boy were they wrong
[Champion] Teemo - Page 17
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United States893 Posts
boy were they wrong | ||
Korea (South)11232 Posts
On June 23 2012 02:39 Mogwai wrote: shoot her and blind her? I dunno, I never see Fiora picks, but it seems like it should be easy to me. I blind her but after that she just owns me TT | ||
United States13274 Posts
Blind when she uses Q, keep shooting for blind duration, activate W after blind duration, kite backwards, shoot her on the way out. Seems simple and easy to me. Use mushrooms in lane to set up peeling points when she looks to chase you. | ||
Korea (South)11232 Posts
When she got ult she just owned me TT | ||
United States13274 Posts
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Korea (South)11232 Posts
On June 23 2012 04:46 Mogwai wrote: but when she has ult, you have ult, meaning it should be really easy to put her ontop of mushrooms and destroy her if she tries to get on top of you. maybe just need more practice. What skills are you leveling? stack the mushrooms? if you run over 3 at once do you get 3 times the damage? | ||
United States1869 Posts
On June 24 2012 17:00 Chexx wrote: maybe just need more practice. What skills are you leveling? stack the mushrooms? if you run over 3 at once do you get 3 times the damage? I go E > Q > E > W then R > E > Q > W pretty much all the time on Teemo. There's a few match ups were you might benefit from an earlier point in move quick but YMMV. Shrooms do not stack damage. Running over two at once doesn't do any bonus damage. Running over two shrooms back to back will refresh the dot duration. | ||
Korea (South)11232 Posts
I was all like yugioh style " Trap card activated" | ||
United States20754 Posts
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Singapore1674 Posts
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Canada5009 Posts
On June 28 2012 14:21 bokeevboke wrote: Why would anyone play teemo solo top? he is so squishy, and his mushrooms are better on bot (to control the dragon). He is better of harassing and being a dick than open 1v1 fight. There's more to top lane than right-clicking the enemy laner, surprisingly. You think that Teemo doesn't harass when he's top lane? His poison does massive damage from range and very few people can force him to fight because he's so damn fast. | ||
Korea (South)11232 Posts
On June 28 2012 14:21 bokeevboke wrote: Why would anyone play teemo solo top? he is so squishy, and his mushrooms are better on bot (to control the dragon). He is better of harassing and being a dick than open 1v1 fight. because he destroys every melee bruiser top. Will write more later now iam watching spain portugal^^ | ||
Germany14079 Posts
On June 28 2012 14:21 bokeevboke wrote: Why would anyone play teemo solo top? he is so squishy, and his mushrooms are better on bot (to control the dragon). He is better of harassing and being a dick than open 1v1 fight. Not to mention that you build him rather tanky. Wriggles/Phage/Wits/Frozen Mallet makes for one tough yordle. | ||
Australia3856 Posts
On June 28 2012 14:21 bokeevboke wrote: Why would anyone play teemo solo top? he is so squishy, and his mushrooms are better on bot (to control the dragon). He is better of harassing and being a dick than open 1v1 fight. Because he doesn't have great scaling, he has short range and no steroid. Blind is great but in a team fight when you have more than one person trying to jump you blind isn't that good :/ . | ||
Korea (South)11232 Posts
you try to harass them in lane and if you get jumped on/grabbed you shroom the enemy and blind him. While the blind duration you attack and after that you run away and kite them with the occasional shrooming. When they stop the chase you chase them down. | ||
United States6173 Posts
Even if you manage to catch a Teemo, his W and shrooms if he's past level six still give him a good chance to get out. He's squishy as hell, but that's because he has a lot of options. | ||
Australia3856 Posts
Been playing him a lot in ranked, he is pretty much ungankable 6 and beyond, his early game is strong, his mid game excellent and his late game isn't the best but his split pushing is superb, and he has decent damage and durability with a proper 6 items. Played vs Darius (Easy win), Jax (Easy win but the guy was lagging so still a bit unsure) and Singed (ROFL) so far. | ||
Deleted User 101379
4849 Posts
If you want to play to have a good laugh and annoy the heck out of your lane opponent, play Teemo, he's great for that. If you want to play to win, either play a d*mn good Teemo and split push all the time while hoping your team doesn't get caught 4v5 or pick one of the more standard bruisers/tanks. Whenever there is a Teemo in the enemy team my most used phrase for that game is "F****ING MUSHROOMS!". I think i'm not alone with that. | ||
United States1898 Posts
Late game as teemo I just play as a tank that can kite. | ||
United States12679 Posts
On June 26 2012 01:19 Offhand wrote: I go E > Q > E > W then R > E > Q > W pretty much all the time on Teemo. There's a few match ups were you might benefit from an earlier point in move quick but YMMV. Shrooms do not stack damage. Running over two at once doesn't do any bonus damage. Running over two shrooms back to back will refresh the dot duration. huh. I've always maxed W over Q. I go R>E>W>Q. The blind duration increase on Q per level is quite small, only .25 seconds, and lvl 1 blind lasts 1.5 seconds, which is more than enough. The damage increase is nice I suppose but you're not really using Q for damage. On the other hand, W increases by 4% per level and lets you kite melees soooo much better. I also like to just push hard all day long and that extra movespeed lets me escape ganks almost 100% of the time with good shroom coverage. | ||
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