overextension. on your first B you have the option to go double NMM (to be made into merc treads if they have a lot of CC) which rapes vlad since it removes spellvamp as an option for him to remain in lane. if you harrass vlad down but cant find a kill opportunity, you can always farm till 800++ gold then push up and recall, forcing vlad into a lose-lose situation - if he stays and farms that wave you come back with double NMM + pots and win. if he goes home he loses CS at turret anyway. i typically like to go home when i'm 6 unless i'm forced to go home earlier for some reason. recalling at 6 allows that extra mushroom recharge. when you have wits you win. if he stacks MR you make the NMM into a hexdrinker instead and taunt him in all chat for massive tilt edit: you need indomitable + minion dmg reduction almost always as teemo. against vlad something like 9/21/0 would be best, taking points in 3hp5, -2 all dmg, -2 minion, 6 MR and movespeed. This is a common misconception. Vlad heals the same amount no matter what MR his target has. As far as the vlad vs teemo matchup goes, I do think teemo wins it handily, and while I do agree that wit's end is a best first item and can be used to zone vlad, I think teemo gains more from AP items. Like if teemo gets a fully stacked rageblade, then that's 93/2 magic damage from the ap 35 attack damage and 32 attack speed. All his spells hit harder too. One of the main selling points of on-hit is that it's magic damage. But now teemo's E has a .4 AP ratio, and a .1 ratio on the poison proc. I don't see the point of building on hit. | ||
Indonesia2978 Posts
Spell vamp is calculated from the damage dealt to the enemy after reductions such as magic resistance, armor or effects like Unbreakable Will. you're thinking of transfusion | ||
United States10467 Posts
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United States480 Posts
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United States8298 Posts
And dorans is pretty bad to start - it's just asking to get chipped down quickly by the opposing lane because you have no potions. | ||
United States15977 Posts
why is he always bad when on my team but really fucking good on the other team? | ||
United States3977 Posts
flash promote wriggles phage ionic spark map control and god mode pushing | ||
United States2687 Posts
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United States3977 Posts
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United States10467 Posts
He does a lot of magic damage and can abuse many short ranged mids. Also by doing so much magic damage, Teemo can get a lot of kills early game which leads to the enemy team building MR, which actually isn't a big advantage. I really like cleanse on Teemo. Attack speed slows really hurt and cleanse can help you to escape ganks. A big weakness is that since Teemo does so much damage, his team's AD carry may not get as fed and I don't think Teemo scales as well as AD carries. Mid game Teemo's mushrooms can cause lots of mayhem and provide vision and force oracles (which again isn't that bad). If your enemies enter brushes from the front then they'll run into mushrooms even if they have oracles... something that's just a bit broken. He's like a heavy magic damage mid hero who doesn't have the weakness that he's reliant on ults or his enemies grouping up. It's great. | ||
Croatia11752 Posts
fuk teemo | ||
Bulgaria4097 Posts
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United States3977 Posts
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United States3721 Posts
I'm finding I'm not even building AS early as teemo, since his AS per-level gain is pretty high as it is, you don't have the range to just stand and shoot, and the DoT mechanic of his poison somewhat discourages it as well. My core build looks something like sorcs/lich bane/rylais/deathcap, adding stuff like nashor's for more damage and more mushrooms, or zhonya's/QSS if I feel like my global taunt is too stronk. It's probably not optimal but it feels pretty good atm. Masteries I go 9/20/1, taking the mpen in offense, the improved recall in utility (teemo's stealth is still bugged with it lol) and heavy in defense, basically the -minion damage and -damage are essential due to how reliant teemo is on autoattacks to harass in lane. S3 masteries will probably hit teemo pretty hard in this respect, no more insane minion mitigation. | ||
United States3726 Posts
On December 04 2012 00:09 Tooplark wrote: Teemo used to be extremely good top. His job top, both then and now, was to dick the enemy top lane super hard, shroom up top lane and enemy topside jungle, solo push all day, and make it easy for his team to do baron. It used to be that Wriggle's gave him (and everyone else) incredible sustain, so he could just abuse his map control and never leave top. Now it's slightly harder for him and he has a few losing matchups, but he still works top. Top lane Teemo is usually build with a combination of tanky and on-hit items, though you can certainly play AP up there. I've been experimenting with Ionic Spark/Malady/Phage as core. Building FM, Nashor, Rabby's late game, but I think maybe MBR might be better than Rabby's. They're removing Ionic Spark, which blows, but the new Hurricane looks to be really cool for on-hit Teemo | ||
United States1898 Posts
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United States3726 Posts
On December 04 2012 06:29 Bladeorade wrote: How would MBR be better than Rabadons? I was hoping TL would tell me. I have yet to bother getting it, because Rabby's means better shrooms and DoT too, but I see builds with it all over the place. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
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